NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #4

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I did too at first, but then I changed my mind. So I went back and re-listened and now I am not sure what he meant because he said he was called there to investigate a fire exit door that would not open, not a door with an alarm. So now I'm not sure what to think.

Well, it sounds to me that the suspect managed to do something to the fire exit door that it wouldn't open, which triggered a silent alarm (hotel new about it, but it wasn't a loud alarm). So hotel send security guard and a maintenance worker to investigate. Then the two of them got shot at by the suspect. All of this apparently happened before suspect started shooting at the outside.
This is not believable to me. 12 minutes to arrive at the hotel, get geared up, go up 32 flights of stairs (which seems like a bad plan considering it was a stairwell door alarming, wasn't it?)...nope.

Elevators in an emergency? Probably best not used. They can be stopped. Booby trapped.
good Morning America-TV News 7am -10/11/17

Marilou Danley has been put on 'Select Watch List', TSA notified, to prevent her leaving country and being unavailable
for follow questioning. She still has not been cleared.
Brother Eric has also 'not been cleared'

Sources tell GMA the FBI and Sheriff are NOT getting along as Sheriff has put obstacles in way of FBI during investigation.

I heard this reported on WWJ radio (CBS, Detroit) but haven't found media link yet. I've thought for some time that MD and EP know a lot more than they were willing to admit in early days of investigation. :moo:
Elevators in an emergency? Probably best not used. They can be stopped. Booby trapped.

Yes, very dangerous. In case of a shooting, suspect could be waiting outside with a gun.
Same here. I'm wondering if there is a way to "mute" the people responsible for these posts so I can eliminate them from the feed I view and get through this quicker, viewing only the real issues.

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One can use the ignore feature. Just wanna let you know tho --that if the need for the ignore feature on your end is related to content as opposed to a personality clash it wont really help ya that much!

By that I mean if you want to ignore people that have a differing opinion, and you want to read things that solely endorse what you think kinda does not work that way!

It really cant be used as speed up process, !

It is easier to do just do an analogy!

One already think an apple is responsible
Another poster thinks it was an orange

That in itself is what makes the world go around and WS interesting ! But that is jmo!

Most like adding the notion of orange to there thought process - it opens up minds etc - resulting in thinking and exposing self to to notions one might not ever consider.

So if one who posts something that one has already has decided just cant be the posters actual post does not come up

But many are ok with discussing it. So another poster who thinks peach is responsible , while being ok with differing , and wanting to share there peach notions - responds to the orange thoughts!

But if the poster than put on ignore- does not even want to think about oranges at all- down the thread you really wont be able to ignore the alternative orange theory casue a dialog about that (what we do here!) will have been created .

But for a poster who does not want to even consider orange - the only way that poster can actually determine ugh that person thinks about orange-- is to start reading the the back and forth !!

How would one know if the post only agrees with one posters thoughts unless they read the thread!!..

I think what I am trying to say and not doing a very good job (!) the ignore button
cant speed anything up in terms of reading a thread!

Casue folks that respond to differing thoughts reply . The replies you will see
even if the poster is on ignore .

It wont help with speeding up anything casue threads tend to move a little to the right and then left etc.

How would one be able to find posts that only say what they think without reading all posts ??

Not sure if that makes sense!

Just pick your favorite one you want to try it on -- I don't think it is gonna help you if you want to avoid new. different,ideas or thoughts !!

Its a busy thread - I guess I am suggesting dont go on an ignore frenzy (!) cause you will end up not being to follow the thread as they tend to be flexible and open to new thoughts.

Basically the only way imo to follow a thread is to be able to do that but how can one do that if tons of posters on ignore

It would be like reading a book and skipping chapters!!

Or when studying for a test only practicing the stuff you already know cause it is more comfortable!


I dont know if I have said this clear!

Just go on the ignore thing slowly -- cause for the most part notions change and evolve and grow .

I am old and not into Sm but one thing I have discovered ! is nowdays there are tons of places where one can go where people read only what they have already decided is fact!

As a curious person by nature I have never understood the younger generations only wanting to expose themselves to a preconceived notion -- it seems that would boring - but I have serious attn span issues and do better if the stuff is different, and interesting and something I have never thought about or pondered or wondered !

But the neat thing about WS is the what I call "oh" moments!

Actually they are typically oh sh#t moments (uttered aloud! honest)

I never thought of what that poster just posted , and then brings up a flurry of new questions!

A lot of times the oh st*t are brilliant-- it makes ya wanna go learn more -

Which is neat! imo

Just do one ignore first and see if it helps you ignore ideas and new thoughts while still being able to follow the thread -- its a diverse group which makes it WS!

Interestng. No police report, no evidence of problems because police reports are public and inhouse would be their own info. They don’t want the public to know how many problems there are in the hotels and the nature of those problems

Not only that but can you imagine what would happen to the gamblers on the floor of casinos if Police (armed) suddenly come storming through chasing a perp? The gamblers would clear out just for safety.

I was in a large high end department store once at the makeup counter which abutted the main thoroughfare aisle.
A guy came racing through almost bumping me and he ran out the exit door. He was being chased by 2 security
guys. I stood there in awe,Huh? I said, like what just happened? and the cosmetic sales girl nonchalantly said
"What? what do you mean" I didn't see that." She was waiting on me, she DID see that. Conclusion- they are trained to minimize any potential crime on their property.
BBM GOODDEEDS....Thanks for posting one of those, "Now that is strange" moments. Hmmmmm, ya' know like when Mr. W mentioned service elevators being off limits. Kind of makes you ask, do service elevators have cc video, or just the public elevators? And of course, we have been told the Union for the guard did not respond for comments. What gives with that? Passing on a perfect opportunity to promote the heroic actions of one of their members? So did the press contact the Unions representing police, firefighters, transport workers, musicians, lighting & sound engineers, paramedics & emts, or even the maintenance workers Union??? I'm not sure why that is significant.....is there a problem we haven't been told about?? Or is this simply a case of an employee being told they can not talk to the public....(Yep I got some thoughts) But I prefer to throw it out to THE WISDOM OF THE SLEUTHS....anybody?

When I was a teacher in a district with two thousand teachers, there was an incident. There was a father coming to get his kids because of a divorce custody issue. We were on lockdown. We were told not to discuss this with media. There was a school district spokesperson who would answer all questions.

It was my building and we knew the situation intimately . This keeps everyone from throwing in their two cents to the media.
One can use the ignore feature. Just wanna let you know tho --that if the need for the ignore feature on your end is related to content as opposed to a personality clash it wont really help ya that much!

By that I mean if you want to ignore people that have a differing opinion, and you want to read things that solely endorse what you think kinda does not work that way!

It really cant be used as speed up process, !

It is easier to do just do an analogy!

One already think an apple is responsible
Another poster thinks it was an orange

That in itself is what makes the world go around and WS interesting ! But that is jmo!

Most like adding the notion of orange to there thought process - it opens up minds etc - resulting in thinking and exposing self to to notions one might not ever consider.

So if one who posts something that one has already has decided just cant be the posters actual post does not come up

But many are ok with discussing it. So another poster who thinks peach is responsible , while being ok with differing , and wanting to share there peach notions - responds to the orange thoughts!

But if the poster than put on ignore- does not even want to think about oranges at all- down the thread you really wont be able to ignore the alternative orange theory casue a dialog about that (what we do here!) will have been created .

But for a poster who does not want to even consider orange - the only way that poster can actually determine ugh that person thinks about orange-- is to start reading the the back and forth !!

How would one know if the post only agrees with one posters thoughts unless they read the thread!!..

I think what I am trying to say and not doing a very good job (!) the ignore button
cant speed anything up in terms of reading a thread!

Casue folks that respond to differing thoughts reply . The replies you will see
even if the poster is on ignore .

It wont help with speeding up anything casue threads tend to move a little to the right and then left etc.

How would one be able to find posts that only say what they think without reading all posts ??

Not sure if that makes sense!

Just pick your favorite one you want to try it on -- I don't think it is gonna help you if you want to avoid new. different,ideas or thoughts !!

Its a busy thread - I guess I am suggesting dont go on an ignore frenzy (!) cause you will end up not being to follow the thread as they tend to be flexible and open to new thoughts.

Basically the only way imo to follow a thread is to be able to do that but how can one do that if tons of posters on ignore

It would be like reading a book and skipping chapters!!

Or when studying for a test only practicing the stuff you already know cause it is more comfortable!


I dont know if I have said this clear!

Just go on the ignore thing slowly -- cause for the most part notions change and evolve and grow .

I am old and not into Sm but one thing I have discovered ! is nowdays there are tons of places where one can go where people read only what they have already decided is fact!

As a curious person by nature I have never understood the younger generations only wanting to expose themselves to a preconceived notion -- it seems that would boring - but I have serious attn span issues and do better if the stuff is different, and interesting and something I have never thought about or pondered or wondered !

But the neat thing about WS is the what I call "oh" moments!

Actually they are typically oh sh#t moments (uttered aloud! honest)

I never thought of what that poster just posted , and then brings up a flurry of new questions!

A lot of times the oh st*t are brilliant-- it makes ya wanna go learn more -

Which is neat! imo

Just do one ignore first and see if it helps you ignore ideas and new thoughts while still being able to follow the thread -- its a diverse group which makes it WS!

Please do not paint it that way, as if a person using ignore to speed up a thread does not want to hear other ideas. It is also perfectly reasonable for someone to want to eliminate snark from their feed if the snark outweighs the quality of information they post. And that also has nothing to do with not wanting to hear other ideas. I did not realize I could do this until today. Another example of why someone might want to do this is when two or three people start arguing about gun control. It can take up pages and the truth is that there are no new arguments on either side. If I have followed the gun control issue elsewhere then it is highly unlikely that their argument is going to bring out any information I haven't heard yet. This is just one example from days ago of threads getting off track. It says nothing negative about a person who wants to focus only on the facts of the case and eliminate bickering and other OT information if they can identify users who routinely post such.

I have already tried it this morning and it does, in fact, speed up the threads for me.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I heard this reported on WWJ radio (CBS, Detroit) but haven't found media link yet. I've thought for some time that MD and EP know a lot more than they were willing to admit in early days of investigation. :moo:

Initially I was open to the idea the gf may not know anything but have drifted from that notion!

As far as Eric goes, well, my goodness ,I think Eric may have to be watched carefully

Because imo in all likelihood this is nothing like it has thus far been presented to the world as -- his fantasy bonds about his brother can turn imo into revenge and more bad things can happen - if he starts ruminating about who or what may have happened.

His impulse control is on the limited side IMO!

After some sleep there is a dash more hope that at least some new stuff will be released - after all when the FBI went back and found out the shooting range- which I found major news!!
-Yep, basic stuff.
If he did use a service or freight elevator (the freights smell like tar), there typically is a staffer in the bustle. Because the traffic is constant.

How did he get all of his stuff out of his car, staged near the loading dock area without looking suspicious? Even if it took one, two or three days it seems like someone would think it’s a little strange? But, he may have invested in the containers that house the many items used to wheel in to the service elevators? If there are no cameras at or near the loading dock that would be bizarre. Its a personal injury matter, a big one (LIABILITY))))

People bring tons of suitcases . That is why hotels have those huge dollies for suitcases. I think nothing of it. At the international terminal in Tm Bradley you see people with a lot of cardboard boxes as well.

I would like to see a breakdown/spreadsheet of SP's frequency of visiting the various strip hotels. Also a breakdown of his daily winning and losses, mainly to see if there are any patterns here.

If true that he did reserve rooms at other cities/venues I guess that would eleminate any revenge on a specific hotel.
Maybe size of crowd and ease of being in shooting range dictated his choice of MB.
Initially I was open to the idea the gf may not know anything but have drifted from that notion!

As far as Eric goes, well, my goodness ,I think Eric may have to be watched carefully

Because imo in all likelihood this is nothing like it has thus far been presented to the world as -- his fantasy bonds about his brother can turn imo into revenge and more bad things can happen - if he starts ruminating about who or what may have happened.

His impulse control is on the limited side IMO!

After some sleep there is a dash more hope that at least some new stuff will be released - after all when the FBI went back and found out the shooting range- which I found major news!!

I watched the brother’s interview. He was freaked out. Trying to assimilate the most incredible of info. We have the interview with the killer’s friend who managed his apartments that gives a similar view of the generous kind nature of the killer.

I have never met a person who is kind but underneath is a monster. But weren’t the Mafia bosses good to family, but all the while killing?
Interestng. No police report, no evidence of problems because police reports are public and inhouse would be their own info. They don’t want the public to know how many problems there are in the hotels and the nature of those problems

exactly. They don't want bad press or loose customers and other reasons they may not want police presence inside.
Please do not paint it that way, as if a person using ignore to speed up a thread does not want to hear other ideas. It is also perfectly reasonable for someone to want to eliminate snark from their feed if the snark outweighs the quality of information they post. And that also has nothing to do with not wanting to hear other ideas. I did not realize I could do this until today. Another example of why someone might want to do this is when two or three people start arguing about gun control. It can take up pages and the truth is that there are no new arguments on either side. If I have followed the gun control issue elsewhere then it is highly unlikely that their argument is going to bring out any information I haven't heard yet. This is just one example from days ago of threads getting off track. It says nothing negative about a person who wants to focus only on the facts of the case and eliminate bickering and other OT information if they can identify users who routinely post such.

I have already tried it this morning and it does, in fact, speed up the threads for me.

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Was just sharing my very limited experience with ignore !! Really have not used it much . But I know this comes as a shock (!) this keyboard is not my - or any of you alls - pal!

Typing ain't my thing (hard to believe huh!
it was like what is going on here ! cause a new idea could be thrown out but it would not be until 12 posts later that the ignored post was directly responded to and then it was like oh that is what they all are talking about !!
another thing.... wouldn't the fact that MB accepted SP giving MLD's ID card at check-in be a HUGE liability issue for the hotel? similar to my bank asking for ID and I presented someone else's but they just said, OK it's not your ID but we'll cash that check for you anyway.

So was using MLD's Id card on check-in part of his plan to confuse the hotel on 'who was actually in the room'?????
My understanding he needed two rooms because one room had a view of fuel tanks and the other of the concert. Sure looks to me like he hoped that fuel tanks would blow up after he shoot them.

Know nothing about firing guns but with the stuff I saw I just cant imagine one shooting window as being quite ample

But the rule out on this notion is that for Chicago one he booked two as well

Sounds awful I looked up Chicago it would have been IMO worse just by the way it was laid out

It would have been like a bowling allay the hotel was really really close

As time has passed and more learned I think the other reservations did not happen is because there was much to get together
and coordinate.

The facts learned last night about the airport across from are bone chilling

I hope they will release where he got the
tenatninte stuff . The fertilizer stuff makes sense
I watched the brother’s interview. He was freaked out. Trying to assimilate the most incredible of info. We have the interview with the killer’s friend who managed his apartments that gives a similar view of the generous kind nature of the killer.

I have never met a person who is kind but underneath is a monster. But weren’t the Mafia bosses good to family, but all the while killing?
I have, although in the opposite way. I know someone who has been a monster to their children, while friends and the public believe he is kind and generous.

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Because he did not want someone else renting the room?

That makes it sound like he was a considerate man ha!

I found the fact that door was locked wildly confusing -- paranoid>>>

makes zero sense on any level

your in the middle of a shooting frenzy and your locking the door -- not like its a time consuming entity

but we do have to remember he booked two in Chicago and that has to mean something

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