Recovered/Located NV - Ronnie (found deceased) & Beverly Barker (taken for med care), RV trip, Stagecoach, 27 Mar 2022

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My 2021 Kia Telluride has Kia Connect/UVO.

My understanding is that it can be activated remotely. I have had my vehicle for just over a year so the free subscription to the stolen vehicle recovery feature is not active. I haven’t yet paid for the subscription for this feature so it expired a couple weeks ago. But the email I received stated it would be reactivated by Kia customer service as soon as I paid for the subscription.

I read that the family confirmed that their Kia did not come equipped with Kia Connect.

Upthread there was a suggestion that the Kia UVO could help locate that vehicle.

Their 2020 Soul likely has "Kia Connect". We need to know if it was enabled.
Apparently, it is not activated. Asked and answered on the Missing FB page run by family. It's a public group, so anyone can comment, etc. In fact, there is one post that invites commenters to ask questions of the family. There is some relevant info to be gathered there. IMO
We need video from the Mt. Shasta KOA if it hasn't been sought.

Maybe someone entered the RV before they got on the road to Stagecoach, NV?

Respectfully disagree, at least with your location of where someone may have entered their RV. They were seen in Stagecoach, NV gassing up and buying snacks. That would give them time to report that they had been unwillingly taken over by someone. Quite possible someone followed them from Stagecoach, or happened upon them along the way after they left.
Reports from FB page say LE and others have been searching the area of Nivloc Road and "town" of Silver Peak and found nothing as of yet. It is a needle in a haystack, so to speak, but a large one and definitely one that has the chance of being located. Fingers crossed for some good luck today.

But perhaps only one Apple watch was at that location.
So, checking

There are two RV parks in Tonopah.

There is the Esmeralda RV Park in Dyer

There is a small rest stop in Miller which is west of Tonopah.

Honestly, if time was no concern, I'd think about the Esmeralda one because it looks more rural, quiet, interesting, and isn't on the major highway. As mentioned above, I'd have to think they would have tried to make contact with one of these places by 6 pm. After driving past Luning and Mina, anything with a tree would look pretty attractive.

I, too, am perplexed as to why they were starting this 7+ hour drive at nearly 4 pm. And I agree that by 5 pm most senior RV'ers would have lined up their next overnight stop.

Was there a medical issue with one of them that delayed their departure? Does the family have any idea why they were starting so late?

NOTE: Edited to add: By the family timeline, they were never in Fallon. The drove from Mt. Shasta KOA park to Stagecoach direct.
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IF they were in Fallon the night of 3/26, getting gas in Stagecoach doesn't really make sense to me.

If they were coming from Fallon to get on Alt-95 for the drive to Las Vegas, they would go through Silver Springs because that's where the turnoff to alt-95 is. Silver Springs has two gas marts, just along that intersection.

They would have to go around the roundabout and keep going west 12 miles to Stagecoach, where they got gas.

Then backtrack 12 miles to get onto alt-95.

This doesn't make any more sense than their late start that day.
Latest update on FB is a lengthy one from nephew. It's mostly dealing with trying to get the Silver Alert instituted and get LE motivated to keep searching. The important piece of info I noticed is they are now asking public to watch for the vehicles which maybe are driven separately and apart at the time / now.


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According to this family timeline.


They left Mt Shasta KOA, and the same day are at Stagecoach and then Hawthorne, with the expectation of arriving in Las Vegas?????

Mt. Shasta to Las Vegas? That's a 11 hour drive, without stoppping. And they left at noon? Nutso.

Google Maps

Maybe they did have the wrong Nellis site.

What does the family know about these people they were supposed to stay with near Nellis?
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Both are diabetic? Both on insulin? Which needs to be refrigerated or kept on ice.

I saw a post upthread that said they had enough medication until the 8th? Where were they going to pick up their refills?

Are they known to both be able to drive the RV?

Is this a trip they have taken previously or is this a new area they wanted to explore?

They did not share an itinerary with anyone with which RV Park they had reserved for each night? Or were they known to pick one out while in transit?

So many questions. I hope they are found safe.
Both are diabetic? Both on insulin? Which needs to be refrigerated or kept on ice.

I saw a post upthread that said they had enough medication until the 8th? Where were they going to pick up their refills?

Are they known to both be able to drive the RV?

Is this a trip they have taken previously or is this a new area they wanted to explore?

They did not share an itinerary with anyone with which RV Park they had reserved for each night? Or were they known to pick one out while in transit?

So many questions. I hope they are found safe.
One of the questions asked to family was about both driving. Answered that Bev is in a wheelchair and doesn't drive the RV.
One of the questions asked to family was about both driving. Answered that Bev is in a wheelchair and doesn't drive the RV.
Also I read that they are experienced campers. I imagine they must take trips like this occasionally at least. Not sure about this particular itin. I assume they drove to Oregon from Indiana originally?

ETA Didn't mean to quote myself. Hit reply instead of edit.
Latest update on FB is a lengthy one from nephew. It's mostly dealing with trying to get the Silver Alert instituted and get LE motivated to keep searching. The important piece of info I noticed is they are now asking public to watch for the vehicles which maybe are driven separately and apart at the time / now.

Yes, I think by now the vehicles are not together.

My theory is that the Kia would be much easier to hide, so it's sitting in some large parking lot by now. Likely no one will notice it for weeks. Casinos and airports regularly do check their parking lots, I've found out. But maybe local criminals don't know that. The nearest large store parking lot might be in Bishop, CA or Beatty, NV.

The trailer could easily be hidden in a back yard in Las Vegas, or even in southern California or Utah by now.

This also implies at least two perps are involved in moving these vehicles. And stolen plates are likely.
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Yes, I think by now the vehicles are not together.

My theory is that the Kia would be much easier to hide, so it's sitting in some large parking lot by now. Likely no one will notice it for weeks. Casinos and airports regularly do check their parking lots, I've found out. The nearest large store parking lot might be in Bishop, CA or Beatty, NV.

The trailor could easily be hidden in a back yard in Las Vegas, or even in southern California or Utah by now.

This also implies at least two perps are involved in moving these vehicles. And stolen plates are likely.
Then the question becomes Where are Beverly and Ronnie?? :(
This situation is just heartbreaking. I’ve been RVing with my dad throughout the western states, including spending quite a bit of time in Nevada.

All the RV folks we met along the way, at campgrounds, rest stops, national parks, tourist sites, etc. were always so friendly and ready to befriend and help anyone.

Most were retired and shared a very relaxed attitude. I’m afraid it would be easy to let your guard down.
This situation is just heartbreaking. I’ve been RVing with my dad throughout the western states, including spending quite a bit of time in Nevada.

All the RV folks we met along the way, at campgrounds, rest stops, national parks, tourist sites, etc. were always so friendly and ready to befriend and help anyone.

Most were retired and shared a very relaxed attitude. I’m afraid it would be easy to let your guard down.

True, true, true.

Just like with the late Naomi Irion, there are predators out there that stalk us and look for the weak or the trusting ones. It gives me chills.

Whatever happened to them, it appears it happened in broad daylight, on a major road, with a reasonable amount of traffic around them.

I have to think that by 6 pm, when captured on that CCTV footage north of Luning, they were both exhausted from the long day and trying to figure out where to stop and spend the night. There looks to be a rest stop of sorts in Luning. There is a nice large rest stop in Miller, which is past Coaldale, but I don't think they made it past Coaldale.
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