NJ - Carolyn Byington, 26, killed inside her home, Plainsboro, 10 June 2019 *Arrest*

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@MissyMom that is kinda weird, I think it is good you called it in. Maybe one of streets nearby has a camera and was able to catch the plate number or at least a better look for police to look at. I hope it was the lead they needed. I guess it could be nothing but...
I may have recalled a letter or two from the license plate and I gave that information to the detective.
I have been hesitant to post this because I have no idea who is lurking and reading the posts. It’s probably nothing, but I called the detective a little over a week ago because something was nagging at me. I want to say again, its probably nothing but I felt it was better to say something than not to say anything at all.

As I previously mentioned, I often walked my dog near Carolyn’s apartment when the weather was nice. I’d typically take the same route. Well, the Thursday before Carolyn was killed I was walking my dog around 5:00 PM. As I was heading back towards my apartment a black Range Rover came driving through and turned into Carolyn’s parking lot. I only noticed it because it was a Range Rover and you don’t see too many of them in the parking lots here and I never saw one in Carolyn’s lot before. Im probably more observant than others because I am out walking my dog frequently. I kept walking to my apartment and when I looked back the driver did not get out of his car. The next day I was walking my dog around the same time and the Range Rover came driving through again. This time he pulled into the parking lot next to Carolyn’s lot. I didn’t see him get out and I continued walking to my apartment. Fast forward to the Friday after Carolyn was killed. I am walking my dog around 2:00 PM and parked next to Carolyn’s car is the black Range Rover. (This is why I asked previously if a murderer would return to the scene of a crime). For some reason it shook me and I made note of the license plate in my head. I walked home and when I got inside my phone was ringing and I forgot to write down the license plate number. Again, it’s probably nothing. It could have been someone dropping someone off at her building or picking someone up, but I have never seen that Range Rover again. The detective asked me a lot of questions, but I really wasn’t able to give a description because I only saw a profile the first day. Since then, I check every day for the RangeRover but it hasn’t been back since.

I also think the police should be talking to people who walk their dogs. The average person here goes from their apartment to their car and back to their apartment whereas people who walk their dogs are out and about and tend to see more.

That is really interesting and way better to turn it in than wonder if you should have. It sounds like you are observant of your surroundings and something just did not fit or belong but no reason at the time for real alarm but you took note of it and more than once. The fact they asked you several questions also seems to indicate it was the type of tip they want. To me, that is the kind of tip they are likely looking for I would imagine rather than someone calling and saying did you check her phone or her phone record, did you look up registered SOs in the area and talk to them, etc.? I mean we would all hope and assume that of course LE anywhere does those things and don't need us telling them to do that.

The silence on this case has to be unnerving for you. I hope you get answers soon.
That is really interesting and way better to turn it in than wonder if you should have. It sounds like you are observant of your surroundings and something just did not fit or belong but no reason at the time for real alarm but you took note of it and more than once. The fact they asked you several questions also seems to indicate it was the type of tip they want. To me, that is the kind of tip they are likely looking for I would imagine rather than someone calling and saying did you check her phone or her phone record, did you look up registered SOs in the area and talk to them, etc.? I mean we would all hope and assume that of course LE anywhere does those things and don't need us telling them to do that.

The silence on this case has to be unnerving for you. I hope you get answers soon.
I could be wrong, but when I spoke with the detective I got the sense he didn’t have a lot of leads at that time.
I had a suspicion when the news first broke about this case that it would be swiftly buried and forgotten, with no breaks or arrests, and no outcry from the community. It was a baseless intuition, but so far I fear that it appears I could have been right.

It's weird to me that Plainsboro's residents have been so quiet and undemanding during all of this. Here we have a suburban community of upper-middle class residents, a town of families, with children swarming the parks every evening, and nobody's raising a hue and cry about the fact that it's possible that a murderer lurks among us. A young woman was murdered in her home, in broad daylight, just a stone's throw from the police station, in probably one of the safest communities in New Jersey, and there's apparently no suspects or leads, and we're left with - silence. Silence from the police, township, Mayor-for-life Cantu, Middlesex County, the non-existent local media.

As people have noted earlier in this discussion, Hunters Glen and Plainsboro as a whole are full of transients. Then you add the fact that the majority of people are South Asian first-generation immigrants or their children. They are as a body hard-working people focused on their families and careers, and not strongly focused on civic engagement. I think this partly explains why investigators and political leaders have felt that they can get away with providing almost no information - because nobody's going to hold them to account.

So in the meantime, all we can do is speculate based upon the bare skeleton of a narrative we have from the first few news reports.

You are spot on!
I could be wrong, but when I spoke with the detective I got the sense he didn’t have a lot of leads at that time.

Concerning, so a little over a week ago your inkling was that they may be making little progress in the investigation. I feel like unless someone who knows the murderer comes forwards, the chances of this being solved are bleak.

I hate the descriptions in news reports of the victim as quiet and keeping to herself. Most residents in this town are quiet, so it's not a meaningful descriptor.
I have been hesitant to post this because I have no idea who is lurking and reading the posts. It’s probably nothing, but I called the detective a little over a week ago because something was nagging at me. I want to say again, its probably nothing but I felt it was better to say something than not to say anything at all.

As I previously mentioned, I often walked my dog near Carolyn’s apartment when the weather was nice. I’d typically take the same route. Well, the Thursday before Carolyn was killed I was walking my dog around 5:00 PM. As I was heading back towards my apartment a black Range Rover came driving through and turned into Carolyn’s parking lot. I only noticed it because it was a Range Rover and you don’t see too many of them in the parking lots here and I never saw one in Carolyn’s lot before. Im probably more observant than others because I am out walking my dog frequently. I kept walking to my apartment and when I looked back the driver did not get out of his car. The next day I was walking my dog around the same time and the Range Rover came driving through again. This time he pulled into the parking lot next to Carolyn’s lot. I didn’t see him get out and I continued walking to my apartment. Fast forward to the Friday after Carolyn was killed. I was walking my dog around 2:00 PM and parked next to Carolyn’s car was the black Range Rover. (This is why I asked previously if a murderer would return to the scene of a crime). For some reason it shook me and I made note of the license plate in my head. I walked home and when I got inside my phone was ringing and I forgot to write down the license plate number. Again, it’s probably nothing. It could have been someone dropping someone off at her building or picking someone up, but I have never seen that Range Rover again. The detective asked me a lot of questions, but I really wasn’t able to give a description because I only saw a profile the first day. Since then, I check every day for the RangeRover but it hasn’t been back since.

I also think the police should be talking to people who walk their dogs. The average person here goes from their apartment to their car and back to their apartment whereas people who walk their dogs are out and about and tend to see more.

Your observation is exactly why LE always says to let them determine if a tip is important or not. You shouldn't discount your contribution.

A reported sighting of possible suspect that claimed to not be in the area of the crime can expedite LE's effort to squash a suspects alibi.

Based on CB's age, education, employment history, etc., I don't think a Range Rover out of the question as a fit for her male demographic.

Also, if LE was not early out, actively talking to neighbors-- 3 + weeks ago, I think they probably have finger prints and/or dna, and FBI and their resources will be key to any arrest.

@MissyMom i will echo what everyone else is saying, but you did the right thing calling it in. I get the sense they have few leads which is partly why I’m leaning towards a distant acquaintance, neighbor, or worker with an unhealthy fixation on her.

I also agree about talking to people with dogs in the complex. I’m a dog owner myself and have made note of things I have seen in my neighborhood when I walk my dogs.

I really wish complex management and LE would have some kind of town hall. Seems to be the easiest way to get a list of residents and observe who does/doesn’t show up.

If the Range Rover is connected to this, then that suggests it was someone CB knew. I would hope and assume all her coworkers are accounted for.

ETA: Has anyone seen anything from CB’s family/friends on SM? We need a verified insider in this case or I’m afraid we will run out of things to discuss.
I had a suspicion when the news first broke about this case that it would be swiftly buried and forgotten, with no breaks or arrests, and no outcry from the community. It was a baseless intuition, but so far I fear that it appears I could have been right.

It's weird to me that Plainsboro's residents have been so quiet and undemanding during all of this. Here we have a suburban community of upper-middle class residents, a town of families, with children swarming the parks every evening, and nobody's raising a hue and cry about the fact that it's possible that a murderer lurks among us. A young woman was murdered in her home, in broad daylight, just a stone's throw from the police station, in probably one of the safest communities in New Jersey, and there's apparently no suspects or leads, and we're left with - silence. Silence from the police, township, Mayor-for-life Cantu, Middlesex County, the non-existent local media.

As people have noted earlier in this discussion, Hunters Glen and Plainsboro as a whole are full of transients. Then you add the fact that the majority of people are South Asian first-generation immigrants or their children. They are as a body hard-working people focused on their families and careers, and not strongly focused on civic engagement. I think this partly explains why investigators and political leaders have felt that they can get away with providing almost no information - because nobody's going to hold them to account.

So in the meantime, all we can do is speculate based upon the bare skeleton of a narrative we have from the first few news reports.

I have been in touch with the Plainsboro Police. I was told they were working day & night on this. I also communicated that there is a need to share whatever information they can with the community at live meetings. I also suggested they put up signs in Hunters Glen providing a picture & information on the crime & requesting help, etc. I will reach out to the mayor if there’s no reply.
@MissyMom i will echo what everyone else is saying, but you did the right thing calling it in. I get the sense they have few leads which is partly why I’m leaning towards a distant acquaintance, neighbor, or worker with an unhealthy fixation on her.

I also agree about talking to people with dogs in the complex. I’m a dog owner myself and have made note of things I have seen in my neighborhood when I walk my dogs.

I really wish complex management and LE would have some kind of town hall. Seems to be the easiest way to get a list of residents and observe who does/doesn’t show up.

If the Range Rover is connected to this, then that suggests it was someone CB knew. I would hope and assume all her coworkers are accounted for.

ETA: Has anyone seen anything from CB’s family/friends on SM? We need a verified insider in this case or I’m afraid we will run out of things to discuss.

There’s not much SM presence from her immediate family (parents & sister). I would have thought they would want this horrific murder solved quickly & come forward with a reward.
Is it possible she was on a dating app site and invited someone over to her apartment that day, and went home to meet them? Like someone she invited who presented themselves as a date or romantic prospect or just a hook up or whatever, someone she thought she could trust, but who had ulterior motives and murdered her?
Though clearly possible, I think this scenario is less likely for the following reasons:

- The victim was apparently responsible, career oriented and upwardly mobile. Such people are less likely to schedule non work activities such as dates during work and also less likely to make impulsive decisions that they "need" to leave work to full fill.

- The victim is a young female. On average and by nature, females are less likely to attempt casual uhmm…."encounters" than males (despite what hook up sites promise- some even use 'fembots' to keep paying and hopeful males reeled in). Also, the victim was young and could well of been receiving male attention with out the need to use 'hook up' sites.

In short, the victims age and gender seem to statistically reduce the odds of this scenario. If the victim were male and upper middle aged, then I think the odds of a lured home by the promise of a steamy and sudden encounter scenario could well go up.
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I have been hesitant to post this because I have no idea who is lurking and reading the posts. It’s probably nothing, but I called the detective a little over a week ago because something was nagging at me. I want to say again, its probably nothing but I felt it was better to say something than not to say anything at all.

As I previously mentioned, I often walked my dog near Carolyn’s apartment when the weather was nice. I’d typically take the same route. Well, the Thursday before Carolyn was killed I was walking my dog around 5:00 PM. As I was heading back towards my apartment a black Range Rover came driving through and turned into Carolyn’s parking lot. I only noticed it because it was a Range Rover and you don’t see too many of them in the parking lots here and I never saw one in Carolyn’s lot before. Im probably more observant than others because I am out walking my dog frequently. I kept walking to my apartment and when I looked back the driver did not get out of his car. The next day I was walking my dog around the same time and the Range Rover came driving through again. This time he pulled into the parking lot next to Carolyn’s lot. I didn’t see him get out and I continued walking to my apartment. Fast forward to the Friday after Carolyn was killed. I was walking my dog around 2:00 PM and parked next to Carolyn’s car was the black Range Rover. (This is why I asked previously if a murderer would return to the scene of a crime). For some reason it shook me and I made note of the license plate in my head. I walked home and when I got inside my phone was ringing and I forgot to write down the license plate number. Again, it’s probably nothing. It could have been someone dropping someone off at her building or picking someone up, but I have never seen that Range Rover again. The detective asked me a lot of questions, but I really wasn’t able to give a description because I only saw a profile the first day. Since then, I check every day for the RangeRover but it hasn’t been back since.

I also think the police should be talking to people who walk their dogs. The average person here goes from their apartment to their car and back to their apartment whereas people who walk their dogs are out and about and tend to see more.
It’s definitely a good thing and responsible of you to report this. It sure fits the suspicious activities kind of tip.
I wonder, if this driver is connected to the crime, if possibly he did not know Carolyn personally. It appears as if he was searching for her apartment by showing up in the evenings and parking in a different lot each time you saw him. Could he have been waiting for her to come home and watching where she went in?
I’m jumping off your suspicions obviously. It feels off to me too.
When the car was parked next to her car after she’d been killed, could you see anyone in the car?
Way to go, MissyMom. How observant of you and I find it very strange the RR was parked next to Carolyn's car.. and you never saw it again. This very well could be the tip that LE badly needs. Yes, it could be nothing. But strange coincidence you were seeing that same black RR before she was murdered and you have not seen it since. Maybe she had a guy she was casually seeing nobody knew about yet. Maybe if the Ranger Rover driver is the killer then he parked it in a nearby lot that day-- since there are a lot of other things nearby to the complex and hopefully a camera nearby got it on tape.
You're amazing! I understand your being hesitant about posting here because never know who is reading.

DAB- great going. An excellent idea for them to put a poster up in the complex. I hope they take your advice fast. I hope they publicize this more. Even if there is nobody who saw anything that day...there is someone out there besides the killer who could very well know who did this.

Once again I have no new theories besides a worker, a neighbor or a colleague- highly unlikely but you never know.

I , also, don't understand the silence around this case. All I know is Carolyn and her family need justice. I really do believe the person will be found.
I have been hesitant to post this because I have no idea who is lurking and reading the posts. It’s probably nothing, but I called the detective a little over a week ago because something was nagging at me. I want to say again, its probably nothing but I felt it was better to say something than not to say anything at all.

As I previously mentioned, I often walked my dog near Carolyn’s apartment when the weather was nice. I’d typically take the same route. Well, the Thursday before Carolyn was killed I was walking my dog around 5:00 PM. As I was heading back towards my apartment a black Range Rover came driving through and turned into Carolyn’s parking lot. I only noticed it because it was a Range Rover and you don’t see too many of them in the parking lots here and I never saw one in Carolyn’s lot before. Im probably more observant than others because I am out walking my dog frequently. I kept walking to my apartment and when I looked back the driver did not get out of his car. The next day I was walking my dog around the same time and the Range Rover came driving through again. This time he pulled into the parking lot next to Carolyn’s lot. I didn’t see him get out and I continued walking to my apartment. Fast forward to the Friday after Carolyn was killed. I was walking my dog around 2:00 PM and parked next to Carolyn’s car was the black Range Rover. (This is why I asked previously if a murderer would return to the scene of a crime). For some reason it shook me and I made note of the license plate in my head. I walked home and when I got inside my phone was ringing and I forgot to write down the license plate number. Again, it’s probably nothing. It could have been someone dropping someone off at her building or picking someone up, but I have never seen that Range Rover again. The detective asked me a lot of questions, but I really wasn’t able to give a description because I only saw a profile the first day. Since then, I check every day for the RangeRover but it hasn’t been back since.

I also think the police should be talking to people who walk their dogs. The average person here goes from their apartment to their car and back to their apartment whereas people who walk their dogs are out and about and tend to see more.

I found your observance fascinating so I re-read it since I tend to speed read at first and I had missed that it was the Friday after Carolyn was killed that you saw the RR parked next to her car. It still could be something and I am so glad you reported it. But if it was parked right next to her car it makes me wonder if it was a family member/friend helping to perhaps move things out of her apartment - though I couldn't imagine that being done so soon-- or someone who had visited her before but then was asked by her parents to go to her apartment. I would think it extremely too bold/risky for the killer to return and park right next to her car. But you sure never know. I'd like to see if LE can figure out who the black RR belongs to. Really anyone who knew her is considered a suspect.

Yes, perhaps a good sign police are no longer patrolling the complex.
I found your observance fascinating so I re-read it since I tend to speed read at first and I had missed that it was the Friday after Carolyn was killed that you saw the RR parked next to her car. It still could be something and I am so glad you reported it. But if it was parked right next to her car it makes me wonder if it was a family member/friend helping to perhaps move things out of her apartment - though I couldn't imagine that being done so soon-- or someone who had visited her before but then was asked by her parents to go to her apartment. I would think it extremely too bold/risky for the killer to return and park right next to her car. But you sure never know. I'd like to see if LE can figure out who the black RR belongs to. Really anyone who knew her is considered a suspect.

Yes, perhaps a good sign police are no longer patrolling the complex.

That’s why I asked previously if the person would return to the scene. It didn’t make sense to me either, and I was very hesitant to reach out to the detective, but I figured it was still best to say something just in case.
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It’s definitely a good thing and responsible of you to report this. It sure fits the suspicious activities kind of tip.
I wonder, if this driver is connected to the crime, if possibly he did not know Carolyn personally. It appears as if he was searching for her apartment by showing up in the evenings and parking in a different lot each time you saw him. Could he have been waiting for her to come home and watching where she went in?
I’m jumping off your suspicions obviously. It feels off to me too.
When the car was parked next to her car after she’d been killed, could you see anyone in the car?

No, when it was parked no one was in the car.
It sounds like there is a lot of frustration with the local police? The lack of info. Never made an opinion public on if there is a threat to the public. I have no idea if this can be done but my SIL is a chief in NYC. I'm tempted to ask her if she could find out any info. I couldn't post it here but perhaps private message the residents who have already posted here often. I think you all deserve to know more on your own safety of the neighborhood, but again my idea probably won't work.
@MissyMom you are 100% correct I'm guilty of the walk straight from my car to my apartment mentality and I'm sure that played a part in how I had no idea something like this happened in our development until we received the email from the leasing office. I think the suggestion to put up signs with pictures is a great idea because in all of the correspondence we have received none have mentioned her by name or really provided any detail about what happened. I hope you are right and the lessened police presence is due to them finally having a solid lead and not them deciding to return to business as usual since the case doesn't seem to be progressing.
It sounds like there is a lot of frustration with the local police? The lack of info. Never made an opinion public on if there is a threat to the public. I have no idea if this can be done but my SIL is a chief in NYC. I'm tempted to ask her if she could find out any info. I couldn't post it here but perhaps private message the residents who have already posted here often. I think you all deserve to know more on your own safety of the neighborhood, but again my idea probably won't work.

It would be interesting to see if she knows anything about the case.
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