NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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I really only ,sit back ,watch and listen too you all ...I really think you all ,need too get some sleep..This is so confusing......Step back ,everyone.....
Do any of you feel like I do...Do any of you ,feel sad????Whats with the drawing ,of ,Gerad .....What a sad lonely figure!Does anyone else,see it like me...I don,t feel sorry for him ,yet it is so ,very ,very sad..

Yes I feel sad but not for him, I feel sad for the girls and her parents. As for him being lonely, well he won't be alone at all for most of the time for a long time to come and that is all of his own making.
The saddest picture for me was the body of Allison laying dead on the bank of the creek, and whenever I think of that I think there is the mother of three daughters she tucked into bed on April 19 expecting she would wake them up in the morning and here she is murdered having been lying there for 10 days whilst her husband, her alleged murderer, went back to work, refused to talk to police, and rang insurance companies, and rung his mistress to say he 'had to lay low'. IMO I hope he is lonely and miserable, and that his life is a living hell.

All I feel is anger at what he created!!
Sorry but that is how I feel, and I feel no need to take a step back because that is what is in the forefront of my mind whenever I am on the site and a hel of a lot of other times. I am only obsessed with one thing: to see justice meted out for what was done to Allison and every else who is a victim of his behaviour. And no that doesn't include TM.

Sorry for the delay - real world stuff to do..

Very difficult for someone to stop somebody else breathing just by lying on them - even Big Bubba. The diaphragm would still work, even though chest expansion may be difficult.

EDIT: not quite so difficult if the weight is applied to the abdomen with the victim face up (supine).

And for those who were suggesting water from the shower - if she inhaled any she would have a huge coughing fit. And drinking it would go to the stomach, not the lungs. Can't see somebody being drowned in the shower - it's a non-continuous water stream, mixed with air.

But the bath is a different matter.. That is what alot of speculation has also been.. a struggle and attempt to hold her head underwater, possibly chipping the tooth in the process?
Been catching up on heaps of posts and read some smart cookies think the alleged murderer, being the cowardly custard that he is, wouldn't want to look Allison in the eye as he was killing her.

I agree...If he sees himself as 'holier and greater than thou' then he'd want to distance himself from the act of murder, as much as possible.

I think he could have strangled her in the dark or half-dark, in bed, when he thought she was asleep.

Allison might not really have been sleeping though, stewing over the argument also and she may have fought back, lashing out and scratching his face and chest. Lots of men are shirtless in bed.

Perhaps in her struggles Allison's head smacked against the bedside table, or he bashed it against the table and her tooth was broken. A mouth injury may have bled on the rumoured pink pillowcase.

The rumoured 'water in the lungs' would be necessary to make it look like Allison had jumped from the bridge or, as some posters wanted us to believe, had been hit by a car and knocked over the bridge railing into the creek where she drowned.

I agree with the theory that the suicide scenario had to be abandoned at the last minute because of fear that the drivers would be spotted leaving the car there.

But if Allison was drowned after being knocked unconscious the killer got it wrong because the police can tell the difference between tap water and creek water.

Just my thoughts.
Please feel free to pick it to pieces.

"ALLISON Baden-Clay's cause of death may remain a closely guarded secret until her killer is charged after investigating officers yesterday ruled out releasing the key detail."


"We won't be releasing any details in relation to the cause of death at all,'' Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said yesterday.

But shortly after the grim discovery of her body police had clear views on how Mrs Baden-Clay died, people close to the case have told The Sunday Mail.

It is understood Mrs Baden-Clay's body was cleared for release for burial only a day after she was found, with police confident they had the information they needed.

yes, thats why I am not taking too much notice in regards to the defence saying no visible injuries or whatever ther defence was(sorry I can not remember the exact words)..I think COD IS known to police, and I think it has been since the day they found her body.
I really only ,sit back ,watch and listen too you all ...I really think you all ,need too get some sleep..This is so confusing......Step back ,everyone.....
Do any of you feel like I do...Do any of you ,feel sad????Whats with the drawing ,of ,Gerad .....What a sad lonely figure!Does anyone else,see it like me...I don,t feel sorry for him ,yet it is so ,very ,very sad..

Are you from that other website Ellou as the spelling mistakes match theirs?
I think I've missed something - is this a report of activities at Arthur Gorrie? Or past history? Confused!!!

To see where it started, go back to page 27 of this thread. Lulu's post at bottom of page. :blushing:
Been catching up on heaps of posts and read some smart cookies think the alleged murderer, being the cowardly custard that he is, wouldn't want to look Allison in the eye as he was killing her.

I agree...If he sees himself as 'holier and greater than thou' then he'd want to distance himself from the act of murder, as much as possible.

I think he could have strangled her in the dark or half-dark, in bed, when he thought she was asleep.

Allison might not really have been sleeping though, stewing over the argument also and she may have fought back, lashing out and scratching his face and chest. Lots of men are shirtless in bed.

Perhaps in her struggles Allison's head smacked against the bedside table, or he bashed it against the table and her tooth was broken. A mouth injury may have bled on the rumoured pink pillowcase.

The rumoured 'water in the lungs' would be necessary to make it look like Allison had jumped from the bridge or, as some posters wanted us to believe, had been hit by a car and knocked over the bridge railing into the creek where she drowned.

I agree with the theory that the suicide scenario had to be abandoned at the last minute because of fear that the drivers would be spotted leaving the car there.

But if Allison was drowned after being knocked unconscious the killer got it wrong because the police can tell the difference between tap water and creek water.

Just my thoughts.
Please feel free to pick it to pieces :)

great post.. I am open to the theory of making it look suicide and abandoning at the last would explain the sighting of the 2 cars, and why one was not left there as would be necessary with suicide.
I think the killer may have got a few things wrong, so the bath water wouldn't be a surprise.. It is one of a number of possible scenarios..
Was there a laundry downstairs?

I have NO though the house does appear from what I can see to be only a single story older style queenslander that is raised on stumps with stairs down..but underneath is actually blocked off by timber fence typcladding..can't think of what to call that(in this case its lattice)..but no rooms downstairs.I could be wrong though.
To see where it started, go back to page 27 of this thread. Lulu's post at bottom of page. :blushing:

Thank you, I have been wondering where I missed that gem..I must have skimmed past that post..

EDIT: Okaayy.. now I have read that.. I would like to ask LU-LU where she heard that snippet??
Just went back to edit that last post - it would be easier to cause compression asphyxia if the victim were face up (supine) and on a firm surface, and then the weight applied to the abdomen as well as the chest. Particularly the abdomen. People can breathe without expanding the chest at all - with difficulty (eg emphysema patients).

I doubt its something that the average person would think of though do you think?
Yes I feel sad but not for him, I feel sad for the girls and her parents. As for him being lonely, well he won't be alone at all for most of the time for a long time to come and that is all of his own making.
The saddest picture for me was the body of Allison laying dead on the bank of the creek, and whenever I think of that I think there is the mother of three daughters she tucked into bed on April 19 expecting she would wake them up in the morning and here she is murdered having been lying there for 10 days whilst her husband, her alleged murderer, went back to work, refused to talk to police, and rang insurance companies, and rung his mistress to say he 'had to lay low'. IMO I hope he is lonely and miserable, and that his life is a living hell.

All I feel is anger at what he created!!
Sorry but that is how I feel, and I feel no need to take a step back because that is what is in the forefront of my mind whenever I am on the site and a hel of a lot of other times. I am only obsessed with one thing: to see justice meted out for what was done to Allison and every else who is a victim of his behaviour. And no that doesn't include TM.

I agree. Sometimes it's just so hard to believe that this whole sordid mess is real. Even though most of us believed he was guilty from day 1 - when he finally got arrested it was such a surreal feeling to think that he had actually killed Allison. I remember so many people saying that they thought it might have been premeditated and I just couldn't bring myself to believe that might be possible. But as more and more details come to light it appears that it's certainly looking that way. It's so hard to comprehend someone killing the mother of his children. I just can't imagine how he could look those little girls in the eyes nor the Dickies. It's so unbelievable!
To see where it started, go back to page 27 of this thread. Lulu's post at bottom of page. :blushing:

I've followed all the threads and still don't know if this was something that actually happened (local feedback) or just LuLu's wonderful vivid imagination!
you know you are obsessed when you are on Websleuths while you are watching Crime Investigation on TV. And the episode is "Medical Detectives". Dr Watson could give them a run for their money
I agree. Sometimes it's just so hard to believe that this whole sordid mess is real. Even though most of us believed he was guilty from day 1 - when he finally got arrested it was such a surreal feeling to think that he had actually killed Allison. I remember so many people saying that they thought it might have been premeditated and I just couldn't bring myself to believe that might be possible. But as more and more details come to light it appears that it's certainly looking that way. It's so hard to comprehend someone killing the mother of his children. I just can't imagine how he could look those little girls in the eyes nor the Dickies. It's so unbelievable!

You are so right Timmy, with every day that passes and new titbits of information coming out it is starting to be almost incomprehensible. On day 1 I thought it cold be him but than started to have some doubts around the time of Allison's funeral.

However, as time went on and understanding some of the financial mess and shocking affairs, I am starting to believe it is premeditated and shocking (even though that word is overused in the English language it is the one that is the most fitting)!
The awful fact of this whole matter is that Allison Baden Clay, devoted mother of 3, was brutally and cold bloodedly, with malice aforethought IMO, deliberately killed in what was the prime of her life. Her body was disposed of in the most callous manner, without any dignity or respect. Her death has wreaked untold trauma and misery on those who loved her, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Her killer must be brought to justice - he could never pay enough for what he has done.
Garotting, this would mean there is something which was used, was left with the victim. Potentially whatever was used to tighten it could have chipped a tooth, if it was steel and enough force was used.
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