But how quickly did searches for those bodies begin, how extensive were those searches and under what conditions?
All good points as there really is no definitive data on scenarios like this, at least that I've come across. I will say, based on everything I've read, I feel pretty confident that the basic area of the crash was searched quite well with no trace of Maura found at all, not even questionable belongings that may have been hers.
Of course, there is no perfect search. Humans make mistakes, so there is no 100% certainty with this, but then again there's no strong indication of
anything with this case.
I will say, I don't believe she's in the woods in the immediate vicinity of the crash site. Could a series of events occurred that put her much farther away to perish in the elements? Possibly, but but that would take some extraordinary timing and luck.
However, many dismiss timing and luck when it comes to a stranger picking her up, yet consider the possibility of her somehow trekking down 109, possibly miles away from the accident totally unseen by anyone (save for Forcier, if you believe his account).
Regardless of what you think may have happened, I think there is absolutely some amazing timing and luck within this time frame; being seen by a few people in one moment and then gone the next moment.
I'll admit, a lot could have happened here, but seemingly it all defies conventional odds and logic, leading me to think perhaps something more out of the ordinary may have occurred.