GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #2

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If you are driving under the influence you could be putting your own and other people life at stake.
Suspect got high voluntarily before he was in police custody. LE didn't make him to get high.

I'm not a lawyer and not going to attempt to debate you on this.
The vendor biz didnt start til 2013

2013, based on what pls? shows his & assoc names as members since 2013, but his/their business could pre-date forum membership.

IIRC, I saw ref to the bus. being an LLC, but did not see date wrt that.
Also if LLC was not formed & registered w state until 2013, MrM still could have been running a bus like that for years before then.
C/h/bn operating as sole proprietorship or partnership, or dba for many yrs. Or another corp name, either still in use or since abandoned.

May not matter at all, but when ppl talk about life ins & forestalling a foreclosure, may be relevant. IDK.
DA: Evidence against shooting suspect Nowsch substantial
.... so I'm not going to fault Brandon Meyers at this point with doing anything wrong....
but at the end of the day Brandon Meyers didn't kill anybody; our defendant did.”
“The bottom line is I think this qualifies as a road rage case

Now back to being road rage? Okee-dokee then (sarc).

If DA does not fault Brandonat this point (my emphasis) w doing anything wrong, is DA leaving door open to charge w something in future?
If so, what?

In the arrest warrant affidavit, EN's friend(s) told LE that EN thought someone in the green car (the Meyers' car) pointed a gun at him from the passenger window.

If this is true, it sounds like BM could theoretically be charged with illegally threatening someone with a deadly weapon/brandishing a firearm. IDK how it could be proven, though. EN isn't exactly a stellar citizen or a model witness, after chasing someone to their driveway and shooting them dead, and then bragged to his friends that "I got them". If either EN or his driver claim BM pointed his Beretta at them, would anyone believe them after what went down?

Based on an FB post in the first thread (describing an incident involving a pedestrian wherein BM was enraged & wanted to get out of the car to confront the pedestrian), I wouldn't be surprised if BM had brandished/pointed his gun at the silver Audi on the night of the shooting, but, unless he himself admits to it, who's going to prove it?

I don't know that the DA is going to necessarily take the word of an alleged murderer or his alleged driver accessory to murder.
In the arrest warrant affidavit, EN's friend(s) told LE that EN thought someone in the green car (the Meyers' car) pointed a gun at him from the passenger window.

If this is true, it sounds like BM could theoretically be charged with illegally threatening someone with a deadly weapon/brandishing a firearm. IDK how it could be proven, though. EN isn't exactly a stellar citizen or a model witness, after chasing someone to their driveway and shooting them dead, and then bragged to his friends that "I got them". If either EN or his driver claim BM pointed his Beretta at them, would anyone believe them after what went down?
Based on an FB post in the first thread (describing an incident involving a pedestrian wherein BM was enraged & wanted to get out of the car to confront the pedestrian), I wouldn't be surprised if BM had brandished/pointed his gun at the silver Audi on the night of the shooting, but, unless he himself admits to it, who's going to prove it?

I don't know that the DA is going to necessarily take the word of an alleged murderer or his alleged driver accomplice to murder.

bbm: that's where it does get interesting.......IF there were three other occupants + driver ((as claimed per TM & daughter)) .... potentially that would be 4 vs 1 surviving original witness in M car.....
Interesting. That's not necessarily a full time job. I have friends who drag race. They have other careers.

Bob giving up drag racing "a few years ago" is another sign of financial trouble because it's very expensive to drag race.

May not matter at all, but when ppl talk about life ins & forestalling a foreclosure, may be relevant. IDK.
It could be relevant. Time will tell. Or we may never know.
bbm: that's where it does get interesting.......IF there were three other occupants + driver ((as claimed per TM & daughter)) .... potentially that would be 4 vs 1 surviving original witness in M car.....

Per the latest, there was one other person in the car in addition to EN, the driver. Police are looking for this driver.
Is EVERYBODY in this neighborhood insane?

'Three months ago when I confronted this kid at the park he tried to pull a gun on me. And I jumped on him and got his backpack away from me.'
The man says the suspect fits the description of the person wanted in connection with Meyers' death.
'That day [in the park] that silver car showed up, it's a white boy, he's young he's got blonde crew cut hair. It fits. 'The story fits, because they're all young punks in a gang called Alpha Block,' the neighbor added.
The man's wife, who also asked not to be named, said she spoke with detectives on Wednesday because the suspect had put a knife to her daughter and her two friends at the weekend.
'He's a punk, a 20-year-old punk,' she said. 'He's come after my son three or four times. My husband's gone after him to tell him to leave our kids alone.
'He hangs out at the park right here, he's always there, he deals weed and stuff. 'His mom's a nice lady but he's always been in trouble, he has been for years. He's bad news.'

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that was truly a respectful interview!

the neighbor spoke highly of the relationship ((dog walking)) between TM & EN indicating that EN had respect for TM
It truly makes one wonder what went so horribly wrong all of a sudden for EN to want TM or any of her family dead. Or was it the driver of the car who had it in for them, whoever he is?

Per the latest, there was one other person in the car in addition to EN, the driver. Police are looking for this driver.

but but but didn't the M camp say there were 3??:scared:

thanks.....wonder if that was the ''friend'' who gave him the gun too
So, since I live in Vegas I decided to go check out the "crime scene" :D I took a couple pics as well and may post them if I'm allowed, not sure how much it will help. I was surprised that Cherry River and Mt. Shasta are right next to each other. The park is on the same street as Cherry River and the school is across from the park. The parking lot of the school is REALLY SMALL so I'm not sure how driving lessons would work. Plus, Mt. Shasta is a really small street so I'd be surprised if anyone was speeding. Everything in the area is within walking distant. Just thought I'd share :crazy:
On my last post, I didn't mean within walking distance from where I live, I meant the crime scene as a whole :)
So, since I live in Vegas I decided to go check out the "crime scene" :D I took a couple pics as well and may post them if I'm allowed, not sure how much it will help. I was surprised that Cherry River and Mt. Shasta are right next to each other. The park is on the same street as Cherry River and the school is across from the park. The parking lot of the school is REALLY SMALL so I'm not sure how driving lessons would work. Plus, Mt. Shasta is a really small street so I'd be surprised if anyone was speeding. Everything in the area is within walking distant. Just thought I'd share :crazy:

bbm based on what you are saying then, everyone in community must have some strong views on this ......reality vs what's being 'said'

So, since I live in Vegas I decided to go check out the "crime scene" :D I took a couple pics as well and may post them if I'm allowed, not sure how much it will help. I was surprised that Cherry River and Mt. Shasta are right next to each other. The park is on the same street as Cherry River and the school is across from the park. The parking lot of the school is REALLY SMALL so I'm not sure how driving lessons would work. Plus, Mt. Shasta is a really small street so I'd be surprised if anyone was speeding. Everything in the area is within walking distant. Just thought I'd share :crazy:
Did you see skid marks?
Is EVERYBODY in this neighborhood insane?

'Three months ago when I confronted this kid at the park he tried to pull a gun on me. And I jumped on him and got his backpack away from me.'
The man says the suspect fits the description of the person wanted in connection with Meyers' death.
'That day [in the park] that silver car showed up, it's a white boy, he's young he's got blonde crew cut hair. It fits. 'The story fits, because they're all young punks in a gang called Alpha Block,' the neighbor added.
The man's wife, who also asked not to be named, said she spoke with detectives on Wednesday because the suspect had put a knife to her daughter and her two friends at the weekend.
'He's a punk, a 20-year-old punk,' she said. 'He's come after my son three or four times. My husband's gone after him to tell him to leave our kids alone.
'He hangs out at the park right here, he's always there, he deals weed and stuff. 'His mom's a nice lady but he's always been in trouble, he has been for years. He's bad news.'

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She jumped on him when he pulled a gun on her! It seems nobody in this neighborhood calls the police after they're threatened with guns and knives. The behavior of the residents are redefining the image of what middle class means. There are no gangs in my region's middle class neighborhoods. I can't imagine any mothers I know jumping someone with a gun or not calling the police after a kid pulled a knife on her child. Maybe her son is involved in drugs too. It's the only reason I can imagine not calling the police and trying to handle it on her own. And why did she need what was in his backpack? Sounds like another gun/money conflict. Why else would she "confront him" and want what was in his backpack badly enough that she would jump him for his backpack even with his having a gun pointed at her?
Even if BM pointed his gun/brandished it at the first shooting scene (which could make him the initial aggressor) and they were then shot at by EN, once the Meyers left that scene and returned home, EN then became the assailant when he followed them home.

IANAL, but I think that once he was back at the house, BM would have been legally justified in shooting first when he saw the silver Audi approach the family home on the cul-de-sac, because it was apparent that he & his mother were being pursued by an armed assailant who had already shot at them at the first scene.

EN cannot claim self defense because, once the Meyers left the first scene, EN was no longer in any alleged immediate danger. There was no longer any imminent threat to his life. However, after EN fired those initial shots at the first scene and then pursued the Meyers' to their home, he was posing an ongoing imminent threat to BM & his mother.

I'm thinking the DA is looking at this as a case of self defense on BM's part (despite the yet-to-be-corroborated claim that BM may have brandished his weapon at the first shooting scene) due to the irrefutable fact that EN followed them home and shot at them again.
So, since I live in Vegas I decided to go check out the "crime scene" :D I took a couple pics as well and may post them if I'm allowed, not sure how much it will help. I was surprised that Cherry River and Mt. Shasta are right next to each other. The park is on the same street as Cherry River and the school is across from the park. The parking lot of the school is REALLY SMALL so I'm not sure how driving lessons would work.[/q] Plus, Mt. Shasta is a really small street so I'd be surprised if anyone was speeding. Everything in the area is within walking distant. Just thought I'd share :crazy:

Thanks for sharing. I'd love to see your pictures. It's interesting that the parking lot is too small for driving lessons.
So, since I live in Vegas I decided to go check out the "crime scene" :D I took a couple pics as well and may post them if I'm allowed, not sure how much it will help. I was surprised that Cherry River and Mt. Shasta are right next to each other. The park is on the same street as Cherry River and the school is across from the park. The parking lot of the school is REALLY SMALL so I'm not sure how driving lessons would work. Plus, Mt. Shasta is a really small street so I'd be surprised if anyone was speeding. Everything in the area is within walking distant. Just thought I'd share :crazy:

Most likely if there were driving lessons it was parking and k turn and backing up lessons. They usually occur on parking lots.

Did LE say what warrant was for? Just curious.

No, it was an "undisclosed" juvenile warrant. Seems to me if he had a 2 year old warrant, he didn't have any run-ins with LE the past 2 years.
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