NJ - Multiple Deaths in Mansion Fire, Monmouth County, Colts Neck, 20 Nov 2018 *Arrest*

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Copy of Will at link..

Colts Neck murders: Baseless to say inheritance was motive for Caneiro killing: attorneys

Defense attorneys for Paul Caneiro, the man accused of murdering his brother, sister-in-law and their young children last month, said Monday that there is no basis to suggest that inheriting his brother's fortune was a motive in the killing.


But Paul Caneiro's defense attorneys, Robert A. Honecker Jr. and Mitchell J. Ansell, said their client would only have been managing the estate as executor and would not have inherited his brother's wealth. The attorneys said Keith Caneiro, 50, had also been named executor of Paul and his wife's wills.


"As administrators of the wills they were not beneficiaries. To suggest this was a motive to commit these horrific crimes is simply without any basis."


Paul Caneiro never took as executor of his brother's estate. His attorneys confirmed Friday that he agreed to renounce his claim and Cesar Caneiro indicated he would be willing to assume the role.

But the process has been put on hold after Jennifer Caneiro's mother Bette Karidis filed an objection to the will in probate court. Control over the estate will now likely be settled in state Superior Court, Monmouth County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters told the Press.

Humm. Imo the defense lawyer speaks with very forked tongue. Surprise! Surprise!

Didn't this same attorney say he WASN'T going to try this case in the media???

Yet since it happened he is the very one who has yapped to the media several times.

It shows how disingenuous defense attorneys are and explains why they are so detested.

Of course he's trying to try the case in the media! He knows its the prosecutors who don't try their cases in media and do so in a courtroom where it should be.

So he uses this to his advantagange like so many others before him have done.

He is very aware he can say anything...even lie...when he is outside the well of the courtroom.

Imo another mouthy Mark Garegos who tried to sway public opinion about Scott Peterson being 'stone cold innocent' and constantly talking to the press.

The only thing he said then that was truthful was two of his uttered BS words. 'Stone cold.' MG never has found a microphone he didn't like and this one sounds a lot like him. One who likes the media attention. He is already trying to sway the potential jury pool.

It's just the same old tired spin that have been used in other cases like this.

He knows the Will is going to be damaging evidence against his client and that is the very reason he is already trying to diminish its weight.

He is desperate like someone putting their fingers in a leaking water dike. Soon he will run out of fingers and toes to stop the dike from breaking. Lol.

He is pretending that is all the state has when he knows they have much much more. The Will will be one piece of CE combined with a voluminous amount of other evidence all against his client.

So the prosecutor quietly sits back gathering more and more evidence against Paul.

I imagine he knows at some point the presiding judge is going to put a gag order in place.

Humm. Imo the defense lawyer speaks with very forked tongue. Surprise! Surprise!

Didn't this same attorney say he WASN'T going to try this case in the media???

Yet since it happened he is the very one who has yapped to the media several times.

It shows how disingenuous defense attorneys are and explains why they are so detested.

Of course he's trying to try the case in the media! He knows its the prosecutors who don't try their cases in media and do so in a courtroom where it should be.

So he uses this to his advantagange like so many others before him have done.

He is very aware he can say anything...even lie...when he is outside the well of the courtroom.

Imo another mouthy Mark Garegos who tried to sway public opinion about Scott Peterson being 'stone cold innocent' and constantly talking to the press.

The only thing he said then that was truthful was two of his uttered BS words. 'Stone cold.' MG never has found a microphone he didn't like and this one sounds a lot like him. One who likes the media attention. He is already trying to sway the potential jury pool.

It's just the same old tired spin that have been used in other cases like this.

He knows the Will is going to be damaging evidence against his client and that is the very reason he is already trying to diminish its weight.

He is desperate like someone putting their fingers in a leaking water dike. Soon he will run out of fingers and toes to stop the dike from breaking. Lol.

He is pretending that is all the state has when he knows they have much much more. The Will will be one piece of CE combined with a voluminous amount of other evidence all against his client.

So the prosecutor quietly sits back gathering more and more evidence against Paul.

I imagine he knows at some point the presiding judge is going to put a gag order in place.


Good post! The defense attorney saying the will shows there was no motive is disingenuous. There was already an article saying that PC was named executor and we all know that being executor doesn’t necessarily mean you inherit. BUT the same article said that PC would control a number of “significant” trust funds (presumably for the kids), which would give him access to money, even if it wasn’t his. His attorney didn’t mention that, did he? I can’t open the link to read the article or the will (paywall).

I agree that the will and trust funds are by no means the sole motive of PC. There’s much more to this than control of this money. It will be interesting to see what the investigators have uncovered.

I’m quoting the post that links and quotes the earlier article because the article is behind a paywall for me.
NJ - Multiple Deaths in Mansion Fire, Monmouth County, Colts Neck, 20 Nov 2018 *Arrest*
A few thoughts while we wait for the grand jury’s decision:

It struck me as odd right away that Keith went to school in his forties and got his B.A. degree and a masters after all his success. And then we learned that he was planning to leave his businesses, was applying for jobs, going on interviews and was even willing to move to CA for work (across the country from grandparents and siblings). I’m sure he needed the degrees to do that, so this change has possibly been in the works for awhile, perhaps since around 2010 or earlier, as he got his BA in 2014 and his MA earlier this year. What started Keith thinking along these lines? Were there problems with Paul starting years ago? Or just a desire to do something different?
Keith Caneiro: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Before Colts Neck Murders, Two Brothers and Troubled Business Ties

It’s possible Paul knew for many years, since Keith started school around 2010 (?), that their partnership would end eventually. What were his plans? His accident was in 2012 and his life has gone downhill. Did he start taking money from the businesses, feeling that he was going to be left with little and he “deserved” more?

While I can see that Paul could have been irrationally angry at his brother for leaving to start a new life, I don’t understand the up-close-and-personal stabbing of the children and their mother. Such rage! Why? We know that leaving is the most dangerous time for an abused spouse and children...”if I can’t have you, no one can”...but that doesn’t seem applicable here. Or was it, in a way? There had to have been a very serious falling out between the brothers for this kind of anger to explode toward children.
Seems as though the will is corroborating any evidence they have that it was for money since he is co-trustee, and the wife Jennifer is now dead too.

Even so, I still can’t get over the rage of the attack on Jennifer and the children. It seems to be about more than the money PC would control upon their deaths. I wonder if there were plans for a new will, leaving PC completely cut off from control. Would killing them now prevent his loss and at the same time exact revenge for real or imagined “injustice”?
I didn't read that he caused the deaths of the two children on the arrest warrant. I saw Jennifer and Keith were mentioned. (I must have missed it)
I wonder if his parents will be at his trial. Are they quite elderly or feeble? Likely, they don't believe he could have done this dastardly act.

Based on the ages of PC and his brother, his parents could be in their early to mid 70’s. Unless they have serious health problems, they wouldn’t be elderly and feeble at that age (spoken from experience :)). I’m sure they’re in shock and don’t believe it.
Even so, I still can’t get over the rage of the attack on Jennifer and the children. It seems to be about more than the money PC would control upon their deaths. I wonder if there were plans for a new will, leaving PC completely cut off from control. Would killing them now prevent his loss and at the same time exact revenge for real or imagined “injustice”?

I think it may have been that the KC family was more successful in many ways; that perhaps PC felt "underappreciated" or whatever -- just that green-eyed monster, jealousy. He may have had that feeling for a while -- and maybe some short time before the murders, KC said something that was the last straw for PC (in PC's mind, anyway). Hate or jealousy or both can really energize a person at times. And yes, we cannot overlook possible plans for a new will -- maybe someone outside the family -- an attorney, etc. could be fair and unbiased and receive no benefit from the proceeds of the will -- other than the fee for handling the will. And PC may have thought, or been told by KC that he was changing his will. I can see rage in that situation, and it could have been building for years.
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2 children, 2 adults found dead so far....


I know its been reported by many, so its true (bodies of 2 children recovered), however my question is why was he not charged in the initial arrest warrant for their murders as he was for Keith & his wife Jennifer? That makes no sense, or did I miss the children's names?
I know its been reported by many, so its true (bodies of 2 children recovered), however my question is why was he not charged in the initial arrest warrant for their murders as he was for Keith & his wife Jennifer? That makes no sense, or did I miss the children's names?

The warrant uses the kids initials. JC is at the bottom of the first page and SC is at the top of the second.

Charges against Paul Caneiro

ETA - this link has more pages that show 4 counts of murder, if I am interpreting it correctly
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Based on the ages of PC and his brother, his parents could be in their early to mid 70’s. Unless they have serious health problems, they wouldn’t be elderly and feeble at that age (spoken from experience :)). I’m sure they’re in shock and don’t believe it.
The warrant uses the kids initials. JC is at the bottom of the first page and SC is at the top of the second.

Charges against Paul Caneiro

ETA - this link has more pages that show 4 counts of murder, if I am interpreting it correctly

Thank you Bears. So shocking. I was out of the country in October and November, so just read about this recently, and am flabbergasted by this brutality towards the children. Sorry for the parents of Keith & Paul who now need to see this unfold.
I wonder if his parents will be at his trial. Are they quite elderly or feeble? Likely, they don't believe he could have done this dastardly act.
We'll probably never know what they thought about this horrible situation, but they probably did know their sons fairly well, if the family was close. They certainly knew their sons as they were growing up -- if the boys were close and had fun together; if they didn't get along well; if one was a "star" in school and popular, etc., and if one wasn't; if one bullied the other; how they were as young adults and their adult relationship with the other, etc., etc. And AFAIK, we haven't heard about them at all. Dunno.
We'll probably never know what they thought about this horrible situation, but they probably did know their sons fairly well, if the family was close. They certainly knew their sons as they were growing up -- if the boys were close and had fun together; if they didn't get along well; if one was a "star" in school and popular, etc., and if one wasn't; if one bullied the other; how they were as young adults and their adult relationship with the other, etc., etc. And AFAIK, we haven't heard about them at all. Dunno.

I feel terrible for the parents. I can’t imagine being in their position. One son kills their other son and his entire family. I’m not surprised we haven’t heard much from or about the parents
I feel very bad for them too, because believe it or not, "bad stuff happens" to our children, and those we raised for 18-20 years, sometimes shock us as adults. I know mine did. Still can't figure out why. But it happens, take my word for it. As the license plate says, "sh-- happens". Believe it. :(

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