NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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An internet search of Paddock brothers brings up an interesting article. Could be how so much money was made.
There was not as much estrangement between Steven Paddock and other family member as we are let to believe.
Why then was there ANY confusion about where and to whom the money was sent?

There shouldn’t have been any confusion IMO. Maybe it was more of LE saying too much publicly at first and then backtracking? Or maybe the money was wired to one of her family members accounts and they needed to confirm that the receiver was related to her? I read she denounced her citizenship there so it’s kind of weird to me if she had a bank account, but maybe it’s not so strange since she traveled there often. Idk
to me everything points to SP sending MD back home - permanently. Just my opinion but little clues from MD that he
had been spiraling down mentally and her suspecting he was breaking up with her. Probably close to the truth.

Somewhere in all the articles it was mentioned the money he sent was for a home for her and her family there.
Makes sense. sort of a parting gift to her.

Libragirl, Thanks for your insight on your first post. Very enlightening, hope you continue to post here.
Bump stocks can allow a gun to shoot 400-800 rounds per second. I think he just held onto the trigger until that magazine was empty. It would only take about 15-20 seconds.

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Sorry if this has already been discussed and I missed it.

I think it allows 400-800 rounds *per minute*, not per second. Still enough to overheat a modified semiautomatic rife like an AR-15. Barrel would deform/melt after several minutes of continuous fire if it was modded with something like a bump-stock, which would explain (in part) why he had/used multiple weapons.

Hopefully there's a current or former military gun tech on this tread that'll verify this. Several of my friends (former military) outside WS who have worked on weapons like these agreed on this point.

Even many types of *fully automatic* rifles (non-modified) overheat when firing multiple hundreds of rounds; they saw it happen during their military work.

Can you elaborate at all? Which brother?

Brother Patrick II claimed he hadn't talked to Stephen in 10 or 20 years.
Haven't heard from Brother Bruce. Sounds like he was on the lam.
Welcome, Libragirl! Great first post. Glad you're here.

Hello, I'm a newbie to this forum. Have been lurking for awhile though, but decided to join today. I just wanted to give my insight into the kind of relationship that I think Stephen Paddock might have had with Marilou Danley, and why I'm not surprised that she might have been left in the dark when it came to her bf's plans to commit mass murder. Having grown in a Filipino household, and having been surrounded by women similar to Marilou who have had foreigner 'caucasian' boyfriends, most of these women aren't really treated as equals. The kind of men that they tend to attract are sadly those who believe women are subservient to men. Filipino women have been taught to put their husbands and their family's needs above their own, and yes, having money can be a huge factor in why they would put up with mistreatment from their partners. I'm not saying that Marilou was a mail order bride, but let's just say that I wouldn't be surprised if she originally was. I also think Stephen Paddock probably viewed and treated Marilou almost like a child, and I have a feeling he controlled the narrative in their relationship. Because of colonial mentality, and probably lack of confidence, I don't think Marilou ever asked questions or interfered with any of Stephen's plans. Filipinos tend to try not to rock the boat, it's a cultural trait.

Yes, Marilou probably could communicate in English very well, having lived in English speaking countries for a long period of time, but I can guarantee that there is still some sort of communication barrier there. Filipinos are well known to communicate in English quite well, but there is still a significant difference between someone who is a Native born speaker versus someone who considers English as their second language. Filipinos who grew up in the Philippines tend to take things 'literally', they have difficulty understanding puns, word plays, or innuendos unless they were very well educated in the English language from a young age.

Furthermore, just wanted to add that I don't find it unusual that Stephen Paddock would send money over to Marilou in the Philippines. Filipinos are well known to send money to their families, and I know a few foreigner men married or in relationships with Filipino born women who have sent money over to their wives or gfs relatives. The huge amount of money sent over might have been uncommon, but the actual practice itself isn't. Also, Marilou having a bank account in the Philippines despite not being a Filipino citizen anymore is also not strange. My mother is not a Filipino citizen either but she has a bank account in the Philippines, it just makes it easier for her to store her money safely and access it conveniently whenever she goes there on holidays. As for Stephen being influenced by terrorist groups in the Philippines, though that may be a possibility, i think it is highly unlikely unless he has visited or come into contact with Muslim extremists from the southern part of the country. From what I've read Marilou originated from the North, she most likely is Christian Catholic, which the majority of the country is. But all this is just my speculation, she might very well have been in the know or was an accomplice to his plans. Just wanted to share my perspective.

But what are you listening to? Can you provide a link because your description sounds different from what I listened to.

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it was hour 2 it is linked a little back
I believe you have the timeline wrong. What I saw reported is that she flew to the Philippines, spent some time with family, took a quick trip to Tokyo, then back to the Philippines. It was covered in an earlier post how quick and cheap a trip from the Philippines to Tokyo is.

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No, the quick trip was to Hong Kong. I don't know exactly where she was in the Philippines, but just for reference, Hong Kong is about 695 miles from Manila; and Tokyo is around 1865 miles. Tokyo would not be a "quick trip", but Hong Kong would be.

CNN reports:
"Danley, 62, who travels on an Australian passport, arrived in the Philippines from Tokyo on September 15, then left for Hong Kong on September 22 and flew back to the Philippines on September 25, said Maria Antoinette Mangrobang, a spokeswoman for the Philippine Bureau of Immigration."


There is an addendum at the end of the article which says:

"A previous version of this report incorrectly said that Marilou Danley left Tokyo on September 25. She left on September 15."
I just watched Anderson Coopers tribute to the victims. Heartbreaking. So many innocent lives lost. Why? I don't have much hope that things will change. If little children can be killed (Newtown) and nothing changes, this won't do it either.

What is the answer? I wish I knew.

Prayers to the victims and their friends and families.

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If handled properly, a bump stock could increase the rate of fire from between 45 and 60 rounds per minute to between 400 and 800 rounds per minute, Feinstein said in a news release.


Bump stocks replace the semi-automatic’s butt stock and pistol grip. They use the recoil of the gun to fire multiple rounds in rapid succession. “It, in essence, bounces off your body,” Glasco said.

But in order to get the gun to fire, a shooter has to simultaneously push the handle grip closest to the barrel forward while pulling the handle grip closest to the body backward. “It’s an unnatural motion to push and pull at the same time,” Glasco said. “It’s like you’re ripping something apart.”


It would seem that he would have had to practice.
What I read is not that they asked one security guard but that they checked with the entirety of concert security that night through the security firm.

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Keep in they mind deny it CTA. Fear of lawsuits. If they admit they were given 45 minutes warning and didn't contact the police they could have a giant lawsuit on their hands.
(Working security many years the business always instructed us to tell the police nothing.Fear of lawsuits. Always cover your *advertiser censored*. I wish everyone was honest but they may have motives to lie.)
If handled properly, a bump stock could increase the rate of fire from between 45 and 60 rounds per minute to between 400 and 800 rounds per minute, Feinstein said in a news release.


Bump stocks replace the semi-automatic’s butt stock and pistol grip. They use the recoil of the gun to fire multiple rounds in rapid succession. “It, in essence, bounces off your body,” Glasco said.

But in order to get the gun to fire, a shooter has to simultaneously push the handle grip closest to the barrel forward while pulling the handle grip closest to the body backward. “It’s an unnatural motion to push and pull at the same time,” Glasco said. “It’s like you’re ripping something apart.”


It would seem that he would have had to practice.

Bump stock should be banned in my opinion. I realise guns will never be banned but the U.S government could at least take steps to reduce the number of people being killed per minute if at all possible.
I take brother with a boulder of salt! Ha!

There are so many blood pressure options out there angle sounds bogus

Asa far a pilot lisc my guess would be he chose not to renew. Typically they would give a reason for an attempt and refusal to issue (ie medical etc)

I think he would know not to try if he was using illegal drugs. Some have assumed his valium was prescribed as opposed bought from a dealer .

He would test dirty for the FAA- so he moo he let it go

Somewhat interesting that there has been no info on these hypothetical two aircraft. Pondering if brother rented one and boasted about it being his --

Media would (they have with houses etc etc) , I think locate these purchases , review flight logs , hanger storage costs , where these "planes" are

He sounds like a totally BSer! People typically don't run around telling anyone they run into how much money they have or make

Socially imo it is also a turn off --but it seems like pretty much we have heard from reports him endlessly talking about being a gambler.

That sounds like either, someone who is involved with illegal money earning ( and resultant odd hours etc etc) -- having to keep the cover alive and well in folks mind.

ANyone in your life - what do you do is pretty standard intro dialog - but who needs to repeatedly tell folks that they have told once , tell them again, what they do!

Unless most people he has met in his life suffer from amnesia (!) vocation identification is usually a one time mention -- talking about work seems reasonable -- but do most talk about income from job endlessly.

I have the image that if he passed someone walking a dog he would blurt out I am a pro gambler and continue walking!!

or we might go back to some mental issues on his end resulting in his need to repeat info over and over .

Most interviewed describe very superficial relationships . Do you know a neighbor that you have chatted with once vocation?

There is some imo social interaction process before that asked , offered.

Do you care what your neighbor 5 houses down does for a living if you have passed and waved 2 times ??

Do you know or care how much they make ? how about their net worth? The more we know it sounds off

We have had no recent net worth stuff -- some 5 million numbers running about at what point in his life was that?

Does that mean the family had things worth 5 million while , if liquidated would net 2.8 million! you know what I mean

I wanna know what his liquid net worth the last three months!!

I find it odd that SP has been flying planes since his teen years. His brother, EP, in the second interview described their upbringing as very poor and being raised by a single mother and all four boys getting into trouble. This seems contradictory to the type of childhood one would have where parents would be paying for flying lessons for their children. Something isn't adding up.
I find it odd that SP has been flying planes since his teen years. His brother, EP, in the second interview described their upbringing as very poor and being raised by a single mother and all four boys getting into trouble. This seems contradictory to the type of childhood one would have where parents would be paying for flying lessons for their children. Something isn't adding up.

Bank robber dad, criminal lifestyle. We'd need to sleuth the entire family and how he was raised in order to find out how they afforded all of this. (but not going to post my finds) I'm sure the FBI will research this. Unfortunately, we won't be privy until the investigation is done. They lived beyond their means not at all raised in poverty.
Bank robber dad, criminal lifestyle. We'd need to sleuth the entire family and how he was raised in order to find out how they afforded all of this. (but not going to post my finds) I'm sure the FBI will research this. Unfortunately, we won't be privy until the investigation is done. They lived beyond their means not at all raised in poverty.

In a way it would better if brother did another rambling interview -- who knows what avenues it could open for us to learn more about !!!
Keep in they mind deny it CTA. Fear of lawsuits. If they admit they were given 45 minutes warning and didn't contact the police they could have a giant lawsuit on their hands.
(Working security many years the business always instructed us to tell the police nothing.Fear of lawsuits. Always cover your *advertiser censored*. I wish everyone was honest but they may have motives to lie.)

It is my understanding that she was removed by security . If she apparent cognizant and orderly they should have called -- if she was brantley high it makes sense they blew it off .

IMo how she said it and in what context matters much I got the sense there was some conflict going on .
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