NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 5

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Great idea about Investigation Discovery! I've been watching that channel for awhile now.

I DO see a way to suggest a story: talk about it there. I even joined and started a topic (with the words UNUSUAL CASE in the subject, just to attract attention).

Here's the link: Discovery I.D. Koecher thread

If anyone has some spare time, maybe we can "build" this a bit over there, and give it exposure?

This is national media, and I think the more of this we do to spread the word, the more likely it can get a national audience.

Should we maybe include that link on the Timeline too?
Is the family ever going to provide us with anything useful? We must have asked hundreds of times about GW and whether they were going to pay someone to forensically examine the hard drive.

If they do not intend to do these things, then to me it seems they don't want the truth.

If they did them and are not sharing the results then, to put it bluntly, IMO we should not waste time on this missing person.


Can we ask neagle at least if theres avenues being investigated that she cant talk about? give us hope for something?

Im thinking the best we can do is keep his face out there at this point.
Great work on the Disappeared show. I'm going to write something on that site, hopefully try to get someone's attention.
Great work on the Disappeared show. I'm going to write something on that site, hopefully try to get someone's attention.

Go to Laytonian's link...we need to get some hits on that link and maybe it will attract other viewers to see what his case is all about.
Slightly off topic here, but -- could one of the LDS sleuthers explain what PEC is and what it means to be a counselor on it? I don't mean the official definition, I mean the significance and dynamics, like how it's run and what its function to the congregation is. In that meeting that Steven missed, what kinds of things might they have been talking about?
Slightly off topic here, but -- could one of the LDS sleuthers explain what PEC is and what it means to be a counselor on it? I don't mean the official definition, I mean the significance and dynamics, like how it's run and what its function to the congregation is. In that meeting that Steven missed, what kinds of things might they have been talking about?

Ward Priesthood Executive Committee Meeting (PEC) participants = all those that attend bishopric meeting + high priests group leader + elders quorum president + ward mission leader + ward Young Men president + any others the bishop specifically invites as needed

It essentially means anyone who hold the priesthood within the ward with a leadership position. Its really no different than ward council meetings other than its based around the mens activities or current issues (if any) with in that ward.

They would have been talking about priesthood activities, young mens activities, maybe finance stuff within the quorum. Stuff like that.

Id be interested to hear who the bishop asked to attend that meeting.


To be a counselor means that you have been called into a position. youre in charge and control of putting together and following through with activities over that area.

Its function is the break the ward down into smaller parts. To serve over one group of people is easier for 4 people rather than having ONE bishop take care of the entire ward, activities, budget, young men, young women, relief society, etc. Its a way for the ward to delegate.

Sorry if some seems redundant. Lemme know if you have more ?s :)
Should we maybe include that link on the Timeline too?

Good Idea. I put Discovery I.D. and the InSession thread on the timeline.

Now...before anyone thinks I'm not being loyal to our "home" here on Websleuths: I haven't added a link to Websleuths because there's no permanent URL for the discussions.
Ward Priesthood Executive Committee Meeting (PEC) participants = all those that attend bishopric meeting + high priests group leader + elders quorum president + ward mission leader + ward Young Men president + any others the bishop specifically invites as needed
Sorry if some seems redundant. Lemme know if you have more ?s :)


OK, I have one: Naegle previously indicated that this PEC meeting was to plan the upcoming (1pm-4pm) worship service.

So...you're saying that there could be a PEC meeting every Sunday for that purpose, as well as for other reasons (at other times)?

OK, I have one: Naegle previously indicated that this PEC meeting was to plan the upcoming (1pm-4pm) worship service.

So...you're saying that there could be a PEC meeting every Sunday for that purpose, as well as for other reasons (at other times)?

oh ok. So they were probably discussing ward business. Activities and such. Theyre usually PEC meetings once a month. It can be at anytime that works for the people asked to attend. like it could be at 3pm on a wednesday. It doesnt matter really. a lot of those things are usually held sunday before church though.


it could be that they were discussing sensitive material within the ward. such as struggeling families within the ward.
Wow! You guys are good! I make a little suggestion and come back to my office from lunch and you have already taken care of everything! AMAZING!
it could be that they were discussing sensitive material within the ward. such as struggeling families within the ward.

If they discuss this type of issue, would it be possible that Steven (and his financial struggles) was the topic of discussion on that Sunday?
If they discuss this type of issue, would it be possible that Steven (and his financial struggles) was the topic of discussion on that Sunday?

umm No probably not. They dont call together a big meeting like that unless its to make a decision. Like what to do. its more like this:

Leader 1: ok first order of business is the johnstons need help moving on the 11th. Brother smith can you organize some of the young men to come help?
Brother smith: sure.
Bishop: The tanner family needs some financial help
then theyd look at the options.

its more of a way to get ward news communicated more than anything. personal stuff like that would be between that person and the bishop or bishopric. If steven was being talked to, it would be personal. and they wouldnt need everyone there. it would be between him and the bishop.


if Neagle said it was to plan the upcoming meeting, id bet a large amount of money it was about priesthood ward business! Checkin in kinda thing. Extremely normal stuff.
Wow! You guys are good! I make a little suggestion and come back to my office from lunch and you have already taken care of everything! AMAZING!


We KNEW you'd be out to lunch! ;) ;) ;)
Weber County sheriff's deputies say the first mistake a Liberty man made was passing himself off to friends as a lawman. The second? Giving his "badge" to his girlfriend as a keepsake.

more here:

Please read the comments that go with these articles.

This is my first post here. But I have been following this story since it first came out.

I don't believe that Steven just "ran away". Do I think that he could do something like the above person did? I don't know.

What I do know is that there has been a lot of strange things that have gone on in these areas.

Someone mentioned plane traffic in the St. George and Henderson area. Check google out for air plane crashes in these areas.

Check on any huge drug busts in these areas.

I am not saying that I think that Steven would do anything illegal. Quite the opposite.

I don't know if any of this will help and if it is a repeat I apologize.
Weber County sheriff's deputies say the first mistake a Liberty man made was passing himself off to friends as a lawman. The second? Giving his "badge" to his girlfriend as a keepsake.
more here:

Please read the comments that go with these articles.

Warning to the Websleuthers: the KSL forum is the *roughest* of all SLC's news forums ;)

This is my first post here. But I have been following this story since it first came out.
I don't believe that Steven just "ran away". Do I think that he could do something like the above person did? I don't know.

What I do know is that there has been a lot of strange things that have gone on in these areas.
Someone mentioned plane traffic in the St. George and Henderson area. Check google out for air plane crashes in these areas.
Check on any huge drug busts in these areas.

I am not saying that I think that Steven would do anything illegal. Quite the opposite.
I don't know if any of this will help and if it is a repeat I apologize.


I don't see a purposeful disappearance, either...although I'd like to think so, because that would increase the odds that he'd be safe.

But a drug bust? He'd have been caught. Plane crash since he disappeared? There'd be unidentified remains.

Keep thinking, though. We need some fresh heads on this one.

I actually DO think that Steven could be led into doing something shady (and in doing so, may not have known he was "in too deep").
Something or someone victimized Steven....
I've been trying to put landlord-Steven-Dad conversations in sequence, and logically.

I *think* I've got it. Please take a look. I've included links, so you can read the entire posts that led to the re-sequencing.

I'm thinking that by the time Steven drove to Ruby Valley, he'd already told the landlord he'd have the rent caught up "by Jan"....but we don't have a date on that last conversation.
That makes the phone conversations much more clear ; it was Steven's dad who said that Steven had hung up on him.
But, as I was looking at the timeline, I noticed something else. KC Naegle said that Matchbin may have asked Steven to move down to St. George ; if so, he had not met anyone in the area, either online or face to face.So, if this holds true it was job related that Steven moved to St.George, not that he had an urge to get away from his family ? Then Matchbin let him go a month later ....
Warning to the Websleuthers: the KSL forum is the *roughest* of all SLC's news forums ;)


I don't see a purposeful disappearance, either...although I'd like to think so, because that would increase the odds that he'd be safe.

But a drug bust? He'd have been caught. Plane crash since he disappeared? There'd be unidentified remains.

Keep thinking, though. We need some fresh heads on this one.

I actually DO think that Steven could be led into doing something shady (and in doing so, may not have known he was "in too deep").
Something or someone victimized Steven....


I am not saying he would be involved in a drug bust or that he would be doing anything illegal.

There has been some talk about different groups helping with crime in these areas. Bike Patrols etc. Looking for anything that looks like it might lead to drug trafficking. Paths where there should be none. etc

Plane crashes- I am not saying that he was in one but there have been unrecorded flights in the night. Unexplained plane crashes. Too many plane crashes. etc.

Young male adults missing in Utah. There were 4 or 5 people whose lives were ended supposedly by suicide. Suicide by car burnings. Zach Ruble, Lorin Fisher and Greg Nelson. A woman on fire near a bridge and a young man who "took his life with his children" by setting the car on fire. All claimed to be suicide. I can't remember the first name but the last name was Jessop.

Again I may be way out in left field.
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