GUILTY NY - Bernard Madoff charged in $50 billion fraud, 2008 - dies Apr 2021

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Great! Now to get the stolen $$$ from the rest of the family. Crime should NOT pay.,2933,509364,00.html

FEDS TO TAKE 69 million from the wife. All I want to say is GOOD! She deserves to be in the poor house. Now her sons & brother in law need to be charged as well as her and send them all to jail!!!!!


BM and his wife were h.s. sweethearts. (Doesn't that just play to your heartstrings?) Reports state that she never worked outside of the firm, so she's trying to say money belonged to her? She inherited $39,000, which she gave to her sister. (How sweet.) IMO she's, obviously, involved and belongs in jail beside him. Maybe they should share a cell.
Madoff May Keep Millions.:doh:

Lucinda Franks, an expert tracking the Madoff case, tells Chris Wragge little can be done to wrest millions in off-shore money from under the name of Ruth Madoff and other family members.

Not if they are criminally charged, they cannot. And the Feds already have a good case that the entire umbrella of this company was pure fraud. No one can keep fraudulently earned monies.

Feds are planning to charge more people and they've alluded to the wife, sons & brother. I believe they absolultely will.

And it's disgustingly pathetic that any of these people WANT to keep the money, etc. No morals in that house.:behindbar:behindbar
Not if they are criminally charged, they cannot. And the Feds already have a good case that the entire umbrella of this company was pure fraud. No one can keep fraudulently earned monies.

Feds are planning to charge more people and they've alluded to the wife, sons & brother. I believe they absolultely will.

And it's disgustingly pathetic that any of these people WANT to keep the money, etc. No morals in that house.:behindbar:behindbar

PattyCake: Just because you make absolute sense does not mean we have any jurisdiction in other Countries.
I am afraid most of the money is not in this Country.

BM and his wife were h.s. sweethearts. (Doesn't that just play to your heartstrings?) Reports state that she never worked outside of the firm, so she's trying to say money belonged to her? She inherited $39,000, which she gave to her sister. (How sweet.) IMO she's, obviously, involved and belongs in jail beside him. Maybe they should share a cell.
His wife was also his bookkeeper, and she was at the office all the time, even if there were other people keeping the day to day books the past years.
SHE KNOWS EXACTLY how to cook them and serve them up to meet Bernie's taste.
Why did the SEC fail to spot the Madoff case?

According to this article "the way I seem to understand it" is:
the SEC is distancing themselves from this claiming that Hedge Funds are not registered instruments under their supervision and that they are under staffed.
IMHO this is BS. And the only reason they may get away with this BS is due to all the DEREGULATION that came from the Top down. JMHO I do not buy this as BS I can only see it as not being accountable.
I am not very knowledgeable about finance. So please do feel free to correct me.
IN FACT WHERE IS ? He will probably be able to correct me here.
Affidavit: Madoff associates knew of scheme, joined anywayStory Highlights
Securities investigator says lure of big money made associates turn blind eye

Connecticut judge freezes the funds of Bernard Madoff, several of his associates
(CNN) -- Associates of convicted Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff knew he was scamming his clients but joined in anyway because of the big money they could make, a securities investigator testified in a sworn affidavit for a Connecticut court.

The testimony by investigator Edward H. Seidle on Tuesday came as a Connecticut judge froze the funds of Madoff and several of his business associates as part of a lawsuit filed for members of a city's retirement fund who say they invested with companies linked to Madoff.

In his affidavit, Seidle said Madoff's associates -- specifically the so-called "feeder funds" that handled money for Fairfield, Connecticut's retirement plan -- should have known that he was cheating his clients.

"It is my opinion ... that [the funds and their principals] were all aware that Bernard L. Madoff was engaging in illegal conduct in connection with his purported money management operations and intentionally chose to participate and support Madoff's illegal conduct in order to reap enormous illicit financial benefits," he stated.
He named feeder funds Tremont Properties, Maxam Capital, their principals and their affiliates in the affidavit.

Story Highlights

- Securities investigator says lure of big money made associates turn blind eye

- Connecticut judge freezes the funds of Bernard Madoff, several of his associates

- Judge's order includes Madoff's wife, his sons and his brother, Peter

- Madoff, 70, pleaded guilty in March to 11 federal counts, including fraud
The Next Targets in the Madoff Case

In a Daily Beast exclusive, Lucinda Franks says investigators are zeroing in on at least 20 people, including family members, among them Ruth Madoff, who received at least $70 million from her husband. Plus, how Madoff is "jerking around" investigators.

Ruth Madoff, who was considered “innocent at first,” is believed to have received at least $70 million from her husband and is now therefore an object of the investigation.

That tallies with the revelation, from another source involved in the probe, that Madoff has not been cooperating in good faith with investigators. “He is not reliable. He’s jerking everyone around,” said the source. “Every day he changes his tune about where the money went and where it is. He’s trying to protect his family.”

<<<SNIP>>>> good article....
I can not believe that this topic is not getting more interest;
WOW a PONZI SCAMS to the TUNE OF 65 BILLION DOLLARS and the public is not saying much.
I am baffled that this man got away with it so many years but judging by the amount of posts on this thread I am not surprised Bush was our President for 8 whole years.
I am worried about what needs to happen for people to stand up????
This story has been all over my local news since it broke. I have witnessed the media circus by the Madoff's house and seen the pictures of poor little Ruth's privacy being invaded while she was shopping. Give me a break! He should have been locked up from the get go rather than be allowed to wait in his palace built on other's money. I cannot wait for the feds to go after Ruth. There is NO WAY that woman didn't know something illegal was going on. She continues to reap the benefits and is still living large. That is an incredible insult to everyone who's lives they destroyed with their greed.
What my BF and I were talking about last night, while watching a show on Madoff, was that it's hard to believe that of the nigh-end people who are his victims, it's surprising that someone hasn't tried to have Bernie (or some of his family) killed by now. Seriously. Are they that well-insulated?
When people see him running around free (before he was sentenced) and allowed to keep as much as he and his family have, I can see why they would say what's the point.
it is precisely that attitude of "What is the Point" that is really scary to me.
IMHO it is only because of some who were totally outraged by the fact that he was living large
while he should have been in jail to wait for sentencing that got some judge to actually put him in a cell.
and thank all the people that camped out in front of his building screaming -
also the people who lived in the building in danger because of his presence there,
and lets not forget about public opinion - the posters all over that were outraged
about him not being in jail.

Otherwise he would still be in a Penthouse off Park Avenue
while a guy who stole a tire down the street is sitting in prison.
(Which IMHO is a total insult to society)
This story has been all over my local news since it broke. I have witnessed the media circus by the Madoff's house and seen the pictures of poor little Ruth's privacy being invaded while she was shopping. Give me a break! He should have been locked up from the get go rather than be allowed to wait in his palace built on other's money. I cannot wait for the feds to go after Ruth. There is NO WAY that woman didn't know something illegal was going on. She continues to reap the benefits and is still living large. That is an incredible insult to everyone who's lives they destroyed with their greed.

His entire family needs to go to jail - JMO.
but he is the oldest and he took the entire blame to save the rest of them.
(He is also the master mind of it all).
He is 70 and IMO he figured he can shoulder the entire scheme.
but NO way is his family innocent. NO WAY.
It will take time but I do hope that the wife, brother and two sons get popped too.

UNFORTUNATELY they will only get the money that is in the USA.
We have no jurisdiction in other countries where I believe most of the money is.
What my BF and I were talking about last night, while watching a show on Madoff, was that it's hard to believe that of the nigh-end people who are his victims, it's surprising that someone hasn't tried to have Bernie (or some of his family) killed by now. Seriously. Are they that well-insulated?

I am sure that he is a marked man. I hope all the Madoff'sl are on some level. I am sure he is not coming out in anything less then a pine box. But you may have noticed that his wife Ruth is using her maiden name - so that she won't encounter the amount of hate that they deserve.
The sons are not recognizable - we do not have many public photos of them - but I am sure they are going out in cars with tinted windows and body guards just like Bernie Madoff did.
As far as your question of are they that insulated? with 65 billion dollars you can pay off many people including Judges.

There were people camped out in front of his building that wanted him in Prison NOW not in his Penthouse;
They made it very clear to the Judges that this man needs to be locked up NOW and finally he was.
ALL the people who live in the building were in danger with Madoff in there.

I am very pleased that they are going after every one of them.
they now have their eye on about 20 people that may have been in on the scam.

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