NJ - Patricia Krentcil put 5yo daughter in tanning bed, Nutley, 2012

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That fabulous orange face just got this lady locked up for a decade old offense here in Camden County. Theft and forgery. She never paid restitution.

No numbers given out yet, but ni doubt she could have paid it back save for all that money spent in them tanning beds.

I'll find the link.
I saw this on the news today too. The tanning salon is denying that the little girl was ever there. Either they are saying that to cover their butts or maybe....maybe she really wasn't. It's obvious this lady has taken tanning to a dangerous (and gross-looking) level but until it's decided, I am keeping an open mind. I saw the little girl on the news story and one week later, she is milky white and perfect. So thankfully, whatever happened hasn't caused lasting burns.
I saw the little girl on the news story and one week later, she is milky white and perfect.

Anybody would look milky white and perfect next to that lady. Heck, my skin would look like flippin Sharon Stone or something next to her.

The little girl is adorable. A natural redhead with that gorgeous skin. She shouldn't be in the sun let alone a tanning salon.

Flutterby let's pray there's no bad effects. My own mother saw the interview and said "Oh h*ll my Uncle Mike would have been arrested after keeping me on that beach for five hours. They're all Italian and fine and I spent the rest of the vacation in milk bath, black salve, and Noxzema". Redheads get serious burns. My mom says to this day 60 years later she remembers the pain and blisters. Unfortunately she did have to have half her nose removed. They took a big chunck of her ear off too. The sun is no joke.
People are idiots.

She's not stupid she's diseased. I honestly think she is insane. I'm watching CNN and I couldn't believe how she looked. I was sure that there was something wrong with the lighting or such, but even if that were the case she looks horrendous. Do people really think orange tans look good? Let alone any tan?

Whatever color you're born with don't try to mess with it. Otherwise you'll look like this lady or Michael Jackson.

She looks like a leather purse.

That's an insult to leather purses.

OMG I feel like my eyeballs are scorched just seeing that woman. She's done put a fork in her.:blushing:



If a restaurant tried to serve me a steak that looked like that, I'd call the health department.

Anybody would look milky white and perfect next to that lady. Heck, my skin would look like flippin Sharon Stone or something next to her.

The little girl is adorable. A natural redhead with that gorgeous skin. She shouldn't be in the sun let alone a tanning salon.

Flutterby let's pray there's no bad effects. My own mother saw the interview and said "Oh h*ll my Uncle Mike would have been arrested after keeping me on that beach for five hours. They're all Italian and fine and I spent the rest of the vacation in milk bath, black salve, and Noxzema". Redheads get serious burns. My mom says to this day 60 years later she remembers the pain and blisters. Unfortunately she did have to have half her nose removed. They took a big chunck of her ear off too. The sun is no joke.

The interview I was watching showed the little girl next to an untanned man (no idea who he was) and an untanned little boy.

I know redheads burn but she isn't burned. I know kids shouldn't be outside without sunblock but that's not the same thing as shutting them in a tanning bed, and shutting her in a tanning bed is what the charge is. I'm just saying that for me, the jury is still out on this one.
I saw this on the news today too. The tanning salon is denying that the little girl was ever there. Either they are saying that to cover their butts or maybe....maybe she really wasn't. It's obvious this lady has taken tanning to a dangerous (and gross-looking) level but until it's decided, I am keeping an open mind. I saw the little girl on the news story and one week later, she is milky white and perfect. So thankfully, whatever happened hasn't caused lasting burns.

The salon might be denying it. But the woman admits she took the child with her to the salon. Just not into the tanning bed-or so she says.
I saw this on the news today too. The tanning salon is denying that the little girl was ever there. Either they are saying that to cover their butts or maybe....maybe she really wasn't. It's obvious this lady has taken tanning to a dangerous (and gross-looking) level but until it's decided, I am keeping an open mind. I saw the little girl on the news story and one week later, she is milky white and perfect. So thankfully, whatever happened hasn't caused lasting burns.

I'm thinking th tanning salon is trying to cover their bee-hinds.

The mom already stated several times that she brought her daughter with her so they can deny all they want.

I REALLY hope this mom is watching herself on the news. Maybe, just maybe she will see that she does not look normal.
Australia has the right idea about tanning beds (BBM):

In 2011, the New South Wales government called for public submissions in relation to a proposal to extend the age ban from using solariums to those under 30. In February 2012 the New South Wales Government announced its intention to ban tanning beds, starting in 2014

With a family history of melanoma I am extra careful to protect my kids from the sun. I really don't see any difference between exposure from a tanning bed to sun exposure from playing in a back yard or park.
The risks of exposure to UV rays and cancer is as well known as smoking and cancer ( ETA: maybe not globally since Oz has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer, so there is A LOT of PSA's and info for us) .
If this woman had let her 5 year old smoke,everybody would agree that it was abusive.
I would have liked to hear this woman say she felt bad for letting her daughter get sun burn (according to her story), and that she would be more careful to be sun safe in the future....but nope....she acts as though sun safety doesn't even exist.

BTW, May is skin cancer awareness month.
Australia has the right idea about tanning beds (BBM):

With a family history of melanoma I am extra careful to protect my kids from the sun. I really don't see any difference between exposure from a tanning bed to sun exposure from playing in a back yard or park.
The risks of exposure to UV rays and cancer is as well known as smoking and cancer ( ETA: maybe not globally since Oz has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer, so there is A LOT of PSA's and info for us) .
If this woman had let her 5 year old smoke,everybody would agree that it was abusive.
I would have liked to hear this woman say she felt bad for letting her daughter get sun burn (according to her story), and that she would be more careful to be sun safe in the future....but nope....she acts as though sun safety doesn't even exist.

BTW, May is skin cancer awareness month.


FWIW, the story I saw on GMA this morning, she insists that she never took the girl in the booth, the tanning salon insists she was never there to begin with, and her father insists that the girl sat in the waiting room with her brother, while Mom was in the booth.

They also said that she pays a flat rate for her tanning and does the maximum 12 minutes a session 20 times a week. (Did I hear that right, 20 times per week, for 12 minutes a pop? 240 minutes a week? 16 hours a month?) That's a part time job!

ETA: I did want to say this. I am not a person that is against tanning 100%. Of course, children shouldn't tan, and I do think that it was endangerment if she did take her daughter in that booth. But, my best friend is my best friend again because of tanning. She has severe seasonal affective disorder, and in the winter it's a team effort to even get her out of bed. No meds that seem to touch it...six minutes in a tanning bed, and she's back, good as new. I can't get in a tanning bed. They did a story on the bacteria that live in them, complete with swabs, and UV light tests. I want to vomit every time I even see one now, let alone getting in one.
Is this going to turn out to be another joke like the mom who waxed her kid's eyebrows and it turned out to be a hoax?

I don't think white people can get that color. I think she's got some kind of theatrical "black face" makeup. I don't think if she tanned all day long 24/7 she'd reach the rich chocolaty brown color she is.

This is smelling like a hoax.
FWIW, the story I saw on GMA this morning, she insists that she never took the girl in the booth, the tanning salon insists she was never there to begin with, and her father insists that the girl sat in the waiting room with her brother, while Mom was in the booth.

They also said that she pays a flat rate for her tanning and does the maximum 12 minutes a session 20 times a week. (Did I hear that right, 20 times per week, for 12 minutes a pop? 240 minutes a week? 16 hours a month?) That's a part time job!

ETA: I did want to say this. I am not a person that is against tanning 100%. Of course, children shouldn't tan, and I do think that it was endangerment if she did take her daughter in that booth. But, my best friend is my best friend again because of tanning. She has severe seasonal affective disorder, and in the winter it's a team effort to even get her out of bed. No meds that seem to touch it...six minutes in a tanning bed, and she's back, good as new. I can't get in a tanning bed. They did a story on the bacteria that live in them, complete with swabs, and UV light tests. I want to vomit every time I even see one now, let alone getting in one.


She should look into buying a UV light board. They work for SAD as well and you don't lie down in them. You can put it on the kitchen table and just sit near it while reading the paper and having a cuppa joe.
What? There are posters here who actually believe this story?
It looks to me like a faux news story to generate clicks for money.

That looks like make-up or photoshop or something.
I see a small photo of the woman of how she really looks and it isn't
walnut brown.

In case you missed it. There was a case settled in 2003 originally on Appeal against FOX news but the ruling affected ALL media.

The "news" as we think of it, does not have to be real or true or factual.

I see countless stupid stories like this everyday in the news and on news websites.
They are sensationalized Weekly World News variety that are there as revenue enhancers. Caveat emptor.

Some of you have your level of credulity set way to high.
Reel it in a notch and go look up the case that set the precedent.

Good for the media, bad for people who are gullible.
I'm the Victim


"Tanning Mom" is red hot over accusations that she's a lousy mother for allegedly letting her 5-year-old daughter burn to a fare-thee-well on a tanning bed -- calling her critics "jealous, fat, and ugly."
Video at link is a must see!! I think mommy has had a :drink:-maybe there is a bar close to the tanning salon?:waitasec:
I'm the Victim


"Tanning Mom" is red hot over accusations that she's a lousy mother for allegedly letting her 5-year-old daughter burn to a fare-thee-well on a tanning bed -- calling her critics "jealous, fat, and ugly."
Video at link is a must see!! I think mommy has had a :drink:-maybe there is a bar close to the tanning salon?:waitasec:


And she's not??
I'm the Victim


"Tanning Mom" is red hot over accusations that she's a lousy mother for allegedly letting her 5-year-old daughter burn to a fare-thee-well on a tanning bed -- calling her critics "jealous, fat, and ugly."
Video at link is a must see!! I think mommy has had a :drink:-maybe there is a bar close to the tanning salon?:waitasec:

OMG!! She looks like she's seventy years old.
Thank God she hiked those jeans up to avoid plumbers crack!!!

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