GUILTY NV - Deborah Flores-Narvaez, 31, Las Vegas, 12 Dec 2010 - #1

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The title "J.D." indicates "Juris Doctor" or "doctor of law", yet the resume focuses on Finance without mention of Law School. :waitasec:

Yes, I find that odd as well. Clearly the focus was on Finance and money. No matter which way I look at this case there are issues. I am fearful that this will not be a positive outcome when one looks at the broader picture.

I know I am an old prude but this video in the public domain has me scratching my head:
BBM: Seriously? I care. I want to know this woman's ID and her family needs to know too.

I care.

My thought process, last night at 2am when I saw it wasn't Debbie went something like this.

My first thought was my own family member(s). One of them will be on here someday, I guarantee it.

My second thought was Susan she's been missing too long.

Then Stephanie Baxley if she hasn't been found yet but she is 53.

Then there was several other that I thought of but they were different ages, or hair colors, or races.

Wondered if they were sure that it was a woman, if the body was burned... maybe Steven Koecher?

Should I be looking at the 40 and 50 year old women? Or the 16 year old girls? What is the age of the body?

What color hair are we talking about?

What races are we looking at?

I have no idea how closely this body matched Debbie's. I have NO starting point other than a woman. How am I supposed to even narrow this down?

It almost HAS to be someone who had been reported missing, they identified her in less than 48 hours, that is FAST. The hikers said it appeared to have been burned, maybe that was just normal decomposition or else minimal burning.

I wonder if they could get prints? They could have used prints to run through the system and the person had a record.

Without prints they had to have a missing person's report to compare dental records to, or some form of ID on the body to give them a person to get dental records of.

I am guessing it was a very recent missing person in that area and/or one that we didn't hear about. They probably had Debbie's dental records along with a few other missing women and one of them matched. Or they ran the prints and got a hit that way.

If they find a body with no record and no missing person's report there is no way to ID it.

I care.

Which is why I spent two hours going through missing people and that extensive thought process... before coming to the obvious conclusion that POLICE know who this body is. So they will release the identity at some point. So there is no point in ME trying to figure out who it is when they already know.

There was no point to me spending more time at 4am when I am STILL awake and my children have been in bed since 9pm... trying to figure out who this already identified woman is. If someone else has time, that is wonderful. I needed to get to bed.

What Annie said...

Ransom, I think she just meant that they will likely release the ID of the woman as soon as relatives have been notified- so we will probably know who she is soon and we don't have much information to go on, so we don't really need to sleuth her ID... I don't think she meant that her identity isn't important....

This is such a horrible time for anyone to lose a loved-one... I feel a tremendous heaviness in my heart for these families...
Gotta admit, this case has taken some odd turns in the past few days.
The title "J.D." indicates "Juris Doctor" or "doctor of law", yet the resume focuses on Finance without mention of Law School. :waitasec:
In this interview with her as a Redskins Ambassador, she says she went to Law School for a year before she decided to focus on her MBA. So maybe it made sense for her to go ahead and apply that toward an expanded MBA/JD degree instead of just an MBA.
At first after reading that the ex bf had taken her phone and beat her I was thinking that their might be an unknown second man that she was seeing and he may be involved. But after reading about the orders of protection being taken out on her and her past behavior I'm starting to think that she is hiding out someplace. Or maybe even worse she could have gone someplace and killed herself just to get her ex in legal trouble. After all she does seem to have a history of making things up to get back at men who rejected her.
Heads up on sites that not familiar with

There were some postings and information on a site that was posted previous. The site is "the". It did have some interesting information as to what the local's and a few people that claim to know her. It is an article and forum or message board PLEASE only enter that site with CAUTION. It had several severe viruses on it, depending on what you clicked once you get on the site.. BE CAREFUL

I caught them in time, however looked at a few my virus protector was deleting and they were MAJOR viruses... be careful.

Other than that, prayers for the families of all those who are missing.
Heads up on sites that not familiar with

There were some postings and information on a site that was posted previous. The site is "the". It did have some interesting information as to what the local's and a few people that claim to know her. It is an article and forum or message board PLEASE only enter that site with CAUTION. It had several severe viruses on it, depending on what you clicked once you get on the site.. BE CAREFUL

I caught them in time, however looked at a few my virus protector was deleting and they were MAJOR viruses... be careful.

Other than that, prayers for the families of all those who are missing.

After reading that I just find it telling how many people that know of her just automatically assume that she is faking. Maybe her family feels that this was a realistic possibility that is why they are being so evasive when asked questions about her. This lady must of had some serious emotional issues.
There does seem to be an emerging pattern regarding Debbie and her BF's. But the fact is, she is still missing under questionable circumstances. Regardless of her personal life and choices, she may be a victim.

For the sake of her family, I hope she is found soon.
Yes, I find that odd as well. Clearly the focus was on Finance and money. No matter which way I look at this case there are issues. I am fearful that this will not be a positive outcome when one looks at the broader picture.

I know I am an old prude but this video in the public domain has me scratching my head:

Haven't scrolled up or down (just got on puter....having puter withdrawals. LOL) so this might have been answered already. If so, my apologies.
"I went to Law School for a year but decided to pursue my MBA instead (for now). "
This writing of hers on Model Mayhem has her saying she quit law school after a year.

Eating dinner, as my family was chatting away about daily events, I couldn't help mind went wandering.

Is there any way, at all, to find a list of women who went missing, only to find out later it was a hoax?
Off the top of my head I remembered the Runaway Bride but my mind has drawn a blank.

I know there have been quite a few men who go missing (Olivia Newton John's X-boyfriend comes to mind immediately), later finding out it was a hoax but anyone know a list of women?
Or does anyone know the exact wording to use in Google so that I can get a good search going?
Eating dinner, as my family was chatting away about daily events, I couldn't help mind went wandering.

Is there any way, at all, to find a list of women who went missing, only to find out later it was a hoax?
Off the top of my head I remembered the Runaway Bride but my mind has drawn a blank.

I know there have been quite a few men who go missing (Olivia Newton John's X-boyfriend comes to mind immediately), later finding out it was a hoax but anyone know a list of women?
Or does anyone know the exact wording to use in Google so that I can get a good search going?

Tiffany Tehan is the only other one I can think of at the moment. I'm at a loss otherwise!

Thank you for the LinkedIn Link above!

For those who aren't registered with LinkedIn, here is a portion of her online Resume. VERY Impressive!

I have roughly 9 years of Financial Analysis, Portfolio & Investment Analysis, Operations Management, Performance & Risk Analysis, Business Strategy Management and excellent Public Relations experience plus additional expertise in Client Relations. I have a comprehensive understanding of the business cycle and flow of information, both financial and non-financial. I have a strong understanding and application of both financial & accounting principles as well as a solid understanding of the capital markets. I specialize in high multi-tasking efficiency, strong communication, negotiation and decision-making skills. My success stems from my ability to oversee multiple projects at once and build teams of “Winners” to meet tight deadlines. Moreover, my organizational skills enable me to complete those projects efficiently and effectively. As with any position there are new areas of knowledge, which I will learn and research to meet the highest expectations for your organization.

I speak fluent English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguesse.
Eating dinner, as my family was chatting away about daily events, I couldn't help mind went wandering.

Is there any way, at all, to find a list of women who went missing, only to find out later it was a hoax?
Off the top of my head I remembered the Runaway Bride but my mind has drawn a blank.

I know there have been quite a few men who go missing (Olivia Newton John's X-boyfriend comes to mind immediately), later finding out it was a hoax but anyone know a list of women?
Or does anyone know the exact wording to use in Google so that I can get a good search going?

I just get a sense that something is very wrong in this case.

There is really nothing to even suggest that foul play has happened to Debbie except that her car tag was removed. But really we don't know why that was done and for what reason or by whom.

Was the license plate stripped so it couldn't be traced back to Debbie? Was this the actions of a perpetrator or Debbie, herself?

This woman had many glaring problems. Things seem to have not been going well for her. So did she decide to make a grand exit or did someone harm her? I really don't know what I feel anymore about this case.

Now I know the media has made it into some grand thing that she ditched her other life and became a LV showgirl but that is odd to me when she had such a promising future that would last her much longer than her showgirl career. Debbie is already 31 years old and while that is still young the competition in LV is fierce and a lot of young beautiful women are vying for that position. In LV young beautiful woman are a dime a dozen.

I have a suspicion that the police didn't find any evidence of a crime in her vehicle. Strange that her purse wasnt there. Just a makeup bag and I am sure she had more makeup available than just that bag.

Did her ex harm her or did she take this time to leave knowing it would look like her disappearance was tied to his court date? Could Debbie's intentions been the ultimate revenge against her ex?

All of these of course or just unanswered questions I think about but things just seem strange in this case for some reason.

Yes, Jennifer Wilbanks instantly disappeared and so many were sure her fiancée had murdered her. It was a farce. She had left on her own free will.

Mary Beth Smith also just vanished and so many thought her Pastor husband had murdered her. She wasnt murdered at all and she just walked out and left her husband and children behind without any warning.

If she truly has met with foul play I hope that the police can find evidence to solve the case and locate where she is.

We actually don't know if there is any evidence of foul play. If LE has found anything, they're not saying so publicly. I can only assume that's for good reason.

Lots of people have problems; that they go missing doesn't necessarily follow. Vegas has had the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates for months now, yet not all folks affected disappear.

Debbie was employed, had a home and had recently won a $250K settlement. She was driving an old car with out-of-state plates. WHY would she just up and walk away?

Just thinking out loud here...
We actually don't know if there is any evidence of foul play. If LE has found anything, they're not saying so publicly. I can only assume that's for good reason.

Lots of people have problems; that they go missing doesn't necessarily follow. Vegas has had the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates for months now, yet not all the folks affected just up and leave.

Debbie was employed, had a home and had recently won a $250K settlement. She was driving an old car with out-of-state plates. WHY would she just up and walk away?

Just thinking out loud here...

Finances...not to mention it seems she has butted heads with quite a few (at least 3) with protective orders against her. ???
We actually don't know if there is any evidence of foul play. If LE has found anything, they're not saying so publicly. I can only assume that's for good reason.

Lots of people have problems; that they go missing doesn't necessarily follow. Vegas has had the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates for months now, yet not all the folks affected just up and leave.

Debbie was employed, had a home and had recently won a $250K settlement. She was driving an old car with out-of-state plates. WHY would she just up and walk away?

Just thinking out loud here...

I thought I read that Debbie was having financial difficulties. Maybe I misread.

Did she own her home. I thought she had a roommate?

Finances...not to mention it seems she has butted heads with quite a few (at least 3) with protective orders against her. ???

And that also alarms me.

I don't think I have ever heard of a woman who had three on her from three different men.

IMO, it shows Debbie was very headstrong. It also shows me she wasnt scared of any of those guys.

Tiffany Tehan is the only other one I can think of at the moment. I'm at a loss otherwise!

These are the ones that I had at least a vague recollection of and was able to pull up or ones that came up while I was looking at those. The best guess at a statistic is about 1 faked abduction a week... but no statistics on men vs women.

Searching for "faked abduction" or "faked disappearance" or "faked kidnapping" are good starts. Then you can eliminate the men. Or you can just add "woman" onto your search.

Here are these... there is far more but this is just a start.

Dar Heatherington
- May 2003 - Canadian politician who disappeared during a business meeting, reappeared days later claiming to have been abducted, drugged and raped. She had run off with a married man.

Audrey Seiler - March 2004 - Disappeared and was found in a park 4 days later. Claimed to have been abducted at knife point from her apartment, drugged with cold medicine, bound with duct tape and rope. She made it all up to get the attention of her boyfriend.

Jennifer Wilbanks - April 2005 - Runaway Bride, claimed to have been kidnapped by a man and a woman, held for 4 days and raped. She had faked her own disappearance because she needed some time alone.

Beth Smith - March 2007 - Left a religious conference in Louisiana without telling family and turned up 4 months later living in New York.

Sara White - June 2007 - Decided she didn't want to go on a blind date, so she told him she had been kidnapped to get out of it. When he contacted the police she continued claiming this even to police as they searched for someone they thought was in the trunk of a car.

Debra Robertson
- November 2007 - Dropped her 3 children off at the babysitter and disappeared. Claimed she was abducted by several people and moved around to different locations.

Karyn McConnell Hancock
- December 2007 - Was 6 months pregnant, a married lawyer when she disappeared after failing to pick up another child from daycare. She is a former Democratic Toledo city councilman and the daughter of sitting Toledo Municipal Court Judge C. Allen McConnell. Claimed to have been abducted by 2 men and a woman, held for 3 days and threatened before being released. She was later charged with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from clients and got prison time for that and did less than half of it.

Jessica A. Smith
- April 2009 - Claimed she was abducted, held for 4 days and repeatedly raped.

Bonnie Sweeten - May 2009 - Actually reported she and her 9 year old daughter had been abducted... faked the whole thing with a fake ID and was found at Disney World. She had left behind an 8 month old baby and an investigation into her stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. She is awaiting trial.

Christina Nardi
- June 2009 - Sent text messages from her phone to her family, including her own 13 and 16 year old children claiming a kidnapping had occurred and demanding ransom, then claiming she was dead.

Quinn Gray
- September 2009 - Faked her own kidnapping, complete with demanding $50k ransom with her lover.

Tiffany Tehan - April 2010 - Actually made it look like she "could" have been abducted by abandoning her vehicle in a suspicious manner. Left behind her 1 year old daughter and was found a week later with a married man in Florida.

Nancy Salas - May 2010 - Disappeared and then showed up claiming to have been kidnapped and raped. She was afraid her parents would find out she dropped out of college.

Kristen Lamb - May 2010 - Went out into the woods with all the supplies needed for a kidnapping. Came out 18 hours later claiming to have been kidnapped and raped by a group of men.

Ashley Deforrest
- October 2010 - Claimed a man got into her car at a red light. Then raped her and crashed her car, before running off.

Leanna Ashley Duran
- November 2010 - Stepped outside to make a phone call... Sent a "help" text to her boyfriend, so he would "leave her alone" and she could spend time (in a hotel) with a friend. She knew he would think she'd been abducted but didn't think he would call law enforcement. Returned 10 hours later.
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