NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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Not my vivid imagination. Just information that has been passed on to me.

My parents live on the GC and my mother knows Priscilla. This whole situtation is discussed at length whenever I see my mother and sister, or talk to them over the phone. Quiet a few things have been mentioned over the last few months, but I've not thought it appropriate to post on here. I personally know Curiousasacat IRL and have not even messaged her about these things, because it just doesn't sit right with me to type them out. But this tidbit that I did pass on, to me, feels okay to pass on, to show how much of a vile person GBC is without disrespecting Allison. I suppose because this is something that he's doing since being knabbed for murdering Allison. Does that make sense..?

Sorry babe {Curiousas..}, for not telling you all. But you know I love ya! Mwah! :blowkiss:

THANKS Lu_Lu....thats great! I'm glad to hear that you also set boundaries. For you, Hawkins, DrWatson....and the locals who have knowledge but total respect for the law, the families and human decency, I have utmost respect. I'm sure that must be difficult at times, but you are doing the right thing. I personally think that what you are sharing here is karma ....for him. Gave me a laugh all afternoon just wondering what the nurses were thinking and saying!!! LOL
I doubt its something that the average person would think of though do you think?

Agreed - it is not something that you would choose to do, especially if it was a premeditated murder. In the heat of the moment during scuffle, maybe, but you would really have to be intent on killing the other person to stay on there.

The whole idea of a spur of the moment thing, or a rage thing, would tend (IMHO at least) to be incompatible with something that was fairly prolonged, such as suffocation (eg by compression) as the fighting back of the victim would surely snap you back to your senses.

That, to me, argues for either a cold-blooded premeditated murder, and/or something that is quick, such as a blow.

The cold-blooded premeditated murder COULD involve any intricate involved tortuous method you could imagine.

But a heat of the moment thing is usually something very quick - a blow, a stab, a gunshot, etc, from which there is no retreat.

If you follow my logic here.....

So a lot of HOW it played out would rest with the cause of death and any other injuries. Don't forget that there may have been more than one injury, and perhaps only one of them would have been the fatal one...

Lots to ponder, until we get the autopsy results.

And I'm off to bed - have to be up VERY early in the morning...!
Hi, This is my take about this. I think you will find that the Japanese sunflower and the Mexican sunflower you see growing wild sometimes along road sides are classed as obnoxious weeds.

Not trying to be a spoilt sport, but like already stated, Sunflowers are not native to Australia and Sunflower seeds are high in fat and unbeknown to many people, are not recommended as a natural diet for Australian native parrots except as an occasional treat in spite of seeing them in those wild bird mixes you buy. They are a high heat fuel source, can overheat their bodies thus affect their feathering, can be addictive and cause some birds endless health problems like obesity.


BB, Thank you SO much, on behalf of those who didn't know - your advice is excellent and hopefully heeded. There are lots of native alternatives. I would say a yellow Grevillea - to attract birds.

As for the Obnoxious weeds - we shouldn't stand for such attitude ;)
Not my vivid imagination. Just information that has been passed on to me.

My parents live on the GC and my mother knows Priscilla. This whole situtation is discussed at length whenever I see my mother and sister, or talk to them over the phone. Quiet a few things have been mentioned over the last few months, but I've not thought it appropriate to post on here. I personally know Curiousasacat IRL and have not even messaged her about these things, because it just doesn't sit right with me to type them out. But this tidbit that I did pass on, to me, feels okay to pass on, to show how much of a vile person GBC is without disrespecting Allison. I suppose because this is something that he's doing since being knabbed for murdering Allison. Does that make sense..?

Sorry babe {Curiousas..}, for not telling you all. But you know I love ya! Mwah! :blowkiss:

Thanks for clarifying that LU-LU. I am a bit speachless on that info really!(I mean about GBC and taking care of himself) I have some thoughts..but will leave it there.

I totally understand and respect your discretion in not wanting to pass on other information. Although I have no connection to the family, I have heard things mentioned that I have chosen not to say out of respect to all involved-particularly Allison(and I do not know for certain of the facts like many who may have heard bits and pieces), including police who are doing there darndest on this case. Any relevant stuff will be revealed in time I guess.

Thank you again for your post.
Dr Watson: What do you think about a carbon monoxide poisoning theory? There is a local rumour that this was the COD. ?
BB, Thank you SO much, on behalf of those who didn't know - your advice is excellent and hopefully heeded. There are lots of native alternatives. I would say a yellow Grevillea - to attract birds.

As for the Obnoxious weeds - we shouldn't stand for such attitude ;)

That is very funny!
Agreed - it is not something that you would choose to do, especially if it was a premeditated murder. In the heat of the moment during scuffle, maybe, but you would really have to be intent on killing the other person to stay on there.

The whole idea of a spur of the moment thing, or a rage thing, would tend (IMHO at least) to be incompatible with something that was fairly prolonged, such as suffocation (eg by compression) as the fighting back of the victim would surely snap you back to your senses.

That, to me, argues for either a cold-blooded premeditated murder, and/or something that is quick, such as a blow.

The cold-blooded premeditated murder COULD involve any intricate involved tortuous method you could imagine.

But a heat of the moment thing is usually something very quick - a blow, a stab, a gunshot, etc, from which there is no retreat.

If you follow my logic here.....

So a lot of HOW it played out would rest with the cause of death and any other injuries. Don't forget that there may have been more than one injury, and perhaps only one of them would have been the fatal one...

Lots to ponder, until we get the autopsy results.

And I'm off to bed - have to be up VERY early in the morning...!

Thanks for your informative posts.

goodnight..I'm heading off too.
Yes I feel sad but not for him, I feel sad for the girls and her parents. As for him being lonely, well he won't be alone at all for most of the time for a long time to come and that is all of his own making.
The saddest picture for me was the body of Allison laying dead on the bank of the creek, and whenever I think of that I think there is the mother of three daughters she tucked into bed on April 19 expecting she would wake them up in the morning and here she is murdered having been lying there for 10 days whilst her husband, her alleged murderer, went back to work, refused to talk to police, and rang insurance companies, and rung his mistress to say he 'had to lay low'. IMO I hope he is lonely and miserable, and that his life is a living hell.

All I feel is anger at what he created!!
Sorry but that is how I feel, and I feel no need to take a step back because that is what is in the forefront of my mind whenever I am on the site and a hel of a lot of other times. I am only obsessed with one thing: to see justice meted out for what was done to Allison and every else who is a victim of his behaviour. And no that doesn't include TM.

Dr Watson: What do you think about a carbon monoxide poisoning theory? There is a local rumour that this was the COD. ?

Hi Heloise :) Caught me just as I was about to get up from the 'puter and head bedwards...

CO poisoning would not be an easy way to kill somebody else without some other means of restraining them, presumably in a vehicle. Doors can be unlocked from inside, for example. So unless ABC were unconscious already, I doubt that it would have been easy to keep her in the car while you connected the hose, started the car, locked it up, etc etc.

Carbon monoxide delivered via a plastic bag may be another way to do it, but it all seems unnecessarily complicated. Especially if the earlier speculation was right that the plastic bag was left on...

The usual telltale sign of CO poisoning is a bright, cherry red complexion - but of course that would not be present in a body that had been in the bush for 10 days. The blood product that causes the discolouration - carboxyhaemoglobin - would have long since broken down as far as I know.

OK - now I'm really off to bed... :seeya:
I agree. Sometimes it's just so hard to believe that this whole sordid mess is real. Even though most of us believed he was guilty from day 1 - when he finally got arrested it was such a surreal feeling to think that he had actually killed Allison. I remember so many people saying that they thought it might have been premeditated and I just couldn't bring myself to believe that might be possible. But as more and more details come to light it appears that it's certainly looking that way. It's so hard to comprehend someone killing the mother of his children. I just can't imagine how he could look those little girls in the eyes nor the Dickies. It's so unbelievable!
The awful fact of this whole matter is that Allison Baden Clay, devoted mother of 3, was brutally and cold bloodedly, with malice aforethought IMO, deliberately killed in what was the prime of her life. Her body was disposed of in the most callous manner, without any dignity or respect. Her death has wreaked untold trauma and misery on those who loved her, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Her killer must be brought to justice - he could never pay enough for what he has done.
Yes I feel sad but not for him, I feel sad for the girls and her parents. As for him being lonely, well he won't be alone at all for most of the time for a long time to come and that is all of his own making.
The saddest picture for me was the body of Allison laying dead on the bank of the creek, and whenever I think of that I think there is the mother of three daughters she tucked into bed on April 19 expecting she would wake them up in the morning and here she is murdered having been lying there for 10 days whilst her husband, her alleged murderer, went back to work, refused to talk to police, and rang insurance companies, and rung his mistress to say he 'had to lay low'. IMO I hope he is lonely and miserable, and that his life is a living hell.

All I feel is anger at what he created!!
Sorry but that is how I feel, and I feel no need to take a step back because that is what is in the forefront of my mind whenever I am on the site and a hel of a lot of other times. I am only obsessed with one thing: to see justice meted out for what was done to Allison and every else who is a victim of his behaviour. And no that doesn't include TM.


Obviously I feel deeply sad for this whole situation and all of the people affected by this senseless tragedy. My sadness does extend to Gerard, even though he is alleged to be the perpetrator of this despicable crime. I am sad because each person starts out in life with such potential and hope for the good that can come out of that life as a person grows and matures. Marriages and new relationships start with this too. This budding potential in new life I know isn't perfect as we are humble humans and do have the capacity to do wrong.........but that doesn't take away from all of the hope/ dreams and potential created in each person. So, for Gerard and his family... I feel so deeply sad that a life, a marriage, and a young family that has started out with such hope and potential has reached such desperate lows through all of the circumstances surrounding this horrible crime. This sadness for Gerard and where he is at in his life does not excuse him from facing the consequences of his alleged actions as determined by the QPS and the DPP. If he is guilty he deserves the punishment.
I do hope that if he is guilty that he has the courage to confess and show remorse and lift himself out of whatever actions and behaviours have led to this horrible crime. If he is innocent (and I agree that everything reported doesn't suggest this at this stage) I feel deeply for him as it would be torture to be charged with murder if you haven't done it.

This is all just my humble opinion. Also, I am not feeling "more sorry" for Gerard than I am for Allison, the girls or her family and friends. The depth of pain the victims of this crime must be going through are horrendous. I am just describing how I can feel sad for the alleged perpetrator and why I have this sadness for him.
Goodness they sure go overboard on the Justice for ABC facebook page. The things they say are sooo out of order.
Obviously I feel deeply sad for this whole situation and all of the people affected by this senseless tragedy. My sadness does extend to Gerard, even though he is alleged to be the perpetrator of this despicable crime. I am sad because each person starts out in life with such potential and hope for the good that can come out of that life as a person grows and matures. Marriages and new relationships start with this too. This budding potential in new life I know isn't perfect as we are humble humans and do have the capacity to do wrong.........but that doesn't take away from all of the hope/ dreams and potential created in each person. So, for Gerard and his family... I feel so deeply sad that a life, a marriage, and a young family that has started out with such hope and potential has reached such desperate lows through all of the circumstances surrounding this horrible crime. This sadness for Gerard and where he is at in his life does not excuse him from facing the consequences of his alleged actions as determined by the QPS and the DPP. If he is guilty he deserves the punishment.
I do hope that if he is guilty that he has the courage to confess and show remorse and lift himself out of whatever actions and behaviours have led to this horrible crime. If he is innocent (and I agree that everything reported doesn't suggest this at this stage) I feel deeply for him as it would be torture to be charged with murder if you haven't done it.

This is all just my humble opinion. Also, I am not feeling "more sorry" for Gerard than I am for Allison, the girls or her family and friends. The depth of pain the victims of this crime must be going through are horrendous. I am just describing how I can feel sad for the alleged perpetrator and why I have this sadness for him.

:goodpost: Thank you. well said.

Now I truly am off to bed..
well, after catching up on tonight's readings I have been left with a taste of vomit in my mouth.. taa for the insight into GBC's prison life Lulu.
ew ew ew !!!

I totally accept the plastic bag theory. and perhaps this was (another sad attempt) to give the impression of suicide
Obviously I feel deeply sad for this whole situation and all of the people affected by this senseless tragedy. My sadness does extend to Gerard, even though he is alleged to be the perpetrator of this despicable crime. I am sad because each person starts out in life with such potential and hope for the good that can come out of that life as a person grows and matures. Marriages and new relationships start with this too. This budding potential in new life I know isn't perfect as we are humble humans and do have the capacity to do wrong.........but that doesn't take away from all of the hope/ dreams and potential created in each person. So, for Gerard and his family... I feel so deeply sad that a life, a marriage, and a young family that has started out with such hope and potential has reached such desperate lows through all of the circumstances surrounding this horrible crime. This sadness for Gerard and where he is at in his life does not excuse him from facing the consequences of his alleged actions as determined by the QPS and the DPP. If he is guilty he deserves the punishment.
I do hope that if he is guilty that he has the courage to confess and show remorse and lift himself out of whatever actions and behaviours have led to this horrible crime. If he is innocent (and I agree that everything reported doesn't suggest this at this stage) I feel deeply for him as it would be torture to be charged with murder if you haven't done it.

This is all just my humble opinion. Also, I am not feeling "more sorry" for Gerard than I am for Allison, the girls or her family and friends. The depth of pain the victims of this crime must be going through are horrendous. I am just describing how I can feel sad for the alleged perpetrator and why I have this sadness for him.

I understand what you are saying. When he was arrested I was surprised with how sad I felt for him when I saw him. But then as details have come out which suggest premeditation and such a callous disregard for his wife and his children -it's hard to feel sad for him. He appears so totally self-absorbed. IMO
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