Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

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Meredith Emerson's very well-trained dog was off-leash too. That doesn't make any difference if someone is going to become a victim of abduction. I would be surprised if the woman's dog(s) were attack dogs. Most people's dogs are socialized pets - regardless of breed.

If this woman was going to be abducted, it would have happened while she was alone and hiking with her dog, not in a parking lot some distance away.

Furthermore, if the man in the car was afraid of dogs, he would never have zeroed in on her in the first place.
I know big dogs. Those dogs would have protected her.

And maybe in his own twisted mind he didn't want to hurt the dogs.
It seems like this unknown woman has become a major part of the discussion about the abduction and murder of Naomi Irion. That is, she is "the one that got away" from Troy Driver even though there's nothing to connect Troy Driver to this woman, or to support the theory that the man in the car had any ill intent towards her.
SBM, BBM. So what was his intent? IMO even if he's not TD, he's a creep. He appeared aggressive in the video.
We believe he is a planner. We don't have much of any details about what he did aside from our own assumptions.

That guy in the car looks similar. Talking about that possibility isn't taking away from discussing this case...especially as we wait for more information to be released to the public.

In what way does the man in the car seem similar to Troy Driver? Troy is missing half an ear - a very distinct feature. Troy wears a mask and a hoodie to obscure his appearance. Troy has a beard. He drives a truck.

It seems like the conclusion is that he looks similar except that he is not wearing a hoodie, he is not wearing a mask, he isn't missing half an ear, he isn't driving a truck, and he is not stealthy in pursing this woman, but he's similar to Troy Driver.
SBM, BBM. So what was his intent? IMO even if he's not TD, he's a creep. He appeared aggressive in the video.

We have no idea what happened with this woman and the man in the car other than she was spooked by him. Regardless of what happened, she has gained an awful lot of attention by connecting herself to the abduction and murder of Naomi Irion.
SBM, BBM. Apart from his looks and stalking his victim. TD could have more than one MO and he likely had access to a sedan.

I'm wondering why TD's best friend was so adamant that he's innocent?

Close friends more often than not have difficulty believing that someone they know well abducts and murders young women.
SBM, BBM. So what was his intent? IMO even if he's not TD, he's a creep. He appeared aggressive in the video.

What does this woman's perception of a man in a car have to do with Naomi? He didn't do anything illegal. We don't know why he was in the parking lot. Perhaps he was spooked by the fact that she was filming him - that's rather creepy as well.

Reverse the genders where a man is filming a woman as he drives up behind her, then passes her, then happens to be in the same parking lot and continues to film. Is that normal? She might drive up and park next to the person who is filming to ask what's going on.
We have no idea what happened with this woman and the man in the car other than she was spooked by him. Regardless of what happened, she has gained an awful lot of attention by connecting herself to the abduction and murder of Naomi Irion.
BBM. AFAIK, she wants to stay anonymous, but she did call the police about the encounter. I believe her.
In what way does the man in the car seem similar to Troy Driver? Troy is missing half an ear - a very distinct feature. Troy wears a mask and a hoodie to obscure his appearance. Troy has a beard. He drives a truck.

It seems like the conclusion is that he looks similar except that he is not wearing a hoodie, he is not wearing a mask, he isn't missing half an ear, he isn't driving a truck, and he is not stealthy in pursing this woman, but he's similar to Troy Driver.
Are you suggesting that you can see either ear in the photo? Or that TD always wears hoodies? That he drives around in a mask?

The man in the car appears to have a thick beard. I cannot see his ears to know if part is missing or not.

This particular creepy bearded guy was following a woman by herself in a car. He appeared to block her path when out by herself. He followed her long enough that she was completely creeped out and called LE.

We do not know enough facts about TD from LE to know what his modus operandi may or may not be. You are making a lot of assumptions about what we know. We know one instance that involved him...and we don't actually know much about that one either.
What does this woman's perception of a man in a car have to do with Naomi? He didn't do anything illegal. We don't know why he was in the parking lot. Perhaps he was spooked by the fact that she was filming him - that's rather creepy as well.

Reverse the genders where a man is filming a woman as he drives up behind her, then passes her, then happens to be in the same parking lot and continues to film. Is that normal? She might drive up and park next to the person who is filming to ask what's going on.
He was waiting for her in his car on the road leading back from her hike and then followed her throughout town. I wouldn't call that "happens to be in the same parking lot".
Are you suggesting that you can see either ear in the photo? Or that TD always wears hoodies? That he drives around in a mask?

The man in the car appears to have a thick beard. I cannot see his ears to know if part is missing or not.

This particular creepy bearded guy was following a woman by herself in a car. He appeared to block her path when out by herself. He followed her long enough that she was completely creeped out and called LE.

We do not know enough facts about TD from LE to know what his modus operandi may or may not be. You are making a lot of assumptions about what we know. We know one instance that involved him...and we don't actually know much about that one either.

That's how an MO works. Serial killers use the same tactics that work for them again and again. Ted Bundy, for example, used a fake arm or leg cast to get women to his car. He didn't re-think how to abduct a woman each time, he used the method that worked.

Having a beard does not mean the man in the car is similar to Troy Driver.
He was waiting for her in his car on the road leading back from her hike and then followed her throughout town. I wouldn't call that "happens to be in the same parking lot".

So the theory is that the man in the car planned to abduct the anonymous woman, but did not abduct her while she was hiking alone because he's afraid of dogs. If he has a weapon to abduct her - as Troy Driver did with Naomi - he would not use that weapon on an attack dog.

He left the area, hid under a bridge, followed her, approached her car as though to have a conversation, he was no longer afraid of her dogs, and then he drove away and that was the end of it.

Meanwhile, we have to assume that although she was filming him the entire time, that's seems completely normal and would not spook him.
Serial murderers, which is what Troy Driver would be if he indeed attempted to abduct someone in the past and failed, tend to have a modus operandi. We know that Troy Driver is a planner. He planned where to hide his truck, where and when to abduct Naomi, how to subdue her, where to take her, how to kill her, how to where to hide her body, and how to get away with it. If he did this in the past, he would have used the same tactics. That's his MO.

There's nothing similar between what happened to Naomi and this woman who was spooked by someone who visibly tried to get her attention while she's filming him.

I do believe that he would only target female teens and young women. His first conviction was for helping a woman get away with murdering her boyfriend - planning the perfect murder.

Yes, otto

My thinking is that the murder of Naomi Irion is a full-fledge plan for TD.

It seems he is an organized person ( Project Superintendant, Safety Officer) who is recognized by his employer for his reliability and his organization in these jobs. ( Safety Officer is an awful lot of checking lists, reviewing protocols, maintaining standards, keeping people in line and not allowing sloppy or non-compliant employees to violate standards that may compromise the company's ability to continue working).

I think this murder is a PLAN for him. It's not all about the actual physical act, or the heat of the moment. It's about the details.

The details of Every Thing about this.

Creating the victim
Stalking and understanding the victim
Predicting the victim's routine and controlling that situation
Controlling the attack site, surveying the region for cameras, for traffic, for police patrolls, whatever
The myriad of details about her, her vehicle, her routine, the precision in the timing of the attack, etc etc.
Then the preparation of the attack
The details that we don't yet know about the method, the weapon, the symbolism or the construction of the attack to suit his plan
The details of his clothing, planning to conceal his easily identifiable left ear damage
The escape route
The handling of the vehicles
Leaving a false phone ping trail?
The disposal of evidence (his clothing, her possessions)
Checking surveillance over possible gravesites
The choice of the gravesite
Possibly preparing the grave prior to the attack
The return of her vehicle
His return home
Taking the Monday off of work, likely to clean up
Probably dealing with the co-worked and having to to out the usual work site.

I contend he is fulfilling some as of yet unlabeled psychopatholgic need in all this planning.

The success of all this plan is the objective. As if he was showing someone important to him how really superior he is in life because of this great plan.

Maybe we will find the answers in a deep psychological review of his childhood and upbringing. Maybe a good place to start might be to interview his prior co-inmates from his prior incarceration.

In a sense, I see a Ted Bundy - kind of psychopathy, at least until Bundy really lost it.
BBM. AFAIK, she wants to stay anonymous, but she did call the police about the encounter. I believe her.
I believe her too. It happens all the time. Men flirt with women and vice versa. It's that simple. It's not good and in these times, very dangerous but it happens. It may or may not have been TD. But if it was, or wasn't it's on the record since she wisely reported it. The authorities have his info and hopefully will watch out for him. BTW, I learned today that there is no police force in Ferney. The city is covered by county Sheriff's Department. I wonder if TD knew that. It's the same in the small town I live in. It means no LE patrolling and we expect to wait if we place a call for help! Regardless, this really has nothing to do with Naomi's case. JMO
In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf eventually discovered it and made the call. Or perhaps when he returned to his truck, he had taken off the hoody and could be clearly seen, then the connection was made to the owner of the truck once the tip was called in and the plates or VIN had been run. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO
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I belive the loading bays at the Lowe's store face the Sherwin-Williams plant and that their CCTV likely captured him leaving her vehicle and walking over to the Lowe's parking lot where his truck had been parked the entire day.
Are you suggesting that you can see either ear in the photo? Or that TD always wears hoodies? That he drives around in a mask?

The man in the car appears to have a thick beard. I cannot see his ears to know if part is missing or not.

This particular creepy bearded guy was following a woman by herself in a car. He appeared to block her path when out by herself. He followed her long enough that she was completely creeped out and called LE.

We do not know enough facts about TD from LE to know what his modus operandi may or may not be. You are making a lot of assumptions about what we know. We know one instance that involved him...and we don't actually know much about that one either.
He might have decided after that encounter that that modus operandi didn't work.
And if he saw he was being filmed, he might have decided to operate in the dark and unrecognizable.
Not suggesting that the stalked woman is to blame for anything.

Also he may have used drugs when he stalked that woman. Or may have been triggered by something.
If his girlfriend was pregnant maybe that was a trigger.

It should be possible to check if he had an alibi for February 9.
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I belive the loading bays at the Lowe's store face the Sherwin-Williams plant and that their CCTV likely captured him leaving her vehicle and walking over to the Lowe's parking lot where his truck had been parked the entire day.

Perhaps, but let's note that there is no proof or even suggestion, other than a couple YT'ers and some posters here, that the truck was parked at Lowe's. It is merely a logical supposition. JMO
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Perhaps, but let's note that there is no proof or even allegation, other than a couple YT'ers and some psoters here, that the truck was parked at Lowe's. It is merely a logical supposition. JMO

Yes, and that's exactly the kind of stuff we get to debate here on WS: What is logical? What did we miss? What's an alternative explanation
In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf discovered it and made the call. Or perhaps when he returned to his truck, he had taken off the hoody and could be clearly seen, then the connection was made to the owner of the truck once the tip was called in. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO

I believe this is where his truck was seized. I haven't been able to understand which neighbour would be watching his house and garage often enough to notice what he did with his truck.

I think you might be correct - that his girlfriend reported him as a possible suspect who owned a similar truck. She would also know that he was away from home at the 5 AM time of abduction, and she would have noticed usual behaviour after the abduction.


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