Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

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I'm not sure how Driver would have known that? I was pondering whether he had disabled the locks. I think he was looking for someone with an older vehicle, that way he could drive them around without being tracked.

We know he didn't need to disable the locks, and we know her car was most likely unlocked. How could the suspect know this?

If he first saw her at Fox Peak gas/store, he might have paid attention to whether she typically locked her door.
"The sheriff's office said her body was found in a shallow gravesite in the area of Coal Canyon Road"

Suspect in Naomi Irion abduction charged with murder

Thanks! Shallow gravesite could mean she was under a pile of rocks (Tori Stafford). Some people use tree branches.

If we knew what the soil is like, we could guess whether a shovel was needed.


OldCop suggested this area in the last couple of days because it is South of the County Line.


Coal Canyon Road turns into Iron Mine Road towards Stillwater.

This is Coal Canyon Road heading South to Stillwater. Is anyone familiar with this type of terrain. I live up north where the soil is black. A shovel is needed to dig. But is it necessary in desert like conditions?


Spot on!!!

Also, he could have easily followed Naomi with different cars, making the variety of vehicles difficult for her to realize she was being watched and tracked.

Why would he follow her in different vehicles. What mattered to the suspect was that he knew where she would be alone in the dark and distracted. He could have learned that by following her from the Fox Peak gas store to the Walmart parking lot at 5 AM. It was on his way to work to pass the gas store and Walmart.
It appears to be Troy Driver's MO to see a potential victim, stalk, plan to abduct and murder, and to then execute the plan. He did this without being noticed.

That's why this woman has come forward claiming that she was stalked by Troy Driver. She filmed a man in a car and now claims she's the one who got away.

Troy was prepared with a weapon that he used to abduct and murder Naomi. He did a blitz attack where he came from behind her car, got into her car, forced her to move to the passenger seat and did something that prevented her from getting out of the car.

We have an anonymous woman who filmed a man in a car and who tells a story about being alone with this man at a hiking spot, but the man did nothing to her. He drove away.

How is that related to Naomi? We should accept that the video of the man in the car is so clear it must be Troy, but it's so unclear that we can't see whether half his ear is missing?

I guess I just don't see how the man not abducting the woman at the hiking spot right then and there disqualifies him from being TD or saying it's different than what he did with Naomi. He may have first spotted Naomi somewhere else and chose to not abduct her there either. He waited and planned, or so it seems. But he had to initially spot her somewhere. Whoever this man was may have seen this woman walking her dog and honed in on her as a potential victim he'd like to follow, but that doesn't mean he was prepared in that very moment to abduct her, just as the first time TD saw Naomi he may have not been prepared to abduct her, but later made plans to do so.

I am also not saying it is 100% TD, but yes, I admit, I do think it looks a lot like him. May not be him, but I think it's enough of a likeness to at least consider seeing as how it happened so close to Naomi's abduction. I think it can be clear enough to see similarities in someone's face and also the angle can be off so you can't see their left ear.
I wouldn't dismiss the accessory to murder charge at age 17 as irrelevant. This wasn't high school hijinks.

He's been in trouble with the law since age 12 and that is reported to be associated with shooting deer out of season. The accessory charge at 17 was also associated with being around the murdered meth dealer, and reportedly heavy marijuana use.

I'm not sure I had heard of meth 22 years ago.
Oh yes! Been around a long time. Diet pills, speed then just called it meth. Cooking it in home labs started probably 25 years ago. I know it was around in the 60's.
I think there are three possibilities. He did not turn off his phone because he did not expect to get caught, he returned to the scene of the crime in his truck (we know he returned to the scene of the crime to abandon her car), he told investigators where to find her body.
Every report I saw about pings referenced Naomi's phone, not his. We're there other reports about his phone pings?
This is the suspect just after the car pulls in. He emerged from the shadow of the building (out of sight of camera) where the car lights shone on him. He walked towards the camera, stopped and turned around. I initially thought that Naomi was parked in the blue car, but she was parked one row back. He then walked towards the camera, turned around and watched her car from the bushes.

What adds to my belief that he carefully planned this is that he stood out of camera range until the car lights lit him up.

Her brother says in the video that he saw something happen at her car and then the car calmly left the lot. When he zoomed in he saw the suspect approach from behind her car. He doesn't say that he saw the suspect cross the lot to Naomi's car. Perhaps the suspect did that in the dark along the edge of the parking lot?

"The sheriff's office said her body was found in a shallow gravesite in the area of Coal Canyon Road"

Suspect in Naomi Irion abduction charged with murder
Gravesite doesn't sound like a typical dug grave to me. Either way, it's entirely possible Driver may have already picked out a dumpsite and prepared it until he found his victim. That video from the parking lot as he stood looking at her vehicle implied this was someone he had planned to abduct, he had driven his truck to another location, had come walking from the area of a known homeless encampment, it would make sense he already had picked out the dumpsite and had prepared it ahead of time.
One of the first things that Naomi's brother said was that she had consistent habits and routines. She stopped at the convenience store/gas station between home and Walmart, she arrived 20-30 minutes early and used the extra time to connect with overseas friends.

That same Fox Peak gas/store is on the route from Fallon, where the suspect's truck was seized, and Fernley, which connects to both Elko and Reno (where he had work).

View attachment 338751
So is the Walmart isn't it? Maybe he stopped there regularly for job supplies.
Oh, I absolutely believe he opened the door. I just think he waited until she reached to open the door. A further way to ambush her, pulling the door from her.


That makes sense. If he stalked her first, he knew that she spent time on her phone. Interrupting that could alert someone that she was abducted. Waiting until she stopped and was ready to get out of the car is the right time to surprise her with a blitz attack.

I remember reading about Israel Keyes blitz attack. Once he was in the house, he ran to the room that he expected to be the bedroom. He didn't car how much noise he made because he knew that the more noise, the more scared they would be, the less likely they would have time to react.

I think that's what happened here. He was behind her car and did look at her car earlier and could very likely see the light of her phone. He could have waited until 5:25, when she signs off with overseas friends, to rush her as she was getting out of the car.
That's how an MO works. Serial killers use the same tactics that work for them again and again. Ted Bundy, for example, used a fake arm or leg cast to get women to his car. He didn't re-think how to abduct a woman each time, he used the method that worked.

Having a beard does not mean the man in the car is similar to Troy Driver.
I apologize in advance, I have been trying to familiarize myself with the websleuths site, but I can't find this info anywhere...
Otto, can you expound upon your area of expertise? Do you have experience studying stalkers/have been stalked? Can you explain WHY the man "hid" his car under the overpass, if he didn't have any ill intent towards the woman he was following?
I apologize in advance, I have been trying to familiarize myself with the websleuths site, but I can't find this info anywhere...
Otto, can you expound upon your area of expertise? Do you have experience studying stalkers/have been stalked? Can you explain WHY the man "hid" his car under the overpass, if he didn't have any ill intent towards the woman he was following?

There's a verification process that is used to demonstrate proof of expertise. Some people have more than one area of expertise; more than one professional designation. There are doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, nursing, psychology and people with many diverse areas of expertise here.

I have no work experience with stalkers, murders, law or prosecutions. I've been curious about murders since 1992.

Perhaps the discussion about the woman who filmed a man in a car because she thought she was being stalked deserves a separate discussion?
That's how an MO works. Serial killers use the same tactics that work for them again and again. Ted Bundy, for example, used a fake arm or leg cast to get women to his car. He didn't re-think how to abduct a woman each time, he used the method that worked.

Having a beard does not mean the man in the car is similar to Troy Driver.

This is getting off topic, and I agree that I don't think this guy is TD, but MO's change for any number of reasons. Bundy, for instance, used at least three different MO's; crippled/injured, cop/authority figure, and blitz attack. Are you thinking about signature, as those remain pretty consistent.
This is getting off topic, and I agree that I don't think this guy is TD, but MO's change for any number of reasons. Bundy, for instance, used at least three different MO's; crippled/injured, cop/authority figure, and blitz attack. Are you thinking about signature, as those remain pretty consistent.

Signature sounds like it might be a better word. Bundy escalated from crippled to blitz.

Although we know of only one possible murder committed by Troy Driver, there seem to be many planned details. The first is that he walked to the parking lot where she was parked.

Walking to the parking lot suggests that he knew that she would be there, knew her car, knew where she typically parked, and for how long she was there before the shuttle arrived. He even seemed to know when the shuttle arrived - given his tight timing.

Why did he park his truck somewhere else? Why did he approach from the direction of the homeless camp? Was that unintentional? Does parking his truck somewhere else mean that he has planned to ensure that his truck is not associated with him at Walmart? Signature? Approaching the car from behind and waiting for the right moment to startle Naomi - signature?

If Troy Driver murdered before - since it's odd to start this at age 41 - were his earlier abductions more risky, or did he perfect the idea of how to get away with murder while he was in prison?
Ok. I will ask again more directly, what is your area of expertise?

I have degrees, certifications and professional designations in science, environmental design, education and a partial degree in wearable tech. for health care.

@otto was previously Verified by Tricia in relation to the above and the Verification List has now been updated to include the above designations next to otto's name ... obviously too much to enter into the limited field under their avatar.>
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" He made sure that his truck was not parked in the same Walmart parking area, and ensured that he was not seen walking from his truck to her car."

Respectfully, nope. This is a detail I can't get past. He clearly walked through the headlights to be seen of a vehicle that had just pulled into the parking lot.

Like I say. This baffles me.
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