Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 5 *Arrest*

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I seem to remember an aunt of Celina's stating that Celina slept in the livingroom if her sister was not home as she did not like to sleep in the basement alone. If this is true then how did the SF attempt to wake her in her bedroom that morning?

In regards to SF's statement of what Celina was wearing. It could be that upon recovering Celina's body that what she had on was not what the SF stated she was last seen wearing. This in addition to condition of body could explain the statement by AG that her death is suspicious.

Toxicology would determine if any medications that SF was prescribed were present in Celina's body which might connect SF to death of Celina.
I haven't discounted anyone that was in the house that evening up until the moment she was reported as missing as of yet. (Just throwing this thought out there, not going with the flow of the thread so to speak :))

That doesn't mean I think they are unnamed POI's or suspects it just means I can't come up with a theory yet because we have so little info. Which can be so frustrating but I understand LE's stance on those things.

I also am keeping in mind that it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that someone may have asked her to step out of the house for a moment to speak to them and snatched her up that way, like someone she was familiar enough with not to be afraid of... (That's possible but probably not just thinking on that right now). Say for example, an aquaintance of the family or a young adult known to another family member.

Just going through the different scenarios we've seen in other cases and added that last one, although I am not pondering it a lot. Probably didn't happen.

Just have to wait and see what LE says, just a note about autopsy reports and what we've seen previously and then of course being a Dr. G geek doesn't help either :) but sometimes the ME won't state a COD until all tests return because sometimes the COD isn't clear cut and well defined and must be made by differential determination. And although we've seen at least one ME give a MOD without a COD, most don't unless they can't determine COD and the evidence clearly points to the MOD. Even then, a great many are hesitant to assign a MOD without COD.

I hope that made sense---it's very early here. (5 am ish) :) all JMHO
Well, it is summer - Celina may have been wearing that same outfit all day. If he'd seen her throughout the day, rather than just at 9 PM, it's not surprising he can remember general colors, but not specifics like type of shoe. I didn't find his description overly descriptive, but that's just my perception.

This is a very good point. And with Celina being the youngest, he may think the way I do and might pay closer attention to her because she is the smallest and the one least likely to be able to defend herself. I know that is the way I think at my house.

Another thing is I can't imagine what I would be going through if I was an innocent WN. Your step-daughter is missing, you have a mental problem that is now the cause of a million fingers being pointed in your direction and you have been asked (if it is true) by the FBI not to speak in any detail. If any one of these things were the case, especially my child/step child being missing, I cannot say that I wouldn't be rolling around my driveway in the midst of some sort of psychotic break, myself and my mind is, for the most part, completely intact. We all need to keep in mind that although he was committed, the mistake he made at the time was not serious enough to rise to the level of the charges waiting for him to be able to face them.

A danger to yourself and others is not always the way it sounds. Not saying it is or isn't in this case, but I live here with my kids dad and have no fears, despite him being deemed by a doctor a "danger" to himself and others. If something happened to one of my kids, I am sure that if that info got out by people scanning his facebook, I would be hung out to dry. Especially since my daughter is not biologically his. On its face, this information is very damaging to my case of innocence in allowing him back into my home. But in truth, he is a "danger" because he has narcolepsy and cataplexy and can fall asleep while driving, so he doesn't drive and can fall asleep while cooking and burn the house down, so he doesn't cook. One of the kids could do something cute and he could drop to the ground like a stone and fall on one of them, so I try to stay close to catch him. And he has lived back in my house since the day my daughter came home from the hospital. She calls him "Daddy" and her real father "Mike-Dad." He has pulled every splinter and held her hand through every intrusive doctors appointment and is her father in every way that a father is supposed to be. If we were to go our separate way again, I would give him visitation without question. If something were to happen to me, it is stated in my will that I would prefer she stay with him and her brothers and not end up with her sociopath biodad. We just never know someone else's situation.
Grrr. Just saw (on FOX News) some forensic dude being interviewed and he's speading the same (IMO) misinformation, basically, "It's a shame that the ME was unable to determine MOD and COD."

Uhn! It's PENDING! Does not mean that the ME is not 99% sure on one or both MOD and COD. And if anyone on any of these news programs did ANY research on this AG, they'd know that! :banghead:

The one thing he did say was, in his professional opinion, according to what the AG HAS said, he's certain it was NOT an accident or suicide.

Wish I caught the guy's name, sorry.

I don't understand why reporters choose to report false information.

Pending - means ME is awaiting further information before reporting if a manner or cause can be determined.

When the pending information is retained - the ME may very well, at that time, have a definitive manner and cause. It does not mean they will never have it.
WN was stated to be the last person to see her, and gave the description. He was also the one who found her missing because mom was already at work.

Thank you. Going back and reading through the information it seems to me that the mother has not said anything. Seems the SF is the one doing all the talking. Is this correct? If the mother has given a statement what has she said. tia
Thank you. Going back and reading through the information it seems to me that the mother has not said anything. Seems the SF is the one doing all the talking. Is this correct? If the mother has given a statement what has she said. tia

The mother has not said a word. However, it has been stated that the FBI asked them not to speak and from rumors on various pages said to be family, at least in the beginning, she could not speak about Celina without sobbing. She was also taken to the hospital by ambulance after being questioned and coming out of the control center. She was released the same day and was said to have been taken for breathing problems. She was seen later than evening at a vigil in a wheelchair.

ETA: I have yet to see her in even remotely good shape.
So the mother and step father have both been taken to the hospital and released later in the day? And now bio dad is back in the hospital?

Celina Cass (CC) ~ Victim
Louisa Cass Noyes (LN) ~ Mother
Adam Laro (AL) ~ Father
Wendell Noyes (WN) ~ Step-Father
Kevin Mullaney (KM), 23y ~ Mother’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Son
AL (ALJr), 18y ~ Celina’s Older Brother
KL, 13y ~ Celina’s Older Sister
Melissa Jordan (MJ) ~ Former Duplex Tenant, Celina’s Former Next Door Neighbor (moved 3 weeks prior)


Thanks for this info & the SBM parts.
I have read all threads & almost all comments on this case, except for this morning,
due to other things going on, so I just read pages 4,5,6 on this thread.

I have 2 questions:

1. Is it known if AL Junior and KM are Louisa's sons...
making them Celina's half brothers?

2. When & from where did the info/name of the woman who moved out 3 weeks ago?
The mother has not said a word. However, it has been stated that the FBI asked them not to speak and from rumors on various pages said to be family, at least in the beginning, she could not speak about Celina without sobbing. She was also taken to the hospital by ambulance after being questioned and coming out of the control center. She was released the same day and was said to have been taken for breathing problems. She was seen later than evening at a vigil in a wheelchair.

ETA: I have yet to see her in even remotely good shape.

Sad. Celina's mom, her dad and her stepdad have all been hospitalized since she disappeared. I wonder how her siblings are holding up...
So the mother and step father have both been taken to the hospital and released later in the day? And now bio dad is back in the hospital?

The mother was taken to the hospital either Tuesday or Wednesday. They said she went into the Command Center for questioning, was in there 2 hours, cames out looking very distraught, was later taken to the hospital for breathing problems and released. Not sure if the same day or next, but I believe it was the same day.

SF was taken after the incident in the driveway. Not sure if he was released that day or the next, but was said in an article to be purchasing cigarettes at the store the next morning around 9 am. No details on what was wrong.

Biodad was reported to be in the hospital and intubated--but at the same time was being interviewed via phone on Nancy Grace. I have serious doubts that he was taken back to the hospital and even more serious doubts that he was intubated.
I understand the mother not speaking to the media if she was advised against it by FBI or any LE agency. But, watching her en route to the command center with a blanket over her head was a very strange sight to me. "Don't talk" is one thing. Hiding under a blanket is something I don't understand and have never seen from the parent of a missing child. IIRC, I've only seen suspects and people under arrest do it. Wonder if mom is painfully shy? Still curious as to that odd, imo, behavior.

I think I would do this if it were me. I just don't think I could bear all of those people staring at me, I wouldn't want to see their pity, etc. And I don't know that I could look at anyone in that town without my eyes blazing accusation toward each and every one of them - because of the not knowing. I just don't think I would handle it well at all - a blanket would help me as well. I really don't think it means she knows anything or is guilty. JMO, though!
Ahhh... I found one. I searched until 4 AM .. and then again this morning...
Here it is (drumroll please)
A video with an interview with the STEP brother, Nick Noyes - it's on at the very end.

You are awesome! So NN is the other stepbrother and WN's son! Great! That clears up the step brother issue.


Thanks for this info & the SBM parts.
I have read all threads & almost all comments on this case, except for this morning,
due to other things going on, so I just read pages 4,5,6 on this thread.

I have 2 questions:

1. Is it known if AL Junior and KM are Louisa's sons...
making them Celina's half brothers?

2. When & from where did the info/name of the woman who moved out 3 weeks ago?

1. It is believed that KM is not actually biologically Mom's, but actually the son of someone she used to date. *They were just calling him a step brother, be he is actually not.

2. It came from an article upthread. She was interviewed in the video, I will go find and edit to post link.

ETA: Here it is:

Sad. Celina's mom, her dad and her stepdad have all been hospitalized since she disappeared. I wonder how her siblings are holding up...

See my previous post. Not certain AL went back into the hospital. It is my understanding that he left the hospital after finding out she was gone.
I think I would do this if it were me. I just don't think I could bear all of those people staring at me, I wouldn't want to see their pity, etc. And I don't know that I could look at anyone in that town without my eyes blazing accusation toward each and every one of them - because of the not knowing. I just don't think I would handle it well at all - a blanket would help me as well. I really don't think it means she knows anything or is guilty. JMO, though!

I have also wondered if the blanket is Celina's. There were pics of her on the porch with the blanket on her lap. Could be like Cindy with Caylee's Teddy bear.
Does anyone know of a way to search arrest records for frree online? I am new to this and am not finding what I am looking for.... I have an idea that is probably WAY off base but I figured I might as well look into it while we are waiting for an update... Thanks!
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