NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 7

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The book would be a double edged sword.
HUGE exposure if it sold well. I would think exposure of a broad sort would be a good thing.
Anyway, Renner seems to genuinely care about the subjects he writes about.

But of course with that comes these type of revelations. Leads me to believe some of this may have been known.
I still think Fred is right though, at this point, none of this "finds" Maura. She is still missing.

Interesting thing is, we now have 3 possibilities.
Maura lost her life that night.
Maura ran off and is alive somewhere.
Maura ran off and is alive somewhere with a child.
Where is this guy getting his facts from if the rausch and maura's familly wont be interviewed by him.

From what i can gather by reading his blog he has spoken to others about the case, including Maura's supervisor at work and LE also. I doubt he needed permission from Maura's family or the Rausch's to get info from UMass' internet info on Maura's research.
I had said before that I thought Maura was pregnant and going away for a possible abortion. One of the clues was the "death in the family" comment. I also think that she may have gotten a call about a pregnancy test while at work and this is what upset her so much. I was reminded that this was most likely not true since nothing was found on her computer about pregnancy and or abortion. I think this news if true should make us all realize how much is being held back about what Maura was searching on her computer. I also disagree that what ever the events leading up to Maura's disappearance have nothing to do with what happened to her. There is a strong indication that there may have been another man in her life and she may have been going to meet him. I would bet that if she was calling him on her cell she was using a calling card so the call could not be traced back once her BF's mother got the bill. It seems that at least at this point in her life that Maura was very mentally unstable which makes it even harder for one to try and figure out where she may have walked to after leaving her car.

"She was specifically searching for material relating to the effects of excessive drinking on an unborn fetus, according to those familiar with the investigation."

Wonder who the "those familiar with the investigation" are.

Not sure if I would go so far to believe MM was PG if she did in fact make this search on her PC.... Could also be she knows she has a drinking problem and simply did a search for no particular reason...

Think about the searches you make on you own PC's and how they might be misinterpreted...

Now if they could find some pregnancy test were purchased... that would be interesting...
The book would be a double edged sword.
HUGE exposure if it sold well. I would think exposure of a broad sort would be a good thing.
Anyway, Renner seems to genuinely care about the subjects he writes about.

But of course with that comes these type of revelations. Leads me to believe some of this may have been known.
I still think Fred is right though, at this point, none of this "finds" Maura. She is still missing.

Interesting thing is, we now have 3 possibilities.
Maura lost her life that night.
Maura ran off and is alive somewhere.
Maura ran off and is alive somewhere with a child.

I agree. We all know Maura was highly emotional that evening. The reason really isn't that important. Whatever happened to her after her 2nd crash is the key to what happened to her. I believe this is what her father believes too, which maybe why he resists questions from Mr. Renner. JMO
I had said before that I thought Maura was pregnant and going away for a possible abortion. One of the clues was the "death in the family" comment. I also think that she may have gotten a call about a pregnancy test while at work and this is what upset her so much. I was reminded that this was most likely not true since nothing was found on her computer about pregnancy and or abortion. I think this news if true should make us all realize how much is being held back about what Maura was searching on her computer. I also disagree that what ever the events leading up to Maura's disappearance have nothing to do with what happened to her. There is a strong indication that there may have been another man in her life and she may have been going to meet him. I would bet that if she was calling him on her cell she was using a calling card so the call could not be traced back once her BF's mother got the bill. It seems that at least at this point in her life that Maura was very mentally unstable which makes it even harder for one to try and figure out where she may have walked to after leaving her

Anything is possible, but if she did go up to meet another boyfriend, why is she still hiding out? There is no law in having another boyfriend? If she was pregnant with another guy's baby, she could have been troubled about losing Bill over it. Perhaps, she was in a bind, which was why she was acting so odd.

I'm just playing this idea out. I don't have a clue what happened, except I don't think she was planning to commit suicide. I also don't think she going for an abortion there as well. JMO
Anything is possible, but if she did go up to meet another boyfriend, why is she still hiding out? There is no law in having another boyfriend? If she was pregnant with another guy's baby, she could have been troubled about losing Bill over it. Perhaps, she was in a bind, which was why she was acting so odd.

I'm just playing this idea out. I don't have a clue what happened, except I don't think she was planning to commit suicide. I also don't think she going for an abortion there as well. JMO

I wonder if her pregnancy-related searches included any personal ads or adoption sites. I had a pregnancy scare once and hatched a grand scheme to find a couple who wanted to adopt and who would support me and supply me with a cover story for 5-6 months so my family never knew I was pregnant. In fact, at the time, I remember trying to figure out if people would adopt a baby from a 20-something who had been drinking before finding out she was pregnant....
We have to tread lightly concerning this new revelation by James because it does not 100 percent mean that Maura was pregnant just because there were some searches on her computer.

However, if true, then I would say it is most definitely related to her being in an almost canatonic (zombie-like) state that thursday night at work (maybe she had just found out, or maybe she had finally discussed the matter with her sister on the phone and didn't like her sister's response to the news)

But I would very confidently say that Maura did not go out to the middle of nowhere to run away. Lets face it, 7 years later, Maura would've turned up and been in contact with her family by know. A pregnancy back in 2004 may have been a huge deal for her, but 7 years later, that matter wouldn't be anything to be hiding from any longer.
Hi all. I've been following the case since the very beginning and until now have not been moved to create an account and post here. Mr. Renner's most recent blog post begs me do so.

It is prudent to remember that Maura was a nursing student, and as such a series of searches on the effects of alcohol on the fetus certainly do not indicate that she was likely pregnant. She MAY have been, but it's also just as likely that she was doing research for class. We also know that Maura was doing work on a group project in the days prior to her disappearance. To me that's just as logical as the possibility that she was pregnant.
How easy is to start a new life somewhere on a whim? Wouldn't you need a new social security number? How easy is it to change your name? It has to be even more difficult if she went into Canada.

If Maura decided to disappear on purpose because she was scared that her family and friends would find out she had a drinking problem, then I think she would be less likely to ever return after all the attention on her case in NH.

These are the questions I want answered.

However, I think it can be easy to start a new life but I think it still would take some time and lots of planning. I watched another TV show (disappeared) about a woman who vanished and people thought she was abducted; however, she actually chose to go missing. She thought her family - mom- was mad at her so she just took off. Investigaters finally tracked her down and she was alive and doing well. She actually told the police not to tell anyone where she was located but just to tell her mom that she was OK. So I assume that police have to listen to an adult if they want to remain unknown as to their where abouts. But since she was found through tips and such I guess it wouldn't be hard to find someone but easy to try to start another life. It's all in due time when people are located. Some people go missing for years and then are found 19 years later. I guess it's a waiting game and a huge mystery.

But since Maura hasn't been found for so long. I really think that something happened to this girl or she's in another country. These are all my opinions and I wish I knew what happened to this girl.

And you may be right...maybe all the attention on her case in NH scared her even more.

But I've read a lot about college students who just go missing. And it's almost a pattern and all sort of have odd behavior before they have gone missing. Some had signs of paranoia and anxiety and several college students have claimed that someone was out to get them. Maybe Maura was one of them but didn't want to tell anyone and to deal with her mental state of mind she chose some drinking. Regardless of drinking or not- I think there was a lot to her state of mind than has been said and I don't think she had any intentions on doing herself in. I just think she was at a breaking point and it all started after her first car wreck.

Didnt they find a leaking box of Franzia wine in the car? Also, IIRC there was a soda bottle/can found at the wreck site that had alcohol in it.

As for the phonecall/voicemail left for Maura's boyfriend, that was discounted by LE early on, and the new investigation by this guy specifically states why:


Thank you for providing this information about the voice mail. I was very curious on who that was and if it really was Maura.

And yes, they found a soda bottle that they said most likely had alcohol in it. So having that information. I believe she was truly worried about getting caught drinking by the police. Which I'm inclined to that is why she fled the scene and refused help. Maybe she thought that it would look really bad..especially if she was about to become a nurse.
She seemed like a reasonable nice girl. So why she would try to murder her baby through drinking AND want to become a nurse is beyond me. This just doesn't make sense to me. Makes her sound like an evil person IMO. I don't know if I can really believe this scenario. She also sounded the girl who would talk to her dad about anything no matter what it was. If she told her sister I highly believe her sister would have told her dad AFTER Maura went missing. I doubt her sister would want her father to be in circles about what happened to his daughter or her whole reason for leaving. And why would she have to drive to the specific place she chose to drive to try to have a miscarriage. Why not somewhere else? This scenario makes sense. I just don't believe it. If this is the case then investigaters should try to search where and if she purchased a pregnancy test by interviewing people in stores. Or track down every hospital in the area where she might have gotten a pregnancy test done there.
Hi all. I've been following the case since the very beginning and until now have not been moved to create an account and post here. Mr. Renner's most recent blog post begs me do so.

It is prudent to remember that Maura was a nursing student, and as such a series of searches on the effects of alcohol on the fetus certainly do not indicate that she was likely pregnant. She MAY have been, but it's also just as likely that she was doing research for class. We also know that Maura was doing work on a group project in the days prior to her disappearance. To me that's just as logical as the possibility that she was pregnant.

Apparently, the idea that Maura may have been doing research for her classes has prompted an addition to Mr. Renner's article on his blog:

I may have been unclear in the post above. There were several searches about pregnancy conducted from Maura's computer that strongly suggested to investigators that Maura was either pregnant or thought she could be. The searches did not relate to any possible homework.

Hi all. I've been following the case since the very beginning and until now have not been moved to create an account and post here. Mr. Renner's most recent blog post begs me do so.

It is prudent to remember that Maura was a nursing student, and as such a series of searches on the effects of alcohol on the fetus certainly do not indicate that she was likely pregnant. She MAY have been, but it's also just as likely that she was doing research for class. We also know that Maura was doing work on a group project in the days prior to her disappearance. To me that's just as logical as the possibility that she was pregnant.

:wagon: Any theories or thoughts about what happened to her?

Interesting...I think maybe IF Maura had just recently found out she was a few months pregnant, she may have panicked and stressed over how her drinking habits may have affected the fetus...Perhaps she was convinced she had already caused some real damage...

Even IF Maura was a big drinker(does anyone have firsthand knowledge of this?), wouldnt it seem a little odd and contradictory that when/IF she found out she was PG and WORRIED about the drinking that she would load up on alcohol and head off to think things thru.(if she wasnt thinking about abortion, that is).

Again, in the end, i wonder how much this info, if true, connects in any way to her disappearance, if at all....
Interesting...I think maybe IF Maura had just recently found out she was a few months pregnant, she may have panicked and stressed over how her drinking habits may have affected the fetus...Perhaps she was convinced she had already caused some real damage...

Even IF Maura was a big drinker(does anyone have firsthand knowledge of this?), wouldnt it seem a little odd and contradictory that when/IF she found out she was PG and WORRIED about the drinking that she would load up on alcohol and head off to think things thru.(if she wasnt thinking about abortion, that is).

Again, in the end, i wonder how much this info, if true, connects in any way to her disappearance, if at all....

It is odd that she took off with all that booze after researching the effects on pregnancy. Maybe after crashing her dad's car she threw caution to the wind, because of her highly emotional state. We don't know when she actually did that research on her computer. Was it the same day she took off or was it weeks before she crashed her dad's car?

I wonder if she took one of those home pregnancy tests or she just thought she was pregnant.
The pregnancy issue makes me rethink what a pp said about the other student who was a victim of a hit-and-run in front of a health clinic that offered abortions.

That aside, I do wonder if she thought she could induce a miscarriage with excessive drinking, and wanted to do so in privacy.

It does make you wonder. Maybe she went to that health clinic to take tests or talk to someone about a possible pregnancy. I think most of those clinics also provide contraception and help with woman's health issues. I wonder if LE had checked that clinic to see if she went there for any reason.
I wonder if Maura had a one night stand with some guy at a party and got pregnant? I can see that causing her world to go upside down. How could she explain that to her BF? She would have been in a terrible dilemma, if she loved and wanted to marry Bill. To me, it explains her highly emotional reactions and actions after crashing her dad's car.

I may be way off base here, but this scenario seems plausible. However, it doesn't explain what happened to her after her crash in NH.
Just my opinion. To me it seems obvious what was going on. Maura found out she was pregnant and planned on getting an abortion. She wanted to go somewhere familiar to her to get it done and recuperate. Maura liked to party like most college girls and probably been drinking a lot when she found out. Bringing the alcohol was her way of coping while she rested and she also planned on keeping up with her studies while she was there since she brought her school books. Again this is just my opinion, but if you look at what we have as far as information I think it fits. If anyone feels other wise and I'm sure plenty do I would love to hear your opinions. You never know we just may get a little closer to maybe finding out what happened to Maura.
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