NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 6

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There is a new post on GW's FB page that says he is "at an all time low" about something. His friends come to rally around and 2 different ones mention Wendover and Mesquite. I would say GW was in Vegas to gamble that weekend. And so was SK.
...and in the middle of that, was able to participate in one of the highest and most solemn ceremonies conducted in an LDS temple: sealings. With other people. In special clothing (meaning preparation before and after).

Like it was so ordinary and uneventful, that no one even mentioned it until January 3rd.

We'd have caught it earlier, if it had been posted (as requested) under the Timeline page of Naegle's FB.

If the session started at 6:30 then he realistically would have had to be at the temple by at least 6 to be able to change and be seated. They would not let him in if he was late...to that session, and we know he was there.

I wonder if they went out after the temple. How was Steven's demeanor? And, this would mean that he either rents clothes at the temple, or drives around with them. Laytonian, would you ask if Steven's temple clothes have been found.

If he went to the session, then he had a current recommend and would by all accounts be living "worthy" to hold the recommend. From what we know, it would be out of character for him to attend the temple if he was not worthy.

Soooo...EL is back "ON" for me. I don't see behavior of a person who was leading a double life. He did not HAVE to attend the temple that day. BUT, why the Sacramento comment, if he was fully intending on attending the temple in a few hours? Were these people really listening to Steven??? Maybe he didn't even say Sacramento, or he talked to someone, GW, after the visit and plans changed. Cell phone records would help with this.

I can't believe Naegle doesn't have INTERNET access more available...like 24/7. I want to send this family my Sprint card just so we can get some answers. :) I couldn't survive without the INTERNET, especially if my family was missing. It would be like sitting next to a phone that was turned off and someone was trying to call and give you information.
If the session started at 6:30 then he realistically would have had to be at the temple by at least 6 to be able to change and be seated. They would not let him in if he was late...to that session, and we know he was there.

I wonder if they went out after the temple. How was Steven's demeanor? And, this would mean that he either rents clothes at the temple, or drives around with them. Laytonian, would you ask if Steven's temple clothes have been found.

If he went to the session, then he had a current recommend and would by all accounts be living "worthy" to hold the recommend. From what we know, it would be out of character for him to attend the temple if he was not worthy.

Soooo...EL is back "ON" for me. I don't see behavior of a person who was leading a double life. He did not HAVE to attend the temple that day. BUT, why the Sacramento comment, if he was fully intending on attending the temple in a few hours? Were these people really listening to Steven??? Maybe he didn't even say Sacramento, or he talked to someone, GW, after the visit and plans changed. Cell phone records would help with this.

I can't believe Naegle doesn't have INTERNET access more available...like 24/7. I want to send this family my Sprint card just so we can get some answers. :) I couldn't survive without the INTERNET, especially if my family was missing. It would be like sitting next to a phone that was turned off and someone was trying to call and give you information.

EL or further into the neighborhood. Where he parked, is kinda-logical to about 1/3 of the Overlook Village area (west of Laurel Hts).

I take Naegle at her word, and would even understand if she just needs to get away from this. She has a homelife, too. A certain person named My Daughter has no internet at home (but she and her husband live very near). So my house is internet central, augmented by his work-supplied Blackberry.

Remember, she's a cousin ... and what we're doing here, might not be, uh, totally "acceptable" to some members of the family, KWIM? (I say that with ALL respect to the family, hoping that others would join us here just to chat.)

We should be watching for more of Rolf's stories in the Clipper...and start adding respectful comments there, not tough questions, but with a link here or to the timeline.
Laytonian, would you ask if Steven's temple clothes have been found.

It's on the list now.

I wonder if they went out after the temple. How was Steven's demeanor?

This kind of question gets into an area that I think would best be asked by a fellow LDS....because we're asking people to reveal what went on during or as a result of their religious services. Naegle's not going to know the answer, either.
Anyone up for that?
Steven's behavior in those days before he disappeared are pretty similar to the way a friend's manic-depressive brother used to behave when he was off his meds. He'd buzz all over the region, dropping in on friends he hadn't seen for years, whipping out of town on a whim (once he drove down to Maryland to have softshell crab for lunch and was home in time to meet his sister for dinner), sleeping very little, living on cheese nips and Mountain Dew. People didn't notice anything wrong, just that he was more bubbly and sociable than usual. One episode, he took off -- family didn't know where he was until police in Germany (where he had relatives) called to let them know he'd been in a traffic accident, was presently unconscious but should be okay. This was at least several weeks later. He'd apparently had a psychotic break in addition to the whole manic-depressive thing.
I will ask about his behaviour and get back to you :).
This kind of question gets into an area that I think would best be asked by a fellow LDS....because we're asking people to reveal what went on during or as a result of their religious services. Naegle's not going to know the answer, either.
Anyone up for that?[/QUOTE/]

Got it! Just point me to the right people as I have been MIA for a few days sorry, family sick here..

I hope they're better!

The people I'm thinking of, have been the most pro-active on the two websites. I think, if asked by the right people in the right way (KWIM), they may have information for us. Of course, they are welcome to join us here. We don't bite much ;)

Bloomington Hills 7th Ward

Naegle's "Help Us Find Steven" FB page. See Page 2, January 3, 2010 at 9:55pm and also the next person. Some people on the TIMELINE page might be helpful.

We REALLY need to fill in the details of that last week.
Steven's behavior in those days before he disappeared are pretty similar to the way a friend's manic-depressive brother used to behave when he was off his meds. He'd buzz all over the region, dropping in on friends he hadn't seen for years, whipping out of town on a whim (once he drove down to Maryland to have softshell crab for lunch and was home in time to meet his sister for dinner), sleeping very little, living on cheese nips and Mountain Dew. People didn't notice anything wrong, just that he was more bubbly and sociable than usual. One episode, he took off -- family didn't know where he was until police in Germany (where he had relatives) called to let them know he'd been in a traffic accident, was presently unconscious but should be okay. This was at least several weeks later. He'd apparently had a psychotic break in addition to the whole manic-depressive thing.

Could that kind of activity be replicated by drugs, too much Mountain Dew (I'm serious - it's full of caffeine), caffeine pills, or RedBull?

I'm asking, because Steven's not been diagnosed with anything....and would first have had to be prescribed meds, to be "off his meds".

Obviously, he didn't have health insurance (unless he squeaked some Medicaid), BUT people are known to self-medicate.

I don't have to remind you about Utah being infamous for "food supplements" and "herbal diet remedies" (often sold via MLMs and pyramids) that can contain real drugs.

A coworker of my husband's lost 35 pounds in a month two years ago, on one of those miracle-herbal diets, then almost died from the complications of the drugs he was unknowingly ingesting.

While he was taking [I can't remember the name, darn it!], he was jumpy, couldn't sit still, talked a mile a minute, couldn't focus on his job, but sure looked busy ... about what you're describing. And it was all caused by a supplement that was sold to him as all natural, compliant to the words of wisdom, safe because you don't need a prescription, blah blah blah.

(I'll ask if perhaps Steven was working in an MLM.....)
There is a new post on GW's FB page that says he is "at an all time low" about something. His friends come to rally around and 2 different ones mention Wendover and Mesquite. I would say GW was in Vegas to gamble that weekend. And so was SK.

Yes, I saw that too. And he told his friends it was a long story, and he might tell them about it one day. Sounds as though he likes to go to Mesqite. Wonder why/
I have asked 2 girls now about Ward Temple Night.. Waiting to hear back..
Yes, I saw that too. And he told his friends it was a long story, and he might tell them about it one day. Sounds as though he likes to go to Mesqite. Wonder why/


Don't be surprised if certain remarks are being "planted" to see how long it takes before they're picked up here.
When I first posted here, I asked if Steven gambled. I was told by a poster who works for the casino industry that he didn't.But, of course, if he used cash I don't know how anyone would know. Where he would have gotten the money is another story,but I guess a gambler will always find money somehow.
I'm getting the impression that Steven did not like being in that house alone. He was very isolated. I don't think he had ever spent so much time alone before. Or maybe something had happened to make him fearful.
Maybe we should ask GW about that weekend again??? Maybe he is breaking.... Just a thought...
Yes, I saw that too. And he told his friends it was a long story, and he might tell them about it one day. Sounds as though he likes to go to Mesqite. Wonder why/

What goes on in Mesquite, Nevada? (World's best BBQ, perhaps?) I'm all the way over on the east coast and have never been to that part of the country. In other words, would someone who didn't live there or have family or friends there go to Mesquite for one reason and one reason only (gambling)? What about Wendover???

I want to know how old GW is. He looks older than Steven, and he's also still single. Steven's a cute guy, and GW is not ugly, I wonder why neither could 'find the right girl'?
GW and Steven Koecher were friends, connected closely through their church. They live(d) quite close to each other.How can it be that GW is not out there keeping Steven's name in everyone's memory ? Has GW ever speculated about what HE thinks happened in Vegas that Sunday ? Or is that part of this "long story " ?
Could that kind of activity be replicated by drugs, too much Mountain Dew (I'm serious - it's full of caffeine), caffeine pills, or RedBull?

I'm asking, because Steven's not been diagnosed with anything....and would first have had to be prescribed meds, to be "off his meds".

Obviously, he didn't have health insurance (unless he squeaked some Medicaid), BUT people are known to self-medicate.

I don't have to remind you about Utah being infamous for "food supplements" and "herbal diet remedies" (often sold via MLMs and pyramids) that can contain real drugs.

A coworker of my husband's lost 35 pounds in a month two years ago, on one of those miracle-herbal diets, then almost died from the complications of the drugs he was unknowingly ingesting.

While he was taking [I can't remember the name, darn it!], he was jumpy, couldn't sit still, talked a mile a minute, couldn't focus on his job, but sure looked busy ... about what you're describing. And it was all caused by a supplement that was sold to him as all natural, compliant to the words of wisdom, safe because you don't need a prescription, blah blah blah.

(I'll ask if perhaps Steven was working in an MLM.....)

I'm not a doctor, but my very subjective impression is that yes, something like that could cause somebody to behave in a way similar to my friend's brother. I know Steven's not been diagnosed with anything (that's been made public, anyway), and his regular behavior doesn't seem at all out of the ordinary. It's just that the break is soooo similar.

And that's a good point about self-medication.

Don't be surprised if certain remarks are being "planted" to see how long it takes before they're picked up here.

I was wondering about golf, too, especially since the neighborhood where the car was left seems to be very near a golf course. Around here it's pretty common for guys to get up early and play golf Sunday morning, then get to church by noon.

If they haven't already, maybe check to see whether anybody who looked like GW and Steven played there?
What goes on in Mesquite, Nevada? (World's best BBQ, perhaps?) I'm all the way over on the east coast and have never been to that part of the country. In other words, would someone who didn't live there or have family or friends there go to Mesquite for one reason and one reason only (gambling)? What about Wendover???

I want to know how old GW is. He looks older than Steven, and he's also still single. Steven's a cute guy, and GW is not ugly, I wonder why neither could 'find the right girl'?

Golf and gambling in Mesquite. No BBQ that we've seen. Icky, over-priced casino buffets.

Wendover has gambling and there are brothels in both Wells and Elko, Nevada. An icky golf course doesn't attract many people, any time of the year.

Mesquite's location as the Nevada town you come to first, when driving south on I-15), meant it grew into a snowbird casino golfing community, beginning in the late 1970s. It was founded by the Mormons and is still heavily LDS.

Many people who live in Mesquite, commute to Vegas. Others have moved there because there's no personal income tax. Comparable property values are lower than in either Vegas or St George. The new subdivisions of Mesquite look like Anthem Sun City.

The largest casino-hotel (The Oasis, formerly The Peppermill) closed in early 2009, and there are at least two other abandoned casinos. Too many retirees and commuters, lots of low-waged service jobs, but not much else.
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