No Flames - Innocent until proven guilty

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Is Casey Innocent?

  • Yes, Until Proven Guilty By a Court of Law

    Votes: 50 17.5%
  • Yes, Not Enough Evidence to Prove Her Guilty

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • No, But Believe in Jury Outcome

    Votes: 43 15.0%
  • No, Enough Evidence Exists to Prove Guilt Right Now

    Votes: 188 65.7%

  • Total voters
No! I do not believe she will have a fair trail. I agree with the statement Baez made, she has been tried and found guilty in the eyes of the public/media.

Yes...I agree. Even though the jurors can be told to simply disregard certain things that they have read/heard/been led to believe...It just isn't possible for that to always happen. We already know a LOT about the things found in this case against her, as will the jurors, unless they do not watch TV or read the newspapers....Highly unlikely.
I've been trying to say this since the beginning. I personally believe Caylee is alive and that there are "stories within the stories." I think what's being leaked is being leaked deliberately and one day the media will see they allowed themselves to be used - which is fine with me if it brings a measure of safety to Caylee, if you get my drift!

I don't believe it matters what was leaked, deliberately or not, in light of the fact the information was enough for 12 people to say it was solid evidence and can prove that not only is Caylee dead, but was killed in a premeditated act by her mother. The only story is based on lies from a woman who the facts say killed her child. The facts spoke clearly yesterday. Caylee is not safe. Caylee was not safe with Casey.

I am curious about what's happened to investigative journalism? In my opinion, one of the print or broadcast media could really enhance their stature by getting their best IJ on this and using their connections to find the root story - the real story. Things are not always as they appear. If I'm wrong, so what?! All they'll have lost is another "me, too" story!

The media reported information as it became available on both sides of this. They are doing their job. They even cover (as in give airtime) to the lies as they are brought about by A fam. I have been angered because the "investigative journalists" have not landed on them with the hard questions and have not gotten to the ROOT of the story, too! They need to stop pampering CA and GA to get to the real story of why they are lying and covering up for Casey. Things are as they appear in this case and the media only reflects that truth.

I look at the people who have already convicted Casey as black and white people - not a racial comment! :) I'm talking about people who make quick decisions and like to get things tidied up and move along to the next one. Life isn't black and white - life is messy. There are very few absolutes. There are lots of different kinds of people in the hard as it is to believe, there are lots of people who don't know or care about this case! That's good - "it takes every kind of people to make the world go 'round."

I can't speak for other people, but I have paid close attention to this case and every detail which has come out from both sides. This is where I have based my opinion. I didn't just decide I wanted to "tidy things up and move along". There is nothing as messy as a mother killing her child and saying she was kidnapped. However, facts are only one color and there is only one truth. People on a jury will decide if they find it based on facts and evidence, not public opinion. I have faith they can do exactly what the law asks them to do.

Throughout all this, though, we have to remember that we have due process and a constitutional right to be "presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." It's what JB was talking about yesterday when he said there are American soldiers in IRAQ fighting for this. That upset people, but if we lose our constitutional rights we become a land of outlaws.
Baez' comments are scathing coming from a man who has made it impossible for his client to actually tell the truth as to what happened to her child and defends her right to put her life above that child's in the process under the constitution. Yes, it upset many people who have sons and daughters in Iraq fighting for our freedoms/constitutional rights when Casey can wait 31 days to report her daughter missing, lie about it to police, carry on like a stripper, write fraudulent checks to buy beer for her boyfriend, all the while flaunting it on film about what a great time she is having without her child then have the nerve to say she has been a victim.

If I am an outlaw because I feel like our constitution wasn't written to protect people who have such a blatent disregard for our laws in such cases...then so be it. Casey has all the rights while Caylee had none. :furious:

Presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has nothing to do with what Americans can choose to logically conclude on their own. The Jury has that task and will do their job accordingly no matter where they are.
Believe it or not, most people I know, even some in the Orlando area, have no clue what this case is all about. People either follow it or they don't give a fat rats *advertiser censored** about Casey Anthony. Most of my friends get that glazed over look while I babble on about it. Including my poor husband.
I know this is going to be considered heresy. Give me a second while I put my 4 quart cookpot on my head.

Someone early on (NG show perhaps?) made the comment that there was a grain of truth in every lie Casey said. I think that's bunk in that you can't follow the bits a pieces of reality that she weaves in to make her lies more believable as being something that will lead you to the truth.

How many rabbit holes have people run into looking for the bit of truth in Casey's lies? Like scouring Blanchard Park or the area around the Sawmill Apartments? Like her lies are a puzzle or a code that can be delved for the truth.

There is no truth in Casey's lies.

I hope I don't get in trouble with the mods, but I agree with you, and I respectfully disagree with the opinion that those of us who are relieved Casey is in prison are celebrating. No, I'm not jumping up and down with joy because bottom line is There is a childs corpse lying and rotting somewhere. GA, CA, LA know in their heart they can cover for Casey all they want but when darkness falls and the house is quiet they will hear the truth. It always hovers over you.
Baez' comments are scathing coming from a man who has made it impossible for his client to actually tell the truth as to what happened to her child and defends her right to put her life above that child's in the process under the constitution. Yes, it upset many people who have sons and daughters in Iraq fighting for our freedoms/constitutional rights when Casey can wait 31 days to report her daughter missing, lie about it to police, carry on like a stripper, write fraudulent checks to buy beer for her boyfriend, all the while flaunting it on film about what a great time she is having without her child then have the nerve to say she has been a victim.

If I am an outlaw because I feel like our constitution wasn't written to protect people who have such a blatent disregard for our laws in such cases...then so be it. Casey has all the rights while Caylee had none. :furious:

Presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has nothing to do with what Americans can choose to logically conclude on their own. The Jury has that task and will do their job accordingly.

I have to say I agree that saying those who think Casey is guilty are "black-white" (because we want to get things done quickly) is rather ridiculous. So only those who think Caylee is still alive are giving the facts careful consideration? Bogus.

I can think Casey is as guilty as the day is long and want her to rot in hell for eternity and not one of her constitutional rights would have been violated. She doesn't have a constitutional right for everyone to think nice thoughts about her until after her trial. Heck, we don't even have to give her the benefit of the doubt. That isn't a constitutional right either....unless we are a jury member. She has every right to a fair trial in the court of law.

Casey can have a fair trial even if the jurors have heard about the case. They just have to be able to look at the evidence objectively and base their decision on that evidence. If they have already formed an opinion that prevents them from doing this then they are not appropriate for jury duty on this case.
I hope I don't get in trouble with the mods, but I agree with you, and I respectfully disagree with the opinion that those of us who are relieved Casey is in prison are celebrating. No, I'm not jumping up and down with joy because bottom line is There is a childs corpse lying and rotting somewhere. GA, CA, LA know in their heart they can cover for Casey all they want but when darkness falls and the house is quiet they will hear the truth. It always hovers over you.

I wrote about this yesterday after the indictments were made public. I wasn't gleeful at all. It was good to see the charges finally going forward but all I could think of was that poor little baby lying somewhere and the fact that her mother was responsible. I think even the people who were yahooing yesterday would admit they weren't really happy.
I wrote about this yesterday after the indictments were made public. I wasn't gleeful at all. It was good to see the charges finally going forward but all I could think of was that poor little baby lying somewhere and the fact that her mother was responsible. I think even the people who were yahooing yesterday would admit they weren't really happy.

Exactly. I am not happy at all. Happy for me would be someone with the initials ZG would show up at a fire-station with Caylee. It was all a miscommunication. That would make me happy.
I wonder who looks out for a fair trial for Caylee? I think having it in Orlando, amongst her peers, people that have seen her smug looks would be fair.
Yes, she can get a fair trial. Not everyone (like us) is highly in tune with each bit of evidence that has been leaked or read every transcript of interviews. Most of the in depth information released about this case has been on the internet.

I watch the news channels, and there really hasn't been highly detailed information on there. Some people I know, including my family, just automatically tune out when her name comes on the news because they are so sick of just hearing the name and couldn't tell you jack squat about the intracies of the case.

These people are definitely not seeking, searching, and analyzing everything they can find. They tune out!
I have just skimmed a few posts, and I just don't get it, I really don't. Yes, I ADMIT IT, I am very happy Casey is in jail, I am very happy she doesn't have bond set, I am very happy she has been charged with first degree murder. I also admit I hope she is convicted, and I hope she never sees a minute of freedom again.
Casey not being in jail is not going to make Caylee any less DEAD. I believe Casey killed her daughter, and yes, it makes me very happy she is probably going to face the consequences of it. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO CAYLEE!
If I could have my wish, it would be that Caylee was home, safe and sound with Cindy, she had never gone missing, and I had never even heard of her.
Yeah, that's me, I don't like baby killers, I don't like child molesters, I don't like child abusers, period, and the reason is because I love children and I believe with all my heart all children should be allowed to live happy and safe lives. When someone takes that away from them, it enrages me.
I still also believe in the constitution, I believe in everyone's right to a fair trial, I believe everyone has the right, IN A COURT OF LAW, to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I don't see any of my beliefs as contradictions, I think they go together very well.
While I hate to be the one to say it - we all have to realize that our judicial system is set up as KC is innocent until the prosecutors prove without a reasonable doubt that she is guilty of killing Caylee. Yes, I know emotions are running high - especially after the judgement that came down from the Grand Jury - but folks she is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Do I personally believe she can have a fair trial here in Orlando - nope, absolutely not. They will have to probably move the case to one of our smaller, rural counties to get an impartial jury. Do I personally think that she is guilty of someway causing harm to her daughter and causing her death - yes - but in a court of law she is innocent. Even though in the eyes of the public she is guilty - we all have to understand what makes our country great. Having a fair and even judicial system.

Any thoughts? Do you think she can get a fair trial?

presumption of innocence is reserved for the jury. she is not presumed innocent to the rest of the world or to the court, that's why she has no bail!

yes, she can get a fair trial
I have just skimmed a few posts, and I just don't get it, I really don't. Yes, I ADMIT IT, I am very happy Casey is in jail, I am very happy she doesn't have bond set, I am very happy she has been charged with first degree murder. I also admit I hope she is convicted, and I hope she never sees a minute of freedom again.
Casey not being in jail is not going to make Caylee any less DEAD. I believe Casey killed her daughter, and yes, it makes me very happy she is probably going to face the consequences of it. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO CAYLEE!
If I could have my wish, it would be that Caylee was home, safe and sound with Cindy, she had never gone missing, and I had never even heard of her.
Yeah, that's me, I don't like baby killers, I don't like child molesters, I don't like child abusers, period, and the reason is because I love children and I believe with all my heart all children should be allowed to live happy and safe lives. When someone takes that away from them, it enrages me.
I still also believe in the constitution, I believe in everyone's right to a fair trial, I believe everyone has the right, IN A COURT OF LAW, to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I don't see any of my beliefs as contradictions, I think they go together very well.

I'm with you. I refuse to feel like some vengeful beetch because I am happy Casey is where she was determined in by the GA. I'd be even happier if there was no reason for her to be there, but sadly there is IMO.
Do I personally believe she can have a fair trial here in Orlando - nope, absolutely not. They will have to probably move the case to one of our smaller, rural counties to get an impartial jury. Do I personally think that she is guilty of someway causing harm to her daughter and causing her death - yes - but in a court of law she is innocent. Even though in the eyes of the public she is guilty - we all have to understand what makes our country great. Having a fair and even judicial system.
Any thoughts? Do you think she can get a fair trial?

snipped for space

I think there is a possibility that she could get a fair trial in Orlando, it would
just depend on jury selection. I believe, that the next large expense in her defense, even beyond investigators needs to be a good juror consultant that has worked with high profile cases. In fact, having an experienced juror consultant would be an advantage even if they move it to a rural county.
While I hate to be the one to say it - we all have to realize that our judicial system is set up as KC is innocent until the prosecutors prove without a reasonable doubt that she is guilty of killing Caylee. Yes, I know emotions are running high - especially after the judgement that came down from the Grand Jury - but folks she is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Do I personally believe she can have a fair trial here in Orlando - nope, absolutely not. They will have to probably move the case to one of our smaller, rural counties to get an impartial jury. Do I personally think that she is guilty of someway causing harm to her daughter and causing her death - yes - but in a court of law she is innocent. Even though in the eyes of the public she is guilty - we all have to understand what makes our country great. Having a fair and even judicial system.

Any thoughts? Do you think she can get a fair trial?

Assumed innocent........oh yeah, O.J. was innocent until proven not guilty in the murder trial........and he is still innocent!!............NOT, NOT, NOT!!!
Believe it or not, most people I know, even some in the Orlando area, have no clue what this case is all about. People either follow it or they don't give a fat rats *advertiser censored** about Casey Anthony. Most of my friends get that glazed over look while I babble on about it. Including my poor husband.

And I thought it was JUST my Maybe we should start them a support group.
I CAN have an educated opinion and still be seated in a jury panel and follow judges instruction; give the defended the repsect and right to be judged faily and according to the evidence presented. Many cases after the fact have jurors said they believe the person to be guilty but voted not guilty as the prosecution did not present evidence to warrant a conviction according to the judges instructions.

Baez is insulting all of us...Biaz claimed that if a Grand Jury was to seated and no testimony given and the prosecution walked in and asked for an incitement- the GJ is so tainted it would just hand one down......

Why do these people keep making these insane statements.....if I was on the gj I would listen follow directions and adhere to the law and standards regardless of what I feel or the media......why is the Anthony family and her attorneys insulting all of us claiming we are not smart enough or savvy enough to have an educated opinion and still serve with out bias a judgment?

I can serve on a jury and have an opinion and still set it a side and start fresh the idea one is innocent until proven guilty by evidence. I can follow the judge’s instructions. I find this insulting and I am enraged.

I know I can...........can you?

I am tired of the lies and insults stating the grand jury can not or did not act in an educated manner.
I CAN have an educated opinion and still be seated in a jury panel and follow judges instruction; give the defended the repsect and right to be judged faily and according to the evidence presented. Many cases after the fact have jurors said they believe the person to be guilty but voted not guilty as the prosecution did not present evidence to warrant a conviction according to the judges instructions.

Baez is insulting all of us...Biaz claimed that if a Grand Jury was to seated and no testimony given and the prosecution walked in and asked for an incitement- the GJ is so tainted it would just hand one down......

Why do these people keep making these insane statements.....if I was on the gj I would listen follow directions and adhere to the law and standards regardless of what I feel or the media......why is the Anthony family and her attorneys insulting all of us claiming we are not smart enough or savvy enough to have an educated opinion and still serve with out bias a judgment?

I can serve on a jury and have an opinion and still set it a side and start fresh the idea one is innocent until proven guilty by evidence. I can follow the judge’s instructions. I find this insulting and I am enraged.

I know I can...........can you?

I am tired of the lies and insults stating the grand jury can not or did not act in an educated manner.

I totally see your point. I for one am too emotionally wrapped up in this particular case to be able to make a fair decision. But I can be fair in ANOTHER trial with a whole different set of players.
I totally see your point. I for one am too emotionally wrapped up in this particular case to be able to make a fair decision. But I can be fair in ANOTHER trial with a whole different set of players.

Between Baez, Todd B's comment from today, her parents in total denial, they are as much as leading KC right down to death row. So, yes, she's innocent until PROVEN guilty but with the crew she's got for support, I don't see how she's going to get out of this one.
I believe Casey can get a fair trial in Orange County. I believe in the Jury system and have served on one.

Everyone who serves on a Jury takes it very seriously. Evidence & forensics, witness testimony, and expert testimony will point the way to whatever verdict is just. JMO
I really thank everyone for posting on this thread. I adore it on WS's as most can have intelligent conversations without attacking one another. It really shows me that no matter what people's emotions are, the law can rise above that and she can get a fair trial. While my opinion is not in orange county - or in central florida in general, I think that there could be a jury picked, seated and sworn that they will just hear the evidence in the case to either acquit or convict her.

I keep thinking of those in other countries - who have no trials, no juries - nothing. As we come up to an Election year, we should all be proud we are part of a great judicial system (no offense to those of other countries).

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