NJ NJ - Carolyn Majane, 15, Moorestown, 22 Aug 1975

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I bet with both of these cases friends would talk now. Since they are all grown. I know with the Beatty case it has had some recent media attention. I doubt that Carolyn's case has been relooked at. I wish there was a way to get LE to look again.

There are so many similarities between the two cases.

Kathy was abducted and attacked sometime in the evening of 24 July 1975, the fourth Thursday of the month. Carolyn was abducted exactly four weeks later on 22 August, also in the evening, but it was the fourth Friday of the month.

Kathy was 14, but many later reports state that she was 15 (probably because she would have turned 15 a short time after her disappearance). Carolyn was 15. I do not have very good physical descriptions of either girl, but reports say that both were very good looking with long blonde hair.

The case files both mention "parties" that the girls might have been looking for, and both were outside hanging around with other kids the evenings of their disappearances.

Kathy was living in Aspen Hill, which is just north of Bethesda, Maryland. And Carolyn had recently moved from Bethesda to Moorestown, New Jersey.

It would appear that both girls were or might have been taken away from their place of abduction by motor vehicle. Both were probably attacked within a short time of their abduction. Kathy was left for dead, but lived for 12 more days in a coma before succumbing to her injuries. Carolyn was killed and buried in a shallow grave, where she remained for ten years before discovery.

In both cases, acquaintances were uncooperative with police at the time. Perhaps if police were to dig into their files, locate those potential witnesses and requestion them, more information or clues could be obtained. Maybe information from one case might help in solving the other.
Is there anything that can be done to encourage LE to look?
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Is there anything that can be done to encourage LE to look?

I know that Kathy Lynn Beatty's case is considered active and open. I do not know the status of Carolyn Majane's case, other than that no one has ever been identified or charged as her killer.

Because each case is in a different jurisdiction, they were being investigated as separate crimes with no particular link between the two. I do not know if they have been subsequently linked or if the two jurisdictions have shared information with each other.

If they are connected by something more than just coincidence, it would indicate that the killer was very mobile, with a vehicle and there might be other connections which could be made. For instance, did the two families have mutual friends, neighbors, or acquaintences?
I guess the best thing would be to contact who is investigating the Beatty case. Do you know who the contact is?
Newspaper clipping from The Philadelphia Inquirer.


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Does any one from her family remember the names of her friends from back then? I would contact them and ask them if they knew who she was with the night she disappeared. I am sure somebody knows something!
Carolyn would have graduated in 1978 from Moorestown High School in NJ. Her 30 year High School class reunion is coming up this month. I hope classmates will talk about her. I really believe someone knows what happened to her.
Strange.August 22,1975 that would have been the night of my 15th birthday.
Its sad so many missing kids back in the 70's were written off as runaways and there disappearences given perfunctory or non existant investigation.
You see it time and time again researching cases from back in those days.
Relations between teen culture and law enforcement was at an all time low too.
Probably because by the early to mid 70's kids in other parts of America besides California were finally affecting,at least in hair length and dress the 60's counter culture look.
I think alot of cops in smaller towns had been dreading the day the 'hippie' horrors they had been watching on tv sinse 1967 would infiltrate Middle America and their little towns and they kind of over reacted a bit.
Which made communication kind of iffy at best.
I do think that someone in her circle of friends knows something unless she was just flat out grabbed off the street by her killer which I suppose is possible too.
It seems like this case is definitely solvable.My heart goes out to her family.
Has anyone ever looked at James Mitchell "Mike" DeBardeleben's whereabouts at the time of this disappearance? He was a very active sexual sadist and murderer, and I know that some of his crimes took place in New Jersey. It is suspected that he committed crimes in 38 states, although many of those crimes involved counterfeiting. His sexually sadistic crimes were uncovered in the course of investigating his counterfeiting activities. It is known that he abducted numerous women, and photographed them in degrading sexual situations. Some of the photographs he took were of young girls. I don't know enough about these cases to know if DeBardeleben would be a possible suspect.

Another name comes to mind, that of William J. Posey. He is in federal prison in North Carolina for kidnapping a woman in the early 70's in Vermont. He has recently admitted to killing her. I believe he is a prime suspect in the disappearance of Judy Martins (see thread in this form) from Kent, Ohio.

Just some random thoughts.
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I have read on other sites that some people believe it was a family member. I am not so sure I believe that though. Moorestown, is a funny town. It is "the perfect town". The Majane's were new to town and I think it would be easier to blame the family instead of a long time resident.
I have often wondered if Fred Coffey might have had something to do with Carolyn's abduction and murder.

Coffey is a convicted child molester and child murderer currently serving a life sentence in North Carolina.

While I cannot say with certainty where he was in August 1975, I know that he had been working for Vitro Laboratories in Aspen Hill, Maryland from April through late July 1975. He is a suspect in the aparent abduction of the Lyon Sisters and in the abduction and murder of Kathy Lynn Beatty. He left his job without notice very suddenly when newspapers reported that Kathy was still alive and in the hospital. Unfortunately, she died 12 days after being beaten without gaining consciousness.

There is somewhat of a coincidental link between Carolyn Majane and these other girls. She was from Bethesda, MD (very close to Wheaton and Aspen Hill) before moving to NJ.
Wow,i live about 40 minutes from Moorestown,and my wife works about 10 minutes from there. Years ago,i was an exterminator,and my route included that town. I used to sit at that wawa on Main st. during lunch. I had never heard of this case. That town is a well to do town,full of "old money",nice homes,and its a safe area.In addition,there have been a few local Philadelphia sports stars that have lived there. It was voted "best town to live in" (or something like that)in the USA.
I have seen some posts on here trying to say that Carolyn's abduction and/or murder was somehow connected to similar attacks up and down the east coast,from PA to VA,to FL,etc. I dont believe thats the case. Moorestown is a quaint little sleepy town. Most of the people know each other,and it was probably even more that way in the 70's. Its a VERY LOW CRIME area. I think some stranger(s) coming thru town would be noticed. This leads me to believe it was someone local. Since it said she was heading to a party,maybe she had a bad drug or alcohol reaction,or she was injured,and died,and the people with her,panicked and hid her body?

I would find that to be the more likely story. I have lived in south Jersey my whole life,and i can probably count on one hand the number of dissapearances of young people in this area.
I agree Morf13. Moorestown is a very quiet town. I think it very well could have been a local for reasons you have mentioned. On the other hand I think the similarities that Richard mentioned are very strong. I also have wondered about it being an accident and covered up. It seems that her friends could not provide many details about her whereabouts before she vanished. That in itself I find strange.
..... I also have wondered about it being an accident and covered up. It seems that her friends could not provide many details about her whereabouts before she vanished. That in itself I find strange.

This is also a very strong similarity between the Majane and Beatty cases. A number of kids about Kathy's age admitted to having seen her near a school, but none would say that they were "with" her.

Nobody could or would say where she went or why that evening. A good friend of hers lied to Kathy's mother when she tried to locate her that evening, by saying that she had been to her house, but had left. Later it came out that Kathy had NOT been to the girl's home.

There has been speculation and stories about Kathy possibly going to a "party" (involving drinking and possibly drugs) across Georgia Ave, from her home, and her body was found (badly beaten and barely alive) in a vacant field between the K-Mart parking lot and the place where the alleged party took place. But nobody ever came forward to say that Kathy had in fact been to such a party. And no report of her having alcohol or drugs in her blood was ever released.

On the other hand, the most direct route between Kathy's residential neighborhood and the K-Mart went directly through the Vitro parking lot. And it was at Vitro where Fred Coffey worked...

Regarding an "accident", This is something that the chief investigator of Kathy's case put forward to the press about six months after Kathy's death. He speculated that she may have been running from someone and fell, hitting her head on a rock.
Very Interesting case. Thanks for bumping it up.

I wish we knew if clothing was found with the remains. How far is from Carolyn's home, to downtown, to where she was finally found?

How long after Carolyn vanished did her family move away? Did they move on schedule that October?
I wish we knew if clothing was found with the remains. How far is from Carolyn's home, to downtown, to where she was finally found?

How long after Carolyn vanished did her family move away? Did they move on schedule that October?

I know they found her shell necklace and a purse. I never read anything about any other clothing. Not sure how close her house was to downtown. She was found maybe five miles from downtown. It was in Mt. Laurel by Rancocas Woods.

I believe they did move back to MD in October.

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