Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 5 *Arrest*

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MsFacetious, thanks for the extra information. I was hoping they withheld details for a reason. I prefer that to them not being able to determine what happened. Actually, I was hoping for a quick wrap-up with a confession yesterday. It doesn't appear that it will happen. Why can't these scum buckets fess up to their crimes?

I wasn't aware of Young's prior case. That does provide a track record of how she works. And it appears she's been somewhat successful at cracking cases like this.

Part of me wants this to be an accident. I just can't fathom that kind of evil.
Just wanted to say thanks to all that have posted in the last 15 hours keeping these threads up to date, I am on a much different time zone that most of you. :) I'm all caught up now.
Grrr. Just saw (on FOX News) some forensic dude being interviewed and he's speading the same (IMO) misinformation, basically, "It's a shame that the ME was unable to determine MOD and COD."

Uhn! It's PENDING! Does not mean that the ME is not 99% sure on one or both MOD and COD. And if anyone on any of these news programs did ANY research on this AG, they'd know that! :banghead:

The one thing he did say was, in his professional opinion, according to what the AG HAS said, he's certain it was NOT an accident or suicide.

Wish I caught the guy's name, sorry.
I am really getting confused, who is related to whom? Everyone has different names. skier

From what I can tell, and honestly, I am not real sure because it is very confusing, but based on various reports:

Mom was married to AL and had 3 children:
AL, age 18
KL, age 13?? Maybe 16?? But last I heard, 13.
Mom and AL get divorced and she took back her maiden name before having Celina(??), age 11, making her name CC, but biologically she is AL and mom's.

Mom started dating KM's dad. KM is 23.

Mom married WN. Some time after his possible incarceration for various auto thefts and a burglary KM moved back to where mom and WN live, possibly into a different apartment, possibly into the same one as WN, Mom, Celina and KL. Some reports saying he had only lived there a few months at this point.

For certain, AL was in the hospital and KL was staying the night at a friend's house. No idea on any of the rest of them. Not certain that AL's son AL lived there are all.

Makes sense? Probably not, but that is the closest I can figure it with no one talking.
I've followed many cases here on WS over the years but only recently registered.

The comment SF made "get your butt home" (paraphrasing?) just nags at me. Knowing that there were no signs that pointed to her running away, or being taken (a struggle) who would have said callously? Unless he was using it as a "cover statement?"

I also did not feel comfortable with this statement, however some people just talk like that. Kind of from the gutter type talk. Acting harder than what they really are. Actually I still do not like the statement. Plain and simple sounds RUDE, but probably just an expression.
Absolutely! I feel they have a good idea who is responsible. They are carefully and methodially building their case towards arresting whoever is responsible for this terrible crime. This is typical fare for LE in New Hampshire. They always play their cards close-to-the-vest saying little or nothing, spinning and leading the media off in another direction. Question? Does toxocolgy testing include only drugs? JUSTICE FOR CELINA!!!!! skier

The Truth About Toxicology Tests
Facts about 'real-life' toxicology tests you won't learn from watching television crime shows
Everyone close to her is suspicious at this point, which is sad because if they are innocent they are victims who have suffered a horrible loss. And not that it makes it any easier for them, but its just something that is necessary so that there will be justice for little Celina.

Certainly the truck being impounded does raise eyebrows, and truth be told I don't think I've been here long enough to know how common it is for that to happen, but I would hope that they would leave no stone unturned.

IIRC the house wasn't sealed off in the beginning and that bothered me, and I'm not too sure about why they would take the tape down and put it back up, why not just keep it sealed?

BBM: My guess is that they had nothing solid to arrest anyone on at this point. When they took the tape down, they had not found her yet. One would have to imagine that the family members DNA, hairs and fingerprints would be all over that house. At that point, not knowing where she was, they had little to go on. Could have been a trucker. Could have been like Elizabeth Smart and she could have been brought home alive later. Could have been anything. And had it been like Caylee and she hadn't been found for months and months, you can't really keep the family out like that with nothing solid.

When Caylee was found, they now had the blanket, sticker, duct tape, etc. That is why, when Caylee was found, investigators obtained a search warrant and went back. Remember when they took out all of those vacuums? They had already searched the house, but now that they had her, they better knew what to be looking for. It is not out of the ordinary for them to go back once they know what they are looking for.

Some have speculated and it was even reported on one cable news source that Celina's body may have been wrapped or weighed down. If this were true, they might be looking for matching sheets or tarps or laundry bags or garbage bags (those last two just to draw from examples we have seen before), etc. In my opinion, there was something that they were able to see or find when they located Celina that gave them an idea of what they were looking for, so everybody had to go out again.

Knowing the history of JY, she could have even just let them back in so that they would feel comfortable if she suspected any of them. Maybe thinking that they may have hidden something elsewhere, and brought it back home with them once they were let back in thinking that they had done what they were going to do in there, so bringing something back would be safe now. But my bet at this point is that they saw something when they found her that made them go back. I have a hard time believing that a judge would issue another search warrant to put this family out at a time like this if there was no probable cause to go back in.
Yes, this is common for LE. No need to release this information to the public while the death is still under investigation. I can't say yes/no, but due to the clues provided, I'm sure the AG's office knows something.

- body "placed" in the river vs. body "found" in the river
- Search warrants still being carried out, including home and various cars
- New search at the site today. I think they are looking for something based on the autopsy results

I'm gonna have to sit back and be patient.....



They are not going to release the COD/MOD now with the investigation still ongoing. They may want the perp to think they really don't know how Celina died and I do think they have a POI in mind.

I think they do know and waiting for the tox test to come back just gives them more time to investigate.

Perhaps they were back at the river searching for a weapon used in case she was bludgeoned or even was strangled with a ligature of some kind. Looking for blood trailing drops if she had been hit in the head. etc.

Here's what I have with regard to Cast of Characters, Time Line & Map...


Celina Cass (CC) ~ Victim
Louisa Cass Noyes (LN) ~ Mother
Adam Laro (AL) ~ Father
Wendell Noyes (WN) ~ Step-Father
Kevin Mullaney (KM), 23y ~ Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Son
AL (ALJr), 18y ~ Celina’s Older Brother
KL, 13y ~ Celina’s Older Sister
Melissa Jordan (MJ) ~ Former Duplex Tenant, Celina’s Former Next Door Neighbor (moved 3 weeks prior)


7/25, Monday, 9pm ~ Celina was last seen inside her home on the computer
7/25, Monday Night ~ KL spends the night at a friend’s house
7/26, Tuesday, before 8am ~ Louisa Noyes leaves for work
7/26, Tuesday, 8-8:30am ~ Wendell Noyes notices Celina missing
7/26, Tuesday Morning ~ Wendell Noyes calls Louisa Noyes at work when he can’t find Celina, family & friends begin searching door to door, KL goes to family friend’s house in search of Celina & family friend calls 911
7/26, Tuesday, 2:30pm ~ Media is alerted & ground & air searches commence
7/26, Tuesday ~ Celina’s computer is taken by LE
7/26, Tuesday Night ~ Community holds candlelight vigil
7/27, Wednesday Morning ~ 2 boats from NHF&G search Connecticut River
7/27, Wednesday ~ FBI CARD Team is called in to assist
7/27, Wednesday ~ Cass/Noyes home & 2 vehicles are taped off
7/27, Wednesday Afternoon ~ Air & ground searches are called off
7/27, Wednesday, 5pm ~ WN & LN leave the home under a blanket & are taken to the command center
7/27, Wednesday Evening ~ New photos of Celina are released
7/27, Wednesday, 8:30pm ~ AAG Jane Young holds press conference with few details & it is a missing persons case
7/28, Thursday Morning ~ State police & FBI command post is moved to West Stewartstown Elementary School
7/28, Thursday, 10:30am ~ AAG says it’s still a missing persons case & no new details
7/28, Thursday, 4pm ~ NH Major Crimes Unit arrives at home
7/28, Thursday, 5:30pm ~ Kieran Ramsey, FBI, states that there are more than 100 investigators working on the case
7/28, Thursday, 6:53pm ~ Suspicious person spotted near Route 26 & Connecticut River, police are dispatched, but the person is not found
7/29, Friday, 8am ~ Searchers resume intense ground search within 1 mile radius of home, 75 NHF&G workers & volunteers search with helicopter overhead, areas searched, include Connecticut River, south of the High Street/Gale Street Bridge, near Back Pond
7/30, Saturday, 12n ~ FBI announces $25000 reward for information leading to Celina’s location & arrest & prosecution of a suspect and $5000 reward for information leading to her location
7/31, Sunday ~ Back Pond searched
7/31, Sunday, 5:30pm ~ Adam Laro pleas for Celina’s return home & thanks LE for their efforts
8/1, Monday, 9:30am ~ Wendell Noyes is taken to the hospital after behaving strangely following a short impromptu interview with a reporter
8/1, Monday, 10:30am ~ Divers find a female body in the Connecticut River north of the Canaan Hydro Dam, reporters are cleared from the area, Cass/Noyes home is again taped off by LE
8/1, Monday, 6:05pm ~ AAG states that the body is that of Celina
8/2, Tuesday Afternoon ~ Wendell Noyes is released from the hospital and is seen at a home on Route 253 in Canaan VT
8/2, Tuesday, 7:45pm ~ AAG states that COD & MOD are pending toxicology results & other testing

Re: the "get your butt home" statement:

I agree that it seems like an odd phrase to use in this situation (as someone said, when an entire police force and member of the FBI are looking for your child). However:

I remember once I let my daughter go with her friend for the first time walking around alone at the mall, while her friend's mom and I shopped. At some point I could not get a hold of my daughter on her phone and, after about 1/2 an hour, started to internally panic. Outwardly, though, it was expressed as anger. (I think I even told the other mom that when I found her I was gong to strangle I think the anger keeps the panic at bay....and you want to believe it's your kid's "fault" and not that something happened to them. IMO.
Grrr. Just saw (on FOX News) some forensic dude being interviewed and he's speading the same (IMO) misinformation, basically, "It's a shame that the ME was unable to determine MOD and COD."

Uhn! It's PENDING! Does not mean that the ME is not 99% sure on one or both MOD and COD. And if anyone on any of these news programs did ANY research on this AG, they'd know that! :banghead:

The one thing he did say was, in his professional opinion, according to what the AG HAS said, he's certain it was NOT an accident or suicide.

Wish I caught the guy's name, sorry.

Believe it or not, since she is no longer missing, I say "Good! let them spread misinformation!" Hopefully it will make the person or persons who committed this crime feel comfortable and think that LE doesn't know what is going on. Get nice and comfortable and cozy. Relax a little and stop looking over their shoulders. Comfort and the belief that LE doesn't have a clue makes them more likely to slip up.
Grrr. Just saw (on FOX News) some forensic dude being interviewed and he's speading the same (IMO) misinformation, basically, "It's a shame that the ME was unable to determine MOD and COD."

Uhn! It's PENDING! Does not mean that the ME is not 99% sure on one or both MOD and COD. And if anyone on any of these news programs did ANY research on this AG, they'd know that! :banghead:

The one thing he did say was, in his professional opinion, according to what the AG HAS said, he's certain it was NOT an accident or suicide.

Wish I caught the guy's name, sorry.

Yep, it's very irritating. AG never said they can not determine MOD and COD. Just that results are "pending." That child could have an obvious MOD and COD and AG just doesn't want to release the info to the public at this point.
I've followed many cases here on WS over the years but only recently registered.

The comment SF made "get your butt home" (paraphrasing?) just nags at me. Knowing that there were no signs that pointed to her running away, or being taken (a struggle) who would have said callously? Unless he was using it as a "cover statement?"

Agreed, particularly since by all reports, Celina did not stay out with friends and was the shy, stay-at-home type.
From what I can tell, and honestly, I am not real sure because it is very confusing, but based on various reports:

Mom was married to AL and had 3 children:
AL, age 18
KL, age 13?? Maybe 16?? But last I heard, 13.
Mom and AL get divorced and she took back her maiden name before having Celina(??), age 11, making her name CC, but biologically she is AL and mom's.

Mom started dating KM's dad. KM is 23.

Mom married WN. Some time after his possible incarceration for various auto thefts and a burglary KM moved back to where mom and WN live, possibly into a different apartment, possibly into the same one as WN, Mom, Celina and KL. Some reports saying he had only lived there a few months at this point.

For certain, AL was in the hospital and KL was staying the night at a friend's house. No idea on any of the rest of them. Not certain that AL's son AL lived there are all.

Makes sense? Probably not, but that is the closest I can figure it with no one talking.

I'm dizzy.:floorlaugh:
I'm dizzy.:floorlaugh:

Me too! LOL! But I think that Hollye said it better up thread in her time line:

Snipped respectfully:

Hollye said:

Celina Cass (CC) ~ Victim
Louisa Cass Noyes (LN) ~ Mother
Adam Laro (AL) ~ Father
Wendell Noyes (WN) ~ Step-Father
Kevin Mullaney (KM), 23y ~ Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Son
AL (ALJr), 18y ~ Celina’s Older Brother
KL, 13y ~ Celina’s Older Sister
Melissa Jordan (MJ) ~ Former Duplex Tenant, Celina’s Former Next Door Neighbor (moved 3 weeks prior)

Has it been revealed where Kevin Mullaney (KM), 23y ~ Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Son was at the time of Celina's disappearance?

Did he spend the night there the night before?

Did he come in late after everyone had gone to bed?

Just things I wonder about.

I've tried to keep up with the posts in this thread, so forgive me if this has been mentioned before.

Does anyone else find the description of what she was last seen wearing odd? "a pink shirt, a pink pullover, blue shorts and shoes. "bbm

I just find it odd that they would say shoes and not sneakers or flip flops, something more descriptive.. also my kids ( around her age) don't usually have shoes on at that time of night, unless they are going somewhere.... Just seems kinda strange

I just talked with someone in Southern NH through work here. Of course Celina came up in conversation. Now mind you Southern NH and Northern NH are very different in respects to a few things one being population of course which also affects many things.
Anyway she also said she believes they are keeping it very close and hush for the reason that is mentioned here. They are getting their evidence. Hope we hear soon.

Has it been revealed where Kevin Mullaney (KM), 23y ~ Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Son was at the time of Celina's disappearance?

Did he spend the night there the night before?

Did he come in late after everyone had gone to bed?

Just things I wonder about.


To the best of my knowledge, it has not been stated where he was taht night, during the night, or that morning. I am not even certain that it has been stated officially that he lived there, has it? I guess I have seen a couple of posts and maybe comments in MSM articles that said he had lived the only briefly prior to this, but I'm still up in the air in this regard.

I also don't know where AL Jr is/was living. Anyone?
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