NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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Bobbisangel said:
Hey Sunday....good for you for really getting involved in this case. I know how you work and that you don't even know what it means to "give up!" I would just love to hear that Maura has been found. My heart goes out to her family. I know they have tried everything that they know to find their girl.
They are lucky to have you on their side and helping in the search. I have no doubt that you will track that girl down.
Hey there Bobbi......You are my one woman rooting team......Horray!!!!
Bobbi.....go to BringBrihome.org in the affadavit area of the messages.....there is amazing news as to a police report on Bri. As you know Brianna went missing one month apart from Maura.......both in that same area. I know you would love to read this detailed article that the Courrier News had. This will floor you........It also involves gangs, the names of the members......"a confession."....etc. I know Maura and Bri are somehow going to come as connected in regards to the facts. ( not meaning they knew each other)......I remember on Bri s site that this "Joker" ( so named )person would write on there......This is something to read.....make sure you have a bit of time...a bit complicated, but......wow, interesting. I hope I can go up to Maura's search in the Spring, if they have it again. You are just too kind girl.........
You know how I feel about a child being missing.....It bothers me to my bones!
today Maura has been missing three (3) years......

thinking of her and her family; praying for them and for answers.
Sundayrain said:

I hope I can go up to Maura's search in the Spring, if they have it again. You are just too kind girl.........
You know how I feel about a child being missing.....It bothers me to my bones!

today Maura has been missing three (3) years......

thinking of her and her family; praying for them and for answers.
today Maura has been missing three (3) years......

thinking of her and her family; praying for them and for answers.
czechmate7 said:
Sunny~ I agree with your post. From the evidence I've heard thus far on this case, I lean on the side of Maura possibly starting over. (My personal opinion, of course).
If not, I hope her family is able to find answers on what has happened.
And on your last comment, this very miracle weeks ago gives us proof that someone can be living right under our noses (so to speak) w/o us even knowing.

I had posted on her site more than once, that I believed she left of her own accord. No young lady in her right mind would start out on a trip in a car as mechanically unsound as hers. I think she used that to stage a "disappearance." Someone was following her that night and picked her up at the moment she came up missing.

My theory and it wasn't popular at her site. There is just no evidence coming up that points to anything else. LE needs to be looking hard at all her friends and at anyone who may have been "absent" during the time period that Maura came up missing.
curious1 said:
You know, I once put out a theory that maybe just maybe a cop responding to an accident call that night might have come around the corner in the road when it was dark, not seen her and hit her. And maybe or maybe not caused her death at that time. He sees her there unconcious panics and puts her in his trunk and takes her somewhere. She was either dead at the time or not, but either way she ended up deceased. I thought some of the comments made by the responding officer were odd. He went out of his way to say certain things to the people in the house closest to the accident. I even thought maybe it was the construction worker because once he found out they were going to do a search of a particular area he put out the 'story' about seeing someone running down the road in the opposite direction. I was shot down and blasted for my theory so I stayed away for awhile. I had read somewhere that the place she had the accident someone was almost hit the next day standing very near her car so that's when the idea came to me. Sorry if my info seems very vague now, but that was soooo long ago and I cannot remember all the details. I will see what I can find.
Curious.......I remember reading when you wrote that.....and I thought you did well to come up with that explaination. Sometimes I think we just read along with the threads and not comment on everything. But, all of everyones ideas are worth studying........
Thinking about......and looking more into. I hope Fred gets some more information soon.....and this nightmare of getting paperwork on ones own daughter is over for him.
It is a sin what he had to go through. Prayers for Maura today......thinking of her.
Wanting the long missing answers.......
Sundayrain said:
Curious.......I remember reading when you wrote that.....and I thought you did well to come up with that explaination. Sometimes I think we just read along with the threads and not comment on everything. But, all of everyones ideas are worth studying........
Thinking about......and looking more into. I hope Fred gets some more information soon.....and this nightmare of getting paperwork on ones own daughter is over for him.
It is a sin what he had to go through. Prayers for Maura today......thinking of her.
Wanting the long missing answers.......
you know, you may very well have come up with the best theory yet, I have read a lot of this case, but seemed to not see your original post on your theory. that is very possible and it would be a good idea that the family ask that the officer be questioned extensivly. a case in tennessee where an officer was chasing after a pick up truck with 3 teens in it crashed well ahead of the persueing officer, once the truck crashed the officer stopped in the middle of the road well clear of the over turned truck, the police car that had stopped still had the camera on, then on the right hand side of the stopped police car another police car came around the stopped one and ran one of the ejected passengers of the pick up truck over with the crusier the teen was probably dead prior to that happening, but police officers aren't perfect individuals, they are like the rest of us all, all of us make mistakes regardless of who we are and where we come from. it could be very possible that what you mentioned in your post is the best yet.
Interesting theory, BUT

1) Each police car that responds to a incident has to call in and inform the dispatcher.

2) A police officer hits a women, no one knows that he is there, then he puts her in a car, with no blood or other fotprints or car tracks at the scene. Then he "dumps her body" somewhere, without any evidence of blood, hair, or anything else at the scene.

3) The first LE was at the scene, within minutes, like less then 10.

4) Maura was tracked 100 yards from the scene

Plus if someone hit her,there would be evidence and damage to the Police car. Sorry, to shoot you down, but this is a "far fetched" theory not based in fact in any regard.

It is not supported by facts and logic.
Three years is just too long......isn't it Peabody?
I hope Fred gets the information he has wanted......to think he had to go to the high courts.!
What matters the most is that she is missing and she needs to be found.
That would be a parents main wish.
After that is the.... who, what, where, and whys........
But then........if we would look harder at the "W's" ......we'd find the
main answer to "she is missing and needs to be found"
I'm sad it is taking so long.......
There is a need for answers........We need to find Maura Murray......
Prayers and Hope and Faith to Maura's family.

Please sign on her forum page......under register......www.MauraMurrayMissing.com ( Three Years)
LisainWV said:
I had posted on her site more than once, that I believed she left of her own accord. No young lady in her right mind would start out on a trip in a car as mechanically unsound as hers. I think she used that to stage a "disappearance." Someone was following her that night and picked her up at the moment she came up missing.

My theory and it wasn't popular at her site. There is just no evidence coming up that points to anything else. LE needs to be looking hard at all her friends and at anyone who may have been "absent" during the time period that Maura came up missing.
Lisa...I agree...and may I add that that theory is just as unpopular on this website as it is on the other. There use to be a thread discussing Maura's case here but I chose to stop posting because of my "unpopular" theory.
What gets me about this case is not so much the night Maura went missing as much as the odd, unexplainable moves Maura made prior to that night.
LisainWV said:
I had posted on her site more than once, that I believed she left of her own accord. No young lady in her right mind would start out on a trip in a car as mechanically unsound as hers. I think she used that to stage a "disappearance." Someone was following her that night and picked her up at the moment she came up missing.

My theory and it wasn't popular at her site. There is just no evidence coming up that points to anything else. LE needs to be looking hard at all her friends and at anyone who may have been "absent" during the time period that Maura came up missing.
Sounds reasonable to me.
I've always thought that there might have been a cop involved but I don't think that he hit her on the road. I think that he offered her a ride somewhere and she went with him because she would have trusted a cop. She wouldn't go with the guy who stopped to offer her a ride...or so he said...and she told him not to call police. If he was any kind of man at all he would have called the police anyway. You don't just leave a young woman by the side of the road in the middle of winter alone with no way to get anywhere. Who else would you notify but the police.

Maybe that is why the cop acted funny and gave some odd answers when questioned. Maura was a beautiful young lady and all cops are not good people. Maybe she got in his car and things turned ugly at some point.
There is some new info on the Brianna Maitland website. I will go to Maura's site and sign. I will also pray for both families, and the girls themselves.
Sundayrain said:
Its sad to hear a few people do not feel comforable there.
I post how I feel......whether the others want to feel a different way.
Problem is........because this is so complicated.....there are tons of theories.
I have heard some are ignored......Actually, I am ignored too!.....LOL.....
But, I have wanted Maura and Brianna found so badly that I put my emotions aside. I wonder why it is a bit sharp.......
It is certainly not the wonderful family......
I think today there was a discusion about listening to others.
After all.......we just don't know. We don't know much of anything.
So, so, many unanswered questions......they may never be answered.
I have followed the cases off and on during these years.......
I think that Maura and Brianna need us......her family can use our support.....and the posters....have to open up to other thoughts and feelings.
There is no expert......if there was we'd have the answers.
None of us are big time LE.......we are just people trying for some answers.....
So that we can have more miracles.....like we had a week ago.
Please join......if you can.......and help with ideas.........

I don't see anywhere to post on Maura's forum. I went to it and did fill out my name, email, and sent a message. I gather the message went to the family as I received a short message from a relative which was nice. Where is the forum to write on on the site?
White Rain said:
There is some new info on the Brianna Maitland website. I will go to Maura's site and sign. I will also pray for both families, and the girls themselves.
Bless You White Rain.........The information on Bri's site is really mindboggling......
I had to read the affadavit 4 or 5 times to take that all in.
Today is the day Maura went missing......thank you for signing.......
And mostly.....thank you for PRAYERS........Sundayrain
Praying for Maura and Brianna to be found.......
Mass. woman disappeared in NH 3 years ago today

For instance, he (John Healy - PI) said he and other investigators believe the woman the neighbor saw may not have been Murray and that the accident scene may have been staged.

Healy said he and others are coming back in the spring with dog teams to follow up on information they gleaned from a two-day search with dog teams last fall.


Another theory! Between the lines, I read the investigators believe something happened to Maura. (My take on this is that they "believe" 1. the accident was stagged 2. the woman was not Murray and 3 they are going back in the spring with dog teams to search)
Time will tell the answer. How many times does now this make that a search was done?
Peabody said:
Mass. woman disappeared in NH 3 years ago today

For instance, he (John Healy - PI) said he and other investigators believe the woman the neighbor saw may not have been Murray and that the accident scene may have been staged.

Healy said he and others are coming back in the spring with dog teams to follow up on information they gleaned from a two-day search with dog teams last fall.


Another theory! Between the lines, I read the investigators believe something happened to Maura. (My take on this is that they "believe" 1. the accident was stagged 2. the woman was not Murray and 3 they are going back in the spring with dog teams to search)

Something is odd here. It's fine to think the neighbor saw someone else, not Maura. But to think in addition to that, that the accident was staged.....how do you put those two together? They seem to be part of the same theory, and I cannot reconcile the two......if it WASN'T Maura, why the need for an accident to be staged???
From reading the www.MauraMurrayMissing site over the long term, especially the postings of Weeper, a member of the investigative team along with John Healy, one learns that the PI Team are *theorizing* that someone harmed Maura at the site of a first accident and then staged the second accident where she supposedly went missing.......explaining that Maura was never at the location where her car was found.

another news link today:

Investigators Not Giving Up Search For Maura Murray

Friday February 9, 2007

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