NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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I actually know two officers {one since we were both 9yrs old} who work in Missing Persons who I saw in news footage, when they were still searching for Allison, and I haven't contacted them to ask them anything. Although I would love to know more. Human nature, right? It just doesn't feel right to ask.

The one I've known since primary school posted stuff about Daniel Morcombe in the days leading up to finding his remains. But she's been quiet about this case. Is she posts stuff I'll read it, but I won't specially ask her anything. Alas... she has not said a word!
It was never insinuated that the sketch of TM's house in A's diary was current. It would be something dating back to the house GBC sold for TM in early days. A would have saved it and put it in her diary when she was reflecting on her early suspicions IMO
It was never insinuated that the sketch of TM's house in A's diary was current. It would be something dating back to the house GBC sold for TM in early days. A would have saved it and put it in her diary when she was reflecting on her early suspicions IMO

Another suggestion from my daughter was that sometimes counsellors suggest that you get everything out in the open so that in the future you don't need to bring it up ever again to ask questions about-how,when, where things happened. So they make you draw things to make it clear for the other party-as hurtful as it is-at least you don't keep wondering and are less likely to bring it up again and again trying to work it out. Does that make sense? I'm not sure I explained that well.
Allison Baden-Clay's 44th birthday becomes memorial after her alleged murder by husband Gerard

June 30, 2012 12:00AM

TOMORROW Allison Baden-Clay would have celebrated her 44th birthday.
Her life was cut tragically short on April 19, when police allege she was murdered by her husband Gerard, who has since been jailed awaiting trial after his bail application was denied last week.

In searching for answers and justice, parents Priscilla and Geoff Dickie, her best friend Kerry-Anne Walker and other family and friends have been relentless.

The community has rallied behind them, last week raising more than $50,000 for the Baden-Clays' three daughters at a cricket day fundraiser.

And next month, a special day honouring Allison's life, organised by former Ipswich Girls' Grammar schoolmate Deanne Hudson, will take place.

Friends and family are expected to gather tomorrow to pay tribute to Allison.
I understand what you are saying. When he was arrested I was surprised with how sad I felt for him when I saw him. But then as details have come out which suggest premeditation and such a callous disregard for his wife and his children -it's hard to feel sad for him. He appears so totally self-absorbed. IMO

I can understand why people could find it difficult to feel "sad" for the alleged perpetrator of this horrid crime. I agree that the crime is abhorent and do feel disgusted at what has alleged to have occurred and all of the alleged circumstances surrounding it. My sadness reflects the difference between what a man could have been (and how he seemed to be from the reports of the earlier years of their marriage) and what he is alleged to have become. It is such a tragic waste on so many levels and for so many people. I agree that what is alleged to have ocurrred ...... is callous and shows a great disregard for others. Then I get to the point of questioning why something that seemed to start so positively and beautifully ended in such horrid fashion. How did it happen? It just doesn't make sense on so many levels.

All just my humble opinion and reflections.
I can understand why people could find it difficult to feel "sad" for the alleged perpetrator of this horrid crime. I agree that the crime is abhorent and do feel disgusted at what has alleged to have occurred and all of the alleged circumstances surrounding it. May sadness reflects the difference between what a man could have been (and how he seemed to be from the reports of the earlier years of their marriage) and what he is alleged to have become. It is such a tragic waste on so many levels and for so many people. I agree that what is alleged to have ocurrred ...... is callous and shows a great disregard for others. Then I get to the point of questioning why something that seemed to start so positively and beautifully ended in such horrid fashion. How did it happen? It just doesn't make sense on so many levels.

All just my humble opinion and reflections.

I agree-so many confused emotions.
I can understand why people could find it difficult to feel "sad" for the alleged perpetrator of this horrid crime. I agree that the crime is abhorent and do feel disgusted at what has alleged to have occurred and all of the alleged circumstances surrounding it. My sadness reflects the difference between what a man could have been (and how he seemed to be from the reports of the earlier years of their marriage) and what he is alleged to have become. It is such a tragic waste on so many levels and for so many people. I agree that what is alleged to have ocurrred ...... is callous and shows a great disregard for others. Then I get to the point of questioning why something that seemed to start so positively and beautifully ended in such horrid fashion. How did it happen? It just doesn't make sense on so many levels.

All just my humble opinion and reflections.

It takes 3 generations for the shadow of a murder to begin to lift from both the victim's and perpetrator's families.
Was there a laundry downstairs?

What are you thinking? It happened in the laundry or GBC stashed the iPhone somewhere in the laundry ? Under the washer ? In the tumble dryer ? Or in the washer between the inner drum and the outer drum ?
Not my vivid imagination. Just information that has been passed on to me.

My parents live on the GC and my mother knows Priscilla. This whole situtation is discussed at length whenever I see my mother and sister, or talk to them over the phone. Quiet a few things have been mentioned over the last few months, but I've not thought it appropriate to post on here. I personally know Curiousasacat IRL and have not even messaged her about these things, because it just doesn't sit right with me to type them out. But this tidbit that I did pass on, to me, feels okay to pass on, to show how much of a vile person GBC is without disrespecting Allison. I suppose because this is something that he's doing since being knabbed for murdering Allison. Does that make sense..?

Sorry babe {Curiousas..}, for not telling you all. But you know I love ya! Mwah! :blowkiss:

LOL. Guys she sluethed me to here via my facebook page.(Accidently)
Lu lu I did ask you at first but respect you and the situation enough not to ask any further details. Oh at first I really,really wanted to but did not feel right asking. We also have mutual real estate friends and I have not asked them either. I just want you to pass our on our love and support to the Dickies *advertiser censored*
You know whats been really bugging me ?!

1. The txt messages.
2. The google searches.
3. The different stories about the path Allison may have walked along.
4. His general policy of non-commmunication.

And it all comes back to why, WHY did he do this ?

And my conclusion was that it must have appeared to him as a perfectly reasonable course of action.

So now my question was, WHY was this a reasonable course of action ?

And my conclusion this time was because he had a particular scenario in mind, where these elements all together, would paint him as the innocent party.

In other words all of these elements were designed to manipulate the police to come to a certain conclusion. So this lead to me thinking about what these elements could be designed to achieve...

Lets imagine we are in the alleged killers shoes. The body has been disposed of and you need a plausible explanation for why Allison is not in the house. You hit on the idea that she went for a walk and was mugged. So now you need to think when she went for a walk. Has to be morning otherwise you have to explain why you didnt ring the police that night.This leads to txt number 1:

"Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G''

Lets dissect the txt,. After each part I've commented on a possible underlying meaning and manipulation:

1. "Good morning!" - No animosity, jovial, all is right with world. Establishes this txt was sent in the morning.

2. "Hope you slept well?" - Implies he hasn't spoken to her that night or morning and establishes that he believes she slept at the house that night.

3. "Where are you ?" - Laying the ground work that she is not in the house.

4. "None of the girls are up yet!" - Establishes that she left before the girls were up - implication being that the police dont need to ask the girls any questions as they did not see her that morning.

5. "Love G." - Establishes he has a loving relationship.

Next you need some evidence of a mugging. So you land on the idea of a damaged iphone lying in the undergrowth. Problem is you want the police to find the iphone, so how do they find it. You think, turn on location tracking on the phone, but that presents all sorts of problems, such as why didn't you use location tracking to find her before calling the police...OK scrap that. OK, tell a couple of relatives of walk paths, dont tell the police, so as not to appear knowledgeable about where the phone might be, and place the phone in the first secluded spot on these paths.

So this leads to the second txt:

"Al, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn't say either? ... I'm dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me back or call! Love G''

"Al, getting concerned. Where are you?" - Establishes that he is concerned for her well being.

"The app doesnt say either ?" - hint to the police that they can look for the phone, to find the place of mugging.

"I'm dressed" - Establishes that he wasn't dressed earlier - reinforcing that he was in the house and not outside.

"About to make lunches" - This must be unusual or he wouldn't mention it. I reckon this is here to explain why he knew something must be really wrong. He never makes lunches, Allison always makes lunches. Therefore something really bad has happened. QED the need to call in the police.

"Please just text me back or call!" - establishes a tone of final desperation and urgency.

"Love G." - its a loving relationship.

So now he needs to think what an innocent person would do before phoning the police. You would be concerned about not being in the frame for something you didnt do - in his mind an innocent person would google how to not incriminate yourself! You would check the QPS website for notices of someone being missing or a pedestrian accident near by.

So now he needs to demonstrate that he is out of his mind with worry - well that calls for a psychiatrist, hence the googling for one.

I believe his undoing, is that the scenario in his head lacked passion, emotion and depths of complexity, the txts came across as too try-hard, and he left out contacting friends, family and going for a drive with the family in the car, looking for any signs of Allison. Above all the timeline is far too compressed because he's not going through the emotions. This to me is the big giveaway IMO. It's why it all appears false and contrived.

Obviously this is all alleged conjecture and MOO.

What would be interesting is if they can find out when the messages were typed out on his phone. A big delay between typing and sending the 1st message followed by the second message being pre-typed straight after the 1st message was sent would seal the case. Those messages are stored somewhere on the phone when they are typed. Lets hope they can enlist some smart guys at Apple to check for this.
Understood. He apparently had some Army Reserve training, hence I can see 3 possibilities: broken neck, strangulation and suffocation. Broken neck would IMO have been apparent pretty quickly when the body was discovered, as well as suffocation by object inside her mouth or duct tape over mouth and nose.

oh my - the mind boggles re the duct tape
What would be interesting is if they can find out when the messages were typed out on his phone. A big delay between typing and sending the 1st message followed by the second message being pre-typed straight after the 1st message was sent would seal the case. Those messages are stored somewhere on the phone when they are typed. Lets hope they can enlist some smart guys at Apple to check for this.

wouldn't that be something :hand:
Just wanted to put out there that Army Reserve training is unlikely to provide a better set of skills to kill someone compared to a typical person. From what I gather of Gerard's personality his time involved in scouting would have involved his girlish squeals of excitement like "ooh, we're going to learn to make DAMPER today!" (picture little fairy claps while jumping up and down on the spot) Army reserves would have been another way to big note himself, while doing what Bwana thought might eventually turn him into a man, and it's possible he spent most of his time in the hospital tent having his right wrist attended to.

Judging by the number of defensive wounds it seems Allison was able to inflict, looks likely the murder went about as smoothly and expertly as Gerard's business dealings. If an event is planned and orchestrated by an idiot, the end result is normally far from perfect. Story of his life.

I still have no proof what this guy did, but am sure the police do, so all JMO.
I would love to see how those two messages compare to ones he sent on other days. My texts to the other half tend to be "Get milk pls?", "Where are you?", "Visitors due in 10, how far off are you?", "Leaving supermarket, home shortly". The salutation and sign off strike me as unnatural, but maybe it's my communication style that's odd, not his.
I would love to see how those two messages compare to ones he sent on other days. My texts to the other half tend to be "Get milk pls?", "Where are you?", "Visitors due in 10, how far off are you?", "Leaving supermarket, home shortly". The salutation and sign off strike me as unnatural, but maybe it's my communication style that's odd, not his.

agree :hand:

This article (also posted by Summer_Breeze from another publication earlier this morning) is very interesting. His phone which seemed to be almost surgically attached will have shown if he was at Kholo bridge that night. I think QPS already have this little gem of information along with much more. Won't it be fascinating when it all comes out?
I would love to see how those two messages compare to ones he sent on other days. My texts to the other half tend to be "Get milk pls?", "Where are you?", "Visitors due in 10, how far off are you?", "Leaving supermarket, home shortly". The salutation and sign off strike me as unnatural, but maybe it's my communication style that's odd, not his.

GREAT point :)

This article (also posted by Summer_Breeze from another publication earlier this morning) is very interesting. His phone which seemed to be almost surgically attached will have shown if he was at Kholo bridge that night. I think QPS already have this little gem of information along with much more. Won't it be fascinating when it all comes out?

I thought it was interesting that his defence team said the QPS have no proof he was at Kholo bridge that night - I think they do and it will come out at the Committal hearing:jail:
What's obvious is his extreme ego. IMO he's a sociopath, has no clue how normal people think, and has just been pretending all along.

He genuinely thinks he's smarter than everyone else, including Qld Police. No wonder he had to go lie down in the medical wing when reality finally hit.

What an just makes me so angry that his little girls have lost their beautiful mother all because he wanted money and his freedom.
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