NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #12

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I should have read the details at the link
"On Saturday, December 12, from 5:30 p.m. through 7:30 p.m. the park will be hosting its third annual Pioneer Christmas celebration."

IOW, since he bought gas in Mesquite at 4:04pm PST, it'd be kinda hard for him to rush back to Vegas for that....and then rush back to St George in time to buy Christmas cookies at K-Mart at 6:58pm PST. :angel:

Me too and good point. Ah jeez, just trying to come up with something....anything.
Me too and good point. Ah jeez, just trying to come up with something....anything.

Hey. I was so hopeful, I skimmed the page at first and thought it was an all-day event, like on Dec 5th.
Hey. I was so hopeful, I skimmed the page at first and thought it was an all-day event, like on Dec 5th.

He could still have been there just for normal research earlier in the day, right?
It is really hard to believe there is absolutely no trace of what he was doing.
He could still have been there just for normal research earlier in the day, right?

I guess. It's the kind of thing that's all over Utah, though.

I think he went there on a mission (and NOT a religious one).
Well, if he did go to Overton and whoever there doesn't know that he is missing only adds to my suspicion that it was something secret. There is no record of him ever being in that area before. But, none of us here seem to think he went down there on a joyride. I guess there is the possibility that he could have been visiting some burial site or cemetery down there but do we have any record of him doing that within, say, that last month before Dec. 13? If not, then I'm going to say that it probably wasn't doing it that day either.

And it's a good point that even people around the Anthem area didn't know about his disappearance. But, really, I wouldn't expect them to. . .even with the canvassing of the area. But, I would expect someone who knew Steven well. . .even if they were the whole way across the U.S. . .to know. . .at least eventually. Maybe not Dec. 20 or Jan. 1. . .but that person across the U.S. eventually would figure it out or find it out. So, if someone knew Steven in Overton and he was there for "good" reasons I thnk they would have spoken up by now. Even if he was to get it on with someone's wife, I think that woman would at least, discreetly, inform police that he was there just so they wouldn't come snooping around when she least expected it. Kind of like "heading the police off at the pass."

But, nothing. And if he didn't go to Overton that day since we aren't sure what cellphone tower it is, where did he go then?

Another possibility. . .maybe he got halfway to Vegas and changed his mind and came home? Decided he would do whatever he was going to do the next day. Thus, we get a ping near Overton but he was really on the 15. He makes a U-turn and goes back to St. George.

It sure would be nice to get our hands on those cellphone records. . .But they've probably already been scoured about a thousand times. I'm not sure that we could turn up anything new anyways.

We really don't know if he was "in" Overton. His cell phone hit on an Overton tower some time on Dec 12th. Since there is cell phone service along I-15 in that area, and I don't see any towers except the South Mesquite and Overton towers.....it's hard to tell where he was.
He could have gone further south, and returned in the late afternoon.

The Overton tower serves a fairly large area; if he did get off the freeway, he could have stopped at several small towns in that area.

If he *did* stop to see someone, they might not even know he was missing.

Remember the PI, who found people in Overlook Village who didn't know Steven went missing there? Or the Anthem resident who pointed out the homeless camp, but didn't know anyone was missing until he heard about the search on the news?

Who stopped calling him? Now THAT is a brilliant question.
Well, if he did go to Overton and whoever there doesn't know that he is missing only adds to my suspicion that it was something secret. There is no record of him ever being in that area before. But, none of us here seem to think he went down there on a joyride. I guess there is the possibility that he could have been visiting some burial site or cemetery down there but do we have any record of him doing that within, say, that last month before Dec. 13? If not, then I'm going to say that it probably wasn't doing it that day either.

And it's a good point that even people around the Anthem area didn't know about his disappearance. But, really, I wouldn't expect them to. . .even with the canvassing of the area. But, I would expect someone who knew Steven well. . .even if they were the whole way across the U.S. . .to know. . .at least eventually. Maybe not Dec. 20 or Jan. 1. . .but that person across the U.S. eventually would figure it out or find it out. So, if someone knew Steven in Overton and he was there for "good" reasons I thnk they would have spoken up by now. Even if he was to get it on with someone's wife, I think that woman would at least, discreetly, inform police that he was there just so they wouldn't come snooping around when she least expected it. Kind of like "heading the police off at the pass."

But, nothing. And if he didn't go to Overton that day since we aren't sure what cellphone tower it is, where did he go then?

Another possibility. . .maybe he got halfway to Vegas and changed his mind and came home? Decided he would do whatever he was going to do the next day. Thus, we get a ping near Overton but he was really on the 15. He makes a U-turn and goes back to St. George.

It sure would be nice to get our hands on those cellphone records. . .But they've probably already been scoured about a thousand times. I'm not sure that we could turn up anything new anyways.

It's odd what we know about the phone records. It's almost like he turns the phone on and off. Why just an Overton ping on the 12th?
With him having the phone on a family plan, I think he had a throw away phone also.

Can you imagine being 30 years old and your parents knowing all your business on your cell. Who you call etc. So maybe a throw away was for whoever he was talking to, that he wanted kept private.
Can you imagine being 30 years old and your parents knowing all your business on your cell. Who you call etc. So maybe a throw away was for whoever he was talking to, that he wanted kept private.

Yes! I totally CAN imagine. I just wish we knew WHY and WHO he was talking to that he didn't want anyone to know about...

That would be the key to solving this mystery!
Wonder if the family has searched through SK's things to look for evidence of a throw-away phone? i.e. box, manual, different charger, receipts, etc
This has been mentioned before, but do others park in that cul-de-sac? Does the MA see patients in her home office? If so do they park in the cul-de-sac? If so here's other potential people who know the neighborhood. Meaning folks who visit home based businesses. Not that an appt would be on a Sunday, but just that they are familiar with the neighborhood.
If SK met someone in a car on EL, and this car didn't belong to a homeowner, this car either would have had to drive by security cameras, or do a u-turn in the middle of EL to avoid the cameras in order to be parked on the correct side of the street. A car parked in the wrong dirrection at a curb, or making a u-turn draws attention IMO. I just think that someone would have noticed this.

This would mean that, if SK left with someone in a car this person would have to be from the neighborhood of EL?

Or none of the homeowners, or guests they may have had saw jack on that Sunday!
Did the driver of the SUV notice SK's car parked in the cul de sac when she drove around to park in front of her house/her mom's house? IMO in order to avoid hitting his car she would have had to see it. Did she notice another human being walking? IMO to at least glance at this person to see if he/she was on the sidewalk, or out of the street enough, so one wouldn't run him over with the car. No bloody way! I'm not buying it that the driver of the SUV didn't see Steven!

This is the last potential person to see Steven. That is a sure thing, as the SUV is on video. Did LE or the PI speak to this person on the telephone, or face to face? One would hope for a face to face considering the importance of a missing person.

I'm upset that there isn't any progress that we are aware of. I'm upset that LE isn't involved. What else? etc.
I should have read the details at the link
"On Saturday, December 12, from 5:30 p.m. through 7:30 p.m. the park will be hosting its third annual Pioneer Christmas celebration."

IOW, since he bought gas in Mesquite at 4:04pm PST, it'd be kinda hard for him to rush back to Vegas for that....and then rush back to St George in time to buy Christmas cookies at K-Mart at 6:58pm PST. :angel:

From what's been said about Steven's sense of time, and frequently being late for things, he might have gone down in the afternoon to see the event, not realizing it didn't start until later (same way we misread it at first). That implies there was something in St. George that he felt he had to get back for.
Can you imagine being 30 years old and your parents knowing all your business on your cell. Who you call etc. So maybe a throw away was for whoever he was talking to, that he wanted kept private.

...and that might explain the "on-and-off" behavior we seem to see on the cell phone. With or without the "family tracking", they could see (within 48 hours), everyone's phone activity.

A stationary cell phone doesn't "hit" off a tower, unless it's turned off and on again. Why do I say that? Because if there was a trail of cell phone hits on Dec 12th, Naegle wouldn't have asked about the Overton ping -- right?

There's some family plan issues to think about:
You give up privacy when someone else is paying the bill.
Family plans allow unlimited talk between the "friends and family" YET didn't we read that his parents only called once a week?
I personally have known of some Mormon friends who go to the temple for "inspiration" and even personal "revelations from God". They are very sincere about it and take it very seriously. I know one single woman who told me that it was revealed to her in the temple that a widowed man she knew should marry her and that it was revealed to her by the deceased wife of the man. She told the widower and they were married. With this kind of belief system I think it might be possible that Steven had a very profound experience in the Mormon temple that night and felt he needed to act on it...whatever "it" may have been...

Good insight, and I totally agree. And I wonder if that insight might have been a need to go "atone" for mishandling his earlier relationships. In a Christian context that I think Mormons also have, "atoning" doesn't necessarily mean reparation, it means making things right with someone you've injured or dealt wrongly with. He might have had the insight/revelation that before he could move on to a new relationship, he needed to let go of the old ones. That might have included apologizing for mishandling the relationship or being unfair to the women involved. Maybe also revisiting other bad decisions he'd made.

I dunno. It just seems to fit with the way he started rocketing all over the region right after that.
From what's been said about Steven's sense of time, and frequently being late for things, he might have gone down in the afternoon to see the event, not realizing it didn't start until later (same way we misread it at first). That implies there was something in St. George that he felt he had to get back for.

Or maybe he was done with, whatever he did?

There are similar-themed events all over St George during the week we've tracked, that he could have attended.

This is a man who drove through SLC twice on late Dec 9th/Dec 10th (after he went to the temple), yet didn't stop to see his friends or family.

Unless there is evidence that he was I see the "break" with religion and family starting right there.

I think we need to look at the "dark side", which would be the secular, missing church, the searching, the desperate job-seeking, evasion.

Those things ARE part of a "dark side".
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