NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 3

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To think/believe/suggest that only Fred Murray might destroy evidence or intimidated witnesses is, in my opinion, takiing a very narrow view of what the judge is saying. My take is that any person that reviewed the released records might by these actions jeopardize the case.

But not "any person" is before the courts making the application for the release of the records. Fred Murray is........ no one else is asking for access to the requested information, Fred Murray is. Now if a Newspaper or other news organization or even a "citizen" organization made the application, then I would agree with you. But Fred Murray and only Fred Murray is making the application.........on behalf of Fred Murray for the sole purpose of Fred Murray.

The Plantiff wants "unfettered" access to all "work product" and evidence which NH has "obtained" during the last two years. Fred Murray wants everything. He has stated his "speculative" case to the Judge for the release of all information that he wants access to. He could not factually state his case because his case is not based in law and on fact. He could only state assumptions and speculation based on what he feels and thinks. The court does not "entertain" what a person "thinks" and feels which was the entire "evidence" of the Plaintiff in this case.

The "other side" contends, which is much more of a compelling case:

The state) maintain(s) that release of the records(to the person who is the Plaintiff and before the courts) could result in the destruction of evidence, chilling and intimidation of witnesses and the revelation of the scope and nature of the investigation,” Vaughn wrote.

Now who wants those records released - Fred Murray, who is the MOST interested in obtaining the records ......Fred Murray, who is before the courts and has made an application in the form of a Civil Suit to get what he wants, Fred Murray. Even IF the judge did rule in favour of Fred Murray, I (not familiar with the law of NH )would assume there would be some constraints or provision made.

Considering that it sometimes takes several years — even decades — for the state to prosecute major crimes, a lapse of two years is not a long period of time,” Vaughn wrote. “Release of the records could jeopardize the investigation and lead to, among other things, destruction of evidence, intimidation of witnesses and loss of communications with entities providing confidential information.” '

If the Judge granted the application by FRED MURRAY(which even if you take this to the Supreme Court it is still not going to be granted)then this could jeopardize the case(which no court is going to do ) and lead to, among other things, destruction of evidence(the chain of the evidence will be "broken") and there would be no further integrity of any documents or evidence.

Fred Murray seems "uninterested" that his application(if it was successful) would do more harm then good in the opinion of the Judge. All Fred Murray sees is that the requested information "may" help him and his interests in finding Maura comes before the "jeopardy" of the case concerning Maura or any "future" harm to others. The Court has to act in the best interest of the "others" as no witness is before the court saying: No, don't tell him my name, what I said, where I live.....I don't want him to know. That is a given..........and the courts know this. They are protecting the privacy of people.

Intimidation - is the act of making others do what one wants through fear.

Fred Murray will know who said what, in what context, if their "statements" support Fred Murray "myth of foul play". If they are "flattering" to Fred Murray or not. What Maura may have told her school friends, etc. A person has an expectation of privacy when dealing with LE.

In other words, what the witness says to LE stays with LE. Unless of course that person is required to give testimony in court. They did not give statments to LE with the "understanding" that everything they said to LE in confidence will be provided to Fred Murray, specifically in response to an application made by Fred Murray.

A witness must have the ability to provide LE with relevant and factual information without any resulting consequences. They must feel free to "be candid, forthright" and honest in providing any information to LE. They would not do this if LE was acting in concert with Fred Murray.

I would "assume" that if anyone is co-operating with LE or furnishing LE with information, they would not do so in the future, if Fred Murray was successful.

Why would they, everything they say or said would be "made" available to Fred Murray who is not in any way, shape, or form associated with LE.

Fred Murray "could" want to "visit" this person to "review" and "interrogate" them as to what information they provided to LE. What other reason would there be...... Or to see what else they may know........or "influence" what information they provided to LE that conflicts with Fred Murrays assumption that "Maura is a victim of foul play".

These people co-operated with LE, if they wanted to "provide" information to Fred Murray specifically then they could have choosen to do that.

Loss of communication with entities providing confidential information - well the word entities and confidential says it all. LE has a "relationship" with an entity and that "relationship" will be "damaged" if not harmed completly if this information was released. Fred Murray would knows what confidential information is supplied and by whom. Confidential is the key word........

When a Judge makes a ruling in a case he makes that ruling with the case at bar and the Plaintiff and Defendent before him. That is why when a Judge makes a ruling it is "specifically" in context with the parties before him.

The "wants" of one does not outweigh the legal "rights" or undue and "avoidable" "harm" to others and an investigation.

So the Judge does not say hummm. any person that reviewed the released records might by these actions jeopardize the case. No other person is before the courts making the application, except Fred Murray. He is the one person that the Judge is most concerned with when he makes the ruling.....not some "other person" whom is not before the courts. That would not even enter into his thoughts when he makes the ruling as again he makes the ruling in context to the Plaintiff request.

He looks at the case and says:: Release of the records(as requested by Fred Murray) could jeopardize the investigation and lead to, among other things, destruction of evidence, intimidation of witnesses and loss of communications with entities providing confidential information.

So again, the ruling is in direct response to the application by Fred Murray.

The "family" of Maura wants to find her "at all cost" and do "anything" and "everything" to find her. If that means harming the "investigation", harming others, putting others at risk, trampling on the "rights" of others when it comes to privacy, then of course they would justify it as "the ends" justify the means. As long as they get what they want........

Remember early in the case, that the Murray family et al, were parking and "entering" private property without the consent or knowledge of the property owners.

They did not even ask permission of the "property owners". They just did whatever they wanted to do "in the quest" to find Maura. They had no respect for the property owners or the rights of the propety owners. They did not even ask, because of course that would give the property owner the "ability" to choose what they wanted, not what Fred Murray has already decided for them.

Fred Murray just "assumed" that what he wants is what every one else wants and that no one would mind him trampling on his/her/their property because after all it is for the Fred Murrays cause and "mission' to find Maura.

By entering their property, you take away consent, you take away the "property" owners choice. Even LE cannot enter a person property without a warrant or consent. A warrant is issued by a Judge............with probable cause and supporting affidavits.

This spoke VOLUMES in regards to character........

It is not like Fred Murray is going to "put the interests and rights" of others above his own "interests" in doing what ever it takes to find Maura. That is very evident in the "application" before the courts and the ruling.

He does not even know if anything in the requested files may or may not help him. He does not even know what is in the files, but is willing to "risk" the entire investigation because of what "he thinks".

His application is akin to a "fishing" expedition.

Of course Fred Murray knows better......then the courts, government, LE, laws and the Judge. The Judge's mandate is not to act in the "interests" of Fred Murray, but the legal interest of all concerned and the "protection" of all concerned.

Especially when Fred Murray does not have a legal "right" to anything requested.

Let me repeat that - even as the Father of an adult that is "missing" whom you "think" is a victim of foul play, does not mean you have a "legal right" to whatever you want and whatever you feel may help you to find her. Just because you want access to it, does not mean you will get access to it all because you want to.

BTW - if I recall correctly, I read a story(with a picture of a dog, in the snow, with their handler, at night) and that story was in the online edition of the Caledonian -Record) probably the next morning (2/10/04)that "reported" about LE arriving at the scene and the "speculation" of LE that the "driver" fled to avoid criminal responsibility as "booze" was found at the scene of the "accident".

LE wanted to ensure that the driver did not run into the forest, that is why they had the dog. This was the night of the accident, not days later. It was an "immediate" situation as if the "driver" fled into the forest to avoid criminal responsibility then she could get lost and die in the forest.

It was "ascertained" that evening that the "driver" did not go into the forest, as the person may not be able to make it out and not be "visible" to any member of the public nor have access to shelter. The person would be isolated, lost, away from public view in a forest with no member of the general public or any other person available to help. This was an "emergency" response the night of the accident..........

Away from the view of the general public with no access to shelter, no ability to find their way out of the forest if lost, is a hint by the way as to why LE did not "hunt" Maura down along the roads that night.

All LE knew is that a "driver" fled the scene to "avoid" criminal responsibility and if they did come across Maura that night and if she did not hide at the approach of headlight, then again, LE COULD NOT have "detained" Maura for any reason, none what so ever. So why look for her ......they could not detain her even if they did find her...........LE knows this. She made the choice to flee to avoid criminal responsibility and then you fully expect LE to "hunt" her down when she successfully fled specifically to avoid LE.

Does not make sense.........

Can anyone in "those" neck of the woods, provide a link to that story.....it seems to "conflict" with LE did nothing for days.

I have yet to see that story again.......which of course is in the favour of LE.

Again, unless I have information that is factual to the contrary, I believe 100% that Maura ran away and started a new life. There again is NOTHING to contradict this, nothing at all.

I am very sorry to say this, but the day your child turns 18 they are an adult and they can pack their bags and say: See you Mom, see you Dad, I am going to live in a commune(travel the world, surf in Hawaii, climb the mountains of Switzerland) and I will call you someday.

Or they can move out with their boyfriend, or quit school and work a 'dead end" job, or do what ever they decide to do with their life. They don't have to inform you nor consult you, nor seek permission. They can be gone for 2 days or 2 years or 20 years. It is again the choice of the adult.

If the child does "voluntarly" go missing, they are under no legal obligation to inform their parents or "ask permission" or inform them if they want to "disappear" and start a new life somewhere else.

It would be the choice of the adult child, not the adult parents if they want to "initiate" contact with their parents or loved one. There is zero, nada, zip legal obligation to do so. Everyone concerned is an adult..........
I certainly hope if I go missing that my Dad will do everything he possibly can to help find me. I believe he would and I am 35 years old. Most of the parents I know would stop at nothing to find their child if the possibility remains that they are in harms way. His child his gone... what is he suppose to do? Just sit back and take the chance that she has run away? What if harm is being done to her each and every day? I commend him on his efforts.

They are in my prayers.
mocity said:
Peabody - I think your posts are very insightful and respectful at the same time. I appreciate the information you bring to the table about Maura. I don't think your posts are rude or "angry" in any way.

Maura and her family are in my prayers.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

An extreme disadvantage of the written word in communication is that it is one dimensional (words only) exccluding the other important aspects of the communication which is tone of voice combined with body language - specifically facial gestures, such as the smile :D

…… and lead to, among other things, destruction of evidence(the chain of the evidence will be "broken") and there would be no further integrity of any documents or evidence. Cyberlaw

There is no legal chain of custody (evidence) for any of Maura’s belongings being requested. All of these items were released by the police, and were not re-secured until late June 2004.

A family waits and wonders: What happened to Maura?
The Patriot Ledger
WELLS RIVER, Vt. - Kathleen Murray scatters the belongings on a motel room floor like pieces of a puzzle. The bag of stuff is what her sister, Maura Murray of Hanson, left behind when she was last seen Feb. 9 in Woodsville, N.H.
…………..Police believe Murray was on her own. Nobody knew she left the campus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she was a junior studying nursing.

Then she crashed. The only roadside help was a 350-pound man named Butch Atwood, an imposing figure whose presence wouldn't be that welcoming to a young woman in the dead of the night, according to his wife.

Transmitted Saturday, February 28, 2004 (this article is archived I believe)

Police Secure Murray Items For Evidence
Lieutenant Says Major Crimes Involved Since Beginning

- State police say they have secured items from a missing 22-year-old University of Massachusetts at Amherst nursing student as possible evidence.
The Caledonian-Record Online Edition · Thursday July 1, 2004

BTW - if I recall correctly, I read a story(with a picture of a dog, in the snow, with their handler, at night) and that story was in the online edition of the Caledonian -Record) probably the next morning (2/10/04)

The first news article anybody has been able to find for me was Feb. 12, 2004. The first story listed in the Caledonian archive list (which is online)
·Family Members, Fiance Seek Help In Finding Woman February 13, 2004·There were never any searches done by dogs at night ..one dog was brought in on Feb. 11 and other dogs were brought in on February 19th…

LE wanted to ensure that the driver did not run into the forest, that is why they had the dog. This was the night of the accident, not days later. It was an "immediate" situation as if the "driver" fled into the forest to avoid criminal responsibility then she could get lost and die in the forest.

No search and rescue dog was brought to the scene until Wednesday February 11, 2004….”On Feb. 11 a police dog was brought to the scene, but was able to track her for only 100 yards….”

It was "ascertained" that evening that the "driver" did not go into the forest, as the person may not be able to make it out and not be "visible" to any member of the public nor have access to shelter. The person would be isolated, lost, away from public view in a forest with no member of the general public or any other person available to help. This was an "emergency" response the night of the accident..........

This was not ‘ascertained until February 19, 2004 when they did a helicopter search.

All LE knew is that a "driver" fled the scene to "avoid" criminal responsibility and if they did come across Maura that night and if she did not hide at the approach of headlight, then again, LE COULD NOT have "detained" Maura for any reason, none what so ever. So why look for her ......they could not detain her even if they did find her...........LE knows this. She made the choice to flee to avoid criminal responsibility and then you fully expect LE to "hunt" her down when she successfully fled specifically to avoid LE.

ALL LE knew for a fact was that there was a young woman who had been in a car accident where the windshield and the car had been damaged. They knew that the car had Massachusetts license plates and that it had a UMass sticker…what was knowable, had they made a couple of calls was who the owner of the car was and who the sticker had been issued to…Maura Murray. Alcohol in the car is not legal proof that someone was drinking. Actually, they don’t even know for a fact that Maura was driving the car or even in the car.…though it might be logically assumed, it is still an assumption.

Persuasive arguments do not necessarily relate to fact.
Cyberlaw said:
All LE knew is that a "driver" fled the scene to "avoid" criminal responsibility and if they did come across Maura that night and if she did not hide at the approach of headlight, then again, LE COULD NOT have "detained" Maura for any reason, none what so ever. So why look for her ......they could not detain her even if they did find her...........LE knows this. She made the choice to flee to avoid criminal responsibility and then you fully expect LE to "hunt" her down when she successfully fled specifically to avoid LE.

All LE knew for a fact was:

They arrived at the scene to find a car stuck in the snow.

There was no one in the car or at the site when they arrived.

That the car was registered to 61 year old Fred Murray of Weymouth MA. - Any officer that ran the auto tags would learn this info, but Sharon Rausch has posted on the www.mauramurray discussion thread that Sgt. Smith told her this on the evening of 2/10 - 24 hours after he found Maura's car. (FYI - according to Sharon, he said he thought that Fred Murray had gotten in an auto with a member of a group in which he was traveling, abandoning his own car because "this happens all of the time in this area" - this also in her post at www.mauramurray.com)

The car had a UMass Parking Sticker and with it LE could determine that the UMass Student was 21 year old Maura Murray, a current student. I assume that Sgt. Smith did confirm as a BOL for "Maura Murrray" was issued the eveningo f2/9, the night she vanished, to the local fire department. The BOL was not issued to other local LE agencies until the following day. This info is also available on www.mauramurray.com and was obtained from the public records. Sorry, NH does not have their public records on line for your access.

That the airbag in the car had been deployed

That there was a spider crack in the windshield.

That a neighbor, Butch Atwood, who lives near to the location of the accident, who was one of the people who called in the situation, and who was/is a close friend of the responding officer, when questioned by the responding officer, reported to them that a young woman of about 20 years of age was alone in the car, and that the young woman seemed frightened and cold, but not intoxicated.


The next thing he knew, Haverhill Police Department Sgt. Cecil Smith was banging on his bus window. Smith asked him if he had called in the accident and seen anyone at the scene. Atwood told Smith he had seen a girl about 20 with dark hair.

"I saw no blood," he said. "She was cold and she was shivering. I told her I was going to call the police."

However, he said it didn't appear Murray had been injured, just shaken up.

Sorry, could not find the report in which Atwood stated that Maura did not appear intoxicted

So why look for her?

It was snowing, the temperature was 12 degrees and dropping. The car was found on a dark, infrequently traveled road in the middle of nowhere.

If she was guilty of a crime, it was their responsibility to look for her in the pursuit of justice, not just let her go.

Due to the weather and the strange circumstances surrounding her absence, it was their responsibility to look for her for her protection.

I have not found one LE officer who disagrees with the above assessments of why she should have been looked for.

murraydwyer said:
ALL LE knew for a fact was that there was a young woman who had been in a car accident where the windshield and the car had been damaged. They knew that the car had Massachusetts license plates and that it had a UMass sticker…what was knowable, had they made a couple of calls was who the owner of the car was and who the sticker had been issued to…Maura Murray. Alcohol in the car is not legal proof that someone was drinking. Actually, they don’t even know for a fact that Maura was driving the car or even in the car.…though it might be logically assumed, it is still an assumption.
It is true that they only knew that a young woman about 20 years old was driving the car. They did not know this young woman was Maura was, only that the car was registered to Fred Murray and that the parking sticker was issued to Maura Murray, a current student at UMass, therefore their assumption was a logical assumption.

Amazing that they also assumed that the driver just got into a car with another member of his party because the area is a tourist attraction for skiing and snowmobiling.........(also posted on www.mauramurray.com by Sharon Rausch as reported to her by Sgt. Cecil Smith who denied knowing that Maura was the driver and reported to her that he believed Fred Murray to be the driver because he was the owner. She did not find out otherwise until the family met with the schoolbus driver - they met sometime over the weekend of 2/14 and 2/15 with all of the neighbors to interview them - and only the schoolbus driver and the neighbors by the name of Westman, who also called in the "accident" had been spoken to by the police as of that weekend. According to Westman's, Sgt. Smith knocked on their door and the only thing he asked was if she had come to their door.

These are the Facts

Peabody...I hate to correct you, but the BOL made no mention of Maura on Februrary 9, 2004. There was another BOL put out on Februrary 10, 204 where Maura's name is mentioned which appears to be the day the Haverhill PD contacted UMASS. I can't verify it but from the information I have, it does not appear that the plate was run until the next day.

There was a BOL put out to all fire units for a female, abt 5'7" on foot victim of crash

2/10/04 BOL Maura Murray issued to Grafton, Littleton, Haverhill and Lisbon
Cyberlaw said:
BTW - if I recall correctly, I read a story(with a picture of a dog, in the snow, with their handler, at night) and that story was in the online edition of the Caledonian -Record) probably the next morning (2/10/04)


I have posed numerous questions to you in this forum and you have yet to answer me.

However, I politely pose another:

Why were you reading the online version of the Caledonian Record in Feb 2004?

The Caledonian Record, by its own description, serves barely over 11,000 people in Vermont and New Hampshire. I realize you are Canadian (per your prior posts), but I am a news hound and I do not read the other 2 newspapers in my state that serve in the 10-100 thousands, let alone any of the smaller papers that concentrate on local news.

I just can’t imagine anyone reading a paper online that is probably 10 printed pages at best on a regular basis unless they are a local citizen – what news would it carry that one would be interested in? In addition to my “local” city paper from the state capitol, I read my local town paper which carries news that I could never access from any other source. It is published only once weekly, so I am in no way belittling The Caledonian Record.

I find your reading the Caledonian Record prior to it being brought to your attention that Maura was missing very curious and respectfully ask that you share with all of us an explanation.

From the Caledonian Record

Established in 1837, The Caledonian-Record remains a family-owned independent newspaper serving the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and the North Country of New Hampshire. Published daily except Sunday, the Caledonian's focus on local news from the over 50 communities covered, as well as a commitment to a more than generous newshole, has rewarded the paper with steady growth, with average daily net paid circulation now at 11,022

More at Link http://www.caledonianrecord.com/pages/about_us/

Anxiously awaiting your reply.
murraydwyer said:
Peabody...I hate to correct you, but the BOL made no mention of Maura on Februrary 9, 2004. There was another BOL put out on Februrary 10, 204 where Maura's name is mentioned which appears to be the day the Haverhill PD contacted UMASS. I can't verify it but from the information I have, it does not appear that the plate was run until the next day.

There was a BOL put out to all fire units for a female, abt 5'7" on foot victim of crash

2/10/04 BOL Maura Murray issued to Grafton, Littleton, Haverhill and Lisbon
No need to "hate to correct me"

Facts are what we need - not misinformation. I should not have relied on my memory. I knew of the BOL to the Fire Dept and gave misinformation regarding it.

Thank you for the correction.

Peabody:As I said earlier, your info on Fred was enough.
I am glad you were able to provide info to rule out Fred in this case. I know that I have already explained some of the reasons that I felt it necessary to ask those questions,

but just to better communicate:
One other reason that would have eventually made me ask the questions that I asked about Fred was that a broken home situation evidently existed. Any time there has been a divorce in the home a whole extra set of stresses and possible motives comes into play.:
Copyright 2004 The Patriot Ledger
Transmitted Friday, November 19, 2004. . .
In July, Laurie Murray found out from a Patriot Ledger reporter that police had conducted a day-long search for her daughter. Police said they had told her ex-husband, Fred Murray of Weymouth, and assumed he would tell her, but Murray denied in a television interview that he had been notified.

For instance, if the man is having to pay child support that support commitment can last longer if the child goes to college. And then there is a whole possesion war that sometimes is waged over the affections of the child and this can run on into the childs adult years.

Anytime a child of divorced parents goes missing I would expect the ex-spouse is looked at carefully.

Again, I am glad you were able to provide info to rule out Fred in this case.
Although I don't have the same sort of info about other family members I am not inclined at this time to request it. So far as I remember no news reports have given me any indication that other adult family members were within easy driving distance to have been able to have played a hand in Maura's disappearance.
On another note: About that sarcasm, apology accepted:It was twice in a relatively short space of posts that you used the similar phrase of "sarcasm" and it made it seem you were being "in my face" about it.
Note:I added the bolding.
peabody said:
. .If you want to trust me - [think about it - because I have gotten to know family and friends of Maura's ,ya know I may be in cohoots with the family member that is responsible for Maura's missing (do I have to say I am being sarcastic here?) ] I can assure you that all family members, the fiance and some friends were investigated into the possible involvement in Maura's missing. . .
and then again a very few posts later:
peabody said:
. . . .....guess you'll just have to take my word for that too (sarcasm with a wink!) . . .

Anyway, its cool. Glad we got that cleared up.
Just a note: Some people have reached the 40 PM limit (this includes your sent folder) and so can not receive more PMs until they delete some stuff.
Maybe CL can answer this question about a legal matter. If the LE had knowledge that Maura was alive, would they be obligated to report that to anyone? I mean would they have to tell the family or different websites that have her listed as a missing person? Just curious, not making any presumptions on the case. So maybe I should ask, if any person was missing and listed as missing, can they just tell people that the person was found safe and sound, or do they need to remain quiet? Or have permission from that person?
nnglas said:
Maybe CL can answer this question about a legal matter. If the LE had knowledge that Maura was alive, would they be obligated to report that to anyone? I mean would they have to tell the family or different websites that have her listed as a missing person? Just curious, not making any presumptions on the case. So maybe I should ask, if any person was missing and listed as missing, can they just tell people that the person was found safe and sound, or do they need to remain quiet? Or have permission from that person?
I honestly don't know the "law" as it pertains to your question.

I do know there was a woman who "went missing" within the last few months....sorry I don't recall her name because I didn't follow her case. I recalll that her husband was devestated when LE announced that she had been found and was a runaway; and did not want her husband to know where she was.

Therefore, based on that recent situation, I am assuming that it is legal for LE to make an annoucement that a person has started a new life. This would enable them to close the missing person's case, but not reveal the location of the person.

In light of all of the bad publicity that NH LE has received regarding Maura's case, my educated guess is that IF they knew where Maura was, they would annouce that she was living and a runaway. They would do this not only to close the file, but to publicly vindicate themselves, since from the beginning NH LE said she was a runnaway or suicidal.

Thanks for the response. I wasn't really suggesting that she was alive. I was just wondering. I know about the recent case of the woman that was on her way to the bank, but I thought maybe she gave them permission to tell her husband that she was alive but wasn't ready to come back. I was just wondering how situations like that pan out.
Peabody said:
Peabody said:
I find your reading the Caledonian Record prior to it being brought to your attention that Maura was missing very curious and respectfully ask that you share with all of us an explanation.
Peabody said:
Although I am sure Cyberlaw can answer this far better, I will point out that when I read the post cyberlaw made it did not sound to me as if the article was read the next day but probably that was the most likely day that the article would have appeared. Many of us have performed online searches in looking for information about this case. I myself found case info in the same small news site's articles and those articles were found by running websearches.

And, yes it did sort of sound like you were belittling the newspaper and its website for being small.
Peabody said:
. . .I just can’t imagine anyone reading a paper online that is probably 10 printed pages at best on a regular basis unless they are a local citizen – what news would it carry that one would be interested in? . . .
Is a fact,any actual fact, which appears in a small newspaper website no longer a fact for having appeared there? As with any news source I would hope to find the info stated in one news article also available in another news article from a different site as that makes me a bit more comfortable but it isn't always possible.

I could decide to think that even though you said you weren't belittling the paper that you really were doing just that, but instead I choose to take you at your word and that could change how I then read your post. You might have misunderstood Cyberlaws post and then have been thinking that it was odd for somone to be reading a small paper that was probably not of much interest to those not local to its area and to have been reading such a paper before the case was widely known.

In my opinion the whole thing was just a misreading of a post but remember for future reference that the news site is on the World Wide Web and so is not just a local paper with only 11,000 readers but is now read by anyone in the world who runs a search and finds an article they want to read about.
Peabody said:
. . .Therefore, based on that recent situation, I am assuming that it is legal for LE to make an annoucement that a person has started a new life. This would enable them to close the missing person's case, but not reveal the location of the person.

In light of all of the bad publicity that NH LE has received regarding Maura's case, my educated guess is that IF they knew where Maura was, they would annouce that she was living and a runaway. They would do this not only to close the file, but to publicly vindicate themselves, since from the beginning NH LE said she was a runnaway or suicidal.

Sounds reasonable to me too although I don't know the law about it either.
I would like to ask all of you to stay on topic please. Discussion of who a poster is is not allowed. Also, there is no need for any posters to "remind" others about "bashing" on the threads. If there is a problem post please just alert and the mods will deal with it.

DocWho3 said:
Subject: sounds like a misreading of a post to me
Originally Posted by Cyberlaw
BTW - if I recall correctly, I read a story(with a picture of a dog, in the snow, with their handler, at night) and that story was in the online edition of the Caledonian -Record) probably the next morning (2/10/04)that "reported" about LE arriving at the scene and the "speculation" of LE that the "driver" fled to avoid criminal responsibility as "booze" was found at the scene of the "accident".

Originally Posted by Peabody
. . .I find your reading the Caledonian Record prior to it being brought to your attention that Maura was missing very curious and respectfully ask that you share with all of us an explanation.

Although I am sure Cyberlaw can answer this far better, I will point out that when I read the post cyberlaw made it did not sound to me as if the article was read the next day but probably that was the most likely day that the article would have appeared. Many of us have performed online searches in looking for information about this case. I myself found case info in the same small news site's articles and those articles were found by running websearches.

Thank you for pointing out that Cyberlaw's statement could be interpreted two ways.

To me, when one says "I read a story <snip>, probably the next morning" and is relying on memory, it is an indicator that the reader associates reading the article when the event occured.

That the parenthesis is inserted between "I read a story" and "probably the next moring" is another indicator that he/she was saying they read the story as it was breaking news.......perhaps not the same day, but within a few days.

You are correct that "Cyberlaw can answer this much better."

Hopefully, he/she will explain the situation to us.

Would you all knock off the arguing already!!!!! If this keeps up I will once again move this thread. Get back on topic and please stay there!
Is it possible that someone gave LE info about Maura (or Maura herself called) with the understanding that LE was not to tell the family therefore LE not investigating fully? The way I understood the case in S.Florida was the woman went missing because the husband was maybe abusive? but I don't think the woman went to LE to say I'm ok, I'm just getting away from a bad situation. Had she done that I don't think LE would have announced her being found.:twocents:
Is it possible that someone gave LE info about Maura (or Maura herself called) with the understanding that LE was not to tell the family therefore LE not investigating fully? The way I understood the case in S.Florida was the woman went missing because the husband was maybe abusive? but I don't think the woman went to LE to say I'm ok, I'm just getting away from a bad situation. Had she done that I don't think LE would have announced her being found.

The only answer I really have for that question appeared in an article that appeared in a NH newspaper (hardcopy, it didn't appear online):

"After the hearing, Senior Assistant Atty. Gen. Jeffery A. Strelzin, chief of his agency's homicide unit, said that as recently as two weeks ago state police, following up a lead, had searched an area for clues. Strelzin did not specify the search's whereabouts, except that it was not near where Maura Mullen's car was found. Valley News 1.20.06" (we believe Maura "Mullen" is a typo since the article was about Maura.)

Maura is also still listed as missing on the NH State Police Website and on the National Center for Missing Adults with an NCIC number. A new law passed in NH seems to indicate that the police would have notified NCIC:

106-J:1 Definitions. In this chapter, “missing adult” means any person:
I. Who is 18 years of age or older;
II. Whose residence is in New Hampshire or is believed to be in New Hampshire;
III. Who has been reported to a law enforcement agency as missing; and
IV. Who falls within one of the following categories:
(a) The person is under proven physical or mental disability or is senile, thereby subjecting himself or herself or others to personal and immediate danger;
(b) The circumstances indicate that the person’s physical safety may be in danger;
(c) The circumstances indicate that the person’s disappearance may not have been voluntary; or
(d) The person is missing after a catastrophe.
106-J:2 Procedures.
I. Upon receiving notice of a missing adult, a law enforcement agency shall complete a missing person report by providing identifying and descriptive information about the missing adult within 72 hours to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for inclusion in the missing person file of its computerized database.
II. It shall be the duty of the initial investigating law enforcement agency to immediately notify the NCIC when the missing adult is located or returned.
III. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to remove the discretion of a law enforcement agency to notify the NCIC when an adult is missing under circumstances other than those specified in RSA 106-J:1, IV, when the law enforcement agency has reasonable concern for such adult’s safety.
247:4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
(Approved: July 14, 2005)
(Effective Date: September 12, 2005)
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