NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 7

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You all have been making good points

I also believe from everything that I have heard that Maura was practically obsessed with mountains and her google or mapquest searches the night before she went missing were to moutain areas such as stowe vermont.

It might mean something and those searches that police discovered on her computer might not.

I think it was her father who believes she was going to Bartlett because that was the area that she was familiar with from summer vacations with the family.

But her searches the night before on her computer were actually west of bartlett and even west of her final crash destination.

Her searches were for lodging in the area. I think she wanted to get to the other side of the National Forest. Since she was traveling from Amherst, her route had to go through the National Forest or around it to get to the lodging area she preferred. I could be wrong, but this is how it looks to me.

Looking at Google Maps, it's interesting that there's a Haverhill MA - check it out - it's not too far north from Boston close to 93 I'm wondering if in her search for Bartlett or? she noticed Haverhill NH and became curious about it, and decided to head there....

To me, it seems she was heading to an area she knew from her summer vacations with the family. She was coming from Amherst, so she was not accustomed to traveling from that direction. According to her father, she didn't know Woodsville or Haverhill at all. With her family, they probably traveled up from Hansen, MA, which is on the eastern side of Massachusetts.
I have to agree with you about this scenario after I saw the disappeared addition of what happened to her. I think she refused help because she was scared of getting a DUI from the police. She did put alcohol in a different bottle according to police. Maybe she thought if her dad knew she was drinking it would totally disappoint her father and so she didn't want him or anyone to find out. She probably didn't want to have to tell her father that she had another car wreck and then to add the drinking along with it she probably would have thought it would make things worse. To avoid this she just fled the scene feeling trapped and out of control with no way to get around having to explain to her father what happened and why she did it. IMO I think the first car wreck she had really shook her up and I think she felt A LOT of overwhelming guilt and thought she was a failure. Afterward, she probably wasn't the same person after the wreck and that's why it caused her to make an odd decision to leave school and family for that time- for her to think about what just happened with the wreck. She could have just wanted
to get away for a little while and didn't really want anyone to know about it. Maybe she didn't want anyone to know how deeply stressed she really was. I just think she had this overwhelming guilt that put her to shame and it took a toll on her. When some people try to calm down or unwind some people are known to open up a bottle of wine to relax with. Maybe her drinking was part of her trying to come to peace with stuff in her life. But instead, her entire
plan fell apart because of the second car wreck. She didn't know what to do then just fled.

But it also makes me wonder if she had a bit of an alcohol drinking problem she didn't want her parents to know about. There are functioning alcoholics and since she was at school a lot maybe her family didn't know about a lot of what she was doing. Could have her last car wreck be related to drinking? I
never heard that anyone found alcohol. Especially when someone is drinking alone in privacy, that is very alarming and signs that a person could be an alcoholic or the start of one.

IMOE- in my own experience- I have been into so much trouble in my past that if I was at risk for a DUI it would not have fazed me. Even to this day it probably wouldn't. I wouldn't see it as a big deal and I'd just move on.
But she seemed like the type of girl who wanted to be truly a good person who avoided doing anything wrong or risky. I don't want to say she was a perfectionist but maybe she was really innocent and hasn't experienced a whole lot of risky stuff in life. So when she had the wreck and then the second wreck it truly messed her up emotionally. The again, maybe she was risky and she just didn't want it to be exposed. I'd hate to judge someone like this but anything can be possible when a person goes missing

She liked being with family- especially her boyfriend. Plus, I remember from the disappear episode that she was going to get tickets to something her and her friends were supposed to go to. So with that information, she planned on returning.

I think she wanted to return home after her get a way for a while. But
because of her situation, I think she may have decided not to come back and in the process she could have met with foul play later on.

I just don't think she planned on disappearing for good. I think she just wanted some time away...but not forever.

She has to realize that no one will scold her for a mistake. People still love her regardless and I really do wish this young lady would come home

Has there been any information about the voicemail left on the boyfriends phone about her supposedly breathing and sighing heavily without saying a word? I don't understand that or why she would have done that.

I agree. I think Maura was highly emotional and wanted some time to sort things out. I do not believe her intentions to go up to the mountains were part of a plan to commit suicide. Maura was a champion runner and a honors student. She worked very hard at being her best. I think when she crashed her dad's car it rattled her to the core. She may have had some underlying emotional troubles or a budding drinking problem, which caused her to beat herself up over the situation.
In re-reading James' blog
Did Maura reach her destination?

and looking at the maps of area, I think James may be right! The local motel may well have been her destination!

Thinking back to my "route 66" days of driving around - often I would plan to go somewhere, have a destination in mind, but after starting out, for one reason or another, impromptu, I would pick a place along the way that appealed to me on a map and look for a motel there....
In re-reading James' blog
Did Maura reach her destination?

and looking at the maps of area, I think James may be right! The local motel may well have been her destination!

Thinking back to my "route 66" days of driving around - often I would plan to go somewhere, have a destination in mind, but after starting out, for one reason or another, impromptu, I would pick a place along the way that appealed to me on a map and look for a motel there....


You might be right on the money about that, but the only problem I have with that scenario is that her father checked into that hotel just a few days later and surely even if Maura had used a fake name, the motel staff would've remembered a mysterious girl by herself checking in, especially since their motel quickly became the find maura murray search headquarters.

You might be right on the money about that, but the only problem I have with that scenario is that her father checked into that hotel just a few days later and surely even if Maura had used a fake name, the motel staff would've remembered a mysterious girl by herself checking in, especially since their motel quickly became the find maura murray search headquarters.

You are right scoops .... perhaps then she had not yet checked in, maybe was going to ride around a bit before doing so... but I would have checked in first while it was still a little light out.... still, if Haverhill wasn't her destination, it seems she would be driving on some lonely roads in a remote area at night trying to reach ?
You are right scoops .... perhaps then she had not yet checked in, maybe was going to ride around a bit before doing so... but I would have checked in first while it was still a little light out.... still, if Haverhill wasn't her destination, it seems she would be driving on some lonely roads in a remote area at night trying to reach ?

Maybe she was trying to get to a particular mountain. She was obsessed with mountains and heading straight for some at the time of her wreck.
Does anyone know how far away was the accident from the place she was trying to get too, assuming the place was where she tried to get a room where her familly had went on previous ocasions.

James: "forensics on Maura Murray's computer at UMass revealed searches for websites related to pregnancy which were conducted just prior to her searches for lodging in the Stowe, Vermont area. She was specifically searching for material relating to the effects of excessive drinking on an unborn fetus, according to those familiar with the investigation."

James: "forensics on Maura Murray's computer at UMass revealed searches for websites related to pregnancy which were conducted just prior to her searches for lodging in the Stowe, Vermont area. She was specifically searching for material relating to the effects of excessive drinking on an unborn fetus, according to those familiar with the investigation."

IF IF IF Maura was pregnant that explains much of her impulsive decision to get away, as well as her distress a few nights before at work.Who knows what she was thinking or feeling about what she might do..Perhaps she was considering abortion and wanted to help that along with all the booze...(pure speculation of course)..

Could even speculate that the car wreck(s) was subconciously intentional in that she was possibly drinking/driving in a reckless manner(hoping for miscarriage?)

Definitely an intersting "find".

I think Mr Renner's discovery of a possible pregnancy changes percetion of things dramatically, especially concerning her behavior before she disappeared.


If Maura wanted to tell her father she was pregnant, perhaps that explains why she JUST HAD TO get his car back to him that same night she wrecked it; before she lost her nerve. The accident completely shut down that discussion taking place..how could she tell him THEN??
After that she probably felt more desperate.
I wonder if her BF was aware of a possible pregnancy.
In any case, and most importantly, does any of this have bearing on what ultimately happened and/or where she is??
The pregnancy issue makes me rethink what a pp said about the other student who was a victim of a hit-and-run in front of a health clinic that offered abortions.

That aside, I do wonder if she thought she could induce a miscarriage with excessive drinking, and wanted to do so in privacy.

I wonder if her BF was aware of a possible pregnancy.

If he didn't know then does that say something as well.
I would think if they were as close was thought, he would have known pretty quickly. But this information has never come out, and rightfully so in some ways, that is a private matter.
But after all these years, no one knew. Seems that if she knew for more than 2 days without telling a soul then she was in a DEEP state of anxiety.
Wow, just wow!
Hey I had never heard that before that could surely exsplain alot of stuff ..
Hey I had never heard that before that could surely exsplain alot of stuff ..

I hadn't heard this either, the blogger is saying this is brand new fresh information - an exclusive.

Does anyone know who this blogger is, and are they reliable? I followed this case when it first broke, and that was one of the possible scenarios offered over and over again to explain her sudden packing up and leaving, although it was never more than pure speculation.
I hadn't heard this either, the blogger is saying this is brand new fresh information - an exclusive.

Does anyone know who this blogger is, and are they reliable? I followed this case when it first broke, and that was one of the possible scenarios offered over and over again to explain her sudden packing up and leaving, although it was never more than pure speculation.

He evidently has a couple of different blogs on Cold Cases/Unsolved Crimes, most notably:


from the blog:

"I haven't forgotten about the updates I promised. They're coming soon.
At the moment,I'm finishing up a novel and doing a bit of traveling (meetings in New York and research in New Hampshire on the Maura Murray case).
Expect something next week."

Here is another blog:

Incidentally, Mr. Renner is not allowed to post on Maura's Missing FB group page anymore, nor is anyone allowed to post a link to his blog.It seems Fred Murray does not want a book about Maura published and feels Mr Renner is trying to profit off Maura's story. Mr Renner addresses that issue in his blog:


Interesting. I guess it's hard to know exactly why Fred Murray is against this, but he may just feel like it will lead nowhere and would reveal unflattering things. I do think relying on writers and investigators like Mr. Renner might be Mr. Murray's only hope of shaking information out of the Haverhill PD - they seem to have locked horns and barely have a civil relationship. With fresh eyes this case may actually be solvable -
Where is this guy getting his facts from if the rausch and maura's familly wont be interviewed by him.
Where is this guy getting his facts from if the rausch and maura's familly wont be interviewed by him.

The information about the computer search may be leaked from the PD - it may be that Fred himself doesn't even know that. He was trying to hard to force HPD to open their investigation to him, and they wouldn't.
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