Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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Still_Seeks_Answers also deserves a shout-out for her work here. She was mentioned (although not by name) in the press conference and now in that Genesee Sun article. You guys are awesome
Still_Seek_Answers also deserves a shout-out for her work here. She was mentioned (although not by name) in the press conference and now in that Genesee Sun article. You guys are awesome

After I sent in the initial e-mail to LCSO, HCSO, and NamUs, I let SSA do all the follow-up. She knew Burgess already, and had a rapport with him that I didn't have.
He alluded to Still_Seek_Answers, not MsSuzanne in the Presser. After I sent in the initial e-mail to LCSO, HCSO, and NamUs, I let SSA do all the follow-up. She knew Burgess already, and had a rapport with him that I didn't have.
Holy Cow. You helped solve this unidentified persons case. I just seen this on Huffpost. Good job. <mod snip>
So wonderful. After so many years without a name and after so many years of being missing, we finally have a name. Tammy Jo Alexander. She finally has some peace with the world knowing her name. Congrats to everyone on such great work tireless efforts from so many people even before the internet was a big thing. RIP Tammy
WOW WOW WOW, i have goosebumps...i am so glad this has finally been solved and the darling girl has her identity and name back. Prayers have been answered.
So sad and a case that has stuck with me for years.
This is just great. Cali it is such a joy to finally write your name, RIP Tammy Jo Alexander
WOW! Seeing that "Match!" as I opened up WS near took my breath away! I have more goosebumps than I've ever had before.
I'm another who has silently followed this case often, to have an identification is stunning. Wow.
My two cases that have haunted me along with Grateful Doe are solved. I am amazed at the work you all do.
This is the result of people who care enough to keep searching and looking for clues and answers. This is wonderful news!
I always compare reports when there is an identification just so I have a better idea of what variables to look for in the future.

Cali was listed at 63" and 120lbs
Tammy was listed as 60" 100lbs

Usually I only do a 2" variation + - on height. Hmmmm......should rethink that.

I'm curious about the pollen evidence putting her in California though. Based on what the friend said - did Tammy have enough time to go from Florida to California to NY? Last known contact was 10 days prior to her death correct?

I'm just wondering. Maybe she got new clothes in San Diego so the pollen trail started then and not in Florida.

Those are great questions.

Height- can be variable and very subjective. The question usually is when the person was last officially measured and how accurate that is. Even measurements at doctors offices or schools can be off if the device is not calibrated correctly. Many of our missing teens might not have accurate records. In cases of neglect or abuse (reasons to run away) I am certain routine visits to doctors for wellness didn't occur most of the time. Usually, the only time a teen has routine contact with a clinic will be their 12 year-old Measles-Mumps-Reubella vaccine needed as a booster. So many records will list that last contact status as record. As we all know, teens can grow well into their 20's at times. This can lead to an under-estimate in height.

In long ago cases, people often rely on their memories (can be biased). If siblings are younger, they might remember someone as a lot taller due to idolization. If an environment was hostile, children/family members can percieve those who hurt them or those who protect them as larger than it is true. In families where there is dissonance and struggle, people often are not overly focused on those details. If a sibling or child who comes and goes often, people will guess their height based on a person with shoes on because that is their only reference. We often rely on what people say when they are asked how tall they are as well. How many of us "over-state" how tall we are on our DL's?

Another reason it can be off is post-mortum changes. Bodies can elongate after death as the muscles relax. They are not "taller" but our muscles and tendons serve to "hold" our joints together for body mechanics. Once those are relaxed, people can be taller. When we stand on a scale, gravity can "compress" us. When we are measured head to toe, on our backs, we can be taller due to anatomical positioning. Especially if our muscle relax.

Pollen-We have no idea where she got the jacket and clothing. The jacket was given to her most likely as it was ill-fitting. It could have had the pollen on it when she got it causing cross-contamination as she wore it. With the California connection, I would surmise more that Tammy was not in California, but the pollen came from the truck/car she was in for a week, etc. Tammy could have easily "lifted" the jacket from a truck stop as well if she was cold. IMOO
I thought there were a few states listed as possible locations, and California wasn't the only state.
I thought there were a few states listed as possible locations, and California wasn't the only state.

You are correct, and Florida was one of the states listed.

Fly High Tammy Jo, it is so very nice to finally find out about you.
"It is a devastation, but at the same time it is a relief," Dyson told Time Warner Cable News. "We have gotten an answer where alot of people don't get an answer.

"She was very strong-minded, she was a very outgoing, vibrant woman who was full of life. She was very adventurous. We are glad that she has been identified and we do want the killer or killers caught."

Pamela said she plans to come to New York to visit her sister's gravesite, and hold services for her.
So didnt I read she might have had dental work in mexico? and teeth were in poor shape? was that misinformation? did anyone catch that? Tammy had no dental work , right? Im just trying to keep examples of inaccuracies in my head , how many times have we ruled out things due to small details.
Those are great questions.

Height- can be variable and very subjective. The question usually is when the person was last officially measured and how accurate that is. Even measurements at doctors offices or schools can be off if the device is not calibrated correctly. Many of our missing teens might not have accurate records. In cases of neglect or abuse (reasons to run away) I am certain routine visits to doctors for wellness didn't occur most of the time. Usually, the only time a teen has routine contact with a clinic will be their 12 year-old Measles-Mumps-Reubella vaccine needed as a booster. So many records will list that last contact status as record. As we all know, teens can grow well into their 20's at times. This can lead to an under-estimate in height.

In long ago cases, people often rely on their memories (can be biased). If siblings are younger, they might remember someone as a lot taller due to idolization. If an environment was hostile, children/family members can percieve those who hurt them or those who protect them as larger than it is true. In families where there is dissonance and struggle, people often are not overly focused on those details. If a sibling or child who comes and goes often, people will guess their height based on a person with shoes on because that is their only reference. We often rely on what people say when they are asked how tall they are as well. How many of us "over-state" how tall we are on our DL's?

Another reason it can be off is post-mortum changes. Bodies can elongate after death as the muscles relax. They are not "taller" but our muscles and tendons serve to "hold" our joints together for body mechanics. Once those are relaxed, people can be taller. When we stand on a scale, gravity can "compress" us. When we are measured head to toe, on our backs, we can be taller due to anatomical positioning. Especially if our muscle relax.

Pollen-We have no idea where she got the jacket and clothing. The jacket was given to her most likely as it was ill-fitting. It could have had the pollen on it when she got it causing cross-contamination as she wore it. With the California connection, I would surmise more that Tammy was not in California, but the pollen came from the truck/car she was in for a week, etc. Tammy could have easily "lifted" the jacket from a truck stop as well if she was cold. IMOO

Ha we are on the same page , Im late to the party as usual :)
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