NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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I have to agree. Hey future murderers here's a clue - don't google anything, you're on your own. Resist the temptation to call the insurance company, dig through your paperwork for the info you need. Did he honestly think his phone would not be taken? She is going to turn up dead, you are going to be under suspicion and one way to get the heat off you is if nothing dodgy shows up when they investigate you - you are not going to escape with just a cursory glance.

Granted he may not have known the phone logged charging times but the face time call is going to be traceable. Did he think because it was done over internet vs a phone call it'd be sweet? Delete the history on the phone? No thought that he's engaging both his isp and face time servers and it's all logged. Step away from the smart phone mate, you are not up for it. The call doesn't float through the air by magic fairy wings.

Exactly, agree with all and captures the stupidity so well.
I've watched and read several stories where the 'socopathic murderer', once caught and with no way out....commits suicide, in kind of a final attempt to control a situation that they no longer can control. I gather that they don't usually suicide for reasons that you might find common in suicides, although they do feel that despair and deep depression, only its centred around themselves, and the fact that they are caught, and cant 'control' anymore

This is only my thoughts I've developed through watching these types of crime and these types of personalities that commit them. so, MOO, but Im reasonable sure this to be the case. I would love to learn more about it from anyone who is in the know?

Another thing I noticed with some posts today (just got home) is a bit of talk about insanity. As far as I know, and again IMO only, its very rare to be able to plead insanity and actually get away with it. To be insane, you need to not know the difference between right and wrong. GBC tried to cover his tracks continuously (and hopelessly), he is in no way insane IMO

think Jeffrey Dahmer, he didn't really see the problem with cooking and keeping a lot of his victims in the fridge, by the door, in the fry pan....... and I cant even remember if he was found insane!!!!!!
In response to CuriousasaCat, Not sure myself but this is what Wikipaedia says:

"A respondent is a person who is called upon to issue a response to a communication made by another. In legal usage, this specifically refers to the defendant in a legal proceeding commenced by a petition, or to an appellee, or the opposing party, in an appeal of a decision by an initial fact-finder. In non-legal or informal usage, the term refers to one who refutes or responds to a thesis or an argument." (my bolding)

Any legal-eagles out there clarify what this means?

Fantastic thanks Jillie. :rocker:
It means the person who doesn't want to be there. i.e. not the person initiating the action, the person responding to it.

Ta for that....

Does anyone know if Taringa is far from where the alleged crime took place? I don't know Brissy at all.
Ta for that....

Does anyone know if Taringa is far from where the alleged crime took place? I don't know Brissy at all.

LOL. You're doing what I'm doing I think???

Taringa is close enough to the action.
Kenmore, then Indooroopilly(car accident and police station)then Taringa,then Toowong.
Originally Posted by ozazure
I have to agree. Hey future murderers here's a clue - don't google anything, you're on your own. Resist the temptation to call the insurance company, dig through your paperwork for the info you need. Did he honestly think his phone would not be taken? She is going to turn up dead, you are going to be under suspicion and one way to get the heat off you is if nothing dodgy shows up when they investigate you - you are not going to escape with just a cursory glance.

Granted he may not have known the phone logged charging times but the face time call is going to be traceable. Did he think because it was done over internet vs a phone call it'd be sweet? Delete the history on the phone? No thought that he's engaging both his isp and face time servers and it's all logged. Step away from the smart phone mate, you are not up for it. The call doesn't float through the air by magic fairy wings.

Hahahaha so true Ozazure!!

Could also say to any potential murderers out there:
Don't hire lawyers even before a body is found (smacks of something to hide)
Don't say "Business as usual" to the paps (smacks of ruthlessness)
Don't show absolutely no interest during the search (smacks of lack of caring)
Don't read the same book as GBC called "How Not To Incriminate Yourself in a Murder Inquiry for Dummies" (obviously pretty rubbish and not worth the $29.95 he spent.
Don't let the olds suck face on tv (reaallly gives the wrong message - ewww)
Ta for that....

Does anyone know if Taringa is far from where the alleged crime took place? I don't know Brissy at all.

LOL. You're doing what I'm doing I think???

Taringa is close enough to the action.
Kenmore, then Indooroopilly(car accident and police station)then Taringa,then Toowong.

Yeup...both doing the same thing...Oh how wonderful the internet is.... :) (except if you're dumb like GBC)
Ta for that....

Does anyone know if Taringa is far from where the alleged crime took place? I don't know Brissy at all.

As Curious as a cat has says, Taringa is close to Indooroopilly, the police station is across the road from the the shopping centre.

Brookfield though and Kenmore are some distance away, certainly not easy walking distance and Kholo Bridge a distance again and rather isolated really. the Authur Gorrie Correctional centre is on Ipswich Road at Wacol, a fair distance from Indooroopilly but in the same direction.

If you are looking to get to somewhere like that via public transport website , Translink, it allows you to put in the address you want to go from to your destination and tells you where to get and off public transport. If you could get a bus that headed from Indoorotpilly to Brookfield Road it would probably take you around the roundabout in question on Kenmore Road.
I looked through businesses and trusts etc owned by the family and there were a lot! The only jointly owned one and the only one in Allisons name was WOTS shared with GBC, fingers crossed the girls don't have to pay for any more of his f*#kups and messes, they've already paid a thousand times over

Forgive me if I'm repeating something (haven't gone through this entire thread as yet) ~ but around thread 6 - 9 or thereabouts, somebody mentioned that Allison had apparently sold one or some of her own properties in the area where she grew up, to finance the RE company. So that could very easily be some of the $$$ that's since gone down the drain ... just as Bruce Overland has!
That is hands down the funniest thing I have ever read lolol.

I hope that he and Gerard can become cell mates for their life sentences.

i hope who ever gets charged for this murder gets more than 15yrs....
Actually worse, less privileges.

From Keens website link-

Each night before lock down inmates are strip searched in the observation wing before entering their cells. This involves getting naked and putting hands behind your head and squatting while coughing. The guards then inspect behind your ears and in your hair to check for things that may be used for self harm.

Oh how Gerard must love this :what:
is 'marriage counselling' a professional qualification?? is it a paid profession? is it a hobby?? its it like being a tarot card reader? I ask, because I know nothing about it, what it consists of, or who does it..

And I am curious about the counselling Allison and Gerard were undergoing. And who it was with.

I just hope it wasnt Nige who was the counsellor.
Oh wow, really? None at all? I'm surprised. Here a woman would receive maintenance if they were a stay-at-home mom for a long period of time.

Hi Kimster,

check out this link

We do have Spousal Maintenance. Its not automatic though. We also have widows allowance which is interesting i think. Its not a significant amount of money though and certainly not motive for murder but still interesting.
it says, that Gerard drew a plan of Toni's house in Allisons journal. I am assuming that ws part of the 'counselling'.. is this usual?? what bearing does it have?
I don't recall how long they were married but why would he jump straight into another committed relationship, especially with someone who put demands on him? You would think once he had a taste of freedom from a marriage that he would be protective of that freedom.

From my experience, some men need a lot of "looking after". Aren't up to looking after themselves.

And also needed help with the kids. He isn't superman you know.
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