NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #4

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The point I was making was that we don't know enough to label him addicted to gambling. IMO.
I looked up the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Gambling Disorder. He needs four of the nine. I don't think with what we know we can put a check next to even one of the criteria. https://www.problemgambling.ca/EN/ResourcesForProfessionals/Pages/DSM5CriteriaGamblingDisorder.aspx
Everything I have read says he did not have money problems.
I can absolutely check one. LOL. But that is just me. IMHO. I repeat that I believe that his gambling was pathological. That is my opinion. And I am interested in the possible prevalence of PD and Pathological Gambling in relation to this shooter. The literature is out there and it has been linked multiple times. Emphasis on the words prevalence and possibility. It's okay for us to disagree, And I agree to disagree.
3 full days missing. YET all media stated he had checked in on 28th, initially.
I wonder whether he actually did 'check in', but did not occupy the room. the word 'occupy' was used by sheriff.

IMO, that was a dodge by the sheriff, trying to cover his *advertiser censored**. I feel it was highly unsuccessful.
I recall, thinking it was strange that the sheriff initially said the security guard hung around to help direct SWAT to
the correct room. I figured the guard must have just been minorly grazed if that were the case. Wonder if he wasn't hit at all??

He could have still hung around, I don't think that changed.
From the moment I heard that security guard story, I posted here that it was not believable. Then it seemed if you said one word that didn't coincide with the Sherrif's narrative, you were branded a conspiracy theorist. THIS is why we leave our minds and ears open. NOONE knows the true narrative in this horrible story!!!

Some of us feel the same as you do. We just can't talk about it.

Things will start to come together I'm sure. I wondered why Campos was not talking to the news and just went dark. IMO of course.

3 full days missing. YET all media stated he had checked in on 28th, initially.
I wonder whether he actually did 'check in', but did not occupy the room. the word 'occupy' was used by sheriff.

IIRC there was a graphic on here with a ticket showing his check in date as 9/25 but it got removed because the source was "alt-right." Turns out the source was correct after all.
If you are wondering why your post was removed it could be because it was off topic.

We need to stay on topic or this discussion will go off the rails.

*No wild conspriacy theories

*No non-msm links

*Must stay on topic

m00c0w post
“I'm notsure how "I was shot and then I heard a ton of automatic gunfire for 10minutes" and "I was investigating, got shot at, and then he stoppedshooting" are easily confused, even in the fog of war.
Q: Were security guard’s purported quotes ^ recorded by LEor MSM and reported verbatim, via audio?
Was one or were both ‘relayed’ possibly thru LE, MSM, SM, bystanders,and thus possibly not given verbatim?
Sorry, I have not been following closely enough to knowanswer to ^ question.

m00c0w Thx for yourinformative posts, esp re ballistic matters.

Sorry, I did not mean to imply those were literal quotes. That's just the narrative of the story we've been given by cops, who would have had to have gotten some facts from the security guard. I find it very odd about him sticking around for 20+ minutes after getting shot, and taking what, 10+ minutes to inform police that there's someone shooting on their floor. I'm not saying he's done anything wrong or nefarious. It just doesn't reconcile with what we know, and I find that troublesome.
Some of us feel the same as you do. We just can't talk about it.

Things will start to come together I'm sure. I wondered why Campos was not talking to the news and just went dark. IMO of course.

Hi Ambitioned,

Glad to hear I wasn't alone. Shame we felt we couldn't speak. It is also a shame that it appears this investigation has been botched since Jump Street. The families and victims deserve more than political correctness and a dismissive answer. The victims and this country deserve turning over every rock until every single person who had any knowledge of this, even tangentially, is behind bars.
IMO, that was a dodge by the sheriff, trying to cover his *advertiser censored**. I feel it was highly unsuccessful.
wHY though? Seriously, I'm missing a chunk of info, clearly?
I was investigating it as a terror attack, daesh or domestic..
BUT, all correct protocols appeared to have been observed from all the footage I saw.
The first 'hiccup' was when the FBI appeared to contradict the Sheriff's statement about an escape plan.
I then thought he had planned on heading straight to Philippines upon escape.
His escape route was not discussed as far as I know.
Its the most bizarre case!
With the exception of , perhaps, Turkey, no mass killing by terrorists has played out this long without a rationale.
Hi Ambitioned,

Glad to hear I wasn't alone. Shame we felt we couldn't speak. It is also a shame that it appears this investigation has been botched since Jump Street. The families and victims deserve more than political correctness and a dismissive answer. The victims and this country deserve turning over every rock until every single person who had any knowledge of this, even tangentially, is behind bars.

BBM mine -- YES! I wholeheartedly agree.
To me...it it seems "obvious" shooter had a grander and yet "uncompleted plan"....
I have read a lot and been keeping track: 1) The security guard went to the 32nd floor because a "stairwell door was left ajar" and triggered an alarm. 2) The door was ajar because SP was holding it open as he drilled holes into which he would insert pieces of metal to stop the doors from opening. (see linked example of what I mean)
3) Apparently, an alarm goes off if the door stays open for longer than the time it takes for just ordinary egress.
4) Is that event....the security guard checking out a silent alarm, an open door (isn't that how it always happens?) that stopped SP's plan to kill for hours, undetected, by multiple means and in multiple locations?
5) However, presence of the hammers to break out the glass was part of his plan....I just don't think he was planning that until much later?? How much longer would the concert have gone? What directions would concert-goers exit, had there not been this emergency?

This is all I can figure, so far from today's new timeline....subject to change!
The new question is, it took SWAT 60 minutes to breach. Why did the shooter kill himself? The Sheriff has said in a previous press conference that he had enough ammunition to keep going. If he had already faced resistance, repelled the resistance, and then started his shooting, why would he have just randomly stopped and killed himself? I find that somewhat bizarre, as well. He intended to escape, according to the sheriff, but seemingly made no attempt. He had no resistance outside after shooting Campos, and killed himself anyway. Strange.
To me...it it seems "obvious" shooter had a grander and yet "uncompleted plan"....
I have read a lot and been keeping track: 1) The security guard went to the 32nd floor because a "stairwell door was left ajar" and triggered an alarm. 2) The door was ajar because SP was holding it open as he drilled holes into which he would insert pieces of metal to stop the doors from opening. (see linked example of what I mean)
3) Apparently, an alarm goes off if the door stays open for longer than the time it takes for just ordinary egress.
4) Is that event....the security guard checking out a silent alarm, an open door (isn't that how it always happens?) that stopped SP's plan to kill for hours, undetected, by multiple means and in multiple locations?

This is all I can figure, so far from today's new timeline....subject to change!

I didn't hear it was a stairwell door. If it was a stairwell door, that opens a whole nother can of worms... Like, how did he shoot Campos through his door if he was out in the hall at a stairwell?
New timeline. I don't think it has anything to do with security guard changing his story. I suspect they knew all alone security guard was shot before other people were shot. But that doesn't make police look good.

"Police have dramatically changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security guard six minutes before opening fire on a country-music concert — raising new questions about why police weren’t able to pinpoint the gunman’s location sooner."

Hi all; new to this thread but not to following the story. Two points:

1) Independent journalists have known that he checked in on the 25th for several days due to valet receipts. In fact, the person who asked the question during the presser is one of the ones who has highly reported it the last week. No idea why it took this long to come out or why the dates weren't provided correctly to begin with.

2) The guard story makes zero sense. Either he told the cops one thing, and they finally reviewed the video and saw differently, or they didn't share correct information all this time. But why even tell about the guard and make him out to be a hero if they knew this whole time he was shot before? If he was shot six minutes before the attack, why is it that the cops didn't get there for over fifteen minutes? Did he not radio anyone? Cops on the ground, and the official story, has been they didn't know where the shots were from which would be impossible if he had called to someone. So what was he doing?
This also makes one wonder about Wynn's interview and his random comment about never letting a random guest use a service elevator...
As far as I know, guards story hasn't been made public, so we don't know what it actually is. The way the story was released, maybe it has nothing to do with guard's story. Original story was, police got there just as perp shot the guard, and then perp stopped shooting. So per original story, what police could have possibly done? Suspect already stopped shooting by the time they got to his door. Now we find out, that is not the case, guard was shot before other people were shot. So could police have gotten there sooner?
I didn't hear it was a stairwell door. If it was a stairwell door, that opens a whole nother can of worms... Like, how did he shoot Campos through his door if he was out in the hall at a stairwell?
Good question, you have me thinking hard on this....How about, he put something in the doorway to hold it open....block of wood, or
gun case to hold it open. Then went back to his room to get something...a tool, or additional wire (something like that) or he heard Campos coming and ran back to his room to get a weapon. BTW....shooter had already gauged how long it took for security to answer a complaint call....Campos just responded faster than shooter expected.
What the eff is going on?!!

So security guard checks on the door ajar alarm. I’m guessing he catches SP drilling the stairwell closed. SP assumes he has killed the security guard and carries on with his attack. Maybe he wasn’t quite ready when he was interrupted so he had to finish getting ready, break windows, etc?This actually makes sense from what I heard a concert attendee saying in a tv interview. He said at first they heard what they thought were fireworks (SP shooting guard?). And then a few minutes later it was much louder and people started dropping. It would also account for some of the different noise levels of the gunshots. I think SP prob knew his time was limited and perhaps had the cameras and knew when SWAT was in the stairwell. Then offer himself when he thought they were approaching. I also wonder why he wouldn’t go out guns blazing? Maybe to ensure he wasn’t taken alive?
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