NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 5 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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I hope we are nearing the end of cross.
:floorlaugh: oh my, I remember when my daughter turned legal she immediately set out to become an expert in liquorology. She could name almost every concoction that I ever heard of and some I never heard of. I am glad she moved on to other things. :please:

mine aren't there yet--but one makes really strong drinks and I secretly follow them on twitter--and one has had a few hangovers at work :floorlaugh:
mine aren't there yet--but one makes really strong drinks and I secretly follow them on twitter--and one has had a few hangovers at work :floorlaugh:

ahhhh life's lessons :D

not much of a drinker now but in my younger bee days i had a very unfortunate run-in with an evening of white russians.........makes me gag to think of it even now......lol

did they say when they're coming back? don't want to miss the video!!
Gosh, I don't find Kat as unlikeable/unreliable as so many of you seem to. She was encouraged to leave her home by a man in his thirties when she was just 18 or 19 years old (did he actually wait until she was "legal" to sleep with her? Seems doubtful to me.) His father took her to his son's lawyer, who did not have her interests at heart. She obviously had very little understanding of whose interests were being represented by whom and still believed that she and SM were on the same team. I think she was very naive and getting very poor advice.

She does not seem like a murderess/genius/mastermind/dominatrix to me. It seems pretty unlikely that at her age, she came up with all the sexual activities that she and SM were engaged in and it seems pretty likely to me that he was in the position of teacher. At a minimum, his letter from jail about her "options" seems like the writing of a man still trying to control a woman/girl from the confines of his jail cell.

I am not defending the horrible, horrible things she did, but I just don't see her as the dominant one in a relationship where she was barely out of her teens and she was with a man over the age of 30. I do believe he "guided" her in many aspects of her life, including her occupational aspirations (EMT training) and her decision to live with him and many of her actions after the murder.
ahhhh life's lessons :D

not much of a drinker now but in my younger bee days i had a very unfortunate run-in with an evening of white russians.........makes me gag to think of it even now......lol

did they say when they're coming back? don't want to miss the video!!

gin and tonic and this little drink "sex on the beach" basically a white Russian with tequila added---
She is destroyed by this cross. Barth not only has destroyed her credibility..but IMO he has created major reasonable doubt that it was KM that killed Lizzie not SM.
She is destroyed by this cross. Barth not only has destroyed her credibility..but IMO he has created major reasonable doubt that it was KM that killed Lizzie not SM.

I don't think she can even be saved---I would just stand up and say no further--all she does is tell "stories" {LIES}----not helping convict SM
She is destroyed by this cross. Barth not only has destroyed her credibility..but IMO he has created major reasonable doubt that it was KM that killed Lizzie not SM.

Agree. Barth has done a great job.

I was going to ask whether Seth's family is paying his fees, but then I see Barth is a public defender. Anyone have his bio?
Gosh, I don't find Kat as unlikeable/unreliable as so many of you seem to. She was encouraged to leave her home by a man in his thirties when she was just 18 or 19 years old (did he actually wait until she was "legal" to sleep with her? Seems doubtful to me.) His father took her to his son's lawyer, who did not have her interests at heart. She obviously had very little understanding of whose interests were being represented by whom and still believed that she and SM were on the same team. I think she was very naive and getting very poor advice.

She does not seem like a murderess/genius/mastermind/dominatrix to me. It seems pretty unlikely that at her age, she came up with all the sexual activities that she and SM were engaged in and it seems pretty likely to me that he was in the position of teacher. At a minimum, his letter from jail about her "options" seems like the writing of a man still trying to control a woman/girl from the confines of his jail cell.

I am not defending the horrible, horrible things she did, but I just don't see her as the dominant one in a relationship where she was barely out of her teens and she was with a man over the age of 30. I do believe he "guided" her in many aspects of her life, including her occupational aspirations (EMT training) and her decision to live with him and many of her actions after the murder.

i think it was a matter of two world's colliding that resulted in this tragedy.....actually three......

kat was clever and manipulative and looking for a way out of her parent's house......seth was looking for someone and his peers probably were savvy enough to detect something was "off" with him..........and lizzie was open and friendly and looking for new friends.....

a collision with tragic results:twocents:
She is destroyed by this cross. Barth not only has destroyed her credibility..but IMO he has created major reasonable doubt that it was KM that killed Lizzie not SM.

KM isn't on trial. If I were on the jury, I'd be all, "meh, whatever, sounds like she's lied so many times that she can barely remember exactly what did happen when," about KM, but I would be absolutely certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that SM caused LM's death, and that he's a dangerous psychopath who shouldn't see the light of day. KM doesn't come off very well, but it wouldn't sway my view to "not guilty" for SM.
She so much as gave Barth a course on How to Lie 101 when telling him how she paid attention to how they responded, questions they asked etc while giving her story to Barth in his office... She is incapable of telling the truth. And she even admitted that she went there on a fact seeking mission to find out what SM was saying.
Gosh, I don't find Kat as unlikeable/unreliable as so many of you seem to. She was encouraged to leave her home by a man in his thirties when she was just 18 or 19 years old (did he actually wait until she was "legal" to sleep with her? Seems doubtful to me.) His father took her to his son's lawyer, who did not have her interests at heart. She obviously had very little understanding of whose interests were being represented by whom and still believed that she and SM were on the same team. I think she was very naive and getting very poor advice.

She does not seem like a murderess/genius/mastermind/dominatrix to me. It seems pretty unlikely that at her age, she came up with all the sexual activities that she and SM were engaged in and it seems pretty likely to me that he was in the position of teacher. At a minimum, his letter from jail about her "options" seems like the writing of a man still trying to control a woman/girl from the confines of his jail cell.

I am not defending the horrible, horrible things she did, but I just don't see her as the dominant one in a relationship where she was barely out of her teens and she was with a man over the age of 30. I do believe he "guided" her in many aspects of her life, including her occupational aspirations (EMT training) and her decision to live with him and many of her actions after the murder.

I wouldn't say she's a "dominant" person but she is definitely a leader. She's sophisticated for her age. She's a natural leader, her friends looked up to her and she's very bright. I was stunned to hear in the taped conversation that she had researched getting married to Seth and advised him how to request the needed paperwork.
mine aren't there yet--but one makes really strong drinks and I secretly follow them on twitter--and one has had a few hangovers at work :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: mine too. I wonder where mine got that from :blushing:? I mean the bull headed, have to try it myself attitude.

I crack up every time you mention the shadowing on social media :websleuther:
:floorlaugh: mine too. I wonder where mine got that from :blushing:? I mean the bull headed, have to try it myself attitude.

I crack up every time you mention the shadowing on social media :websleuther:

they are good at hiding themselves on social media--they goofed with one of their friends -- thus I got the twitter names!
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