NJ - Carolyn Byington, 26, killed inside her home, Plainsboro, 10 June 2019 *Arrest*

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Wayfair, Houzz Amazon, Macys all send emails that a package has been delivered. But even if she did have packages delivered and did go home for that reason, who killed her? The delivery guy? And what motive?

Again difficult to form some reasonable theory. If a motive could be determined that might help lead to a POI. Any thoughts on motive?

Was it someone envious of her? A date she turned down? Someone she met online? A stalker? Did she interrupt someone in her apartment and the person freaked out? Did she open the door for the person? Too many questions and unfortunately no answers as of yet.
I’ll also add those packages were still sitting at her neighbor’s door the Wednesday after she was murdered. That’swhen I walked over. If they were at Carolyn’s door, why would the police leave them sitting outside her door?The reporters had the wrong door.

As we are all brain storming how and why CB may have been summoned home on that dreadful day, the point of posting the video and reporters live commentary is to provide some factual evidence that CB was known to receive multiple packages typically left outside her apartment door.

May have nothing to do with her murder but reportedly, CB did not usually go home for lunch and/or during her workday.

In this case, the two boxes that reporter states were in CB's name, appear to be from Amazon packaging.

I can't begin to imagine the worry and burden this unsolved crime has left on her neighbors. Hope LE is keeping residents informed.

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Are you actually able to see her name on those packages? Because when I walked over to her building, I was almost positive those packages were not at her door but rather her neighbor’s door. Carolyn’s apartment is in the back of the building. You can see this apartment with the packages faces the front where people are walking and faces the parking lot.

The reporter states on video that the packages are in CB's name.

Camera did not zoom to the labels -- don't know how viewers could actually see the labels to confirm her name.

I also don't think reporter has any reason to state otherwise.

Are you actually able to see her name on those packages? Because when I walked over to her building, I was almost positive those packages were not at her door but rather her neighbor’s door. Carolyn’s apartment is in the back of the building. You can see this apartment with the packages faces the front where people are walking and faces the parking lot.
It looks as if those packages are at a first floor apartment & Carolyn lived on the second floor.
As we are all brain storming how and why CB may have been summoned home on that dreadful day, the point of posting the video and reporters live commentary is to provide some factual evidence that CB was known to receive multiple packages typically left outside her apartment door.

May have nothing to do with her murder but reportedly, CB did not usually go home for lunch and/or during her workday.

In this case, the two boxes that reporter states were in CB's name, appear to be from Amazon packaging.

I can't begin to imagine the worry and burden this unsolved crime has left on her neighbors. Hope LE is keeping residents informed.


Plainsboro Twp & MCPO have done a poor job communicating about this murder. The police are back to giving out traffic tickets for speeding over 25mph near the municipal complex. Thought they would have more important things to do at this time.
Plainsboro Twp & MCPO have done a poor job communicating about this murder. The police are back to giving out traffic tickets for speeding over 25mph near the municipal complex. Thought they would have more important things to do at this time.
And this past week they haven’t been patrolling this development like they were in previous weeks.
It looks as if those packages are at a first floor apartment & Carolyn lived on the second floor.

It looks to me as if that apartment (shown in the video) is on the second floor because there is a railing covering the opening, to the right of the door, that would keep someone from falling if they stepped over past the door. I do not believe that there are such railings that block the entrances and exits to the staircases on the ground level floor (first floor).

One more observation: the article was first posted on June 12, 2019. She was murdered on June 10. I don't think LE would have let those packages remain outside of her door for two days.

Plainsboro police seek suspect in slaying of 26-year-old woman inside home
I see a railing and the edge of a stair. Can a resident please confirm if there are railings outside the first floor apartment stoops? Thanks.
No there are not. It’s the second floor in the front of the building. Carolyn’s apartment is in the back. There is no walkway in the back. Also, to give you some perspective, I can see Carolyn’s building from my parking lot. I saw the news12 truck there on Wednesday the 12th. The same day they released the video. The police would not leave her packages sitting by the front door two days after she was killed.

Also, the first shot in the video is the back of the building showing Carolyn’s apartment. You can see there are no walkways in the back. The packages are at the apartment door in the front of the building. You can see the walkway leading to the parking lot in the front.
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The reporter states on video that the packages are in CB's name.

Camera did not zoom to the labels -- don't know how viewers could actually see the labels to confirm her name.

I also don't think reporter has any reason to state otherwise.


I don't think anyone is trying to argue or anything, it is just that this very thing was debated some time ago and once we realized they were not even by her apartment, it changed thoughts. If a reporter was there filming, it had to be after LE was there or during at least or how would they even know there was a crime? Why would the packages be left there by LE with a murder investigation and not taped off, taken by LE, etc.? Most residents did not even know anything was going on or had happened, some until days after? I even wonder if the packages did not come like the next day even, if they were hers. They could play in perhaps if a neighbor was taking packages or told a delivery person leave them with them or at their residence, but they are not by her door, she was second floor, back side entry, per the residents, which we would not even probably still know if not from someone who lives in the complex. If they have her name on them and it was the day she died, that no doubt is intriguing and something to think about and food for thought and it should be looked at and considered here again.

Just trying to help and clarify why the packages were dismissed.

No there are not. It’s the second floor in the front of the building. Carolyn’s apartment is in the back. There is no walkway in the back. Also, to give you some perspective, I can see Carolyn’s building from my parking lot. I saw the news12 truck there on Wednesday the 12th. The same day they released the video. The police would not leave her packages sitting by the front door two days after she was killed.

Also, the first shot in the video is the back of the building showing Carolyn’s apartment. You can see there are no walkways in the back. The packages are at the apartment door in the front of the building. You can see the walkway leading to the parking lot in the front.

Thanks for that information.

If this video was filmed on 6/12, it appears LE had already released the crime scene as I also don't see any crime scene tape surrounding the entry or presence of LE.

IMO, the packages we are seeing are new deliveries. Unless her landing was till blocked off by LE, I don't know what would prevent a random delivery guy from leaving a package sent to that address.

And this past week they haven’t been patrolling this development like they were in previous weeks.

I think that could be a good sign-- it could mean that they already have a suspect, and they know his whereabouts already.

I believe CB was the target of the killer. I don't think the neighborhood has to fear her killer returning.

I keep coming back to the idea that it was someone who worked at the complex who would have had a key to get into her place. Maybe it was just a coincidence that she came home for lunch, getting home earlier than usual. It could be that the murderer didn't know she was coming home at lunchtime, and had planned on hiding in her apartment, lying in wait for her until she got home at her usual time.

I don't know, but I do know that we don't know much!
Thanks for that information.

If this video was filmed on 6/12, it appears LE had already released the crime scene as I also don't see any crime scene tape surrounding the entry or presence of LE.

IMO, the packages we are seeing are new deliveries. Unless her landing was till blocked off by LE, I don't know what would prevent a random delivery guy from leaving a package sent to that address.

One quick note, the man they show at the beginning of the clip in the black shirt and tan pants is LE. He was there while they were filming. (Actually, he may have been FBI, I’m not sure. There was a group of men in black shirts and tan pants searching the grounds that day. )
In regards to motive, we do not have much to go on.

But the forensic files case where the woman was murdered in her apartment by a predator neighbor in the middle of the day, definitely seemed to click.

Not sure if anyone here followed the Lauren Giddings case. But she was attacked and murdered by her neighbor and classmate who was obsessed with her. He gained access to her apartment with a maintenance access key (it was believed he took or was given the key from management and copied it).

I lean towards a neighbor or someone in the area who became fixated on her. Could be a contractor who saw her around and became obsessed. Only “draw” I can come up with under this theory is that this person managed to get her number or email and faked an emergency to get her home (using a fake email/number) or was lying in wait in her apartment and she just happened to come home earlier than normal. IMO.

Any theory is viable at this point because we have so little information. COD and SA/condition of the body could give some indication as to whether it was someone she knew or a stranger/stalker. But we don’t even know that.
In regards to motive, we do not have much to go on.

But the forensic files case where the woman was murdered in her apartment by a predator neighbor in the middle of the day, definitely seemed to click.

Not sure if anyone here followed the Lauren Giddings case. But she was attacked and murdered by her neighbor and classmate who was obsessed with her. He gained access to her apartment with a maintenance access key (it was believed he took or was given the key from management and copied it).

I lean towards a neighbor or someone in the area who became fixated on her. Could be a contractor who saw her around and became obsessed. Only “draw” I can come up with under this theory is that this person managed to get her number or email and faked an emergency to get her home (using a fake email/number) or was lying in wait in her apartment and she just happened to come home earlier than normal. IMO.

Any theory is viable at this point because we have so little information. COD and SA/condition of the body could give some indication as to whether it was someone she knew or a stranger/stalker. But we don’t even know that.

I tend to think as well if it is not personal then it is someone who had an obsession with her. It just seems the most likely. Otherwise we have to believe a total coincidence, she just happened to go home when she generally did not and just happened on the one occasion she did to run into a stranger in her apartment. If someone unknown or a burglary and she surprised the person, one would think he would just push her aside and get the heck out of there, unless he is recognizable.

She is an attractive single woman. It is a big apartment complex. Neighbors even stated she kept to herself and they pretty much only saw her coming and going. Well a creep would then notice the same I would assume...?

Maybe she knew or did not know if it was someone a bit obsessed with her (she thought) and she tried to handle it nicely, say he is from the complex, a resident, or a worker, and she does not want issues and thinks although a bit creepy, he is probably harmless. He baits her home somehow and has a key, he works there or some other way as you mention.

I just can't picture it random. As you say though, we know so little. Was there some type of ex she maybe gave a second chance to, etc.?

If we can even trust media, one account said they heard arguing, that sounds personal.

Just talking out loud and speculating.

And jmo based on the very little we have.
Was it someone envious of her? A date she turned down? Someone she met online? A stalker? Did she interrupt someone in her apartment and the person freaked out? Did she open the door for the person? Too many questions and unfortunately no answers as of yet.
Did you see her FB or any of her social media accounts before memorialized or taken down?

I didn't see any links to her SM info earlier in thread.

Reportedly she was seen as quiet to her neighbors and kept to herself. I wonder if she had a large friend/follower base?
I had a suspicion when the news first broke about this case that it would be swiftly buried and forgotten, with no breaks or arrests, and no outcry from the community. It was a baseless intuition, but so far I fear that it appears I could have been right.

It's weird to me that Plainsboro's residents have been so quiet and undemanding during all of this. Here we have a suburban community of upper-middle class residents, a town of families, with children swarming the parks every evening, and nobody's raising a hue and cry about the fact that it's possible that a murderer lurks among us. A young woman was murdered in her home, in broad daylight, just a stone's throw from the police station, in probably one of the safest communities in New Jersey, and there's apparently no suspects or leads, and we're left with - silence. Silence from the police, township, Mayor-for-life Cantu, Middlesex County, the non-existent local media.

As people have noted earlier in this discussion, Hunters Glen and Plainsboro as a whole are full of transients. Then you add the fact that the majority of people are South Asian first-generation immigrants or their children. They are as a body hard-working people focused on their families and careers, and not strongly focused on civic engagement. I think this partly explains why investigators and political leaders have felt that they can get away with providing almost no information - because nobody's going to hold them to account.

So in the meantime, all we can do is speculate based upon the bare skeleton of a narrative we have from the first few news reports.
I have been hesitant to post this because I have no idea who is lurking and reading the posts. It’s probably nothing, but I called the detective a little over a week ago because something was nagging at me. I want to say again, its probably nothing but I felt it was better to say something than not to say anything at all.

As I previously mentioned, I often walked my dog near Carolyn’s apartment when the weather was nice. I’d typically take the same route. Well, the Thursday before Carolyn was killed I was walking my dog around 5:00 PM. As I was heading back towards my apartment a black Range Rover came driving through and turned into Carolyn’s parking lot. I only noticed it because it was a Range Rover and you don’t see too many of them in the parking lots here and I never saw one in Carolyn’s lot before. Im probably more observant than others because I am out walking my dog frequently. I kept walking to my apartment and when I looked back the driver did not get out of his car. The next day I was walking my dog around the same time and the Range Rover came driving through again. This time he pulled into the parking lot next to Carolyn’s lot. I didn’t see him get out and I continued walking to my apartment. Fast forward to the Friday after Carolyn was killed. I was walking my dog around 2:00 PM and parked next to Carolyn’s car was the black Range Rover. (This is why I asked previously if a murderer would return to the scene of a crime). For some reason it shook me and I made note of the license plate in my head. I walked home and when I got inside my phone was ringing and I forgot to write down the license plate number. Again, it’s probably nothing. It could have been someone dropping someone off at her building or picking someone up, but I have never seen that Range Rover again. The detective asked me a lot of questions, but I really wasn’t able to give a description because I only saw a profile the first day. Since then, I check every day for the RangeRover but it hasn’t been back since.

I also think the police should be talking to people who walk their dogs. The average person here goes from their apartment to their car and back to their apartment whereas people who walk their dogs are out and about and tend to see more.
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