GUILTY NY - Bernard Madoff charged in $50 billion fraud, 2008 - dies Apr 2021

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I too am watching and waiting. I would really be pleased for Madoff's wife to be charged. No way she didn't know and certainly no way that the money listed under her name did not come from the same ill-gotten place that all the rest of the money did. Unfortunately most of the money probably is offshore somewhere, but if Madoff's family members and associates get decent jail terms hopefully they won't have opportunity to use that money. One can hope.
Connecticut town secures assets in Madoff lawsuit
BOSTON, April 13 (Reuters) - A Connecticut town took a step towards recouping some of its $42 million in losses to Bernard Madoff, securing on Monday a court order for $25 million in assets owned by Madoff's relatives and business partners.

The order by Connecticut Superior Court Judge Arthur Hiller in Bridgeport, Connecticut, was in response to a lawsuit filed by the town of Fairfield's pension fund, whose 1,500 members are trying to recover retirement money lost to Madoff.

Fairfield's attorneys obtained on March 30 a temporary restraining order that froze assets owned by Madoff's two sons, Mark and Andrew, and those of Madoff's wife, Ruth, and his brother, Peter Madoff.
<<<SNIP>>> more news in this link.

Hell yes!

I love it when the law works...:smiliescale:
but I am afraid that Madoff outfoxed the law, there will be small wins here and there but on a larger scale what ever they will retrieve from this scam will be less then 10%.
The money is not here, they have only so much jurisdiction.

And they say this is a small fish in yet a bigger Ponzai Game called the "BANKS".
I have been fascinated by how low profile the Madoff family has been. Not a line fed to the press through a publicist, not a “posed” picture for the paparazzi……nothing.

On Monday we got a glimpse as to why, thanks to the New York Post. The paper reported that Shana Madoff and a “male” family member had called Larry Levine, a former white collar criminal, for advice on how to survive prison.

I ask you to watch the video and judge for yourself whether or not you believe Larry, then comment away. Pay particular attention to his comment that the male caller accidentally said “my father” during the call. Peter Madoff doesn’t have a son, but Bernard Madoff does.
Food for thought……
interesting vedio....The Madoffs are woried...GOOD.
How Bernie did it
Madoff is behind bars and isn't talking. But a Fortune investigation uncovers secrets of his massive swindle.

This is only a small paragraph from a very long article.
Now that fog may be about to lift. Fortune has learned that Frank DiPascali is trying to negotiate a plea deal with federal prosecutors in which, in exchange for a reduced sentence, he would divulge his encyclopedic knowledge of Madoff's scheme. And unlike his boss, DiPascali is willing to name names.
Trustee in Bernard Madoff scandal files complaint against Stanley Chais
Irving Picard accuses the Beverly Hills money manager and philanthropist of unjustly receiving more than $1 billion from Madoff's Ponzi scheme.
New York -- The trustee overseeing the liquidation of financier Bernard Madoff's assets filed a complaint Friday against Beverly Hills money manager and philanthropist Stanley Chais, accusing him and related parties of unjustly receiving more than $1 billion from Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

NEW YORK &#8211; A federal judge rejected Bernard Madoff's plea for leniency Monday, sentencing the 71-year-old swindler to spend the rest of his life in prison for an "extraordinarily evil" fraud that took a staggering toll on thousands of victims.
U.S. District Judge Denny Chin cited the unprecedented nature of the multibillion-dollar fraud as he sentenced Madoff to the maximum of 150 years in prison, a term comparable only to those given in the past to terrorists, traitors and the most violent criminals. There is no parole in federal prison so Madoff will most likely die there
Ruth Madoff Speaks
Mrs. Madoff is aware of the brewing rage directed toward her. On Monday, she released a statement after her husband was sentenced to a staggering 150 years in prison. The statement acknowledged that her silence may have been interpreted as "indifference or lack of sympathy for the victims of my husband Bernie's crime." However, Mrs. Madoff writes that this is "exactly the opposite of the truth." She continues, "Not a day goes by when I don't ache over the stories that I have heard and read.
WOW!!! When Real Estate Brokers are afraid to admit they have his listing....hmmm.

(I would be a shamed too) ...The Manhattan Listing is a pro bono job - the broker will not take a dime,
but wants to help the victims get some money back.
I think the Hapmton Job should be Pro Bono too, but the brokers did not offer that, I think someone should have.

Madoff's lawyer is considering to put the Long Island (the Hampton's) property, up in auction.
But not before they do a full investigation of that house for valuables that may be hidden.
Madoff No. 2 charged with 10 crimes for fraud role

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Bernard Madoff's long-time deputy, Frank DiPascali, was charged with 10 crimes and is expected to plead guilty later on Tuesday in a cooperation deal with investigators for his role in Wall Street's biggest investment fraud.
The charging document, filed in Manhattan federal court just hours before the scheduled plea proceeding, accuses DiPascali, 52, of conspiracy and securities fraud among other crimes. He faces a maximum possible sentence of 20 years on some of the charges.
‘It Was All Fake,’ Madoff Aide Tells Court

Frank DiPascali was an 18-year-old “kid from Queens” with a high school education when he landed a job with a rising star on Wall Street named Bernard L. Madoff.


Over the years, he said he developed an allegiance to Mr. Madoff and thought of him as a mentor. “I was loyal to him,” Mr. DiPascali said. “I ended up being loyal to a terrible, terrible fault.”

Marc L. Mukasey, a lawyer for Frank DiPascali, said that Mr. DiPascali was “1,000 percent guilty” but not a villain. Mr. DiPascali was intent on cooperating with the government, Mr. Mukasey said, and had believed — before the Ponzi scheme crumpled — that Mr. Madoff could somehow repay his clients.

How long did he believe in hm? is this man dumb? or just :loser:
Lookes like an old lover of his will now cash in on a book. GOOD FOR HER.

Madoff Had Affair With Ex-Hadassah Finance Chief, Her Book Says
Aug. 12 (Bloomberg) -- An accountant who has publicly blamed imprisoned con man Bernard Madoff for stealing her family’s savings has written a book that will disclose a secret she previously withheld -- they once had an extramarital affair.

Sheryl Weinstein’s account, “Madoff’s Other Secret: Love, Money, Bernie, and Me,” will be published Aug. 25 by St. Martin’s Press. Inc. and Barnes & Noble Inc. are accepting advance orders through Web site listings that disclose no details about their relationship and say that the author is “to be announced.” The author is Weinstein, said John Murphy, spokesman for New York-based St. Martin’s.

<<SNIP>>more at link.
Harry Markopolos: CDS Fraud Will Make Madoff Look "Small-Time"
Aug. 12, 2009, 2:01 PM

Memo to regulators: be forewarned about frauds in the credit-default swap market. They'll make Bernie Madoff's $65 billion fraud "look like small-time."
That's what Harry Markopolos -- Madoff's whistleblower ignored by federal investigators -- is saying, anyway.

New York Post: [Markopolos] says there are evildoers out there who will make the Ponzi scum "look like small-time." Markopolos gave a speech to 400 of the faithful at the Greek Orthodox Church in Southampton and predicted major scandals will soon be revealed about the unregulated, $600 trillion, credit-default swap market. "To put it in simple terms, it is like buying fire insurance policies from five different insurance companies on your neighbor's house and then burning down the house," he said.

It's not clear if there are frauds that he knows of, specifically, that he's not disclosing publicly, or if it's just his how the market works -- in which case, he's basically just parroting what a lot of people who hate "naked" CDS have been saying. Either way, we suggest Mary Schapiro or the CFTC pay him a call and get a clarification.
Three Madoff homes to be auctioned off
NEW YORK, Aug. 15 (UPI) -- Three opulent homes owned by U.S. Ponzi scheme perpetrator Bernard Madoff will be auctioned off to help his victims, authorities say.

U.S. Marshal Service spokesman Roland Ubaldo said Friday that Madoff's cliffside summer home on New York's Long Island, a penthouse on Manhattan's Upper East Side and a palatial mansion in Palm Beach, Fla., would be sold to pay restitution to those who lost billions in the former financier's Ponzi scheme, The New York Daily News reported.

Together, the marshal service says, the homes are worth about $20 million.

"Our goal since day one is to maximize returns for the victims," Ubaldo said. "Obviously, our top priority is restitution for the victims."

Madoff this year pleaded guilty to a massive investment scam that affected pension plans, hedge funds, charities, celebrities and ordinary retirees $65 billion, the Daily News said.

I PERSONALLY THINK THEY SHOULD DO THE SAME TO EVERY CEO & CFO of all the Banks, Pharmaceutical, Insurance Oil, and Steal, Companies :
There is really only one difference Madoff admitted to be a rip off artist there was no way he could hide it, and the others did not admit to it and have a pipe line to the white house.
Bernie Madoff: Mistress of disgraced financier to tell all in new book

I have a feeling she will get more then the money she lost. I think that sex, money, crime will sell. LOL

Madoff Mistress Writes Tell-All

&#8220;Up close&#8221; seems a dangerous euphemism here. I love, for instance, the title CBC News adopted for their piece on the book: &#8220;Madoff Screwed Charity Then Slept with CFO, Says Book.&#8221; Kinda says it all, doesn&#8217;t it? &#8216;Nuff said

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