NJ NJ - Margaret Haddican-McEnroe, 29, Warren, 10 Oct 2006

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I just watched this "Disappeared" episode and it seems pretty clear that hubby's story doesn't really check out, except for a receipt for baby formula, but since the timeline is all his, that is not much. I guess he was finally named a POI.

This show was very focused on Margaret's hot temper-it must have been really something, as it was mentioned about 8 times. Her friend feels she was fighting, physically, with her husband, which would not have been unusual, and he either pushed her or choked her, etc...since he did not report her missing for a few days, he could have driven almost anywhere to dispose of her body.

LE does not seem any further along except the naming him as a POI. So familiar to so many other cases.
I spoke with LE about this case yesterday. They did search the places that Margaret's spouse and co-workers were at in the weeks before and after her disappearance. He could not elaborate on what they found. Keep bumping.
I spoke with LE about this case yesterday. They did search the places that Margaret's spouse and co-workers were at in the weeks before and after her disappearance. He could not elaborate on what they found. Keep bumping.

Hmmm . . . very interesting, Bennettras! Thanks for posting. :)
I do not know Margaret personally but I live 10 minutes from where she lived. I know of the case and her case is the actual reason why I frequented WS as a guest in the first place. It's quite creepy something like this happened in this area, we're known as a quiet and safe place. I was just watching the re-run of her "Disappeared" episode, which I've seen several times before, and I wanted to see if there's been any updates. It seems this is just a cold case. Last I heard, her husband Tim was being questioned and was considered a POI. I wonder what became of that? I wish there were updates regarding Margaret's current whereabouts, dead or alive.

All I know is I am still sketched out about her husband. For any of you who may have seen him in pictures, he's quite a big guy and could easily over take Margaret, regardless of her strength. She was known to be in great shape and was known as a very strong woman, despite her short stature. I was browsing the net and found his FB or what I am assuming is his FB. On this particular page, there are a couple of "likes" under "Find Margaret Haddican- McEnroe" type of group pages. I can only assume it is him from my findings.

Oh man, I just want this woman to be found, and also would love some kind of update as her missing FB page has no recent info on it. I've heard from the grapevine that she was not the most pleasant person but I really believe that is irrelevant. Her family and her children DESERVE to know where she is.

ETA: I don't believe she's ran off. It's been far too long that she's not been in contact with her kids, who seemingly meant the world to her. I believe something horrible happened to her and I believe the person/persons who did this to her were extremely close to her and are still walking freely in my community - just MO.
following the story cause I was very touched when I watched the "Disappeared" episode,me and her sound so much alike...

Glad her husband became a POI.
She wouldn't have left the baby ALONE in the house,NO WAY.
Did she just grab the bag with money and leave in her pyjamas?Don't think so.
Seems like she always told everything to her best friend,she would have said something about leaving.
The husbands story seems a load of bs btw.
IMO foul play and the cops have the right person on their suspect list.

Hope she will be found soon,I feel so bad for her parents,they seem such nice honest people...
following the story cause I was very touched when I watched the "Disappeared" episode,me and her sound so much alike...

Glad her husband became a POI.
She wouldn't have left the baby ALONE in the house,NO WAY.
Did she just grab the bag with money and leave in her pyjamas?Don't think so.
Seems like she always told everything to her best friend,she would have said something about leaving.
The husbands story seems a load of bs btw.
IMO foul play and the cops have the right person on their suspect list.

Hope she will be found soon,I feel so bad for her parents,they seem such nice honest people...

Nothing became out of him being a POI. It seems the case has just gone "cold". People around my area continually talk about it but there are never any updates, it's a bit disappointing. I certainly agree that she did not just run off. She was a dedicated mother. IMO, and from what I've been told, she did have a lot of people who did not like her because she was a spit fire and had a sassy personality. I personally could care less about her personality, she's a human being, mother and wife and deserves to be found. Her family also deserves the closure. I do know there has been a lot of physic talk through out the years regarding her whereabouts and all of the readings suggest something sinister had happened to her.
IMO nothing's gonna happen until they find her body...
Too bad that there is not much info out there about this case,I wish I knew all about the husbands alibi/timeline that day...

Maybe what he told re the missing money is just an excuse for the missing bag?Do we know how big the bag was?Maybe it was used to get rid of evidence?

I know that there are so many mothers who abandon their children,yes,I agree...but to leave a 5months old baby alone at home?I just don't think so,she was a good mother and she changed after she became a mother.Bad temper?Did she argue a lot?She was *****y?Ok,so am I...but that doesn't make me or anyone else a bad mother....to use that against her is wrong.

Something else is bothering me...all we know about that day/their fight we heard it from HIM and I don't find him a credible witness at all....it's not a coincidence IMO that she told her friend she wanted out of the marriage and that she wanted to go to her parents WITH her kids !

I so hope this case will be solved one day!:please:
There is another thing I find very odd...
he wasn't angry that she left the baby alone,unattended?He didn't call anyone to ask whether they know where she is and WHY she left the baby alone?wasn't he concerned at all?I would cut my hubby's head off (sorry love lol) if I find out he left my baby alone at home for 5 min!

ok,so she used to go away to chill out in the past,but did she ever leave like this,knowing the kids were not SAFE?not that I heard of.
it's one thing to leave knowing that your kids are safe.and remember,she said she needs to leave home because of him but she planned to take the kids with her (phone to parents before she went missing)

IF she was depressed and suicidal (his version)....how come he wasn't concerned?wife missing wearing pyjamas,baby home alone and you report it 2 days later?he wasn't concerned that she left and killed herself somewhere?oh but he knew she didn't cause the 11,000 were "missing" too,right?Riiiiiiiight.........
I never understood why he waited TWO days to report her missing. IMO that is just hinky. If anyone in my family was missing under odd circumstances, you'd best believe I'd be reporting it as soon as humanly possible. As far as I've heard, no she's never left her kids like that in the past unless they were being watched by her parents/friends or someone else she trusted. There's been lots of rumor about Tim having an affair with Margaret's best friend (who also appeared on the Disappeared episode). I don't know if there is any truth to it and there really is no proof to that rumor, it's just all hearsay. So, that leaves a lot of people to think her best friend also had something to do with her disappearance. Honestly, her case is so very confusing. With all the rumors flying around, it's difficult to know what is factual and what is made up.

The thing that adds to this mysterious disappearance is that the cops were called to Margaret's home the day prior to her missing for a domestic disturbance. Once the cops got to the house, she had left for her parents already for a breather. She came home that evening, spoke on the phone with her best friend in the AM and then literally vanished into thin air. Judging from the fact that the police were called for a domestic disturbance, makes me believe Margaret and Tim had somewhat of a violent/turbulent relationship. I wonder how many times the cops have visited their place in the past for domestic issues? All I know is, what is thought to be her army T shirt was found near her home about a month after she disappeared. The shirt was found near a stone quarry. I honestly believe her body is in the area where the shirt was found near the quarry. They've searched it and have come out empty handed but I think it's time to give it another good search.


ETA: His alibi was he was running errands/getting baby formula. I wonder if they have him on camera getting the formula or what? Even then, his alibi would mean nothing, because we don't have an exact time frame of when she "left". He could have done whatever he did with Margaret either before or after this formula nonsense he keeps sticking to. Plus, he was gone for about 2 hours apparently. It definitely does not take 2 hours to pick up baby formula in Somerset County, NJ. There are Rite Aid's, Walmarts, Walgreens and other places that sell formula on every corner around here. IMO, he's full of you know what.
what really annoys me is that he (and some other people who are judging her ) is using her past mistakes in order to cover up for something he probably did

re the shirt that was found,I agree that it was probably planted to mislead LE (one of the cops said it as well IIRC )
:bump: for Margaret.


Her husband left the residence on an errand; when he returned two hours later, his wife was gone and the couple's infant was home alone. Haddican-McEnroe has never been heard from again.


Margaret I. Haddican-McEnroe
bumping b/c it would be great to start talking about this disappearance again, shake something loose after all this time... her daughters deserve to know what happened, no matter what.
bumping b/c it would be great to start talking about this disappearance again, shake something loose after all this time... her daughters deserve to know what happened, no matter what.

did anyone watch the show?I am so curious whether there is something new
did anyone watch the show?I am so curious whether there is something new

I believe it is on tonight . . . I have my DVR set to record it. :) Snipped:

This Friday at 8 p.m. ET on HLN, Nancy Grace Mysteries will focus on the disappearance of 29-year-old New Jersey mother Margaret Haddican-McEnroe.

Where is Margaret Haddican-McEnroe?
By Stephen Loiaconi
updated 7:51 AM EDT, Fri August 02, 2013

just heard about this case by NG's FB post. my hinky meter is off the charts on this one!

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