NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #5

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From what I understand, police asked hotel to shut down the elevators. Maybe the perp knew that was going to happen.

True or maybe he was just not thinking rationally (clearly). I mean I don’t think it’d be totally surprising if he was drilling that door shut simply out of paranoia and excessivness
It was a mass shooting, like a terrorist attack.
That means mass panic, garbled and duplicated and indecipherable and nonsensical radio messages..
Lots of stuff would have fallen.
That crowd was GIGANTIC..
everybody expected there would have been more than a single shooter and perhaps several bombers as well..
We are constantly being bombarded by acts of terror.
Isis and Al Quaeda have USA firmly in its targets and so many prosecutions for terror offenses are US citizens..
But consider 22,000 people and consider the feeling of fear and panic multiplied by 22,000, nothing is reliable except hard facts and figures and a week later, longer, these are way too thin on the ground.

aLL we are asking for is a timeline.
What time did Campos arrive on floor 32.
What time did he approach the shooter's suite?
What was shooter allegedly drilling when Campos heard him?
What time did Campos inform hotel armed security
What time did he inform police?
Who informed police that Campos was shot?
what time did dispach receive/log that call?

What time did sG2 arrive on floor?
what time did he make his radio report of a shooting/
Who received his report?
Who called police?
What is exact time of window breach/
what time were tanks hit from window 1.
What time did he commence firing on crowd?

Did the breaking of the windows set off an alarm, if not why not?
To clarify I do not believe there was more than one shooter. I agree there was mass panic and sounds that made people believe they were hearing gunshots that were not gunshots.
I would like to know if there were armed plain clothed officers in the crowd. I would think it is possible that there was and they pulled out thier guns. That may be what people saw.
Could he have fired a test shot b/f shooting himself? If some of his other guns were jamming, maybe he just wanted to be 100% that one was working?

My understanding he used a revolver to shoot himself. The guns that were jamming were the ones he presumably converted to automatic. Don't think revolver was going to jam, but I guess he could have tested it.
Has anyone found a map listing where the service elevator is located? Maybe that was his get away plan.
No, but good thinking..
I , too believe he intended to get away, otherwise why load car with explosives and have a survival kit at one of his homes at least?
Originally Posted by kittythehare
there is nO evidence of a second shooter but if msm reports are to be believed they are describing what is impossible..
Thats the problem.

Thats my post. Can you see it now?
Yeah, that doesn't answer my question. You said "they are describing what's impossible" and I asked you if you meant by "they:" LE, Security, or MSM.

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But they do not show the wall directly across from the doorway, which is where most of the bullet holes would be. I don't see the problem. Where do you expect those bullets to be?

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When they started the piece behind the two cops everything was fine.

Iam not visualizing a wall I thought it was like the end room where when you walk out your like in the center of walkway and can see all the way down the hallway.

Is that incorrect??
Yeah, that doesn't answer my question. You said "they are describing what's impossible" and I asked you if you meant by "they:" LE, Security, or MSM.

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I said MSM in small letters
Well, this is WebSleuths, not WebBelieveEverythingWe'reTold

I never said I believe everything I’m told. I just don’t go digging for conspiracies and trying to force a square into a circle. Obviously there are major inconsistencies in the timeline. It’s also not even two weeks after this happened. Between local LE and the FBI, there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen. MGM is likely freaking out about lawsuits and how badly this is going to effect people staying at their resorts. Things develop and change. That’s an investigation for ya.
INteresting video


Actually kinda sad -- it is really a pretty property and forever scarred
When they started the piece behind the two cops everything was fine.

Iam not visualizing a wall I thought it was like the end room where when you walk out your like in the center of walkway and can see all the way down the hallway.

Is that incorrect??
There was no wall, except at other end of corridor.. by my reading.. then again there were 2 doors, weren't there?
Half of the door is on its side and hidden. Unless he was shooting in a 360 motion completely out of control, I would not expect the bullets to create holes in the entire door any more than I would expect a deer to be riddled head to foot if a hunter was trying to kill it. Nobody is going to be shooting through a door from top to bottom.

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It's been mentioned numerous times in msm that using the bump stock add on, accuracy is poor as well as ability
to hold/control gun. So, imo, it could be all over the door at close range.
When they started the piece behind the two cops everything was fine.

Iam not visualizing a wall I thought it was like the end room where when you walk out your like in the center of walkway and can see all the way down the hallway.

Is that incorrect??
When they are walking down the hall I don't see his room yet. I watched it multiple times but didn't see much of the walls outside of the actual room.

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I love writing about absurd! It just flows thro my head!

Pls take that approach on this post !! We have all earned a brief levity break!

Ugh oh

Houston we have a problem -- I have never been able to ascertain if the long shots of the hallway were the actual floor

i am sorry to say --that this legendary reporter from CBS news

starts his his piece with for the first time we are going to see the 32 floor

now the problems start

200 bullets down the hallway

well, take a look for yourselves --if anyone notices anything looks like one bullet pls advise

Whats amazing is they do closeups

look at the wall right behind the cart gorgeous just gorgeous ! I am jealous - my stuff looks worse and I have not been playing with machine guns in here !!

look at the door right next to door that was supposedly blown out by SWAT - on its hinges - not even a bit out of line . Again my door are a little more off kilter - even if I have accidently closed them to fast!!

Some pretty awesome hinges if ya ask me !

The molding around the entire area right where doors are blown out are right on the mark IMO!

then in the beginning of this -when people started looking for spent shell casings , when the pics were "leaked" (insert smile now ) the notion was that he was blowing everything up in front of the curtain so all the spent shell casings were actually all behind the curtain.

Ok then - we will just say for some reason the curtains did not go down in a blazing inferno - what do i know ?

Smokey the Bear wants some of that material !!

now with this video per our Sheriff 200 rounds were fired .

So now in my head with a close up for the first the first time I eagerly look around and freeze the video to see all the spent casings in front of the door on the inside- that was just shot out around 200 times with a high power machine gun.

He appears to have had some OCD concerns - but even I actually talk myself out of the short preview that possibly he vacuumed or swept or mopped up the area before turning around to go some smash some windows out and start murdering people .

I quickly put this in the no column and moved on!

What do I discover - does not even need a vacuum . I want carpeting or a vacuum that can make my carpet explosion free no matter what!

the close up of the machine gun on the tripod , on the floor , looks like it could be in the machine gun hall of fame museum!

It is not even , at least , on a little bit of an angle -- a tiny bit off kilter !

Nope she stands all perfect and pretty on her tripod!! If she was a stewardess , for Pan Am , in the 50;s her instructor would praise her for perfect posture!

There is a mass murderer running around, there are are 200 bullets swirling about , swat is bombing doors off its hinges (well not really!) for some reason the machine gun on its tripod looks like it is smiling for selfie !!

But study some more !!

Apparently the hotels TV screens are SWAT bomb breaching dynamite scratch resistant coated with something.

It also appears as if the tv is saw dust resistant (from exploding doors) as well.

This stuff aint built in China - thats for sure !

Makes the Samsonite luggage elephant commercial look lam!

Oh come now, that is funny for us old folks!

Man I am liking this hotel more and more!!

It appears there baseboards outside the door are also exploding door proof.

Could I make some money if I suggest that our defense department use this material on all our new tanks??

We all need to find the name of the contractor who built their joint!

From the get go I was envious about how awesome and perfect the crime scene tape was put up.

When I am rested , have not seen and heard WW2, lived through 90 minutes of madness ( well I have done that before but you know what i mean) I could not get masking tape that perfect !!

The fire extinguishers they purchase seem to be saw dust resistant from blowing up doors as well !

My glass does not look that good after Windex!

Oi vey

Even there exterior light glass dome covering the bulb right next to the blown out door appears to be exploding doors unbreaking bomb concussion proof !

I dont get how stupid they have been . or how stupid they think most of us are

Thanks for the soundtrack to 2017's biggest comedy! [emoji23]🤣[emoji23]🤣

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There was no wall, except at other end of corridor.. by my reading.. then again there were 2 doors, weren't there?
I can't be certain from that bit of video that we are seeing where the majority of the bullets hit.

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It's been mentioned numerous times in msm that using the bump stock add on, accuracy is poor as well as ability
to hold/control gun. So, imo, it could be all over the door at close range.
Ok, but top to bottom of the door? I still don't see that. Yes, bump stock will make you hit outside the central target but I doubt it would cause someone to shoot up the entire door. JMO.

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I think we may have just located the reason why the Sheriff lied and lied and then had to lie a dash more .

He has got 26 minutes before just the call for SWAT was made

10:25-32: A clearer idea of the shooter's location emerges, and a team gets to the gunman's floor.
"It's Room 135 on the 32nd floor. I need SWAT."

"We have a four-man element at the very end of the hall."

The only thing up there was reg cops there not trained in all this stuff

: 11:02

At the same time, the channel becomes flooded with reports of shots fired in no fewer than a half-dozen casinos across the Las Vegas Strip

breach breach breach



LOL, no if that was the case 60 Minutes would have to sue itself.

-True Garden! And I think we are going to see a lot more of that, indirectly.
‘are they telling the truth-are you telling the truth’ then back to ‘wait, are we even telling the truth’?!?! “WHAT IS THE TRUTH”?!
So sad for the massacre victims, and for all truth seekers. It shouldn’t be this way.
I noticed lack of coverage also, do you think they are trying to keep everything under wraps to prevent a copycat crime?

I'm not sure that is the reason. There are several things that come to mind first.

The fact that it took 72 minutes for the police to actually go into SP's room is horrible! To me, that says the police department does not know what to do in an actual active situation! The hotel has more than one way of knowing what is going on incorrectly in a room, so it can't be said by the hotel or LE they were unaware of where the action was. I do not buy it!

The response time is unacceptable!! I think this is what is trying to be jiggled to make it look better for LE and the hotel.

Next, I believe there are many many incidents occurring in Las Vegas that are treated much differently than in other states. I am sure only major occurrences are publicized. The hotels, casinos, and venues want to keep people coming, so a fun, happy picture is painted.

As large as the Mandolay Bay Hotel is, there is not a day that goes by without problems with guests that require more than a managers authority. The police should know the layouts of these major hotels by heart. My opinion is the delay in getting to the shooters room is LE was unfamiliar with the hotel and were going over the layout in the managers office. JMO.

Due to these blatant errors, the public is not hearing any statements from people actually there, yet. is it possible for a gag order to be put on the media? I am sure the hospitals and MB can keep them away from their property and instruct employees not to talk.

These are my opinions only. A hotel or police department is only as good as their employees are. The employees represent the person who hired them and the one who trained them.
I do believe that people at the festival or near truly believe that there was more than one shooter because of sounds. On August 27th in Vegas hundreds of people were running away from what they thought was gun fire. There was not a gunshot. Something fell and made the sound of what people thought was gunfire.
There's reports and video from people inside Bellagio and Paris. No where near Mandalay.. JMO

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My understanding he used a revolver to shoot himself. The guns that were jamming were the ones he presumably converted to automatic. Don't think revolver was going to jam, but I guess he could have tested it.

He could have tested it, but there are only two options - it works or it doesn't. lol Might as well "test" it pointed at himself. There's not really an advantage to testing it here.
INteresting video


Actually kinda sad -- it is really a pretty property and forever scarred

Great to see this actually.. massive building.. should have had top of the range security..
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