NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #5

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I do believe that people at the festival or near truly believe that there was more than one shooter because of sounds. On August 27th in Vegas hundreds of people were running away from what they thought was gun fire. There was not a gunshot. Something fell and made the sound of what people thought was gunfire.
It was a mass shooting, like a terrorist attack.
That means mass panic, garbled and duplicated and indecipherable and nonsensical radio messages..
Lots of stuff would have fallen.
That crowd was GIGANTIC..
everybody expected there would have been more than a single shooter and perhaps several bombers as well..
We are constantly being bombarded by acts of terror.
Isis and Al Quaeda have USA firmly in its targets and so many prosecutions for terror offenses are US citizens..
But consider 22,000 people and consider the feeling of fear and panic multiplied by 22,000, nothing is reliable except hard facts and figures and a week later, longer, these are way too thin on the ground.

aLL we are asking for is a timeline.
What time did Campos arrive on floor 32.
What time did he approach the shooter's suite?
What was shooter allegedly drilling when Campos heard him?
What time did Campos inform hotel armed security
What time did he inform police?
Who informed police that Campos was shot?
what time did dispach receive/log that call?

What time did sG2 arrive on floor?
what time did he make his radio report of a shooting/
Who received his report?
Who called police?
What is exact time of window breach/
what time were tanks hit from window 1.
What time did he commence firing on crowd?

Did the breaking of the windows set off an alarm, if not why not?
Good questions. I would also like to add that just because people are asking questions about the timeline doesn't mean they think automatically JC is complicit. Good grief!!! Talk about fake news.

Um, it seems that everyone is asking questions about Mandalay's new timeline, so I'm not sure what you are getting at.

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Um, it seems that everyone is asking questions about Mandalay's new timeline, so I'm not sure what you are getting at.

You've missed a few posts then where people are getting attacked for asking questions.
It was a mass shooting, like a terrorist attack.
That means mass panic, garbled and duplicated and indecipherable and nonsensical radio messages..
Lots of stuff would have fallen.
That crowd was GIGANTIC..
everybody expected there would have been more than a single shooter and perhaps several bombers as well..
We are constantly being bombarded by acts of terror.
Isis and Al Quaeda have USA firmly in its targets and so many prosecutions for terror offenses are US citizens..
But consider 22,000 people and consider the feeling of fear and panic multiplied by 22,000, nothing is reliable except hard facts and figures and a week later, longer, these are way too thin on the ground.

aLL we are asking for is a timeline.
What time did Campos arrive on floor 32.
What time did he approach the shooter's suite?
What was shooter allegedly drilling when Campos heard him?
What time did Campos inform hotel armed security
What time did he inform police?
Who informed police that Campos was shot?
what time did dispach receive/log that call?

What time did sG2 arrive on floor?
what time did he make his radio report of a shooting/
Who received his report?
Who called police?
What is exact time of window breach/
what time were tanks hit from window 1.
What time did he commence firing on crowd?

Did the breaking of the windows set off an alarm, if not why not?

I already read it 3 times and was asking you to clarify but I will simply move on if you would rather not give clarification.

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Originally Posted by kittythehare
there is nO evidence of a second shooter but if msm reports are to be believed they are describing what is impossible..
Thats the problem.

Thats my post. Can you see it now?
{Tech difficulties, so my cut-+-pastefrom word doc. does not format spacing, etc. correctly in this WS post. Sorry /FONT]

Tried to snip, hope it worked. If he died without a will his mom would get everything since she’d be the next of kin. However she’s like 90. IMO if she didn’t have a will before all of this, I would bet Eric made sure that she now has one. Just sayin

I think we may have just located the reason why the Sheriff lied and lied and then had to lie a dash more .

He has got 26 minutes before just the call for SWAT was made

10:25-32: A clearer idea of the shooter's location emerges, and a team gets to the gunman's floor.
"It's Room 135 on the 32nd floor. I need SWAT."

"We have a four-man element at the very end of the hall."

The only thing up there was reg cops there not trained in all this stuff

: 11:02

At the same time, the channel becomes flooded with reports of shots fired in no fewer than a half-dozen casinos across the Las Vegas Strip

breach breach breach



Good questions. I would also like to add that just because people are asking questions about the timeline doesn't mean they think automatically JC is complicit. Good grief!!! Talk about fake news.


-Good to point out Ambition, that our good questions are what keeps our minds going.
Also from your link, aside from the door/peephole camera and the food cart camera "A third camera in the room filmed the shooter. All footage is being examined by the FBI".

That would certainly answer a lot of questions if this were true. But I agree with your comment, DailyMail "is not always the brightest star in the sky".

I believe the in room camera ended up being a baby moniter
This thread is moving so fast and I was distracted for a bit, but yes I thought the staircase was drilled shut at some point in time. I have 3 questions about this.

1 - How in the world could he have done this without making a ton of noise??? Those big heavy doors are likely fire/metal type door. Drilling into that would attract a lot of attention and create a huge mess. Apparently the SG 1 and 2 were both responding to the the noise of drilling in his room, so there were two separate drilling incidents?

2 - What is the point of drilling the emergency exit shut when the Police have full access through the elevators?

3 - This seems inconsistent with LE's original comment that SP had an escape plan. Certainly his escape plan was not to hop on the elevator and ride down to the main lobby and walk right out?
Yep. I'm not sure why there were two shots. Best theory I have is he tried to shoot himself in the chest, and that didn't work as planned, so he went the oral route.
Do the shots sound like the same gun? Could someone else have shot him? I didn't see he was shot in the chest. Was he?

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I'm sure it did look like Swiss cheese in the area he shot through. Have you ever shot a gun? I have. Unless my target is throughout the entire door, I'm not going to shoot out the entire door. Have you ever seen a movie where people are shooting automatic weapons? They brace the weapon, at the waist or on the shoulder, and they may swing side to side, but they aren't swinging the gun up and down unless they have targets up above and below (which would be a really rare position to be in). I'm simply explaining how the door would look if I or anyone I know who shoots would have shot at someone through it.

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He was sent to the floor to check on a door ajar alarm and heard him drilling.

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Yes, that's been repeated numerous times in the news media. Both Campos and Schuck were alerted about something going on with a door/alarm on the 32nd Floor. It may have been when Paddock was bolting the fire door closed.

Schuck mentions in his interview that he could hear the sound of someone drilling when he got to the floor. He was called when someone alerted him about a fire door not opening.

From what I understand, police asked hotel to shut down the elevators. Maybe the perp knew that was going to happen.
You've missed a few posts then where people are getting attacked for asking questions.
Well I am seeing a lot of snark from people who asked questions after they have in turn been asked honest questions about what they said or asked. And frankly, I'm ready to take a break at this point because it's been pretty uncalled for.

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From what I understand, police asked hotel to shut down the elevators. Maybe the perp knew that was going to happen.

In the interview above (around 4:00), Schuck says his supervisor gave him the master keys and told him to go turn off the elevators. Schuck turned them off.
Has anyone found a map listing where the service elevator is located? Maybe that was his get away plan.
-Brilliant Kitty!!!

There’s a start and a stop to everything, and everything that is in between. There is no denying of it in this digital age we live in.
‘9:54pm’ check-check-check across the globe, no matter the time zone.
Well I am seeing a lot of snark from people who asked questions after they have in turn been asked honest questions about what they said or asked. And frankly, I'm ready to take a break at this point because it's been pretty uncalled for.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It seems as if you don’t question every detail or lack of detail you aren’t “woke”. 😒
In regards to the two shots fired at the end, could he have fired a test shot b/f shooting himself? If some of his other guns were jamming, maybe he just wanted to be 100% that one was working?
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