Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

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Yes, otto

My thinking is that the murder of Naomi Irion is a full-fledge plan for TD.

It seems he is an organized person ( Project Superintendant, Safety Officer) who is recognized by his employer for his reliability and his organization in these jobs. ( Safety Officer is an awful lot of checking lists, reviewing protocols, maintaining standards, keeping people in line and not allowing sloppy or non-compliant employees to violate standards that may compromise the company's ability to continue working).

I think this murder is a PLAN for him. It's not all about the actual physical act, or the heat of the moment. It's about the details.

The details of Every Thing about this.

Creating the victim
Stalking and understanding the victim
Predicting the victim's routine and controlling that situation
Controlling the attack site, surveying the region for cameras, for traffic, for police patrolls, whatever
The myriad of details about her, her vehicle, her routine, the precision in the timing of the attack, etc etc.
Then the preparation of the attack
The details that we don't yet know about the method, the weapon, the symbolism or the construction of the attack to suit his plan
The details of his clothing, planning to conceal his easily identifiable left ear damage
The escape route
The handling of the vehicles
Leaving a false phone ping trail?
The disposal of evidence (his clothing, her possessions)
Checking surveillance over possible gravesites
The choice of the gravesite
Possibly preparing the grave prior to the attack
The return of her vehicle
His return home
Taking the Monday off of work, likely to clean up
Probably dealing with the co-worked and having to to out the usual work site.

I contend he is fulfilling some as of yet unlabeled psychopatholgic need in all this planning.

The success of all this plan is the objective. As if he was showing someone important to him how really superior he is in life because of this great plan.

Maybe we will find the answers in a deep psychological review of his childhood and upbringing. Maybe a good place to start might be to interview his prior co-inmates from his prior incarceration.

In a sense, I see a Ted Bundy - kind of psychopathy, at least until Bundy really lost it.

Hmmm, for someone who was so into planning, he sure got caught fast. Hard to believe he even considered security cameras, or GPS.

Hmmm, for someone who was so into planning, he sure got caught fast. Hard to believe he even considered security cameras, or GPS.


He went to the trouble of parking his truck some distance from where he planned to abduct Naomi in her car, and to arrive at the Walmart on foot from the direction of the homeless camp. He made sure that his truck was not parked in the same Walmart parking area, and ensured that he was not seen walking from his truck to her car.

Where he made a mistake, in my opinion, is that he did not expect police to connect him with his truck and he did not expect Sherwin-Williams cameras (where he abandoned Naomi's car) to capture him with his truck.

There's no truck GPS tracking to the body location that we know of. As far as we know, Naomi was taken to the place where she was murdered in her car. That is, he was careful to ensure that his truck GPS did not connect him to her abduction and murder.
I wonder if he would target only women.
The first murder he was involved in was a male drug dealer.

I was thinking about him driving a company truck with a green flashlight on top.
Having safety vests radio's, a helmet and God knows what else.
He could have portrayed himself as some safety guy.

I was thinking of missing Patrick Carnes.
An old man and his dog that went missing on their way to Elko. Patrick Carnes was pulled over by LE.
TD could be listening to police scanners to look for victims.
Carnes' car was found just off the highway, I think the car got stuck in the sand

TD is charged for robbery.
He could be pretending to be a tow truck and rob, kill or abduct people.

Naomi's abduction made me think of Patrick Carnes too. That's another one that haunts me to this day.
In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf eventually discovered it and made the call. Or perhaps when he returned to his truck, he had taken off the hoody and could be clearly seen, then the connection was made to the owner of the truck once the tip was called in and the plates or VIN had been run. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO

I've always wondered about the gas station/mini mart where she bought her morning drink.

You see the video of her at the register.

I'm wondering if maybe LE got some more store video, and videos of the gas station/parking lot that they're not sharing.

Could he possibly be showing up in those videos, but LE is "keeping it on the downlow" for now, so as to not tip anyone off?
He went to the trouble of parking his truck some distance from where he planned to abduct Naomi in her car, and to arrive at the Walmart on foot from the direction of the homeless camp. He made sure that his truck was not parked in the same Walmart parking area, and ensured that he was not seen walking from his truck to her car.

Where he made a mistake, in my opinion, is that he did not expect police to connect him with his truck and he did not expect Sherwin-Williams cameras (where he abandoned Naomi's car) to capture him with his truck.

There's no truck GPS tracking to the body location that we know of. As far as we know, Naomi was taken to the place where she was murdered in her car. That is, he was careful to ensure that his truck GPS did not connect him to her abduction and murder.

What is your theory as to how they found the gravesite so quickly?
What is your theory as to how they found the gravesite so quickly?

I think there are three possibilities. He did not turn off his phone because he did not expect to get caught, he returned to the scene of the crime in his truck (we know he returned to the scene of the crime to abandon her car), he told investigators where to find her body.
There's no truck GPS tracking to the body location that we know of. As far as we know, Naomi was taken to the place where she was murdered in her car. That is, he was careful to ensure that his truck GPS did not connect him to her abduction and murder.
SBM. In which vehicle did he bring a shovel to the burial site? My guess would be not in Naomi's.
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In what way does the man in the car seem similar to Troy Driver? Troy is missing half an ear - a very distinct feature. Troy wears a mask and a hoodie to obscure his appearance. Troy has a beard. He drives a truck.

It seems like the conclusion is that he looks similar except that he is not wearing a hoodie, he is not wearing a mask, he isn't missing half an ear, he isn't driving a truck, and he is not stealthy in pursing this woman, but he's similar to Troy Driver.
I understand what you are saying @otto, but I do not consider Troy Driver to be stealthy. He paraded around a public parking lot where people were obviously parked. He walked right through a set of headlights. He left her vehicle in plain sight in daylight.
I think initially he was lucky, but he’s no criminal mastermind.
Because no one wants to believe that their best friend is capable of horrific crimes.
True, but IF he had a penchant for stalking women for example, it's hard to believe that a best friend would not be aware of any incidents.
I understand what you are saying @otto, but I do not consider Troy Driver to be stealthy. He paraded around a public parking lot where people were obviously parked. He walked right through a set of headlights. He left her vehicle in plain sight in daylight.
I think initially he was lucky, but he’s no criminal mastermind.

True, he was aware of cameras in front of Walmart and walked past them wearing a hoodie and a mask. He was seen in the shadows towards the end of the building (opposite direction of homeless camp) when a car pulled into the parking space and shone lights on him. He walked away from the lights right away. He most likely wasn't expecting a car to pull up to the location where he was standing. He might have planned to approach her car from behind from that location where he stood in the shadows. Instead, he circled the parking lot and still approached her car from behind.

He did leave her car in plane sight near the abduction location, which was foolish if he knew about the Sherwin-Williams cameras. That's why I think he did not see those cameras.

Even though his vehicle was identified, his licence plate was not. Careful planning, or luck?
It was reported that she was buried in a shallow grave. That's likely more than just covered.

I think it was said that she was found at a grave site, and I know I used the term "shallow grave." That was how I understood gravesite. I don't know what the soil, vegetation and rocks are like where she was found, but being covered any of those three objects could result in a gravesite.
Her brother says in a video on this link that he and Naomi discussed locking doors and he understood that she did not lock her doors.
I'm not sure how Driver would have known that? I was pondering whether he had disabled the locks. I think he was looking for someone with an older vehicle, that way he could drive them around without being tracked.
I guess my question is, IF the other man who followed the woman is TD, who is to say TD didn't follow Naomi previously just like he followed this woman? If he spotted Naomi somewhere else and followed her to learn her routine and a good place to abduct her, I would argue he did EXACTLY what this man - whether him or someone else - did. Perhaps when he did it to Naomi, she did not notice he was following her. Maybe she did notice someone seemed to be following her one day and never mentioned it to anyone. Tragically, she is not here to ask that question of anymore.

IMO the man who followed the woman with the dog - whether it was TD or not - did not follow her to abduct her from a busy parking lot. I personally think he was following her either just to be a creep or to learn her routine. See where she lives. Maybe figure out a time/place he could abduct her without her dog and without anyone around. IF this was TD, he may have tried it with several women before - who knows? I personally think he didn't think she'd stop, face him and start recording, so then he just started acting odd and drove off and probably wrote her off as a possible victim.

But for those saying this isn't TD's MO, how do we know that? How do you think he found and honed in on Naomi if not by following her and figuring out her routine ahead of time? Honestly asking, not being snarky. The only other option to me is a complete crime of opportunity and IMO, it did not seem that way to me, but I could be wrong.

Spot on!!!

Also, he could have easily followed Naomi with different cars, making the variety of vehicles difficult for her to realize she was being watched and tracked.
I think it was said that she was found at a grave site, and I know I used the term "shallow grave." That was how I understood gravesite. I don't know what the soil, vegetation and rocks are like where she was found, but being covered any of those three objects could result in a gravesite.
"The sheriff's office said her body was found in a shallow gravesite in the area of Coal Canyon Road"

Suspect in Naomi Irion abduction charged with murder
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