NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 5

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I am not trying to pick on Laytonian, FWIW-if you guys believe that everything has been adequately covered and that there are no answers forthcoming....imagine how that poor family feels....
I mentioned some things about that, previously. It's pretty easy to "sleuth" that one out. I was curious, because the owner seemed 15 years too young to own a home in that neighborhood.

I saw that, and I didn't understand then quite what you were getting at. After some poking and googling, I still don't understand :p I was intrigued because I didn't expect to find any home-based business allowed in that kind of subdivision. Made me wonder if it was related to company sales or something. But it appears to be a financial services consultant, not a direct lender.
I saw that, and I didn't understand then quite what you were getting at. After some poking and googling, I still don't understand :p I was intrigued because I didn't expect to find any home-based business allowed in that kind of subdivision. Made me wonder if it was related to company sales or something. But it appears to be a financial services consultant, not a direct lender.

More of a brokerage, as well as an associated business. There's actually several home-based businesses (or at least business licenses issued) in that area. Probably a few eBay sellers ;) I imagine that as long as you don't have clients parking all over, no one's going to notice the occasional visitor.

But none that I can see, would have been a "Steven" kind of business.
That mortgage company intrigues me.

Before the real estate bubble burst everyone and their mother were getting into the business. With the crash, even established realtors have a hard time making a living. I hardly see this as something anyone would introduce a newbie like Steven to. Why invite more competition? Makes no sense to me.
More of a brokerage, as well as an associated business. There's actually several home-based businesses (or at least business licenses issued) in that area. Probably a few eBay sellers ;) I imagine that as long as you don't have clients parking all over, no one's going to notice the occasional visitor.

But none that I can see, would have been a "Steven" kind of business.

No, it does not seem to be the kind of business that gets walk-ins. Looks like they mostly do business over the internet. They're licensed in NY and CT as well as several other Eastern states.

I was thinking it might be the kind of place that needs nice clean-cut young men to present their wares to the public, but it doesn't appear to be. Also, Steven walks right past it, so I don't think he had any interest in it.
So, as I am out cleaning out my car a half hour ago, a couple of Young Mormons come by and ask me if they can talk to me about Christ. I give them the usual blowoff and they leave. About a minute later they come back my way and I think to myself, "Hey, wait a minute. . ."

So, I ask them if they have ever heard of Steven Koecher. They had not. I tell them the whole deal. He was Mormon. From Utah, etc. etc. He disappeared. We think something bad happen to him. Tell them I am part of an online group that is looking for him. They had no idea and they are spreading the Mormon word within just a few miles of where Steven disappeared. I found that odd. But they were very interested and said they would pass the word and find out anything they could.

From talking to them, I just did not get the feeling that anyone with the LDS community here knew about it. I mean, if they guys didn't know, who would?
So, as I am out cleaning out my car a half hour ago, a couple of Young Mormons come by and ask me if they can talk to me about Christ. I give them the usual blowoff and they leave. About a minute later they come back my way and I think to myself, "Hey, wait a minute. . ."

So, I ask them if they have ever heard of Steven Koecher. They had not. I tell them the whole deal. He was Mormon. From Utah, etc. etc. He disappeared. We think something bad happen to him. Tell them I am part of an online group that is looking for him. They had no idea and they are spreading the Mormon word within just a few miles of where Steven disappeared. I found that odd. But they were very interested and said they would pass the word and find out anything they could.

From talking to them, I just did not get the feeling that anyone with the LDS community here knew about it. I mean, if they guys didn't know, who would?

Interesting observation. LDS missionaries are in a different "chain of command" than the regular ward members. Unless something has changed, cellphones and computers are prohibited items while they're on missions.
Not all LDS missionaries are young men or women; many are older couples who serve as mission presidents and temple volunteers.

Maybe someone here can update us?
What *would* be the best way to get the word to the missionaries in the Vegas area?
Or...would such information not be given to the missionaries, due to their duties?

(Note: Non-members can't access any contact information on the lds.org website; only validated LDS members can register.)
Are you local to Henderson, Fast??

Let me clarify-I know you are driving distance, but are you THAT local, lol...
Yes, the bigger media markets would so help. But, isn't Rolf Koecher a newsman of long standing ? He must have quite a rolodex ; I mean he would surely have a slew of contacts. I wonder if he knows anyone in L.A., Phoenix ? I don't know anyone in the media, but sure wish I did... Any other posters have any contacts in that area ? I don't know how to help with regard to the media,but I am open to suggestions. Believe09, what do you think ?
"The family wants to have a big meeting/press conference/whatever in Las Vegas in the next couple of weeks. We don't have an agenda set up yet, but anyone and everyone is invited to come. I thought I'd give you all a heads up on that. I will get back to you with details as soon as I have them."

NOW THE Q&As -- I'll post them on the page, too:

Q: Have Steven's movements/activities from Monday, Nov 30th through Friday, Dec 4th been accounted for?
A: Not that I'm aware of.

Q: Does Steven's car have two gas tanks, with one of them being "compressed natural gas" (in the trunk of the car)?
A: I believe so. The hole for the natural gas was in the back bumper so a tank in the trunk would make sense.

Q: Did Steven tell ANYONE that he was travelling, when he went to Ruby Valley?
A: Not that we've heard.

Q: What day did Steven talk to his dad about the back rent (and tell his Dad he was shopping for Groceries in WalMart at the time)?
A: 12/9/2009 I believe.

Q: Did Steven prefer a certain kind of "portfolio"? Zipped, or fold-over open style?
A: It probably wasn't a portfolio. He often used paper folders to organize things.
Interesting observation. LDS missionaries are in a different "chain of command" than the regular ward members. Unless something has changed, cellphones and computers are prohibited items while they're on missions.
Not all LDS missionaries are young men or women; many are older couples who serve as mission presidents and temple volunteers.

Maybe someone here can update us?
What *would* be the best way to get the word to the missionaries in the Vegas area?
Or...would such information not be given to the missionaries, due to their duties?

(Note: Non-members can't access any contact information on the lds.org website; only validated LDS members can register.)

Fast...good job!

The BEST way...I can think of one or two ways. First, Bishopric. I would get a hold of the closest Bishoprics of each ward. Have them announce it in sacrament, youth activities, relief society, young mens, and elder quorum.

Second, The missionaries have a "mission leader." You can get a hold of them through the bishopric as well.

and yes the missionaries have lots of rules while on their mission. Including the no phone or computer. also, they are moved around a lot within the radius of their mission call. So, it could be that they are newer to the area, however, a lot of times the "senior companion" has been there longer. they show the newer companion how mission life works, the area, etc. Sorry if im rambling...just some insist to the LDS mission life :)
Fast...good job!

The BEST way...I can think of one or two ways. First, Bishopric. I would get a hold of the closest Bishoprics of each ward. Have them announce it in sacrament, youth activities, relief society, young mens, and elder quorum.

Second, The missionaries have a "mission leader." You can get a hold of them through the bishopric as well.

I was kinda hoping one of our LDS members could do that, because we non-members don't have access to any of that contact information.
I was kinda hoping one of our LDS members could do that, because we non-members don't have access to any of that contact information.

Do i have permission to do that? Can i get the clearance from Naegle? i really dont wanna step on toes but i am more than willing to do it!
not sure if this was posted before. I have not been following this thread as carefully lately.

this is from S.A. who posted at FB:

Apparently I was the last one that talked with Steve. I called him on the phone. He answered and I asked him if he was going to be at church that Sunday so he could tell the priesthood quorum about the basketball game that week. He said that he would not not be able to make it to church. I never bothered to ask him why. Then I asked him if he would be attending the basketball game. He answered again by saying that he could not make it. Again I did not ask why. I then ended the conversation with a bye. His voice on the phone sounded very normal. He was not in any distress. I talked with the police about this call and so they know all about it. I wish I knew more, but I don't. I just hope he is found. He is in all our prayers at the singles ward.

BBM - I have a question on this subject. IIRC, we knew that Steven had told SA that he would not be at church on Sunday 12/13 to announce the upcoming baskeball game. But wasn't the game itself scheduled for the following Wednesday (I think!)? This says Steven told him he would not be able to make it to the game. So, that sounds to me like he knew he wasn't going back.

As far as more media coverage goes, do we know if AMW has been approached? I really can't see Nancy Grace covering a story like Steven's.
BBM - I have a question on this subject. IIRC, we knew that Steven had told SA that he would not be at church on Sunday 12/13 to announce the upcoming baskeball game. But wasn't the game itself scheduled for the following Wednesday (I think!)? This says Steven told him he would not be able to make it to the game. So, that sounds to me like he knew he wasn't going back.

As far as more media coverage goes, do we know if AMW has been approached? I really can't see Nancy Grace covering a story like Steven's.

The basketball game: good thinking BUT we later learned Steven didn't go to the basketball games anyway.

Yes, AMW and other large media outlets have been approached. When KCN asked how the family could arrange a press conference, I emailed two of the Las Vegas journalists who'd written recent stories and asked them to contact KCN (gave them her email address) and help with a press conference. I don't know the results of any of those contacts.

If anyone else here contacted AMW, that makes two of us ;) This really is a "different" story....nothing that Nancy Grace would cover. (She's fixated on children's cases right now, even if there's nothing new she screams "Breaking".)

I think AMW is our best bet.
Anyone have comments on Naegle's Q&A replies?

If that "portfolio" truly is a paper folder, then searchers would (hopefully) be also looking for wind-blown documents. Those could be anywhere, against a fenceline in particular.
Do i have permission to do that? Can i get the clearance from Naegle? i really dont wanna step on toes but i am more than willing to do it!

All it would take is an email to each stake's "mission president" -- right?

A couple of sentences and a link to the "Help Us Find Steven Koecher" Facebook page.

I think the family is grateful for anything we can do.
I don't see doing that as any different than notifying other social networks or TV journalists. Anything to get the word out.
The basketball game: good thinking BUT we later learned Steven didn't go to the basketball games anyway.

Yes, AMW and other large media outlets have been approached. When KCN asked how the family could arrange a press conference, I emailed two of the Las Vegas journalists who'd written recent stories and asked them to contact KCN (gave them her email address) and help with a press conference. I don't know the results of any of those contacts.

If anyone else here contacted AMW, that makes two of us ;) This really is a "different" story....nothing that Nancy Grace would cover. (She's fixated on children's cases right now, even if there's nothing new she screams "Breaking".)

I think AMW is our best bet.

So if Steven never went to the games, why would SA ask him if he was going to this time? :waitasec: And I wonder why he didn't go regularly?????

I think there's a specific process to get AMW to cover a story. I'm not sure what it is - maybe someone else 'round here knows.

Looking forward to hearing more about the press conference.
So if Steven never went to the games, why would SA ask him if he was going to this time? :waitasec: And I wonder why he didn't go regularly?????

I think there's a specific process to get AMW to cover a story. I'm not sure what it is - maybe someone else 'round here knows.

Looking forward to hearing more about the press conference.

yeah AMW usually only covers stories where theres proof of fowl play. thety dont usually do cold cases.

i will call he anthem ward tomorrow morning and round up some emails. talk to someone in the bishopric about whats going on.
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