NM - Alexee Trevizo, 19, Charged with murder of newborn in trash can, Artesia, Jan 2023

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As far as Alexee's case, it isn't that the sperm donor is choosing the fate of both mother and baby (this would've been the father of Alexee's baby's right, as bio dad has a say regarding adoption); it's in order to to protect the legal rights of both the bio parents and the adoptive parents.
This is so that after the adoption the baby is in full custody of the adoptive family.
My opinion only , is that adoption (if no one biologically related is able to keep the baby ?) is a better option for the baby than permanent foster care ?
The 'safe haven' laws are a thing as well, and I believe Alexee wouldn't have been charged, like she is being charged now ?
Alexee also could've chosen for foster care for a time, while she decided to keep the baby or not ?

Sadly this is not what happened ... and now Alexee may face the full brunt of the law.
Tragic, unnecessary and completely avoidable.
Alexee could have considered adoption if she didn't want her baby ?
For whatever it's worth, I don't think she would have had a problem adopting out a brand new beautiful baby !
The bio dad has to agree to this as well, I understand.
She could have just left it at the hospital, no questions asked.

All this might not have happened if Alexee had made her mom leave the room. She could have talked privately with the doctors, they could have verified the pregnancy and timeline, and put her on LifeFlight then and there, off to the OB for delivery. Then, simply handed the baby over to the docs. Her mom would have been none the wiser, from what I can tell (she's all about denial).
In the June 29, 2023 Law and Crime video of the boyfriend and AT's mother in the hospital waiting area, while AT's being prepped for life-flight to Rosewell hospital, the teen's mother describes to LE how her daughter, AT, was born early and has had spine and hip problems since birth due to physical abuse mother sustained while pregnant with AT.

Mom further provides that AT has been seeing a chiropractor for most of her life, and describes how AT has been working out, and participating in Cheer competitions, very recently. Given AT's history of hip and back pain, Mom makes it sound like this was a routine visit to the hospital for AT's physical issues that could not wait for an adjustment by the chiropractor. IMO, it will be interesting to learn at trial the date of AT's last visit to Artesia General before the birth.

While we don't know if AT was a patient at a back clinic with Rx/script services, working with her Chiropractor, I think it's very much possible that AT had access to pain medication prior to arriving at the hospital in labor.

For example, we know from both AT and the infant's Toxicology that AT had access to and consumed Phentermine, a Schedule 4 Drug (controlled substance), in addition to an Rx for birth control.

There's much more scheming going on behind AT's oversized eyeglass frames than AT and the family is leading on about. MOO

Partial Transcript of Mother and LE from 6/29/23 Law & Crime video:


yeah I was with her I know she talked to


him for a while on the phone


and then she came to me so I've been


with her the rest of the time today


so what did she come here for that she


told you


she had back pain


that's it that's it has she been having


back pain before yeah she's paying for


her and her hips is is no I mean she was


born with like her


I don't know it was like crooked her


sponge cake spine because my ex-husband he hit me


he beat me whenever I was pregnant with


her so she was early


so um


she had some problems with her hips like


I always had to take her to chiropractor


to get adjusted because she couldn't use


it like she was always getting


constipated like she had to get lined up


whatever so I mean I've been taking her




because I always thought you know well


this time


you know I didn't know I honestly didn't


know she was pregnant I didn't know


I just thought like she said I have back


pain more my hips are hurting me


I think I need to go to the chiropractor


I said okay let's go tomorrow but she


was like in really a lot of pain and you


know when did it start


like the pain yes




today she's or yesterday she said it was


really bad that her hips were hurting


and her back


and then last night we're on the phone


together and she said her her hips were


hurting bad husband if anything else is


hurting and she said just everything


and she went to sleep but she's a


cheerleader too so


she's begging cheers they have cheer


competition she's


she works out I mean and she's been


acted this whole time she's been active


this whole time


and who does she live with me


she's in school she's a senior


Law & Crime Video
...and i'm surprised with those painful flareups, that she can be a cheerleader.
...and i'm surprised with those painful flareups, that she can be a cheerleader.
Yes, you would think but I also recall two classmates --twins, that had significant back issues. One was a ballet dancer and the other was also on the Cheer team. Seems it's important to engage in these types of core strengthening and weight-bearing activities (with the Chiropractor adjustments) up until skeletal maturity which for women isn't until mid-late 20's. I remember one of the twins brought the xrays of her recent spine surgery to our 10-year class reunion. At 28, she had 2 rods and 32 screws to straighten and strengthen the spine and prevent future lung issues. Go figure...
I’ve heard Alexee’s defense attorney spinning their planned defense. Aside from the challenge of refuting the autopsy results, how are they going to explain her actions in the bathroom? There is no way around what she did when a baby came out of her. I wonder if they’re going to say she was impaired by the morphine, or in shock, something to attempt to explain the actions she took that ultimately cost that baby his life. That’s ultimately all that matters, right?
I’ve heard Alexee’s defense attorney spinning their planned defense. Aside from the challenge of refuting the autopsy results, how are they going to explain her actions in the bathroom? There is no way around what she did when a baby came out of her. I wonder if they’re going to say she was impaired by the morphine, or in shock, something to attempt to explain the actions she took that ultimately cost that baby his life. That’s ultimately all that matters, right?
I agree. When jurors view the surveillance and the number of times personnel appeared outside the bathroom door-- inquiring with AT if she required assistance, and view the bathroom where she gave birth where the call button/cord was nearly in her lap, how do you explain not requesting medical assistance for your infant allegedly in distress? She was in the hospital ER!
<modsnip: quoted post was removed> I do feel for her. She doesn't seem to have been raised in an environment where she felt she had a support system and no one cared to notice (that we know of) or talk to a girl that was so visibly obviously pregnant.
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An attorney acting for Alexee Trevizo, the New Mexico teenager accused of murdering her baby, says hospital staff are to blame for the infant's death and not her.

Prosecutors say she killed him by strangling him, hinging their theory on the fact the baby had air in his lungs when he died.

Strangling also breaks the hyoid (?) bone, so there's that ?

I don't believe the hospital is to blame .

An attorney acting for Alexee Trevizo, the New Mexico teenager accused of murdering her baby, says hospital staff are to blame for the infant's death and not her.

Prosecutors say she killed him by strangling him, hinging their theory on the fact the baby had air in his lungs when he died.

Strangling also breaks the hyoid (?) bone, so there's that ?

I don't believe the hospital is to blame .

Not sure of the gestational age when she delivered.

The hyoid bone might not be fully calcified even at full term.
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An attorney acting for Alexee Trevizo, the New Mexico teenager accused of murdering her baby, says hospital staff are to blame for the infant's death and not her.

Prosecutors say she killed him by strangling him, hinging their theory on the fact the baby had air in his lungs when he died.

Strangling also breaks the hyoid (?) bone, so there's that ?

I don't believe the hospital is to blame .

I know this is the defense attorney's job, but...I still don't like it.

jmho ymmv lrr

An attorney acting for Alexee Trevizo, the New Mexico teenager accused of murdering her baby, says hospital staff are to blame for the infant's death and not her.

Prosecutors say she killed him by strangling him, hinging their theory on the fact the baby had air in his lungs when he died.

Strangling also breaks the hyoid (?) bone, so there's that ?

I don't believe the hospital is to blame .
The hospital and staff are not to blame. Sickening defense ploy. She needs to take responsibility for murdering her baby, show remorse, accept whatever punishment, and hopefully become a better person.
I have to wonder who suggested the morphine avenue to Alexee ?
Can't think of her coming up with this excuse herself, so maybe her atty. ?
But it's infuriating for that (already) traumatized staff to be blamed !
I have to wonder who suggested the morphine avenue to Alexee ?
Can't think of her coming up with this excuse herself, so maybe her atty. ?
But it's infuriating for that (already) traumatized staff to be blamed !
Upthread, we had the discussion about codeine being a derivative of morphine. IMO it’s very possible Alexee found some hydrocodone at home and used it to self-treat her back pain. I think we have to wait and see if the hospital administered pain medication to Alexee.

The hospital and staff are not to blame. Sickening defense ploy. She needs to take responsibility for murdering her baby, show remorse, accept whatever punishment, and hopefully become a better person.
IMO the hospital did make some blameworthy errors, but I can’t believe they’d issue morphine for a woman they knew was pregnant (her denials notwithstanding).

These are some points that don’t reflect well on the hospital.
—they had an obviously pregnant woman on their hands, with severe back pain for HOURS, and they didn’t guess she was in labor; she should have been flown out way before the bathroom debacle.
—Alexee was losing a lot of blood and was given no treatment while hospital staff and LE were all abuzz. They had a first duty to their patient.
—they should have removed mom from the room early in the visit
—they released video of the corridors, even though you could hear other patient(s) in the background; that’s a HIPAA issue.


Medical malpractice lawyer, Jerry Dugan, however, told Law&Crime’s Sidebar podcast that the defense’s approach to the incident is both “desperate and dangerous.”

“This was 1900s of one billionth of a gram of morphine in this infant system,” Dugan said. “It is absolutely not a deviation from the standard of care in the emergency room to administer morphine to someone who was known to be pregnant.”

“I think jury nullification here could very well result in the jury when they see this photograph of the cheerleading defendant.

“And then to suggest, well, that’s innocent enough because my boyfriend and I go to McDonald’s every day. I can’t conceive of a jury in this country saying, ‘Oh, that’s a reasonable defense.’ The hospital killed this baby. I just think that defense is going nowhere.”

Trevizo’s trial has been set for February 2024. Check back for updates.

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