GUILTY NV - Deborah Flores-Narvaez, 31, Las Vegas, 12 Dec 2010 - #1

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I am a little bothered by all of this reality show type industry. The reality dance shows, the reality shows in themself.

It seems to me that they lure young women and men into thinking it is fame and fortune and it ends up being a few minutes on tv or they didnt make the cut, then they are left in the lifestyle of the industry and it leads to trouble.

If you look at any given name of previous dance show contestants and reality show contestants.. they are out in the big world of entertainment industry. The have to settle for whatever jobs they can get as close to being within their dream.

The "fantasy" show was/is a topless high class strip show paying 40k a year. I do not believe THAT was her dream. I think she was more of a dancer but had to settle for what she could get after not making the cut on these dance shows.

I would like perhaps JVM to cover the aftermath of not making the cut and where are they now.

I believe in the old days of getting an agent, sending out tapes, picking auditions wisely. These young people are "lured" into somthing that the industry knows good and well that is a lifestyle that can potentially harm or kill these young fame seekers.

It is sad that DF was pulled into this. The lifestyle she had may have been a slow and constant tug at her while trying to find her dream.

I wish the best for her family. I really would like to see the reality insustry be looked at with a fine tooth comb.

To think that our children are watching these shows each night (the dance talent shows) and perhaps forming their own dream of such in their little minds.

I agree 100% with your post Sherryk, but this kind of treatment for hopeful entertainers is nothing new. During the beginnings of Hollywood, a woman had to sleep with a producer in order to get a part.


I've never heard of a producer getting arrested for sexual harassment. It sure would be nice to see that in the headlines for once.
Children have dreams of being dancers, actors, football players, basketball players, doctors, lawyers, firemen etc., all of which you have to put yourself out there in order to be seen. It's what each individual does with their dream that would make them successful. All aspects of dreams can cause isssues, of which, dancers, actors, football players, basketball players, doctors, lawyers, fireman and even the occasional flight attendant gets in trouble with the law.

ETA: Let's not forget all the Beauty Pageants from infant to Miss Universe.
according to the map of the body location, if this body is her, Im curious to the crossing of the dam. wondering how any perp would have the nerve to try to bypass the security check at the dam with a dead body, to risky, unless she was killed afterward in the desert. Even then if she was taken against her will and still alive, that would be risky at security check as well. strange.

If the new tillman bridge was used then the perps vehicle will definately be on camera. also this would have to have been well thought out by the perp to know that the new bridge bypasses security completely, as it was mainly open for safety and to bypass onlookers of the damn to speed things up..... with the opening being so recent, one would have to be sure of immediate cut back of security..... jmo

I don't know this area but the one thing I thought of when I read the breaking article was if she was taken out there, or if she followed someone out there, were there 2 cars involved? Her car and another? And if not, one car? Was it just hers? I read that they are searching that lake, possibly for a vehicle, so it makes me *assume* that two cars were taken out there. Just seems really strange that she would willingly go and follow someone to a vague location around the holiday season - and with such turmoil taking place in her life.

On Google maps there is what appears to be a building near where the body was located, has anyone here identified what that is? A business or some sort of industrial complex? It's small, but doesn't appear to be a shed.
She either went out there alive or deceased. If she went out there alive, it may have been under the ruse of a photo shoot? That's happened before - more than once that I know of!!! But that doesn't seem likely since she had a rehearsal to attend.
This is an interesting article..even if it's from RadarOnline..

According to McGee's lawyer, Scott Holper, the two dated more than a year ago and McGee wanted out of the relationship.

Holper alleges Narvaez made up a story that she was pregnant with McGee’s baby and the beating she allegedly suffered from him resulted in a miscarriage.

*Assuming* that much of it is true, it's very telling imo...sad, sad story no matter what....
Children have dreams of being dancers, actors, football players, basketball players, doctors, lawyers, firemen etc., all of which you have to put yourself out there in order to be seen. It's what each individual does with their dream that would make them successful. All aspects of dreams can cause isssues, of which, dancers, actors, football players, basketball players, doctors, lawyers, fireman and even the occasional flight attendant gets in trouble with the law.

ETA: Let's not forget all the Beauty Pageants from infant to Miss Universe.

YES you are correct. It is all about choices. It is just a difficult world out there and the choices that the suspect/accused/guily party makes is a choice also. That is choice that has long been present with the beginning of time, to take a life or not.

I am just saddened by all the murders even the ones who do not make national news.. how in the world can someone take a persons life.. it seems to be so casual for them
My money is on the boyfriend. JMO. He is the perp. And I don't think anyone else was involved. Sadly, her case reads to me like so many other "hopeful" stars. Bad relationship picks. Sketchy history. I get that the allure of being a "star" is appealing. But rarely in other professions do you see as a prerequisite to success, sleeping with people (usually in the corporate world it is harrassment or reverse harrassment), exposing pretty much all of yourself physically, in order to achieve, your dreams. I feel horribly for her sister and her family. I 100% think though that the boyfriend is the perp.
My take on it is that the showbiz angle is probably not a big factor. This might be comparable to the Tara Grinstead case, she was another beautiful woman who had men in her life people have wondered about after she went missing. Tara didn't have the legal history that Debbie has, with all these DV issues in the legal system, but she did have somewhat of a tangle of relationships. I know I have friends and a family member who are smart, attractive women but who just can't find a way to deal with their relationships. It's very common and while not the best thing you want to see, having it lead to something like this is reprehensible and a tragedy. Hopefully, if this body is Debbie, she will at least find the justice that's so far eluded Tara.
The body was found at 11:30am on the 23rd.

The article about the house being searched was on the 22nd, so it was searched then or earlier.

So the house was searched before the body was found.

I really want to know if the searched the x-boyfriends home BEFORE or AFTER the body was found. If it was searched after then that really doesnt look good.

Celeste Flores-Narvaez said she called a Las Vegas police detective Thursday afternoon after hearing about the body found near Lake Mead. The detective gave no indication whether the body is thought to be her sister, she said.

Celeste Flores-Narvaez said she was not allowing herself to think negatively.

"I'm still hopeful I'm bringing my sister home for the holidays safe and sound," she said.

The fact that the detectives didn't call and warn this sister before it hit the news... is disturbing. They had time to do so. :waitasec:
...(BBM and snipped)...
Celeste Flores-Narvaez said she called a Las Vegas police detective Thursday afternoon after hearing about the body found near Lake Mead. The detective gave no indication whether the body is thought to be her sister, she said...(snipped)...
The fact that the detectives didn't call and warn this sister before it hit the news... is disturbing. They had time to do so. :waitasec:


I totally agree. She has been relentless in her search and in trying to bring attention to the case, as the family spokesperson (from what I gather - I haven't been following it as closely as you guys). They should have contacted her.
I'm not sure where I'm at on this one.

With the allegations now about McG beating her and her winning the lawsuit, yet the abuse was never reported to authorities and he denies the allegations. Would certainly make sense if she perhaps was representing herself (law degree) and not having to pay a lawyer, but he couldn't afford to keep going forward. Perhaps that was a plan of hers to take care of her money problems? Especially if the above radaronline link is true that she also alleged she was pregnant with McG's baby and lost the baby due to the abuse. I hate thinking this way since the poor girl is missing and presumed dead, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.

Now the same thing about this new ex-boyfriend? That seems a little too coincidental to me.

Not sure what it says on model mayhem...perhaps that was an old bio, but this is from her current Facebook bio.

I ♥ life. The Arts is my passion in life- Dancing, Modeling and of course Music (in which makes dancing the art that it truly is :) However, it's dancing that has given me many opportunities. I am a Ballroom/Latin Dancer as well as a Hip-Hop dancer. I ♥ modeling and acting just as much. I enjoy good friendships, good company, family, music & playing my guitar :) I earned 3 degrees in college: Bachelor of Science degree in international Business, a Master's degree in Finance and went to Law School and earned my Juris Doctorate degree in Criminal Law. I was born and raised in the beautiful islands of Puerto Rico and lived in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington D.C. for 12 years.

Seems ironic to me that someone who held a masters degree in Finance would have such money problems but weirder things have happened for sure. The degree in criminal law might certainly help one in defending themselves.

Regardless, if this is her body, something happened to her and it's sad all the way around. Perhaps BG knew about the previous boyfriend (lawsuit) and DF threatened with the same sort of action against him?

Also, in relation to where the body was found, looks like it was right near well traveled hiking paths, etc. With all the desert surrounding, makes me wonder why the body was dumped right there??
Posted: 4:28 pm EST December 24, 2010
Updated: 5:08 pm EST December 24, 2010

ATLANTA -- A metro Atlanta family is relieved to find out a body found outside Las Vegas is not their missing loved one.
Sources told Thomas an autopsy revealed that the body was not the missing dancer
Sources told Thomas that investigators would like to have the case wrapped up “before Christmas.” A news conference is scheduled to be held in the next few hours.

more here
Prayers for the family whose loved one's body was found outside of Las Vegas - may you find the strength to get through this Holiday season.
I am beginning to wonder if she just took off and left her car without plates as a ruse to point fingers elsewhere.

It's a shot in the dark, however the more that comes out regarding Debbie, clearly there are signs of issues with regards to emotional ties to men.

Actually I would prefer she took off then think in any other direction at the moment.
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