NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - #13

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Steleheart I love your baseless speculation....lol

And of course a definate possibility.I have forgot much on the timelines etc. but does anyone know what direction Maura was heading on the Kancamagus???
Also what about this red truck?

She was heading toward Lincoln before the crash - basically southeast.

The sharp turn on Rt 112 / Wild Ammonoosuc is the scene of the accident and she had not yet passed Bradly Hill Road.
Steleheart I love your baseless speculation....lol

And of course a definate possibility.I have forgot much on the timelines etc. but does anyone know what direction Maura was heading on the Kancamagus???
Also what about this red truck?

A suspicious red truck, a woman walking to Swiftwater stage store said had slowed down and she felt the driver was trying to get a good look at her. It parked at the store and then drove off toward the crash site. I don't have a link but Renner and others have written about it.
It's been a couple of years since I've followed this case in any detail. Did anything ever come of the neighbors in the A-frame house where cadaver dogs had a hit? Maybe it's been ruled out by now. With the 7 min window in which she disappeared (from the time someone last saw her to the time the trooper arrived and she was gone), it seemed like a good possibility that she might have gone into that house - especially if the woman resident invited her in to warm up.
I have some catching up to do, but my husband and I watched the ID show about Maura earlier tonight. We both came to the same conclusion, that Maura was the victim of foul play. I really feel for her dad, I hope he's doing ok.

ETA: opinion subject to change ;)

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Absolutely nothing weird about a woman having children with two different fathers. 50% of marriages end in divorce. Totally ordinary.
Watching show I recorded from Oxygen channel. This lady doing it, the UMass journalism gal, wow is she terrible. And those podcasters...eek. Going to keep watching, for now. But really hard to watch....writing, speaking and production wise. How did she describe the podcaster guys...'wildly' something??? And then called M family 'cagey'.
If you trust James Renner's work, Renner quotes Maura's maternal aunt Janis as saying Maura's brother Kurt was born from her mother Laurie's extramarital affair, but that Kurt went by "Kurt Noble Murray" and has maintained a cordial relationship with Fred, occasionally taking him to the White Mountains with him and Maura:

The marriage fell apart when Laurie got pregnant with Kurt, said Janis. Fred was not Kurt's father. Kurt's dad was a man named Kevin Noble. In 1994, Noble was convicted of murder his own brother after an argument over a loud radio turned physical.

After the affair, Fred moved back to Weymouth, but he returned to Hanson daily to condition his daughters, training them to be champion runners. Maura's little brother went by "Kurt Noble Murray" and maintained a cordial relationship with Fred all his life. Sometimes Fred even took him to the White Mountains with Maura. Fred took his girls hiking a lot.

True Crime Addict: How I Lost Myself in the Mysterious Disappearance of Maura Murray - Page 95
I will just give my own baseless speculation. I fall back on the pregnancy angle.I know a lot of people don't agree.
It has been reported that Maura was known to have secretive relationships with men and not tell anyone. I think the upsetting phone call was about a positive pregnancy test. It could have happened at the New Years party for example. Between New Years and the day of the phone call is enough time to have a positive test IMO
I think she made plans to meet up with the father and make a decision about keeping it or not. I think she packed her room because she was undecided if she was coming back for classes or not.
I think she did get a room and maybe he (or someone else) registered the room. I think that is where the rest of the alcohol is. I think that could explain the timeline.
It could be that there was a disagreement and she left. He followed and after she crashed, he picked her up and subsequently got rid of her.

This is based on nothing. I know JR explored the NY party in his blog, but I am not going to name anyone. We are better than that here. It could have been any time and anyone.

I will ask if the red truck report was ever verified?

All JMO.

Very interesting theory...
The thing that sticks out to me is that Maura 1. told no one that we know about where she was going and 2. when the neighbor on the bus offered her assistance she did not want it and clearly did not want help after the accident
Weren't birth control pill found in her car? If she was on birth control pills the likelihood of her being pregnant is slim
Hello everyone; very new to the case. The new series got me hooked.

A question regarding something I haven't seen mentioned, but am probably overseeing. The witness who claims she saw Maura (and 2 others) at a liquor store earlier in the day... how far is that store from where the reports of the officer being drunk and being put into the SUV came from?
I'm curious if there was investigation that perhaps a drunk officer may have also been at that liquor store and run into Maura earlier in the day. If so, it could explain later why that SUV would be pulled over by the car (and seen by Witness A if the account is correct), because maybe he recognized the vehicle.
I was listening to the 107 podcast last night and they were discussing how there's been differing accounts of the alcohol in her car, and how maybe a police officer had confiscated some earlier, and it just led me down this line of thinking.
On the ID show, the mother of Maura's boyfriend said her son got a call around 7 am and it sounded like Maura crying and whimpering. She thought the call was made with a prepaid phone card as they had given her some. If that's true where would she have been calling from?
As long as she took them. We don't know her prescription info.


Truth. I actually have three friends who have become pregnant while on birth control-- one took her pills religiously and still got pregnant, another forgot for a few days one cycle, played catch-up with the dose, still got pregnant, and another became pregnant with an IUD. Crazy, but it definitely does happen.

Anyway, I'm pretty new here but I've been following this case since True Crime Garage covered it a couple years ago. I think the reason it has sucked me in is because we're the same age and I love the White Mountains. My family has been going there for years, The Seasons is one of our regular haunts, and I can't get it out of my head that something so infamous is attached to a place I adore.

I did watch the first episode of the Oxygen series the other night. One thing I'm glad was mentioned was the time discrepancy. It should not, on a smooth traffic day, take that long to get up to the spot where she spun out. That extra hour + really opens up a lot more questions (which is the last thing this case needs).

Her dad seems like the years and sadness have really caught up with him. I felt really bad for him. His mannerisms while he was talking about her were that of helplessness.

I am absolutely shocked the cops never spoke to Julie.

As far as why she went up there? I think she just wanted to clear her head. At that time in my life, I was screwing up a lot of things too, and had I had the means to go elsewhere to reevaluate what the hell I was doing, I would have done it. The story about a death in her family would have served two purposes: she gets out of class with the possible bonus of the profs being more lenient about when work was due. As for her room being packed, it sounds to me like she had just never unpacked from winter break. In my own experience, a full boat of classes would definitely put unpacking on the bottom of my list of pertinent things to do. My memory of the state of her room and why it would have seemed like it was packed up and ready to move is a little fuzzy though, so if anyone has any info as to why it looked like she was definitely going and not just a chronic procrastinator in regards to unpacking, please point it out for me.

Me and the fam when on vacation in Bartlett this past July, and I told them to just humor me while I take the super-scenic route home by taking 112 west the whole way. I wanted to see the accident site. I tell you what, that stretch between the Lost River Gorge area and Bradley Hill Road is desolate. Beautiful but there's just nothing but woods. We drove through that area when the sun was just about gone and there's just so much nothing and no cell phone service. It really did give me the creeps. And then BAM all of a sudden there's a cluster of houses and not nearly as isolated as I pictured the area to be. It did make me think there's no way she got picked up in view of all these houses...but then again, it's not so hard to believe either. People puttering away in their houses, paying attention to their own business, it would take a matter of seconds for her to get into a car on the premise of getting into town where there's cell phone service as well as escaping a possible DUI.

So I'm really leaning towards she got in to the wrong car. If she was buzzed, her judgment wouldn't have been as sharp. Single female in the woods, no cell phone service, impaired judgment...she would have been easy pickings for someone with sinister intent.

I'm curious to see what else the docu-series comes up with.
If you trust James Renner's work, Renner quotes Maura's maternal aunt Janis as saying Maura's brother Kurt was born from her mother Laurie's extramarital affair, but that Kurt went by "Kurt Noble Murray" and has maintained a cordial relationship with Fred, occasionally taking him to the White Mountains with him and Maura:

I don't trust Renner's work, but it's obvious to me that Maura's dad is a really good guy. And the fact that Kurt was on the show and speaking of Fred the way he was proves that. If Fred were the abusive, power hungry, bully type (as Renner has made him out to be) I certainly think that having a positive relationship with Kurt would be out of the question. He was conceived through infidelity, with Fred being the "victim" (for lack of a better word). One would think that "Bully Fred" wouldn't take kindly to that....so he takes Kurt camping and hiking? :thinking:
I don't trust Renner's work, but it's obvious to me that Maura's dad is a really good guy. And the fact that Kurt was on the show and speaking of Fred the way he was proves that. If Fred were the abusive, power hungry, bully type (as Renner has made him out to be) I certainly think that having a positive relationship with Kurt would be out of the question. He was conceived through infidelity, with Fred being the "victim" (for lack of a better word). One would think that "Bully Fred" wouldn't take kindly to that....so he takes Kurt camping and hiking? :thinking:

I enjoyed Renner's book, I like that he framed this case as his obsession, but he is seriously obtuse and I think his picking apart of her dad has derailed a good chunk of the community. I mean come on, Renner. He posts on his blog and then later in his book that Maura was hosting poolside orgies and he wonders why Fred won't talk to him? Did he really expect him to give him the time of day after all that?
Truth. I actually have three friends who have become pregnant while on birth control-- one took her pills religiously and still got pregnant, another forgot for a few days one cycle, played catch-up with the dose, still got pregnant, and another became pregnant with an IUD. Crazy, but it definitely does happen.

Anyway, I'm pretty new here but I've been following this case since True Crime Garage covered it a couple years ago. I think the reason it has sucked me in is because we're the same age and I love the White Mountains. My family has been going there for years, The Seasons is one of our regular haunts, and I can't get it out of my head that something so infamous is attached to a place I adore.

Respectfully Snipped By Me:

:Welcome1: to Websleuths Boudicca!

Great thoughts - thanks for joining the discussion.

My thoughts, as someone who also struggled in college years, are that she was contemplating ending her life. I think she packed up. Wasn't said the boxes were sitting on her bed. If it was boxes left unpacked from winter break, they'd be shoved to the side of the room somewhere and likely open and dug through. I think she emailed professors to give her a long weekend....and a new excuse in case she decided not to end her life. I think she wanted to go to White Mountains where she had good memories. I think she wanted to drink a lot so as to be drunk when (and if) she decided to end her life. So she stopped and took all her money out, bought a ton of alcohol and headed off. I think she may have been drinking on the drive and likely had to make a few pee stops, this explaining that extra hour. I think she took the wrong exit and was lost...but drunk. So she kept going. I think when she crashed, while drunk, that was the last straw for her. I think she took some booze and whatever method she planned to end her life with (pills, a blade to cut her wrists...) And she ran off into the woods and searched for place to sit and think and drink. I'd think she would have looked for something hidden. Maybe there she died from exposure or she ended her life. Maybe in a drunken, hypothermic state she even crawled in somewhere extremely well hidden.

I'd be more inclined to believe fowl play if she was going somewhere to meet someone and people in her life knew that. The fact that she told nobody nothing tells me what her mindframe was. Even if meeting some secret boyfriend, she likely would still tell acquaintances something....like I am going to a cousins house or I have such and such out of town....some lie. But the extreme secrecy with all the planning....

The phone call before she left that had her crying at work....is it verified it was with her sister? What if it was some West point girl calling to tell her she was sleeping with her boyfriend?
My thoughts, as someone who also struggled in college years, are that she was contemplating ending her life. I think she packed up. Wasn't * said the boxes were sitting on her bed. If it was boxes left unpacked from winter break, they'd be shoved to the side of the room somewhere and likely open and dug through. I think she emailed professors to give her a long weekend....and a new excuse in case she decided not to end her life. I think she wanted to go to White Mountains where she had good memories. I think she wanted to drink a lot so as to be drunk when (and if) she decided to end her life. So she stopped and took all her money out, bought a ton of alcohol and headed off. I think she may have been drinking on the drive and likely had to make a few pee stops, this explaining that extra hour. I think she took the wrong exit and was lost...but drunk. So she kept going. I think when she crashed, while drunk, that was the last straw for her. I think she took some booze and whatever method she planned to end her life with (pills, a blade to cut her wrists...) And she ran off into the woods and searched for place to sit and think and drink. I'd think she would have looked for * something hidden. Maybe there she died from exposure or she ended her life. Maybe in a drunken, hypothermic state she even crawled in somewhere extremely well hidden.

I'd be more inclined to believe fowl play if she was going somewhere to meet someone and people in her life knew that. The fact that she told nobody nothing tells me what her mindframe was. Even if meeting some secret boyfriend, she likely would still tell acquaintances something....like I am going to a cousins house or I have such and such out of town....some lie. But the extreme secrecy with all the planning....

The phone call before she left that had her crying at work....is it verified it was with her sister? What if it was some West point girl calling to tell her she was sleeping with her boyfriend?
Correcting typos...for some reason this site won't let me edit. When I try it just deletes my post.

*Wasn't it said the boxes
*Looked for some place hidden....not something hidden
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