Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

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In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf discovered it and made the call. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO
Thank you @SteveP I was confused when I popped in to read. Hopefully LE followed up and will comment as to whether it's related so it can be put to rest.

There is another extended video interview with the trainee who spent time with Driver in the time he abducted and killed Naomi. The trainee said Driver didn't make it to work on Monday following the abduction. What do we think he was doing on that Monday?

Another thing - I'm curious about what happened to Driver's ear, what a unique identifier.
Thank you @SteveP I was confused when I popped in to read. Hopefully LE followed up and will comment as to whether it's related so it can be put to rest.

There is another extended video interview with the trainee who spent time with Driver in the time he abducted and killed Naomi. The trainee said Driver didn't make it to work on Monday following the abduction. What do we think he was doing on that Monday?

Another thing - I'm curious about what happened to Driver's ear, what a unique identifier.

I think the youtube video self-posted by coworker has some problems with accuracy.

I dont want to get into trouble with the mods so I'll just stop now.
It seems like quite a double standard. If a man is filming a woman, he's a creep. If a woman is filming a man, she's a victim and he's still a creep.
So you choose to ignore the entire story. She drove through a few parking lots and he was still following her, so this wasn't a coincidence. Clearly she wasn't filming him because she was interested in him - he was the one creeping on her.

Now that I listened to Gray Hughes' interview with the woman, he might not have known that he was being recorded. She says that her car windows were very dark and that he might have been gesturing to her to roll down the window. She didn't want him to see her face, so she didn't.

There's a possibility that TD had access to other people's cars and could have used them for stalking instead of his own vehicle.
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It seems like quite a double standard. If a man is filming a woman, he's a creep. If a woman is filming a man, she's a victim and he's still a creep.
Yes. As long as men continue to stalk, harrass, attack, kidnap, rape, and kill women, any man doing anything questionable is a creep. The gift of fear. Moo.
Thank you @SteveP I was confused when I popped in to read. Hopefully LE followed up and will comment as to whether it's related so it can be put to rest.

There is another extended video interview with the trainee who spent time with Driver in the time he abducted and killed Naomi. The trainee said Driver didn't make it to work on Monday following the abduction. What do we think he was doing on that Monday?

Another thing - I'm curious about what happened to Driver's ear, what a unique identifier.

If the co-worker is truthful about TD missing work the Monday after the abduction, I am sure LE has already verified that. As to what he was doing that day, I think it is possible that he went back to the site that he had left Naomi's body, and buried her. If he did use her car to do the entire crime, unless he had picked the spot and prepared a grave already, or pre-planned and had a shovel already there, or unless he stopped somewhere enroute to get one, he would probably not have been able to dig a grave to bury her. He may have even left her somewhere else and moved her to that site on Monday, though I think that is less likely. It has also been suggested that he may have spent the day cleaning his truck, in an attempt to get rid of any evidence.

As to whatever happened to his ear, I have no idea, but I saw a couple pics of him from a few years back on some social media site, 2015, 2017 maybe, and ear was intact then. I have wondered if it was a skin cancer or an accident of some kind, or whether he was into body modification and had intentionally done it to himself. I did notice, at his hearing, he has a fairly substantial tattoo on his upper chest that was partially visible. JMO
I think the youtube video self-posted by coworker has some problems with accuracy.

I dont want to get into trouble with the mods so I'll just stop now.
I don't disagree, but the detail regarding Monday I wouldn't think is in dispute.

What's your opinion on Driver and his sloppiness? The guy had to know that there are cameras everywhere, did he think he could disappear Naomi and no one would ever notice? I'm really curious about what drove him to do this? Will details begin to leak about certain addictions he may have had? I'd love to know if he had a home computer and what may have been found.
In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf eventually discovered it and made the call. Or perhaps when he returned to his truck, he had taken off the hoody and could be clearly seen, then the connection was made to the owner of the truck once the tip was called in and the plates or VIN had been run. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO
The image of the truck was released Mar 16. The next morning, LE stated "every business" in Fernley and the surrounding region was assisting by providing surveillance video."

They worked with that for over a week, until the 25th.

IMO they ended up with footage of the truck, leaving where her car was dropped, and all the way to turning into his home/street or neighbourhood.

They might also have footage showing the reverse trip, where the truck cames out from his home/street, until being parked the morning of the abduction.

IMO, that would be enough to take him into custody and impound the truck (he wasn't immediately arrested). From the truck they could confirm all that data from the GPS.

They indicated when they found Naomi's car, there was some evidence 'a crime was committed'. So they must have found something that physically linked him to the kidnapping: for eg, footage/receipts showing he had purchased restraints or other objects that were found or used in the vehicle? A bullet that had been fired? Some of Naomi's DNA on his stuff?

IMO, someone turning him in would only make him a potential target for investigation, they still have to have actual forensic evidence.

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In hopes of steering this conversation back to Naomi, I have been thinking and wondering...

What was it that got TD arrested initially? Surely LE did not tow the truck and arrest him just because his truck looked like the truck being sought. There have to be more trucks that look like the truck on the poster in that area than just his. I had thought that LE probably had more video of it than we had been shown, and maybe some directly connecting it to Naomi's attacker, as in, perhaps they had video of the attacker returning her car and walking to the truck. Having said that, it seems unlikely that they had any clear view of the truck's legal license plate, or it would not have taken so long to find it and TD. Although garaged, it was at his residence. So that leaves me thinking that it was most likely the gf that called and reported it, although it was reported that a "neighbor" called in the tip. Again, had a neighbor called, all LE would have to go on was a truck that looked like the right truck. I wonder if TD had either left evidence of the crime inside his truck, within plain sight, or what I really wonder is if he took something inside his home...Naomi's purse, or phone, or a driver's license memento, or a filthy or bloody hoody...and the gf eventually discovered it and made the call. Or perhaps when he returned to his truck, he had taken off the hoody and could be clearly seen, then the connection was made to the owner of the truck once the tip was called in and the plates or VIN had been run. It is very apparent that something specific led to the arrest, other than just the discovery of a truck that looked similar. JMO
I'm with you. Found the car and released the picture of "the truck" the same day. It appeared, at least to me, they discovered video and car at the same time and same location. I kept waiting for more details. No details provided. I'd still like to know the details. I also can't recall a case where the family was so involved publicly. They shared info on FB, and in interviews that I believe the public would not be privy to if not for the families diligence in getting info out. I believe this case would not have gotten to this point so quickly, if not for the family's straight forwardness. I applaud them for that!
Perhaps, but let's note that there is no proof or even suggestion, other than a couple YT'ers and some posters here, that the truck was parked at Lowe's. It is merely a logical supposition. JMO

But isn’t there more video that hasn’t been released? Hasn’t the family told us that?

So, as always, LE knows way more than they are letting on.
That's how an MO works. Serial killers use the same tactics that work for them again and again. Ted Bundy, for example, used a fake arm or leg cast to get women to his car. He didn't re-think how to abduct a woman each time, he used the method that worked.

Having a beard does not mean the man in the car is similar to Troy Driver.
…but the fact that he isn’t wearing a hoodie doesn’t convince me that he isn’t.

Again, we have 1 incident by which to analyze TD. One. (Yeah, the 17 year old thing—but he was accessory there) so we have no idea what is typical for him or not.

One way or the other, I’m glad that the woman was safe and thought to use her phone to her advantage.
But isn’t there more video that hasn’t been released? Hasn’t the family told us that?

So, as always, LE knows way more than they are letting on.

I'm not sure how much more video LE have that we are not privy to. I do know that her brother claimed he could clearly see her shaking when TD forced his way into her car, so we have to assume they at least have that. As always, I am sure LE have a LOT more evidence than what has been released, as it should be. I just hope that whatever they have, there is enough of it, and it is strong enough to put this monster away for life. JMO
…but the fact that he isn’t wearing a hoodie doesn’t convince me that he isn’t.

Again, we have 1 incident by which to analyze TD. One. (Yeah, the 17 year old thing—but he was accessory there) so we have no idea what is typical for him or not.

One way or the other, I’m glad that the woman was safe and thought to use her phone to her advantage.

I wouldn't dismiss the accessory to murder charge at age 17 as irrelevant. This wasn't high school hijinks.

He's been in trouble with the law since age 12 and that is reported to be associated with shooting deer out of season. The accessory charge at 17 was also associated with being around the murdered meth dealer, and reportedly heavy marijuana use.

I'm not sure I had heard of meth 22 years ago.
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I wouldn't dismiss the accessory to murder charge at 17 as irrelevant.

He's been in trouble with the law since age 12 and that is reported to be associated with shooting deer out of season. The accessory charge at 17 was also associated with being around the murdered meth dealer, and reportedly heavy marijuana use.

I'm not sure I had heard of meth 17 years ago.
Meth was a thing in suburban Denver area high schools in 05
A daughters friend caught up in it back then, said the cheerleaders using it for weight loss when they couldn’t find coke
I guess my question is, IF the other man who followed the woman is TD, who is to say TD didn't follow Naomi previously just like he followed this woman? If he spotted Naomi somewhere else and followed her to learn her routine and a good place to abduct her, I would argue he did EXACTLY what this man - whether him or someone else - did. Perhaps when he did it to Naomi, she did not notice he was following her. Maybe she did notice someone seemed to be following her one day and never mentioned it to anyone. Tragically, she is not here to ask that question of anymore.

IMO the man who followed the woman with the dog - whether it was TD or not - did not follow her to abduct her from a busy parking lot. I personally think he was following her either just to be a creep or to learn her routine. See where she lives. Maybe figure out a time/place he could abduct her without her dog and without anyone around. IF this was TD, he may have tried it with several women before - who knows? I personally think he didn't think she'd stop, face him and start recording, so then he just started acting odd and drove off and probably wrote her off as a possible victim.

But for those saying this isn't TD's MO, how do we know that? How do you think he found and honed in on Naomi if not by following her and figuring out her routine ahead of time? Honestly asking, not being snarky. The only other option to me is a complete crime of opportunity and IMO, it did not seem that way to me, but I could be wrong.
I guess my question is, IF the other man who followed the woman is TD, who is to say TD didn't follow Naomi previously just like he followed this woman? If he spotted Naomi somewhere else and followed her to learn her routine and a good place to abduct her, I would argue he did EXACTLY what this man - whether him or someone else - did. Perhaps when he did it to Naomi, she did not notice he was following her. Maybe she did notice someone seemed to be following her one day and never mentioned it to anyone. Tragically, she is not here to ask that question of anymore.

IMO the man who followed the woman with the dog - whether it was TD or not - did not follow her to abduct her from a busy parking lot. I personally think he was following her either just to be a creep or to learn her routine. See where she lives. Maybe figure out a time/place he could abduct her without her dog and without anyone around. IF this was TD, he may have tried it with several women before - who knows? I personally think he didn't think she'd stop, face him and start recording, so then he just started acting odd and drove off and probably wrote her off as a possible victim.

But for those saying this isn't TD's MO, how do we know that? How do you think he found and honed in on Naomi if not by following her and figuring out her routine ahead of time? Honestly asking, not being snarky. The only other option to me is a complete crime of opportunity and IMO, it did not seem that way to me, but I could be wrong.
I agree... There have been posts that TD had been in Reno at times (I can't recall details - previous jobs or just goes there) so I wonder if he saw her, perhaps in a restaurant during lunch hour or wherever, maybe even tried to talk to her or did. Maybe he was charming and found out she takes that shuttle. I just don't see how her abduction was random, in the dark like that. She could have had a male partner asleep on the back seat ready to drive the car home after she boarded the shuttle. He knew she was young and would be alone. But I'm still baffled by how there could have been countless other cars with people waiting for the shuttle right next to hers. We've never learned how "busy" of a shuttle stop that is. Was she the only rider at that hour on a weekend? And somehow he knew that?
I guess my question is, IF the other man who followed the woman is TD, who is to say TD didn't follow Naomi previously just like he followed this woman? If he spotted Naomi somewhere else and followed her to learn her routine and a good place to abduct her, I would argue he did EXACTLY what this man - whether him or someone else - did. Perhaps when he did it to Naomi, she did not notice he was following her. Maybe she did notice someone seemed to be following her one day and never mentioned it to anyone. Tragically, she is not here to ask that question of anymore.

IMO the man who followed the woman with the dog - whether it was TD or not - did not follow her to abduct her from a busy parking lot. I personally think he was following her either just to be a creep or to learn her routine. See where she lives. Maybe figure out a time/place he could abduct her without her dog and without anyone around. IF this was TD, he may have tried it with several women before - who knows? I personally think he didn't think she'd stop, face him and start recording, so then he just started acting odd and drove off and probably wrote her off as a possible victim.

But for those saying this isn't TD's MO, how do we know that? How do you think he found and honed in on Naomi if not by following her and figuring out her routine ahead of time? Honestly asking, not being snarky. The only other option to me is a complete crime of opportunity and IMO, it did not seem that way to me, but I could be wrong.

It appears to be Troy Driver's MO to see a potential victim, stalk, plan to abduct and murder, and to then execute the plan. He did this without being noticed.

That's why this woman has come forward claiming that she was stalked by Troy Driver. She filmed a man in a car and now claims she's the one who got away.

Troy was prepared with a weapon that he used to abduct and murder Naomi. He did a blitz attack where he came from behind her car, got into her car, forced her to move to the passenger seat and did something that prevented her from getting out of the car.

We have an anonymous woman who filmed a man in a car and who tells a story about being alone with this man at a hiking spot, but the man did nothing to her. He drove away.

How is that related to Naomi? We should accept that the video of the man in the car is so clear it must be Troy, but it's so unclear that we can't see whether half his ear is missing?
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