NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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I must be missing something. I'm trying to keep up, please forgive if these have been answered. Where did Danley take all the stuff she packed? Have they found a storage unit anywhere? I was under the impression they found only firearms and such at his Reno and Mesquite locations.

The neighbor said Paddock moved out mid-August and was followed shortly afterwards by Ms Danley, who had spent three days packing her belongings into, and on top of, her car. That was six weeks ago. She leaves the country, and arrives in Tokyo.

For argument's sake, let's say she leaves the home, in Reno, on August 15th, and puts her things in a storage unit or with family. Flying out of Reno is much cheaper. St. George UT is the closest airline to Mesquite and it's very pricey. SP was said to be cheap, per the hookers, and had mentioned finding her a cheap flight. It's about a 17-26 hour flight, to Tokyo, depending which airport she ended up flying out of, the time, etc...

What date did she fly out of the United States?
I cannot understand why, at this juncture, that no one seems sure of when she flew out of the U.S. Where was she between the time she left Reno and when she boarded for Tokyo?

Why would she say he found her a cheap trip to visit family in the Philippines? I don't think it was to protect her, was she not already in Hong Kong? She flew to the Philippines after Tokyo, then continues;

She left the U.S. for Tokyo - Unknown Date
She left Tokyo and arrives in Manila, Philippines - 09/15/2017
She left Manila and arrived in Hong Kong - 09/22/2017
She left Hong Kong and arrives back in Manila - 09/25/2017

Danley's Travel Map

Could part of her trips have been about business matters?

"Seeking Bank Secrecy in Asia"

Real Estate in Tokyo, London, and NYC

Packs up her car

“I had the feeling she was packing to go camping, she had a lot of things packed on the top of car, and it took her a few days to get it finished,” she said.
I must be missing something. I'm trying to keep up, please forgive if these have been answered. Where did Danley take all the stuff she packed? Have they found a storage unit anywhere? I was under the impression they found only firearms and such at his Reno and Mesquite locations.

The neighbor said Paddock moved out mid-August and was followed shortly afterwards by Ms Danley, who had spent three days packing her belongings into, and on top of, her car. That was six weeks ago. She leaves the country, and arrives in Tokyo.

For argument's sake, let's say she leaves the home, in Reno, on August 15th, and puts her things in a storage unit or with family. Flying out of Reno is much cheaper. St. George UT is the closest airline to Mesquite and it's very pricey. SP was said to be cheap, per the hookers, and had mentioned finding her a cheap flight. It's about a 17-26 hour flight, to Tokyo, depending which airport she ended up flying out of, the time, etc...

What date did she fly out of the United States?
I cannot understand why, at this juncture, that no one seems sure of when she flew out of the U.S. Where was she between the time she left Reno and when she boarded for Tokyo?

Why would she say he found her a cheap trip to visit family in the Philippines? I don't think it was to protect her, was she not already in Hong Kong? She flew to the Philippines after Tokyo, then continues;

She left the U.S. for Tokyo - Unknown Date
She left Tokyo and arrives in Manila, Philippines - 09/15/2017
She left Manila and arrived in Hong Kong - 09/22/2017
She left Hong Kong and arrives back in Manila - 09/25/2017

Danley's Travel Map

Could part of her trips have been about business matters?

"Seeking Bank Secrecy in Asia"

Real Estate in Tokyo, London, and NYC

Packs up her car


Her daughter has married into wealth, so perhaps there is some momey there for her?
If I recall, mental illness tends to develop in late teens to 20s. It can develop as late as 40s.

Mental illness can develop at any age, but if you mean schizophrenia that tends to develop in men between the mid teens and mid to late 20s with a few much later outliers.
Some nutjob is giving all of us responsible gun owners a bad name, moo.
Does she speak and understand English clearly? Just wondering if a language barrier was the cause of misunderstandings?

I would be very surprised if Marilou did not speak perfect English. She'd been in the US for 20 years and had been married in Australia for many years before that.

Investigators are trying to determine whether anyone else was in the Las Vegas gunman's hotel room during the time he was registered there, multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation told NBC News.

The investigators are puzzled by two discoveries: First, a charger was found that does not match any of the cellphones that belonged to the gunman, Stephen Paddock.

And second: Garage records show that during a period when Paddock's car left the hotel garage, one of his key cards was used to get into his room.​

It also says he made $5m in 2015 from gambling.


Edit: An interesting slip, there. He had multiple cellphones... I wonder why.

MC Thanks for the link to the story. Yes the IRS may have W2G's totaling 5 million dollars, but that does not tell anyone how much he had in losses. I have a bag in my office from a compulsive gambler.....over a quarter of a million dollars in W2G winnings.....however, they lost over four hundred thousand dollars. (Gambling Losses are only deductible to the extent of gains....) Likewise, I have seen 1099's for hundreds of thousands of dollars from rental mgmt companies, but after property taxes & mortgage payments, the profit is very low by comparison. The same for business who sell millions of dollars in pharmaceuticals, but still have overall operating losses. Even if
(and I am only saying that because there might be a 1% chance) he had a really big windfall one year, the following year he may have gambled away his profits.
I just did a "practice run" on 2015 tax program and the taxes owing on $5 Million dollars is.......drum roll please:drumroll: is
$1,933,874.00 Yep...One million nine hundred thirty-three thousand, eight hundred seventy-four dollars!!
I hoped I didn't bore my fellow posters with my calculations...but I just don't see Mr. Just-A-Guy writing a check (almost 40% ) to the IRS. But hey, show me a tax return he actually prepared and filed.....or a reconciliation statement from the casinos that shows his total wins and losses. He would be making a profit of $104,000 a week based on 48 weeks of gambling. (I left off 4 weeks, because I figured he was cruising in international waters for his winnings there....lol.) Sorry, but something is so WRONG with this picture.... or he won the state lottery, too.
I am wondering about the part of being more than $10,000.A person can transfer any amount, but $10,000 is the amount that is flagged.

He was transferring $100,000.What did he have to provide authorities or the bank to be able to transfer more than $10,000?

If you have money in a foreign bank, you have to declare it nowadays. I think the law changed about two or three years ago.

I think it is 10 000 is the threshold where banks have to report it to some entity or keep a record of it .
I learned all this stuff from Trump stuff.

There is an agency called FinCen (or close) that is a branch of of the the treasury and they are apparently top notch in money laudering.

So I do think if released some money issues will come out.

The note in his room only have numbers on it

he tried to get bullets that light up helping see where they hitting
-Snipped from the above reuters link-thank you.

“Not only did Paddock buy the complex, he ran it as the manager and lived onsite as a way of holding EXPENSES down, apparently KEEPING HIS OWN books on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet RATHER THAN PAY an accountant.

His brother said the pair had been THRIFTY from the start, describing how they gutted and renovated a 20-unit building in Los Angeles largely themselves. Caring little about appearances, they BOUGHT CHEAP clothes from Walmart”

Just interesting...seeing the various monetary references.

Or not wanting to attract attn -- if their income streams are illegal that would make sense .
I'm not exactly sure what you're listening to. I know whenever something serious is happening in my city, dispatch and officers switch to a tactical channel. It's not broadcasted publicly for a number of reasons. I would imagine the majority of chatter that night was on one of those channels which is why you're not hearing much.

I know when I listened to the scanner during all the chaos of that night, it sounded terrifying.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to imply...

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Trying to understand why it sounds so different than other events like this
If the money hasn’t been moved already, would LE be able to seize it?

Excellent question BEARS10. One argument could be the 100K was given as a gift, prior to any criminal act, so she gets to keep it. Someone else might argue that he owes money to the IRS and he was attempting to hide it by sending the money to a foreign country.
Hmmm....buys his gf a ticket, but tells cosmotologist "he would like to go, but can't"....
the law now requires the IRS to advise the State Department about seriously delinquent taxpayers. The State Department may then refuse to issue or renew a passport for a seriously delinquent taxpayer; the Secretary of State is also permitted to revoke any passport previously issued to a seriously delinquent taxpayer.
How can "motive" be found, when maybe even SP does not know what compelled him to commit this depravity? Maybe "motive" should be replaced with the term "cause/causes." Lots of subjects discussed: alcohol, valium, psychopath, paranoia etc.... surely many forensic psychologists are being consulted, as well as medical doctors, too.
Clumsiness....falling in the casino
High Blood Pressure....thought he was allergic to medicine and quit taking it...so he couldn't renew his pilot's license, per info from brother.
Writing notes in order to preserve memories Strange numbers on notepad
Mental Illness can appear in 40's (Stole that info from post #986 by HmsHood!)
Paranoia, not interacting with people, personality beginning to change etc.. ..
"The most characteristic feature of BD is psychomotor slowness - an increase in the length of time it takes, for example, for the fingers to turn the thought of a letter into the shape of a letter on a piece of paper. Other symptoms include forgetfulness (but not as severe as the forgetfulness of Alzheimer's disease), changes in speech, an unsteady gait, clumsiness or frequent falls, changes in personality or mood (most likely in the form of apathy, irritability, and depression), and urinary symptoms that aren't caused by urological disease."
Binswanger's Disease or some sources Binswanger's Syndrome
SP is dead, so I don't see a problem with trying to figure out what medical conditions he might have been experiencing. BD starts slowly in the 4th decade of life (in your 40's for simplicity) -- hypertension (high blood pressure) and alcohol are two factors that can exacerbate the progression.
Well, its 3am right now...and I still want to read more posts. G'night.
Not being a mental health educated person, I don't know what this would be called or how it would apply to a diagnosis.

From what we know, SP spent hour upon hour gambling which meant sitting in one spot, eyes focused at the gambling machine, making instant decisions repeatedly.

This type of focus on one object, looking at it so intently for hours, day after day is not good for anyone's health. SP has a look that he is in his own world, which he is. He is locked into a computer stare where he doesn't have to associate with anyone - no talking, no listening, no facial response. He is not bothered by people and chooses when he will speak.

It is a lifestyle he has lived too long and it took a toll on him. However, why he chose to massacre anyone may be never known. Look how well he hid his collection of guns and his live in girlfriend didn't even know!

My opinions only.
Plus the human interaction is sparse. He wasn't a social gambler he was a "professional" gambler. Focused on beating the system. Not sure what that does to a person over the decades.

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he was a cruiser, wonder if he got a suite like I did a waste if you ask me except it was nice to have a jacuzzi and the balcony but not worth the money I paid. Question: Would that cinder block wall stop the bullets? How powerful are those bullets? Someone said they are designed to bounce around the body and cause not death but mame the soldier so it would take several other soldiers to tend to him thus taking out 3 for the price of one hit? Just another stupid question I have

I am wondering about the part of being more than $10,000.A person can transfer any amount, but $10,000 is the amount that is flagged.

He was transferring $100,000.What did he have to provide authorities or the bank to be able to transfer more than $10,000?

If you have money in a foreign bank, you have to declare it nowadays. I think the law changed about two or three years ago.

I was sending for a business (if that matters) so I never had to do anything differently for wires over $10k. I did it from my computer, I didn’t have to go to the bank in person. Idk about sending from a personal account. I would think they would have to send a form to the IRS reporting the transfer but I’m not sure. Maybe if we have a banker here, they can weigh in on that
Answer to Question in Las Vegas Massacre, ‘Why?’, Elusive So Far
by Miguel Almaguer, Tom Winter, Kasie Hunt and Phil Helsel

Investigators trying to piece together why a gunman opened fire on a crowd of thousands of concert-goers in Las Vegas this week said they have chased down more than a thousand leads, but the motive in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history remained a mystery.

"I believe we will have an answer. But that answer may also end up being 'we don't know why he did it,'" Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said in an interview Friday, five days after Sunday's shooting that left 58 people dead and hundreds wounded. McMahill added investigators will continue to work diligently to try and determine a motive.

Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino onto as crowd of thousands at a country western concert Sunday night. Authorities said he apparently killed himself as police closed in...

I’m not sure if we had to do anything for our initial set up since my boss’s wife handled that. But I regular sent wires over $100,000 from my office computer. I’m also not sure if business accounts have different stipulations from consumer accounts.

ETA - the info I needed to send an international wire was - receivers bank account number, bank Swift code, the complete bank addres (which was a PITA bc every country seems to format addresses differently), phone number, and name on the account. All info had to be accurate. Swift code being the most important.

Why then was there ANY confusion about where and to whom the money was sent?
This has been debunked. It didn't happen.

Just because one security guard said it didn't happen isn't debunking it. I worked security at festivals, it's possible he was completely unaware it occurred.So it's possible someone crazy said something or a woman did try to warn them.
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