NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#28

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They are probably flopping around like untrained seals waiting for Det Ainsworth to knock on the door. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Thanks ktk and everyone else for responding re this!

If that is the case, I wonder what he (Ainsworth) is waiting for.

More tests to come back (who knew it took 8+ weeks for the phone tests to come back)? They took bags of stuff from the BC senior residence.

Someone to blab (which is not going to happen if it is only family members involved)?

The police made it clear from very early on that they believed there was an accomplice. There have been more than one reported sightings of two cars (so there is probably/hopefully more evidence there that we don't know about).

Surely the face time call in itself is enough to warrant more action than just a one hour visit the other night (granted there were 5 detectives)?

But only GBC and ABC's cars were impounded. One has been released.

What are they waiting for? Arrest them already!!!
I also think that if multiple members of his family gained knowledge after the fact, that GBC will plead guilty prior to committal hearing, if his legal team say they (family members) will be charged if it goes to trial and he is found guilty.I tip he will fess up prior to committal hearing ,if other family members are involved ,hoping it will avoid further charges being made. MOO of course. :twocents:

I think if he pleads guilty, any others involved would still be charged.
Is there something like "spousal confidentiality" in law, meaning if a husband told the wife something and she does not inform the authorities, would she get away with it?

Quote'......The High Court held that the common law does not recognise a privilege against spousal incrimination. What does this mean? In simple terms, the decision confirms that a witness cannot refuse to give evidence against their husband, wife or partner, in proceedings in where they are otherwise compelled to do so in the ACC.'

I think there was one accomplice after the fact and maybe others that are now withholding information (obstruction of justice?). IMO.

If someone comes and looks after the children while others went out to Anstead - would that someone (babysitter) be an accomplice? In my view yes - but there is no legal basis for that view. Probably more likely an accessory after the fact.
Hi all - I've been dwelling on this point and would really like to hear all of your opinions.

Was there an accomplice in this murder?? I feel it in my bones that there was at least one. Or at the very least, an accessory after the fact. Are we going to see an arrest?

I'm starting to feel the same exasperation about it that I felt in the lead up to GBC's arrest - will an arrest ever happen and will that person ever be accountable?

I really believe that there was an accomplice that helped transport ABC's body to Kholo and maybe even assisted with the cleanup after. I can't get past the 2 car sighting/s at Kholo Creek (reported?) and at Anstead (rumour/trumour?) I also think that maybe someone else was at the house watching the girls, while the transporting was taking place.

And ........ the phone call! Now, why would you be ringing your Dad in the middle of the night - when you are 'supposed' to be fast asleep?! If there was an accomplice, it certainly looks like NBC. IMO

I'm feeling your pain Thinking. It's so frustrating! However, look at how long it took to get the info about the phone call - they seized GBC's phone weeks ago and the QPS only got the details back just before the Bail Hearing. I guess some processes take a very long time and maybe that's why they haven't made any more arrests ............ yet ??

Let's keep faith - and fingers and toes crossed :)
Just on a completely different tack as I have been reading some of the previous threads (yes I know !!! :lol: it is sad) and if it is true that GBChad more than one affair going on at the time of the murder how come there has been little speculation about some of the other paramours been involved and there has only been a focus on TM and Nigelaine.

Maybe the reason he tried to keep things on the boil with TM was because of his financial involvement and may have been getting someone else to assist him?

Just a thought maybe not very useful but am scratching the barrel at the moment!
I found this on thread 1- posted by Alicat

Originally Posted by kiwijayne
Also further along there is Mt Crosby, a State Forest and even a Lake. The thing in this area there is plenty of places to hide something or someone.
I'm out this way and I kept getting eerie feelings around Kholo Creek overpass. I know it probably sounds silly, but its the 'what if.'

Alicat's intuition was so accurate. It freaked her out though.
I understand the feeling. I was a stay-at-home mum for five years, but having had my financial independence before that, I did go back to work part-time first and full time later. I needed that financial security again. Although I now can't wait until I retire! :floorlaugh:

Ive been a stay at home mum for 8 years now.....and I need to pull myself out of this rut I am in. I love being here for the children, but I do feel that for me, I need to work. Im a chatter box as much offline as I am online, so I dont really need it for adult conversation....But moreso for the financial aspect.

I think it is misunderstood, just how much a big step it is for mums to get back out there after so long out of working....and you should be very proud of yourself that you did it....Retirement = BLISS.....I cant wait, but it will be a while yet.... :floorlaugh:
I agree, but these could still be charged with something like obstruction IMO.

"Could" be, and "Should" be, in my view! To cover up something like this is absolutely abhorrent and an awful insult to Allison - disgusting. I hope they feel the full extent of the law if this is true.
I really believe that there was an accomplice that helped transport ABC's body to Kholo and maybe even assisted with the cleanup after. I can't get past the 2 car sighting/s at Kholo Creek (reported?) and at Anstead (rumour/trumour?) I also think that maybe someone else was at the house watching the girls, while the transporting was taking place.

And ........ the phone call! Now, why would you be ringing your Dad in the middle of the night - when you are 'supposed' to be fast asleep?! If there was an accomplice, it certainly looks like NBC. IMO

I'm feeling your pain Thinking. It's so frustrating! However, look at how long it took to get the info about the phone call - they seized GBC's phone weeks ago and the QPS only got the details back just before the Bail Hearing. I guess some processes take a very long time and maybe that's why they haven't made any more arrests ............ yet ??

Let's keep faith - and fingers and toes crossed :)

Thanks bellgirl - very wise words indeed :)
"Could" be, and "Should" be, in my view! To cover up something like this is absolutely abhorrent and an awful insult to Allison - disgusting. I hope they feel the full extent of the law if this is true.

Very well said Thinking!! Here's hoping that they do receive everything they deserve, what goes round comes round I say
Yep, I have to agree, i think the shot was snapped just as they were going in for the hug...a second too soon

I still find this photo of GBC and his father extremely bizarre; as far as I can see they are not touching at all except perhaps slightly at the shoulders.

Maybe it was just taken at the wrong moment, who knows, but to me it says "odd".

If the photo had been snapped a millisecond later they would have completed the hug a millisecond earlier they would have been approaching each other to hug. Nothing odd ...just timing of the photograph IMO :waitasec:
Ive been a stay at home mum for 8 years now.....and I need to pull myself out of this rut I am in. I love being here for the children, but I do feel that for me, I need to work. Im a chatter box as much offline as I am online, so I dont really need it for adult conversation....But moreso for the financial aspect.

I think it is misunderstood, just how much a big step it is for mums to get back out there after so long out of working....and you should be very proud of yourself that you did it....Retirement = BLISS.....I cant wait, but it will be a while yet.... :floorlaugh:

My mum always worked (due to necessity) and we went to after school care. We never begrudged her for that. She was home as soon as she finished work and was always with us on weekend, as was my dad. It worked fine for us. I think mums at home get stuck in a lonely place (I felt it too) and I was in a better mood overall after returning to work.
It wasn't until the case went to court that we realised the truth and the EXTENT of his crime. Our 'dear' friend is currently in jail for conviction for production of over 2000 images of child *advertiser censored*. Those of us that wrote character statements are left feeling cheated, gutted and also left questioning our own judgement of people. You just never think that you could have a friend that could do that!!!!! ..and neither did they probably.

You shouldnt feel that way about yourself....There will always be the occasional person who pulls the wool over everyone eyes. No-one ever thinks that a friend could ever so anything ugly. Often things like child *advertiser censored*/fetishes/ anything abnormal is often unseen by those around them.....They hide these things so well :(

You poor dear though....That would have been awful.
If the photo had been snapped a millisecond later they would have completed the hug a millisecond earlier they would have been approaching each other to hug. Nothing odd ...just timing of the photograph IMO :waitasec:

I agree MG
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