NJ NJ - Margaret Haddican-McEnroe, 29, Warren, 10 Oct 2006

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I don't know why a family member would lie about anything that is happening in this case. That really wouldn't make sense. I used to follow this case on CTV but the birth mother just got to me after a while and so I check it once in awhile.

I don't recall Margaret screaming to her dad that she was thinking about getting a divorce. I remember that she had talked to her dad about it at one time not long before she disappeared. She very easily could have had a doctor appt on the same day that she talked to her dad. It wouldn't have had to be at the exact same time of day.

I hope that LE are looking at the husband. His waiting a few days before he even filled out a missing person's report makes me suspicious. I just can't imagine any husband walking into the house and finding two babies alone and not calling the police. Sounds like that "friend" had a lot of influence with him. She is probably keeping a low profile now hoping that people won't talk. It's kind of late for that.

I can't imagine why the little girl would have changed her story after she was living with her grandparents. Why would they encourage her to change her story? If she heard her mom and dad fighting about some woman calling him then that is what she heard. I can't see the benefit of encouraging her to change her story. Some on the CTV board would have others believe that Margaret's adoptive parents didn't care about her, etc and that they didn't care about the two little ones but I think that was all a part of trying to turn people against them. I think the birthmother had a lot of jealousy towards the adoptive parents even though she hadn't even known Margaret long. It is a shame that everyone can't just work together to help find Margaret and bring her home. This isn't about who loved her the most it is about her missing and three little children who need their mother and a family that needs some answers.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was on the phone or she was trying to make a call, and I just said, "Who are you talking to? Who are you calling?" She just said, "My f-in` husband. I`m going to divorce him." Put that in perspective. Margaret has a very explosive temperament, and she says things.


This was one of the very first nancy grace interviews with Tim McEnroe and Father Haddican.
PATRICK HADDICAN, FATHER OF MISSING WOMAN: We never heard a word, a negative word in regard to the marriage. The only thing negative that we`ve ever heard was when she was cursing Tim the day before she disappeared.


GRACE: Martin, I understand her cell phone was broken. What was wrong with the cell phone?

DI CARO: I haven`t been able to pinpoint the reason why the cell phone was broken. It was left in the home, along with her SUV, when the husband Timothy McEnroe, came back from running those errands at around 3:00 o`clock in the afternoon the day she disappeared. Also remaining in the home were knee braces that Margaret had been wearing the day before, when she had gotten into an argument with her husband and left the house. Police were called to the house by the husband. They were not allowed inside the home. He said that she wasn`t around. Police felt no need to further investigate. She wasn`t there. No need to make an arrest.

GRACE: That doesn`t even make sense. Why did the husband call police the day before?

DI CARO: They got into an argument. There was a domestic disturbance. Police showed up -- Warren township police showed up at the home.

GRACE: But he wouldn`t let them in. He calls police and he won`t let them in the home?

DI CARO: He would not let them in the home. He said she wasn`t there. Police said, Well, if you`re not going to let us in and if you`re saying your wife isn`t here, there`s no need to further investigate. She did go to her adoptive parents` home wearing the knee braces. And then, of course, two days after she disappears, when police finally go to the house on the call, the knee braces are at the home.

Bobbisangel: I'm not trying to be rebuttle or anything: but the first 2 or 3 Nancy Grace interviews do tell a bit more than the last ones have told. Theres even another one, that Mr. Haddican states, Margaret was ranting and raving pacing back and forth, cursing, screaming I want a divorce.

There is also one that states, the Haddicans were actually one of the last known people to see Margaret before she disappeared along with her husband Tim. There is more CNN transcripts available on the web too, and so much to this case and interviews changing.

I did read the interview you spoke about in your post too, and it indeed stated exactly as you said. so there is much controversey about this arguement and what actually happened and was said. (smiles)
I spoke with the family member only nights ago, and the note in Tims window of his truck/van is in the possession of police. His backyard was also dug up again, seems this was not the first time they came to dig in his yard. Neighbors was standing around watching them. The anonymous tips called in spiked the cause and need for the Quarry search. This is also in these CNN transcripts. There is so many links, I don't know if I'm allowed to post them all here for everyone? But the very latest news printed in the NJ courrier was about the Anniversary of Margaret's disappearance and the Ribbon Ceromony. I do not envy this Law Enforcement agency and their job having to weed through all the various statements made by so many people involved but I have trust an faith that they will solve this case. I personally believe that if Tim would take the Lie Detetor Test for the Police Dept. Things would move alot more quickly in this investigation, of which he is still refusing to do so. However, Police are on top of things in this investigation.
Thanks again, everyone for letting me share again. Prayers to both side of Margaret's family.
Courier News Online - Year later, missing mom case offers little closure in Warren

The balloons will fly in remembrance of Margaret Haddican-McEnroe today, exactly one year since she mysteriously disappeared.

While they'll be buoyed by her memory, each one also will float with theories on what happened to the mother of three, then drift off with the emptiness of unanswered questions...

(Margaret's husband) knows people want to rush to judgment regarding Haddican-McEnroe's disappearance. His possible culpability has been raised on Court TV's "Nancy Grace" program and on Internet message boards.

"People that know me know I almost never care what people think," he said. "But at the same time, it's starting to wear me down mentally and physically. And it's not just directed at me. It's my kids, my family, my friends..."

Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest ... "There is a lot that has been done that the media doesn't know about, and we have not put out press releases on our efforts. And we will continue to work every day on the case."

Some events during the year have helped Haddican-McEnroe's case from going cold.

In the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day, one of Haddican-McEnroe's ARMY T-shirts was found by a Warren police officer on Dock Watch Hollow Road -- a little more than one mile from McEnroe's house.

The shirt, which featured her Army division number, was sent to the state crime lab, according to police and family sources, but with no conclusive data. The shirt was not weathered and had not been in the elements for long.

In May, according to police sources, McEnroe found a note on his car that read: "I know what you did." The note, however, had no fingerprints.

McEnroe would not comment on the note, other than to say he called police after he found it.

"It was very bad," he said. "Just move on."

In late July, an anonymous tip led to a large search both on Dock Watch Hollow Road, near a quarry, and McEnroe's back yard...

Much more at link ...
Wow that article was very informative. Looks like the information Angelboundamw was getting all turned out to be right. I was afraid she might have been getting mis-information from someone (although like many said, that wouldn't really make sense). But I was wrong. WTG Angel!!

I did find the information regarding her shirt being found very interesting. This is new news to me.

In the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day, one of Haddican-McEnroe's ARMY T-shirts was found by a Warren police officer on Dock Watch Hollow Road -- a little more than one mile from McEnroe's house.

The shirt, which featured her Army division number, was sent to the state crime lab, according to police and family sources, but with no conclusive data. The shirt was not weathered and had not been in the elements for long.

I wonder where the shirt came from and where it had been for 1 1/2 months. It obviously had not been sitting outside all of that time, since the article states that it was not weathered and hadn't been in the elements for long. It would be interesting to know what she was wearing at her parent's house. If she was wearing that shirt, it might indicate that whatever happened to her, happened that night after she returned to the house (the night before the husband said he last saw her). Was it ever confirmed that there actually was a phone call on the 10th regarding baby formula? I will have to go back and check.
Well that is really strange that her shirt was found. I wonder if Tim has gotten rid of her clothing? I'm thinking that maybe he bagged up her clothes and put them in the back of his truck to take them to a dump or a Good Will and maybe the shirt blew out of a bag and onto the road there. Does anyone know if her clothes are still in the home. I would bet that they aren't.

Have they had dogs in Tim's back yard when they were digging it up? I would like to know what a dog would do if it was put in the back of his pickup...in the bed of it.

There is a good possibility that Margaret did disappear the night that she was at her parent's home. She may have never left the babies alone like he said. Wasn't the older girl there though that morning and she said that her mom was at home? I wonder if she actually was there and got the little girl ready for school? It's hard to tell if the little girl would even remember now. Did LE check the phone records after Margaret disappeared? That way they could tell if Margaret had really called Tim to pick up baby formula...wasn't that the story?

I just wish they would find Margaret and then arrest Tim. He will never take a poly and didn't he stop talking to LE? I just hope he doesn't get away with this.
Wasn't it said that she made her usual morning phone call to her friend that morning?

About the shirt being found so long after she disappeared, it almost seems to me like someone threw it out there intentionally, hoping it would be found but not realizing that it would be found before it had a chance to appear weathered.
Courier News Online - Family prays for missing mom's return

Family and friends of Margaret Haddican-McEnroe congregated for an emotional prayer service Wednesday evening to recall the missing mother of three on the one-year anniversary of her disappearance...

McEnroe, who has maintained custody of his two young children with Haddican-McEnroe, struggled with his emotions at the end of the service. It concluded with the gathering taking a candlelight walk to a nearby field, where a statue of an angel was placed at the base of a tree in Haddican-McEnroe's memory.

"It was very tough," a choked-up McEnroe said before walking off...

Adrienne Haddican, another sister, added the toughest part of the past year is what it has meant to Sarah.

"I have a very good rapport with Sarah," she said. "It's been hard when I listen to her. She doesn't know if Mommy's missing or Mommy left her or if Mommy's alive."
parents were on nancy grace tonight. As we have been saying all eyes point to husband. I will try and find transcript in the morning. Just wanted to let you all know this case is still in the light.
parents were on nancy grace tonight. As we have been saying all eyes point to husband. I will try and find transcript in the morning. Just wanted to let you all know this case is still in the light.
Yes, I caught that! It was an excellent piece on her! Her husband needs to take a poly!!

I didn't realize her sweatshirt had been found near the road and had looked to be clean...not like it had been in the weather at all which I find interesting. Like someone just tossed it out of a car or something. I want to read more on that.
Hi everyone! been a while since I posted here, but been busy posting Margaret's flyers and networking her information as much as possible.
Just my OP, but, I believe much of this investigation was not complete from day one, overlook, or just didnt seem that important to the police at the time, and I think everyone involved, police, family and friends all ralleyed to the story, Margaret has left on her own and would show back up.
There are 3 possible scerinos for motive here with foul play.
But, I would just really like for the husband and the best friend of Margarets to take the Police LTD. It has been said recently, and I quote: "even the husband of the best friend, is saying his wife is way tooo much all involved to the point of out of the ordinary concern. Because of the line of work the husband does, and the best friend, there reason and justifiable cause to suspect foul play from the start. If police would check the records of the ordering of supplies on both these people, maybe they might find something to go on today. well, thats all I have today, I can share.
Hello Everyone!
thanks for letting me share again.
Angelboundamw, Everyone on these sites have taken what you say as fact. It would be greatly appreciated if you would check your facts. The police have not dropped the ball not now or in the beginning. Margarets best friend DID take a LDT in June at Somerset County. Call them and ask. You seam to know everyone and everthing, how did you get this FACT wrong. I know you feel you are trying to help but fact is so much better then fiction. Margarets husband is the one who has not taken a poly and has not spoken to Margarets best friend since she took the poly. PLease, we all want FACTS. Please take a moment to get some of them.
Thank you for taking the time to do so.
Angelboundamw, Everyone on these sites have taken what you say as fact. It would be greatly appreciated if you would check your facts. The police have not dropped the ball not now or in the beginning. Margarets best friend DID take a LDT in June at Somerset County. Call them and ask. You seam to know everyone and everthing, how did you get this FACT wrong. I know you feel you are trying to help but fact is so much better then fiction. Margarets husband is the one who has not taken a poly and has not spoken to Margarets best friend since she took the poly. PLease, we all want FACTS. Please take a moment to get some of them.
Thank you for taking the time to do so.
she did start off with JMO....
Well regardless of what brought us here this week, it is nice to see that this thread is back. I think about this case all of the time. Thanks Angelboundamw for bringing it back to life.

When I saw her thread at the top I was hoping we had some news. Welcome LGI, NJ. It's nice to see a new friend on the board. Hope you stay. Thank you for letting us know that the friend did take the LDT. It has been a long time since I have read all of the articles relating to this case and I can't remember if any of the articles stated that she took the test. (which might be why AB assumed she did not). The only way we know of something as fact is if it is in a written statement of some sort. Do you have a link to an article or something indicating that she took one? Did she pass?

As far as everyone taking what angelbound says as fact, I don't necessarily agree with that statement. We all know that this is a board for speculating when we really don't know the answers. I do think AB has some very strong opinions on this case and she has every right to post them. It would be nice to see some other opinions (like your own) so we have the chance to look at both sides. I would love to hear what your thoughts are on this case. What do you think happened?
EM, you know what I think, I think. The husband did it and I just dont understand why it is taking so long. Do you think they wont be really doing more until they find her?
Angelboundamw, Everyone on these sites have taken what you say as fact. It would be greatly appreciated if you would check your facts. The police have not dropped the ball not now or in the beginning. Margarets best friend DID take a LDT in June at Somerset County. Call them and ask. You seam to know everyone and everthing, how did you get this FACT wrong. I know you feel you are trying to help but fact is so much better then fiction. Margarets husband is the one who has not taken a poly and has not spoken to Margarets best friend since she took the poly. PLease, we all want FACTS. Please take a moment to get some of them.
Thank you for taking the time to do so.
While I realize it is difficult for family and friends to understand, what we do on WS is to consider ALL the possibilities and try to come up with new avenues of investigation or answers. The theories we present sometimes are not based on what we read in the media or other known "facts" of a case. No one takes what we say as factual unless we have something to back it up other than media because even they can be wrong in their fact checking.

You say that LE did not drop the ball in this case. I disagree or we would know what happened to Margaret. This is something I feel is very much fact based. I have seen it too many times. When Law Enforcement doesn't act on a case immediately as foul play, they lose that intial jump on the perp and leads that can map out the course of the investigation. When you miss the one piece that leads to the truth...the investigation ends up with no leads at all. The pieces won't fall into place and it is how a cold case is born.

Was Lisa instrumental in helping to throw LE offtrack? Yes. In her OWN words according to this report:

Now, Lisa is running different images in her head. She said Haddican-McEnroe could be impulsive. She wondered if her friend just needed a break and left the house. She even told McEnroe not to report her missing after two days because when she did come back, he'd be in a heap of trouble.


Frankly, I am suspect about Lisa myself. Some of the comments she has made about her "best friend" have troubled me. I would NEVER say the things she has about my best friend who was missing!! It almost takes a tone of jealousy or the need to lessen her image for some reason. Now, please point me to the REPORT in the media that speaks specifically to the "fact" that Lisa DID take a lie detector test and passed. I have looked for the past hour and cannot find it.

Were other fellow firefighters instrumental in helping to throw LE offtrack? Yes.

Brennan Gaiser, a fellow firefighter who has known Haddican- McEnroe since they were young, said she "always had a couple problems" and had years back threatened suicide, but there were no outward signs she was going through a rough period. Gaiser, who had seen Haddican-McEnroe a few weeks before she disappeared, said her circle of friends were baffled by her disappearance but were certain she was unhurt.

"We can't think of why she would have left," Gaiser said yesterday. "She's been a great mother, and we just can't figure out why she would leave her kids like that."


Even the family kept perpetuating that she might have just taken off and left her children. When LE hears such statements as mentioned above, it reinforces to them they are looking for a woman who left of her own free will. We know this isn't the case now, but it is far too late. This case was derailed from the beginning. Two days had passed and evidence of any crime taking place could have been cleaned up by the person responsible or even the weather could have destroyed it.

The husband's refusal to take a polygraph was most likely on the advice of his attorney. While it is a standard recommendation from a Defense Attorney, if Tim McEnroe was interested in LE finding his wife...he would have taken it anyway. Did Tim McEnroe have reason to make his wife disappear? Common sense says he did after the fight they had. Can they prove anything? No.
I am mostly leaning towards the husband too. Bascially because of the domestic disturbance call to LE the night before, the fact that her cell phone was smashed, he waited two days to report her missing and that according to her parents she went to their house that night and stated that she was going to divorce him.

However, many other players in this case cause me concern as well.
I think, MAYBE, that the hubby and best friend had a thing going and planned it together. JMO
Maybe that $11,000.00 was what was so attractive about him...because I don't see anything else that would turn a head.

By the way, how many people do you know with kids that have 11 grand just laying around their house?! If landscaping were THAT lucrative, I would be out raking yards right now!!

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