NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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I'm sending a few bucks directly to the Dickies rather than the trust. Just because at their age I can imagine that they sometimes get a bill and wonder how they'll pay it. If I can ease their burden a tiny bit by covering one such bill I'd feel good. The trust is wonderful though.

I feel the same. Please tell will they have to pay for the legals to obtain the children's custody orders
I havent been able to find anything about the cricket match and im not able to read all the pages, am incredibly busy todoay/tonight. How did it all go?
Toni sat on her backside and said nothing while the search went on for days and nights, and Mr and Mrs Dickie became unhinged with grief as did Allisons daughters.. the only time she co operated with the police, and this after having to be hauled in by them, she didnt volunteer,. was when her little tacky dream went to *advertiser censored* when the evidence of Gerards other pants activities were revealed to her.

so excuse me for not seeing Toni as a victim in all this.. I'll pass on that one, thanks.

ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY Trooper.....and even then, who arewe to know on HOW much she has really told them....She has lawyered up now. She is no innocent little girl here.....and neither are a few members of his family. It's purely DISGUSTING.
KtK, what would be the process for dealing with a co-accused on remand? I assume that they would be kept separate without the ability to communicate with each other?

Just thinking about the challenges presented by the possibility of multiple defendants on remand for essentially the same indictment.

Difficult to answer this without using names.
The answer is yes. Brothers are in together as we speak. Sometimes they roll over on each other in there and have to be segregated.
I havent been able to find anything about the cricket match and im not able to read all the pages, am incredibly busy todoay/tonight. How did it all go?

It was a success, as reported by members and also media.
evidence for what?? Allison is a missing woman, depressed and gone for a walk?? you think she knew Allison was dead, Bruce did it, the same Bruce who is writing her emails AFTER Allison is gone saying he has to lay low? and knowing this, and watching the Dickies go mad with grief, she decided she must keep the evidence ( for whom? the police? ) her beloved Bruce is sending her in disguise?

well well well. who da thunk.

Why is it unlikely she went on with her dream?? isnt her dream that Gerard is a free man by July 1st?? if anything, that dream has just come earlier.

I am sure that I have read that the date of the mail re committment for July 1 was dated 3 April. I have looked for the reference, which was one of the MSM timelines and can't find it now. However, I have copied a piece from the Courier Mail's report of the bail application refusal. See below:-

A packed courtroom heard allegations the real estate agent was involved in an ongoing affair with former staffer Toni McHugh and had promised in an early April email that he would leave his wife by July 1.

The reference to early April coincides with my recollection of what I read earlier.

Lawyers owe a fiduciary duty to their clients which is the strongest in any of the professions. In the vary rare case where this conflicts with the lawyer's duty as an officer of the court the latter prevails.

A criminal lawyer says to a client 'I can only do a decent job for you if you are frank with me and if you trust me to totally respect your right to confidentiality regarding anything you tell me.'

If the client gives instructions that are constantly changing or are obviously inconsistent with the evidence then something isn't working. All MOO.

Thanks for making it very clear, I honestly hadn't thought of a lot of the points you and ActeusReus have raised. Great posts, both of you.:takeabow:
I am sure that I have read that the date of the mail re committment for July 1 was dated 3 April. I have looked for the reference, which was one of the MSM timelines and can't find it now. However, I have copied a piece from the Courier Mail's report of the bail application refusal. See below:-

A packed courtroom heard allegations the real estate agent was involved in an ongoing affair with former staffer Toni McHugh and had promised in an early April email that he would leave his wife by July 1.

The reference to early April coincides with my recollection of what I read earlier.

Yes, it was April 3.
Can anyone with some insight into criminal psychology explain the detachment component for me. For example, GBC is crapping his caterpillar nickers being incarcerated. Why do crims become kitten weak only when they're caught? How are they able to detach from the realisation that the victim experienced fear in their last moments yet, they're more worried about their own predicament in gaol?

I honestly think it's a unique person who's only worried about himself and not using the time to think 'shoot, what have I done ... I've taken the life of my children's mother'. Why isn't he reflecting on the fear she experienced when he was ending her life. Why isn't he distressed that he's changed his children's lives forever? Why is this cretin only worried about being locked up?

I just don't get this stuff. Silly.evil.people. They should have been blown on the sheets and wiped off.
KtK, what would be the process for dealing with a co-accused on remand? I assume that they would be kept separate without the ability to communicate with each other?

Just thinking about the challenges presented by the possibility of multiple defendants on remand for essentially the same indictment.

There are other prisons here in Brisbane and multiple ways in which this is prevented. Sirry cant say any more than that. And K2K is correct. I've also seen first hand prisoners deemed to be antisocial attempt suicide in custody. Right here in good ole Brisvegas.
Not sure on the citizenship.. I thought the beard was ordered off early after being arrested- before bail hearing. And I thought there has been enough pics of him in media both with and without the beard, that I didn't think it would likely be a good disguise.. Just MOO though.

(I guess flight risk does not necessarily mean out of the country either, but could go into hiding)

On the Friday after his arrest he was ordered to supply a beard hair....last week he was ordered to shave the beard.

I guess my question really is, considering the judge said he was a flight risk...if he meant "flying out of the country" did he expect him to fly out without a passport??

Lawyers owe a fiduciary duty to their clients which is the strongest in any of the professions. In the vary rare case where this conflicts with the lawyer's duty as an officer of the court the latter prevails.

A criminal lawyer says to a client 'I can only do a decent job for you if you are frank with me and if you trust me to totally respect your right to confidentiality regarding anything you tell me.'

If the client gives instructions that are constantly changing or are obviously inconsistent with the evidence then something isn't working. All MOO.

A bit off topic but the first time I sat in with a legal aid lawyer, the number of clients that came in, blurted out that they committed the offence but wanted the lawyer to "get them off" was surprising. Didn't matter how the interview started it would pretty much end up in an admission in the first 10 minutes. The next half hour would be spent trying to explain how difficult a not guilty plea now is.

Back on topic, I think GBC would be a very difficult client for his legal team. They will earn every cent of their fee on this one.
Can anyone with some insight into criminal psychology explain the detachment component for me. For example, GBC is crapping his caterpillar nickers being incarcerated. Why do crims become kitten weak only when they're caught? How are they able to detach from the realisation that the victim experienced fear in their last moments yet, they're more worried about their own predicament in gaol?

I honestly think it's a unique person who's only worried about himself and not using the time to think 'shoot, what have I done ... I've taken the life of my children's mother'. Why isn't he reflecting on the fear she experienced when he was ending her life. Why isn't he distressed that he's changed his children's lives forever? Why is this cretin only worried about being locked up?

I just don't get this stuff. Silly.evil.people. They should have been blown on the sheets and wiped off.

Great question. They crumble because their power ( or rather perceived power) is taken. They become vulnerable. They become the target or victim in prison quite often. That said many, when they adjust, become very dangerous prisoners as they lack empathy and will often attempt to build a power base in prison and target the weak in there also. the variables and environment just changes.

If you google you'll find lots of stuff on this that reliable and valid. Journal articles. GBC is an unknown entity. Stress is a big factor. Hence my term house of cards. Hope this helps:)
My information is that on the 18th of April ABC discovered the affair was still on going after she'd been told it had ceased. I posted here in a much earlier thread but was pretty much shot down by many. This was indeed premeditated and about money. It was supposed to happen later than it did ((it's now public knowledge re the July 1 timeline). My information is that ABC found out from a friend about the ongoing affair and I believe the argument the night she died was her confronting him about it. I also think she had started "sleuthing" GBC and had discovered his devious money issues. I also believe that she discovered her life was in the firing line.Why she didn't go for help at this time I can't say but what a different outcome it could have been. This was no accident and it truly sickens me that his family think they can hide. This gorgeous woman's life was snuffed out for pure and evil greed. Many lives have been shattered least of all 3 darling girls who will never really understand how much their mother loved them and that she died trying to save them.

Many people have commented on how the trust fund is a money grab and ridiculous. I don't believe for a second that Pricilla and Geoff have that in their hearts at all. The media has beefed that up. Many people asked how they could help and they suggested donating the money people would have spent on flowers to a fund for the girls. Others have gone off in tangents to fundraising further from their hearts. No one is forcing anyone to donate. We donate to flood victims, fire victims, build houses for people with a sob story. Surely we can find it in our hearts to if not donate then see the fund for what it is rather than cast aspersions on it. To all intents and purposes these girls have been left with nothing. Most money will go towards paying off debts as ABC was a partner in the business. The Dickies are elderly and didn't factor into their superannuation bringing up three more children. Private school aside (and I believe they'll get a scholarship in Ali's memory anyway), clothing, feeding and just generally "growing" these girls will cost.

These girls have been ripped out of the family cocoon that surrounded them and whilst they have loving grandparents and aunts and uncles etc nothing will cover the holes in their hearts.

We sit here behind our computers aghast and furious that this has happened in our community - they are living it. They will never be free of it, people will always find them interesting because of their name and situation.

My wildest hope is that GBC will finally do the right thing and admit it. Surely even he can see the writing on the wall. At least then the girls can have closure and not have to wonder what if. I doubt though this selfish excuse for a human being will ever think about anyone other than himself.

Vail Allison - may your girls live your dreams for them and may they know you sit on their shoulders. We miss you so much and only hope that wherever you are there is music and dance!!

Completelyconfused..... Thank you for your post, so many valid points you have made right there and I agree.... It is very brave of you to post your feelings

Glad to see that today's fundraiser looked to be so successful, when I saw Allison's brother talk, my first thought was that in this awful tradegy..... Allison's girls are lucky to have such family around them to help and guide them through everything that is happening and the future
On the Friday after his arrest he was ordered to supply a beard hair....last week he was ordered to shave the beard.

I guess my question really is, considering the judge said he was a flight risk...if he meant "flying out of the country" did he expect him to fly out without a passport??

Flight might not mean aeroplane specifically. Perhaps hiding up somewhere. Australia is pretty big.
he may have had a British passport... he could be a dual citizen.. my hope is that he forgot to take out AU citizenship papers. and can be deported back to his country of birth upon his sentence being served..
I'm not so sure about the beard/scratches...maybe it was because of that but I kept wondering why the judge said GBC was a flight risk. It was mentioned in a report he had no passport??...but wasn't there mention some time back about him having a dual Australian/Zimbabwe passport...would he have been able to attain a passport from there??...

If the judge thought him a flight was he going to get out of the country???

On Kimster's pink space ship? :what:
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