NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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MOTHERGOOSE, respectfully, I disagree with you. I believe that that TM was close to the couple. She also had an intimate relationship with GBC. She worked at the same RE office, interacted with both GBC and Allison on a work level, had formed work relationships with NBC and EBC, attended both work and social functions with several of these people. She allegedly helped restore the BC senior's house post the floods along with GBC. It is alleged she also had also formed a social relationship with the couple's children. And that only what we know from MSM. My opinion only, not fact.

Well, if TM was devious enough to be sleeping with GBC whilst pretending to simply be a caring, committed, friendly, loyal employee, whilst playing poor Allison as a trusting fool, then I'm sorry but she, he & EVERYONE guilty of playing games and/or playing along with their game, behind Allison's back, deserves every ounce of pain, humiliation & suffering they're currently experiencing. What goes around ~ always comes around!
Only the truly INNOCENT VICTIMS are worthy of having their pain & grief dealt with & hopefully TAKEN AWAY SOONEST by God or whomever.

BTW ~ I spent months, maybe well over a year in fact, chatting briefly, telephonically to the work colleague my husband was busy having an affair with, and was NONE-the-wiser either. I didn't even question why suddenly, some work colleague answered his direct line as frequently as he did. We were living in Zurich & her family lived close to St. Moritz where the local farmers produce the most divine dried beef, sausages & a variety of rare cheeses, so each time she visited them, my husband would return home with a magnificent package of these delights, & being the played fool, I'd call and thank her. She always asked how my pregnancy with our first & only born was going ... yet little did I know, they were sleeping together!!!
I don't think there is any evidence that he told TM he would "get rid" of his wife by the way, unless you care to enlighten me

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Edited to correct error

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Welcom Dr W. I am relatively new to this, although I have been following from the start.

I just want to say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts as they are factual not emotional- you remind me so much of my husband.

I do have a question for you - do you think that maybe as the murderer was trying to suffocate ABC she was fighting for her life, the murderer then broke her neck. Do you think this could cause internal bleeding ?

I have posted a few things but I never get any replies......

thank you in advance.

Hi Me 2 :) Maybe my writing style and your husband's style reflect the "boy thing"... ;) Just kidding.

Re the broken neck possibility - yes, a broken neck would be possible, but I doubt that it would have happened as a result of attempted suffocation. It is not that easy to break somebody's neck, even with training. It is not like you see in the movies, with a quick flick and a twist..... but yes, it can be done, especially by a male to a female, if you know how.

However, the problem arises in proving that a broken neck - if indeed there was one (which of course we don't know) - was inflicted by a person, or occurred as a result of being thrown off a bridge.

Personally, I suspect the body was hidden in the scrub further up the creek, and washed down as a result of all that rain over the weekend when it was found. But there are those who think she could have been thrown over the bridge onto the creek bed, in which case, a broken neck could result quite feasibly.

EDIT: re the bleeding - unlikely, although victims of judicial hanging can sometimes have bleeding from the eyes and nose. but not much. Nothing that would cause the extent of those apparent stains in the back of the car as seen in yesterday's photos, for example.
Thank you for being so reasonable, and also for seeing my posts as they are written Coolcat :)

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I know what you are trying to say... Unfortunately we have all been involved in this site as if we are Allison's Best Friends...Strange but true. We are behaving in defence of a person that almost all of us never knew or knew anything about we are not privy to the dynamics of their marriage over the years but for some reason we have tangled ourselves up in protecting Allison's honour because from all reports she was a beautiful.

Most of us here are women and know how we would feel if we were being betrayed by our husbands and unfortunately it is the other women that takes most of the heat......None of us know the circumstances that has led to this affair and the motives for it.....Sometimes we are looking for things we don't have in our marriages that we crave for...Not saying it is right to look for it else where but unfortunately this has been going on since the dawn of time and will keep happening long after today.....!

TM is probably a very nice person - and like I said before Princess Di had affairs and she has been hailed a Saint for her Charitable work and the whole world stopped to pay respect when her funeral was aired....Noone ridiculed her for cheating.....They instead felt sorry for her situation and excused it....? IMO
I'm really glad you posted that. Thanks.

I bolded the kiss part because I personally dislike the deragatory remarks, the mockery and the big deal which has been made of this. So what if she kisses her husband passionately, after all, they have been married for a long time. People are entitled to some privacy and cameras have no place snooping in people's garages just to get pictures to sell their news.

Sure, some will argue that they knew the cameras were there, but it possibly didn't occur to them that cameras would go snooping about, tailing every move they make. It's their son Gerard who was the focus of interest at the time, not them. Plus the whole situation would have been quite overwhelming and distressing for her.

Well said. Since when does kissing (passionate or otherwise) become unacceptable in middle age.Sometimes that is all that is left LOL.For those who mock it ....your time will me.It is a wonderful thing if they have passion in their marriage at their age.I too got the feeling that they thought the cameras would be focused elsewhere. I don't think it was a show for the cameras and normal behavior for them. I think she is somewhat in awe of NBC. IMOO

edited to say:- I think EBC is on the point of collapse at the thoughts of not only what GBC has allegedly done but of loosing the love of her life because of it.
Well said. Since when does kissing (passionate or otherwise) become unacceptable in middle age.Sometimes that is all that is left LOL.For those who mock it ....your time will me.It is a wonderful thing if they have passion in their marriage at their age.I too got the feeling that they thought the cameras would be focused elsewhere. I don't think it was a show for the cameras and normal behavior for them. I think she is somewhat in awe of NBC. IMOO

I personally don't think it was the 'age' of the people involved that was the issue. I think it was the way it was done that some people thought was odd. I would have still thought it was strange behaviour even for younger people. iMO
I just typed in 'Bruce Overland' into my FB page, like you do, and was amused to see a profile there for this name.

I wonder...
GBC said he was a heavy sleeper. How could you sleep heavy having money trouble
like that.If hubby and I owed half that much no way would we be able to sleep at all.
Everyones different though....
Can someone help me with my memory on whether there were loud arguments coming from the house on the night Allison got home? I seem to remember that neighbours reported raised voices or a fight. I just can't get over thinking about what the girls were doing, and if it was loud enough for the neighbours to hear, how could they sleep through it? sigh......
Hi Coolcat. I'll Fire.
TM is no Princess Di or Marilyn so to compare is unfair. I am angry that the affair was blatant.They all worked in the same office.People knew,they must have.

First of all you don't know TM - so you are assuming who she is and who she is not.

Secondly, do you recall that Marilyn sang "Happy Birthday" to President JFK in the presence of Jackie-O? ;-)

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I personally don't think it was the 'age' of the people involved that was the issue. I think it was the way it was done that some people thought was odd. I would have still thought it was strange behaviour even for younger people. iMO

I guess it boils down to is whether it is perceived as a performance for the cameras or not by the viewer of the footage. They may embrace like that all the time for all we know and if so why would that be considered odd / I know I'm outside the box again..forgive me but I don't find it to be odd or funny.:blushing::blushing::blushing:
Well, if TM was devious enough to be sleeping with GBC whilst pretending to simply be a caring, committed, friendly, loyal employee, whilst playing poor Allison as a trusting fool, then I'm sorry but she, he & EVERYONE guilty of playing games and/or playing along with their game, behind Allison's back, deserves every ounce of pain, humiliation & suffering they're currently experiencing. What goes around ~ always comes around!
Only the truly INNOCENT VICTIMS are worthy of having their pain & grief dealt with & hopefully TAKEN AWAY SOONEST by God or whomever.

BTW ~ I spent months, maybe well over a year in fact, chatting briefly, telephonically to the work colleague my husband was busy having an affair with, and was NONE-the-wiser either. I didn't even question why suddenly, some work colleague answered his direct line as frequently as he did. We were living in Zurich & her family lived close to St. Moritz where the local farmers produce the most divine dried beef, sausages & a variety of rare cheeses, so each time she visited them, my husband would return home with a magnificent package of these delights, & being the played fool, I'd call and thank her. She always asked how my pregnancy with our first & only born was going ... yet little did I know, they were sleeping together!!!
Before I go reading the last few pages having only just logged on I want to say thank you Annie for removing your numerous emoticons from your input!! Seriously I can now at least read your posts I had started to ignore as they were doing my brain in.:tyou:

Also sorry to hear that's what happened to you!
GBC said he was a heavy sleeper. How could you sleep heavy having money trouble
like that.If hubby and I owed half that much no way would we be able to sleep at all.
Everyones different though....

I would bet that GBC has not slept well in quite some time!

Financial pressures and the guilt of the way he treated his wife (and mother of his children) I would be disturbed to think he slept well ever - unless medicated perhaps.

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It is very possible in my eyes that she was involved.......Many things about TM have not been answered. Did she volunteer information? Or was she presented with information, so that she HAD TO fess up.

Did she tell the police about Bruce Overland? Or did they find out and say "Toni, we know about BO" BO.

All is dependent on what she has actually opposed to what has been forced from her, from police.

I personally don't think she is involved. I believe she was questioned initially as QPS may have heard from other sources that she was the mistress, and when confronted with the idea that he may have killed his wife AND the fact that he was two-timing her, she just let it all out. I don't know her, but other than perhaps putting some pressure on him to leave his wife, I don't think she would have even considered the option of murder. IMO.
I would bet that GBC has not slept well in quite some time!

Financial pressures and the guilt of the way he treated his wife (and mother of his children) I would be disturbed to think he slept well ever - unless medicated perhaps.

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Oh OK. I was just going by what he told the investigating officers.

He told investigating officers he was a heavy sleeper
I response to his parents kiss - I found it tacky! Distasteful even if their daughter in law was not missing.

However, every couple displays affection differently, and then most differently again in public view. I would like to hope it was just her way of providing comfort to her husband.

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