NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 5

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Okay is there a page going besides the timeline about "what we know" such as
SK car was in SCA in the cul-de-sac.
The phone call with SA is known
not sure about GW - he could just be saying that (am I getting across what I mean by "known").
We know that gas was bought at such & such gas station as listed on timeline b/c of receipts.
We know that SK went to the ranch.
We know he talked to his dad on nov. 9.

I don't think it hurts a bit, to look at confirmed information from another angle.

But you wouldn't have to print out the threads. Why not just go through and cut/paste (with attribution) the various pieces of confirmed data...and put them into a Notepad (or whatever word processor you use) document? Then, you can move them around (more cut/paste) into some sort of seqence....without having to print it out and retype it all.

If you want to create a document we can all look at, just use a google account and paste it all in there. It's pretty easy, once you figure out that it's easier than it looks ;)

I, for one, support what you're thinking of doing and am anxious to see it.

Edit: I just picked up some info you've included that "we know"...and that is news here:
You say "We know he talked to his dad on nov. 9.". We DO?
"The family wants to have a big meeting/press conference/whatever in Las Vegas in the next couple of weeks. We don't have an agenda set up yet, but anyone and everyone is invited to come. I thought I'd give you all a heads up on that. I will get back to you with details as soon as I have them."

NOW THE Q&As -- I'll post them on the page, too:

Q: Have Steven's movements/activities from Monday, Nov 30th through Friday, Dec 4th been accounted for?
A: Not that I'm aware of.

Laytonian, could we ask for this info in the next questions to be submitted? Say any work days--the area he covered. Hits on the credit cards or bank info....phone trail, personal contacts that they know of....etc. Anything unusual that they may know or see taking place?


Anyone, Is there any thought that Steven might have been in fear when he left that night? Did he find something in the house when he got back?
Laytonian, could we ask for this info in the next questions to be submitted? Say any work days--the area he covered. Hits on the credit cards or bank info....phone trail, personal contacts that they know of....etc. Anything unusual that they may know or see taking place?


Anyone, Is there any thought that Steven might have been in fear when he left that night? Did he find something in the house when he got back?

Or someone?

Take a look, and see if I got it right:
The basketball game: good thinking BUT we later learned Steven didn't go to the basketball games anyway.

Yes, AMW and other large media outlets have been approached. When KCN asked how the family could arrange a press conference, I emailed two of the Las Vegas journalists who'd written recent stories and asked them to contact KCN (gave them her email address) and help with a press conference. I don't know the results of any of those contacts.

If anyone else here contacted AMW, that makes two of us ;) This really is a "different" story....nothing that Nancy Grace would cover. (She's fixated on children's cases right now, even if there's nothing new she screams "Breaking".)

I think AMW is our best bet.

No offense to you Lay, but why is a journalist family asking other people how to go about having a pressor??????
hollyblue..."Anyone, Is there any thought that Steven might have been in fear when he left that night? Did he find something in the house when he got back?"

I think this is an excellent question. How about a message on an answerphone, a written message, a person inside, either friend or not so much. Who had access to his apartment? And, could anyone with access have taken his passport and birth certificate?
Absolutely. Sounds good Lay. It's just a repeat of the latter week's info. Hopefully, something telling.
hollyblue..."Anyone, Is there any thought that Steven might have been in fear when he left that night? Did he find something in the house when he got back?"

I think this is an excellent question. How about a message on an answerphone, a written message, a person inside, either friend or not so much. Who had access to his apartment? And, could anyone with access have taken his passport and birth certificate?

We know the passport is noted as missing; I've never seen the birth certificate officially listed as a missing document.

If I'm wrong, I'll be happy to admit it if someone can point me to the information.


My opinion on the birth certificate:

It's one of those things that's been mentioned here so often, it's taken on a life of its own. But it's not one of our "facts".

I haven't asked, because I don't think asking Steven's parents to go through their files would be productive (nor do I think they would, just to satisfy our curiosity). Why? Because no one ever has anything but a *certified copy* of their birth certificate, and you can obtain multiples. (I have two of mine, 42 years apart!) So unless we knew how many certified copies had been obtained over the years, and how many were accounted for, it's an unanswerable question. The passport being in "missing status", is more important, IMO.
Good point. I could say my offspring don't have copies of their birth certificates because I have the originals in a desk drawer, but those aren't "original," they're just my copy. For all I know, they've ordered a dozen each.
I don't think it hurts a bit, to look at confirmed information from another angle.

But you wouldn't have to print out the threads. Why not just go through and cut/paste (with attribution) the various pieces of confirmed data...and put them into a Notepad (or whatever word processor you use) document? Then, you can move them around (more cut/paste) into some sort of seqence....without having to print it out and retype it all.

If you want to create a document we can all look at, just use a google account and paste it all in there. It's pretty easy, once you figure out that it's easier than it looks ;)

I, for one, support what you're thinking of doing and am anxious to see it.

Edit: I just picked up some info you've included that "we know"...and that is news here:
You say "We know he talked to his dad on nov. 9.". We DO?

If this is the same phone call while grocery shopping, then it would have been done in upstate Utah, as this was the (alleged) date of Ruby Valley. Hope he didn't buy ice cream.
Was this a different call? Any good info? Definite time or place?
I think they mean Dec. 9th. ?????
The only reason I've used my passport when I wasn't traveling is to prove my citizenship to an employer, though it's valid as ID for nearly anything.

You'd also need to show it if you were applying for some visas. If you're renewing, you have to mail it in.
Another charecteristic of WS is that on a thread like this with a lot of new folks, we would normally have a moderator who would keep everyone on track and make sure both Steven and Websleuths were being properly represented. We have not had that.

I stop at this thread every day to do a spot check. Other mods might do so too. You might not see me or the others, but we are here. :)

If anyone sees any problem with a post, just click on the alert button (the red triangle in the upper right corner of each post) to let us know.


I just want to find Steven. If there's a better, more effective, or more useful way than what I've been doing, I'd love to know.
I just want to find Steven. If there's a better, more effective, or more useful way than what I've been doing, I'd love to know.

Me, too. Steven comes first.

When his cousin first came here, she said she was pleased to find people using the internet "to find answers". She was initially displeased about some of the speculation, but we got things straightened out. She asked for scenarios and for us to prove/disprove them.
She also said "I'd love to be a resource for you all here and answer questions and straighten out some of the facts you have wrong, but that would all be useless if this is just going to turn into an argument."

Naegle and I are in contact often; we speak on the phone. If she proposes a scenario, I mention it here and we watch to see what kind of reaction it gets.

So tell us again, how we are not meeting the needs of the family?

The only arguments I've seen here, are those that develop when someone criticizes how we are working.
To make it easier for everyone to review the Q&As that Naegle has answered for us since we began the "family contact" concept, I've changed the format. Rather than having a page for every day's (or week's) group of questions, I've consolidated them into two pages:



The individual pages created by other WS members are still there:

QA-01 (by Emma's Mom)

qa-02 (by sallysueannie)

I hope that makes it easier for everyone, including Naegle.

Cheers to all, and let's get back to working hard
Do we know if there has been any other activity for Steven in the LV vicinity in the past. Bank or credit card ties to gas purchase, etc. Phone records?

Did he go to Vegas in the past---more or less parked the car and someone else drove or did someone else drive there with Steven as the passenger?

Who were the buddies he hung around with in St George to socialize? Did he go boating, water skiing, on a volleyball team there, etc? Was he involved in music outside of the church?

Did anyone in family ever visit in St. George while he was there?

Thinking out loud....
i like these last posted questions by hollyblue. in particular who his buddies were.
lets expound on that further - did he have a confidant or best friend ? who was the last most intimate person he was involved with. who (not including family or relations) did he confide with. who were his past girlfriends and did any of them feel scorned by him. looking at the facebook page its kinda odd that there hasnt been any women who have come forth saying that they were once romantically and or physically invlolved with him and that they felt some kind of concern about his disappearance. or even offer some kind of hint like "i bet he ran away and got married to so and so . . . " or "we were in love with each other once and im really worried because he broke up with me and started seeing so and so and she was kinda weird or creepy. . . " or " he just dropped me like a hot potato for this other woman and i told him she wasnt good for him but he wouldnt listen . . . "
so strange that the posts seem to be from concerned people but none that were more than friends or mere acquaintances. i believe that this is one of the missing "X" factors in his disappearnce. any comments or suggestions?
Do we know if there has been any other activity for Steven in the LV vicinity in the past. Bank or credit card ties to gas purchase, etc. Phone records?

Did he go to Vegas in the past---more or less parked the car and someone else drove or did someone else drive there with Steven as the passenger?

Who were the buddies he hung around with in St George to socialize? Did he go boating, water skiing, on a volleyball team there, etc? Was he involved in music outside of the church?

Did anyone in family ever visit in St. George while he was there?

Thinking out loud....

All great questions! If he did meet someone here, they had to have had prior contact of some kind. I'm thinking we need to look further back than we have been as far as phone calls are concerned. Hoping the family can get access to Steven's phone records and check all the numbers he had called going back a few months.
Hey guys...just stopping by to let you know. Ive called the Anthem ward with no answer :/ I will keep trying. I actually got called into work today as well so ive been a little crazy myself. Anyway, I printed off 100 copies of stevens flyer in hopes to post all over orem and provo this weekend (shhh dont tell work i used up half their ink! :yow:) I just tried again and no answer. Ill keep trying till i get someone on the line! Promise!
i like these last posted questions by hollyblue. in particular who his buddies were.
lets expound on that further - did he have a confidant or best friend ? who was the last most intimate person he was involved with. who (not including family or relations) did he confide with. who were his past girlfriends and did any of them feel scorned by him. looking at the facebook page its kinda odd that there hasnt been any women who have come forth saying that they were once romantically and or physically invlolved with him and that they felt some kind of concern about his disappearance. or even offer some kind of hint like "i bet he ran away and got married to so and so . . . " or "we were in love with each other once and im really worried because he broke up with me and started seeing so and so and she was kinda weird or creepy. . . " or " he just dropped me like a hot potato for this other woman and i told him she wasnt good for him but he wouldnt listen . . . "
so strange that the posts seem to be from concerned people but none that were more than friends or mere acquaintances. i believe that this is one of the missing "X" factors in his disappearnce. any comments or suggestions?

Welcome ding174! Very good points. I feel that once Steven moved to St. George, he became somewhat isolated. There doesn't seem to be anyone who really knows his day-to-day habits. It's a bit of a concern when attempting to determine his frame of mind, movements, behavior, etc. Even trying to determine if any clothes or other belongings were missing or unaccounted for would be difficult. I know when I moved out of my Mom's home, she would have been hard pressed to know if any of my clothes were missing!
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