Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

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DNA Solves
Charlie, since you have an idea of the surroundings Im a bit curious about a couple things? Where 20 mile radius of the surrounding area would someone go to swim?

Also, is there anywhere someone would swim in that general area? We know she had her swimsuit under her clothes, no shoes and nothing in her pockets other than her panties. It seems like a safe bet she was intending to swim/get wet at some point and I cant help but to think its possible that's where she thought they were going when she was killed since she had her swimwear on and the male shorts that were placed over her head could have been the male's swimwear?
Charlie, since you have an idea of the surroundings Im a bit curious about a couple things? Where 20 mile radius of the surrounding area would someone go to swim?

Also, is there anywhere someone would swim in that general area? We know she had her swimsuit under her clothes, no shoes and nothing in her pockets other than her panties. It seems like a safe bet she was intending to swim/get wet at some point and I cant help but to think its possible that's where she thought they were going when she was killed since she had her swimwear on and the male shorts that were placed over her head could have been the male's swimwear?

I suspect any one of a number of motels in the area could have had a swimming pool.

stranger yet is the fact she was prepared. a swimsuit is one of the last things I'd carry with me if I'm in transit. so she may have spent a considerable amount of time with her killer on the road staying here and there for short bits of time and she picked up a suit somewhere.
The immediate area has Lake Tahoe. You have Sand Harbor and Chimney Beach and King's Beach to the north.
I just picked up on this thread last night and wanted to voice some thoughts here so they are written down and can be corrected/amplified by others.

Victim did not have her shoes on and bruised toe indicates to me she was dragged there. Victim was taken there to this spot by the killer, IMO.

Per report above consensual sex is apparent.

Jane Doe for this many years indicates to me she had a transient, run-away, prostitute lifestyle. MOO. Not an expert.

Underwear covering gunshot wounds in head is interesting. The underwear does not appear to be a signature for the killer (I was hoping it was, I searched google for such murders but came up empty) but instead served a purpose of hiding the fact she was dead, plus it also served as something to protect his vehicle from spilling blood. Using underwear indicates a disorganized offender, who killed without much planning. It was probably all he had available in his car. An organized offender would have likely kept her panties as a trophy, IMO, to keep the fantasy more easily re-lived in the future. Disorganized offenders also make no effort to hide the body well, and this one was found the next day by hikers. A disorganized offender would not have traveled far with the body.

Victim IMO was likely a prostitute in Reno area or Carson City area at farthest. California side is unlikely; it is a significant drive and offers plenty of places to discard a body as well as this one was, and I see no advantage to take it very far. Therefore I think the original crime scene was in Reno or Incline Village area, possibly Carson City. I doubt Incline Village has much of a prostitution scene, if any. Reno and Carson City however do.

As a possible but completely hypothetical scenario, he could have picked her up in Reno, paid for sex, got to know enough about her to establish she was some sort of run-away who wouldn't be missed, and shot her in his vehicle (perhaps a van), covered the open wound with his underwear, drove her to the Mt. Rose Hwy spot, put some of her clothing back on, put her underwear in her pocket, dragged the body down the path and then left her there, face down.

What I bump into with regard to that theory is the swimsuit and also the way her hair was done. Prostitutes IMO wear their hair as sexy as possible, down, not in a bun. They also don't have a swimsuit on underneath their jeans with a pair of underwear in their pocket.

If it has been established that she was wearing a swimsuit, here is a theory that encompasses that. Her pimp shot her after taking her up to the lake on a swimming excursion. He knew she was homeless and wouldn't be missed. After shooting her, he then covered the wound with his underwear, and took body to the hiking path. Based on the lack of planning, this may have been done out of anger and rage. And a pimp would have a handgun at all times, IMO.
I don't think she was dragged into position. There would have been drag marks in the dirt leading to her body, and there would also be lividity patterns indicating that she had lain in more than one position after death (presuming that she was not killed moments before being dragged into position).

And IIRC, LE has indicated that she was killed at that location. They did say that there were two sets of footprints leading to the body, and one set of footprints leading away from the body.

I'm also more inclined to believe the mail-order bride scenario than the prostitute scenario.
I don't think she was dragged into position. There would have been drag marks in the dirt leading to her body, and there would also be lividity patterns indicating that she had lain in more than one position after death (presuming that she was not killed moments before being dragged into position).

And IIRC, LE has indicated that she was killed at that location. They did say that there were two sets of footprints leading to the body, and one set of footprints leading away from the body.

I'm also more inclined to believe the mail-order bride scenario than the prostitute scenario.

Yes there were 2 sets of foot prints going in and 1 set coming out.

Those pictures were taken in late June.

The detective said the bruise on her was similar to stubbing your toe at the scene.
I tried looking for some statistics on Mail-order brides from Europe in the 80's, and couldn't find anything other than it was going on. I'm sure both legaly, and illegally.

I just can't help but get the feeling that she had no idea this was coming. Either that, or she was too frightened to do anything about it. Everything seems to point to her going with her killer willingly. Who ever killed her seemed to be pretty confident no one would ever figure out who she was, or link her to him. IMO. To me this would point to her being in the country illegally.

Some one out there may know someone who had a mail order bride that just dis-appeared. All the murderer would have to say is: "She went back home because she didn't like me/or the US.

Just a thought.
Clothing: She wore a white lace bathing suit, size medium, underneath Lee Rider blue jeans and a powder-blue, size medium, sleeveless T-shirt. She also wore pale yellow tennis shoes, size 6.

Hikers found this victim slumped forward over a log as if she had been tying her shoe when her attacker shot her from behind.
The detective in charge of the case surmises that she knew her attacker.


She was clad except for being barefoot. Her livor mortis was still blanching when she was found.

She was found lying prone on the ground with defects to the back of her head. Mens underwear had been used to cover the defects

So at one time she had shoes and was slumped over a log, but this other report says she is found lying prone on the ground barefoot?

What is the truth?
She had them in her possession. I tend to believe they were still on. They could have been removed.
I just picked up on this thread last night and wanted to voice some thoughts here so they are written down and can be corrected/amplified by others.

Victim did not have her shoes on and bruised toe indicates to me she was dragged there. Victim was taken there to this spot by the killer, IMO.

Per report above consensual sex is apparent.

Jane Doe for this many years indicates to me she had a transient, run-away, prostitute lifestyle. MOO. Not an expert.

Underwear covering gunshot wounds in head is interesting. The underwear does not appear to be a signature for the killer (I was hoping it was, I searched google for such murders but came up empty) but instead served a purpose of hiding the fact she was dead, plus it also served as something to protect his vehicle from spilling blood. Using underwear indicates a disorganized offender, who killed without much planning. It was probably all he had available in his car. An organized offender would have likely kept her panties as a trophy, IMO, to keep the fantasy more easily re-lived in the future. Disorganized offenders also make no effort to hide the body well, and this one was found the next day by hikers. A disorganized offender would not have traveled far with the body.

Victim IMO was likely a prostitute in Reno area or Carson City area at farthest. California side is unlikely; it is a significant drive and offers plenty of places to discard a body as well as this one was, and I see no advantage to take it very far. Therefore I think the original crime scene was in Reno or Incline Village area, possibly Carson City. I doubt Incline Village has much of a prostitution scene, if any. Reno and Carson City however do.

As a possible but completely hypothetical scenario, he could have picked her up in Reno, paid for sex, got to know enough about her to establish she was some sort of run-away who wouldn't be missed, and shot her in his vehicle (perhaps a van), covered the open wound with his underwear, drove her to the Mt. Rose Hwy spot, put some of her clothing back on, put her underwear in her pocket, dragged the body down the path and then left her there, face down.

What I bump into with regard to that theory is the swimsuit and also the way her hair was done. Prostitutes IMO wear their hair as sexy as possible, down, not in a bun. They also don't have a swimsuit on underneath their jeans with a pair of underwear in their pocket.

If it has been established that she was wearing a swimsuit, here is a theory that encompasses that. Her pimp shot her after taking her up to the lake on a swimming excursion. He knew she was homeless and wouldn't be missed. After shooting her, he then covered the wound with his underwear, and took body to the hiking path. Based on the lack of planning, this may have been done out of anger and rage. And a pimp would have a handgun at all times, IMO.

Had her toe been injured within moments before her death it wouldn't have been extensively bruised - no blood circulation = no bruise.

I look at the underwear thing a bit differently - the shorts/underwear thing wouldn't have offered any protection from blood splatter in his car with a wound like hers. Also, had he killed her in a car there would be a blood trail from the parking area to where she was killed. I also dont think that the shorts were used in order to hide her death - shorts or not when someone saw her laying there it would have been obvious she was a person that was dying/dead. One of the few things we can take as fact is that she was killed at the spot she was found.

In regards to the shorts thing - Im more inclined to believe that the person that killed her was someone she knew that felt badly that he 'had' to kill her, it feels more like guilt to me than anything else.

She had them in her possession. I tend to believe they were still on. They could have been removed.

What was in her possession? The shoes? Im a bit confused about the shoe thing - NamUs says she was barefoot and didnt mention shoes when listing her clothing, I tend to believe NamUS more than Doe Network but it would be nice if we could find out either way if she had shoes on/around her.
Had her toe been injured within moments before her death it wouldn't have been extensively bruised - no blood circulation = no bruise.

I look at the underwear thing a bit differently - the shorts/underwear thing wouldn't have offered any protection from blood splatter in his car with a wound like hers. Also, had he killed her in a car there would be a blood trail from the parking area to where she was killed. I also dont think that the shorts were used in order to hide her death - shorts or not when someone saw her laying there it would have been obvious she was a person that was dying/dead. One of the few things we can take as fact is that she was killed at the spot she was found.

In regards to the shorts thing - Im more inclined to believe that the person that killed her was someone she knew that felt badly that he 'had' to kill her, it feels more like guilt to me than anything else.

What was in her possession? The shoes? Im a bit confused about the shoe thing - NamUs says she was barefoot and didnt mention shoes when listing her clothing, I tend to believe NamUS more than Doe Network but it would be nice if we could find out either way if she had shoes on/around her.

I'm sorry, I just noticed I forgot to reply to this.

-The shoes were in her possession, now whatever that means (whether she had them on or off) she had them within close range. They were like white canvas Keds style shoes.

-The shorts over the head is a guilt thing. It is because her killer sees her as a person and not an object. He has to cover her face as not to associate any feelings for it.

-She was killed at the site. Her and her killer's footprints were found in the snow/mud walking to the murder site from the parking lot. Then her killer's foot prints were found walking back from the murder site to the parking lot as well as a partial tire print.

Other than what has been discussed here there is no new info.
-The shoes were in her possession, now whatever that means (whether she had them on or off) she had them within close range. They were like white canvas Keds style shoes.

"Hikers found this victim slumped forward over a log as if she had been tying her shoe when her attacker shot her from behind."

I hope that clears any confusion. She must have had at least 1 shoe on.
What about Mary Switalski? Has she been discussed?

I see a stronger resemblance between JD and Mary's leftmost photo on Charley. The other photo and the age progression give me doubts because of the nose. But I did notice Mary has a crooked tooth in front, from what I can see.

Any thoughts?
Once a toenail is black, it seems to stay that way until it either falls off, or grows out. One of my big toenails is black from someone stepping in my foot in soccer in June (and it's now January).
Once a toenail is black, it seems to stay that way until it either falls off, or grows out. One of my big toenails is black from someone stepping in my foot in soccer in June (and it's now January).

It's possible to have a sort of "chronically black" toenail if the damage is consistent. My ex was a security officer at a casino here in Reno and clocked between 5 and 10 miles of walking per day at work. His big toe on one foot developed a bruise beneath the nail from the shoe being too tight on that foot (that one must have been his bigger foot because the other foot was fine)
Anyhow, it stayed bruised like that pretty much the whole time he worked there (about 2 1/2 year) and then it started growing out.
It's possible to have a sort of "chronically black" toenail if the damage is consistent. My ex was a security officer at a casino here in Reno and clocked between 5 and 10 miles of walking per day at work. His big toe on one foot developed a bruise beneath the nail from the shoe being too tight on that foot (that one must have been his bigger foot because the other foot was fine)
Anyhow, it stayed bruised like that pretty much the whole time he worked there (about 2 1/2 year) and then it started growing out.

Which casino if you don't mind me asking? I worked for a few and always made it appoint to befriend the security guys. You get a lot of info From them about a lot of stuff.
What about Mary Switalski? Has she been discussed?

I see a stronger resemblance between JD and Mary's leftmost photo on Charley. The other photo and the age progression give me doubts because of the nose. But I did notice Mary has a crooked tooth in front, from what I can see.

Any thoughts?

Her facial looks very close. I always thought our doe looked a little older than the projected age for her. Especially after her new morgue photos came out.
Which casino if you don't mind me asking? I worked for a few and always made it appoint to befriend the security guys. You get a lot of info From them about a lot of stuff.

He was at the Hilton/GSR from 1/05 to about 4/07.

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