NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #17

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If I were to find him someday I would shake his hand and walk away. I believe he is alive...and in the greater LV metro area. Portland is so far away...if I lived in that area I would spend all of my extra time in the next 3 months waiting and watching.

I'm here and I look for Steven every day, everywhere I go. But if I'm going to look at a specific place during a specific period of time, I want to know why. And I'd like to have discussed it here with the group that has been working on finding Steven for the past 10 months first. That's how we roll.

For all we know, Steven is in Portland and right under YOUR nose!
If you have any questions about my comments try visitor messages...Im not getting my replies posted. Thanks

Just one question.
I remember now, seeing you post in other WS areas.

If you don't want to tell us about your theory, can you at least tell us if it is based on astrological/psychic (occult) ideas?
Just one question.
I remember now, seeing you post in other WS areas.

If you don't want to tell us about your theory, can you at least tell us if it is based on astrological/psychic (occult) ideas?

I'm here and I look for Steven every day, everywhere I go. But if I'm going to look at a specific place during a specific period of time, I want to know why. And I'd like to have discussed it here with the group that has been working on finding Steven for the past 10 months first. That's how we roll.

For all we know, Steven is in Portland and right under YOUR nose!
Steven could be here...I have done many a double takes, but Im thinking Nevada is where he is at. What a better city to be unknown than Vegas.

I have been looking 4 10 months also, based on an intial impression of the case in the first few days. I work his case everyday, and re review it once a week.(takes about 3 days) The thing that bothers me is that IMO the Ruby Valley trip overlooked.

I beleive that he met someone in Wendover Nv Greyhound stop at approx 330pm pst and transported that person through the state, first to St George then on to Las Vegas. I beleive that they had a plan, however circumstances excellerated things...and as with most well laid plans things didnt go as expected. Poor research and high level emotions...adds one year to the plan, and so they have to dissappear and wait for the right time. What has helped them go undected so far is no one wants to believe it could be true.

I lived on the streets in LV in the 80s for 4 days with no car before getting a room and saving money to move on. I got work by soliciting folks in building supply parking lots as a day laborer with skills. Before getting the room, If I didnt get work for the day I hung out in Libraries. None of my family or friends knew where I was they thought I was in Pheonix. If I lived in LV I would spend alot of time watching the main transit stations during peak hours(in target areas) or just go to the library to catch up on my magazine reading and watch the door.(in target areas) All of the information or so called evidence can be interpreted in many ways.

I may be wrong and believe me I tell myself that everyday...but I still keep comming back.

I have sent emails to KCN and recieved no response...understandible I wouldnt want the nightmare of going through all of those crazy emails so I pressure her not. I called and emailed the PI Craig talked to him less than a minite...it seemed he was only taking calls for someone to hand him his case on a plate. Didnt even ask for a brief of my theory. (I personally would have alteast listened long enough for entertainment)

Look at my profile it will tell you what Im after. I have found a missing truck, a missing dog, and a dead beat dad, truck dog and dad not related. My tactics are old school but they work...it all starts with the intital impression.
We talk back and forth to each other on the same page or thread....we don't go back and forth to a poster's visitor messages. If you are having any
trouble with your replies, a moderator will be happy to help you.

If you would like to answer my question, it is about why you would say
that you would be watching and waiting "for the next three months". Are the next three months important?

Again, thank you.
there are several holidays comming up. I would think that alive, what is being said in the Media, social pages and even here would take a computer or Iphone to access usefull information about what is going on. Prior to or shortly after would be a good time to watch the Libraries...Id bet he has used some sort of alias to get a card...and may be renting for cash in his own name or a variation of it. In my theory he has to stay in Nv for now to establish residency as part of the plan.
there are several holidays comming up. I would think that alive, what is being said in the Media, social pages and even here would take a computer or Iphone to access usefull information about what is going on. Prior to or shortly after would be a good time to watch the Libraries...Id bet he has used some sort of alias to get a card...and may be renting for cash in his own name or a variation of it. In my theory he has to stay in Nv for now to establish residency as part of the plan.

Please share your theory with us fellow websleuthers. It's as if you're baiting us for something....don't know what.

I've gotten a piece of your theory from your post on the forensic astrology forum, but please state your theory to us on this Steven Koecher forum.
I beleive that he met someone in Wendover Nv Greyhound stop at approx 330pm pst and transported that person through the state, first to St George then on to Las Vegas.

Why couldn't that other person just stay on the bus to St George?
Why did Steven have to pick them up in West Wendover, and drive them the rest of the way?
Why would Steven have made a 237 mile off-track loop to visit Ruby Valley?
there are several holidays comming up. I would think that alive, what is being said in the Media, social pages and even here would take a computer or Iphone to access usefull information about what is going on. Prior to or shortly after would be a good time to watch the Libraries...Id bet he has used some sort of alias to get a card...and may be renting for cash in his own name or a variation of it. In my theory he has to stay in Nv for now to establish residency as part of the plan.

So, I'm not getting the residency angle. Residency for divorce only requires 6 wks. I would like to hear more details regarding your theory.
So, I'm not getting the residency angle. Residency for divorce only requires 6 wks. I would like to hear more details regarding your theory.
6 weeks is correct...if you cant verifiy you were a resident, you can have somone who has been a resident for 1 yr certify they saw you actually living in Nev. for 6 weeks(or for the year)
6 weeks is correct...if you cant verifiy you were a resident, you can have somone who has been a resident for 1 yr certify they saw you actually living in Nev. for 6 weeks(or for the year)

that residency requirement is to obtain a divorce. Steven Koecher was never married so it matters not how long he can maintain a NV address. One cannot get divorced without being married and by the way, divorces are public records so his name would show up any way even if he was married at some time.
Why couldn't that other person just stay on the bus to St George?
Why did Steven have to pick them up in West Wendover, and drive them the rest of the way?
Why would Steven have made a 237 mile off-track loop to visit Ruby Valley?

If someone did not want to take a chance of being seen at the transfer point in SLC to go south...a POV (private vehicle) would be the best choice.

the approx time he left St George 12-10-09@ 0230 would put him in Westover a couple hours early...I believe he was killing time. The bus would have left Sacramento at 0330...and arrive approx 1530 could have been boarded anywhere along that line.
If someone did not want to take a chance of being seen at the transfer point in SLC to go south...a POV (private vehicle) would be the best choice.

the approx time he left St George 12-10-09@ 0230 would put him in Westover a couple hours early...I believe he was killing time. The bus would have left Sacramento at 0330...and arrive approx 1530 could have been boarded anywhere along that line.

I am only asking for myself.

first of all, do you have any FACTS that you are basing this unspoken theory on, if so could you kindly share them?

second, who do you think he met at a bus stop in Westover?

third, even if he picked up someone at a bus stop in Westover, what happened to this person when he ditched his car in SCA?
that residency requirement is to obtain a divorce. Steven Koecher was never married so it matters not how long he can maintain a NV address. One cannot get divorced without being married and by the way, divorces are public records so his name would show up any way even if he was married at some time.

Once the requirements are met then you can file...and yes it would become public record...the person who files first has the advantage in a state with fairly equal divorce laws.
Then we're both in trouble.

I have tried to treat this poster with respect, and ask serious questions.
Like all cases, Steven's needs to be treated seriously.

Note that nearly everyone here who's had a theory, has explained it fully and answered questions from others.
That does not, of course, include those with "Susan Powell and Steven Koecher ran away together" theories.
When they're questioned, they obfuscate or just say "I'll tell you later."

In other words, time-wasters.

in my book the odds that Steven is the bank robber in the photo is 100 times more likely than him running off with Susan Powell.

I think that bizarre theory does a disservice to both the Koecher and Powell families.

at least the bank robber speculation is based upon a fact - we can see the bank robber's face and people can decide for themselves how much, if any, resemblance there is to Steven Koecher.
Has anyone driven through the neighborhood of EL lately? I'm wondering if there are any additional homes vacant, for sale, or for rent.

I'm just curious, so if nobody has lately I'll take a drive this week. I've never been on the block, so it'a about time I go there.
Does anyone know if SK's family checked his cell phone records for November & October?
Have we heard about SK's personality socially? I mean was he shy, or did he strike up conversations with complete strangers?

For example, my husband teases me because I can talk to someone new for a few minutes, and folks seem to tell me their life stories.

Was he a weirdo magnet? Meaning odd folks will pick him out of a crowd to spark up conversations with him.

I'm just trying to get a sense of approx how many strangers SK may have come into contact with prior to his LV trip.
Has anyone driven through the neighborhood of EL lately? I'm wondering if there are any additional homes vacant, for sale, or for rent.

I'm just curious, so if nobody has lately I'll take a drive this week. I've never been on the block, so it'a about time I go there.

I was there a few weeks ago. Didn't see any homes for sale and none appeared empty. The neighborhood is immaculate. Every yard is perfectly landscaped. If there is someone there who shouldn't be, you can't tell from the outside.

On that same trip, we tried to find a relatively easy way to get to the foothills from EL, but that didn't happen. It's like a crazy maze in there! I didn't think I would ever find my way out!

Also, took a bunch of the cards to the community center. What a place!

Guess there have been no tips from the cards??? :(
Does anyone know if SK's family checked his cell phone records for November & October?

I have allways wished I had the records of "calls prior to his disappearence
". In looking at ways to communicate with someone undetected, I would think that they were checked by LE or PI or family. I have had the task of reviewing cell phone records to track a family members movments prior to a certian incident. It is daughting to say the least...

I think it is possible that he could have been communicating with someone using the Library and lds properties. Go to library and look at say a online personal message board like craigs list look for a message. If it is there go to the lds property and wait for a incomming call from a unsecured phone at a certian time. Would his eldership give him access?

In St George, Overton, and Mesqete...the local lds and the local libraries are within a short walk.
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