GUILTY NY - Fahim Saleh, 33, millionaire tech entrepreneur, dismembered, Manhattan, 15 July 2020 *Arrest*

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don't forget about this tech guy. he was kidnapped.

Wealthy tech executive kidnapped, killed: Sheriff

and then there was erin valenti's strange death, too.

Erin Valenti: Questions after missing tech CEO found dead in car

and another eerily similar tech guy, who's still missing, after being followed by man in all- black. (seen on surveillance) especially when you consider that it's pretty obvious saleh was supposed to disappear, but the killer got busted in the middle of the disappearing act.

The Disturbing Disappearance of Trevor Deely

probably not related, but strange, nonetheless.

considering saleh was born in saudi arabia, that khashoggi bone-saw murder makes this even creepier.
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Possible, but the victim was Bengali.

Historically, Bangladesh follows a relaxed form of Islam that is relatively tolerant of alcohol, pre or extra marital sexual encounters (Ok, probably more for men than for women), and a lack of mandatory or "encouraged" hijabs etc. Their relatively relaxed form of Islam contributed to the cultural and linguistic fault lines with Pakistan that led to the two nations splitting up.

This does not mean that there are not a lot of exceptions regarding how Bengali Muslims approach Islam. Nor does it mean that one must even be Muslim to commit an honor killing (recent case in Israel involved a Christian Arab).

But..... historically, Bengalis have just not been prone to honor killings.
Thank you for this information. I love the random stuff I learn here! Had no idea about any of this.
I have a hard time believing Saleh could be tortured for 24 hrs for refusing to give up top secret information regarding his tech business. He’s not a trained spy or Navy Seal. For reasons unknown to us right now, the manner of death was more important than killing him. Also - very unlikely, but it could be relational. Ex boyfriend of a current girlfriend. Again highly unlikely, but you never know. There are a lot of crazy people out here.

I wonder if he had cameras in his apartment....

COVID does throw peculiarities into crimes these days. Masks are normal. Travel is somewhat restricted. More people are home during the day.
What was the killer doing for 24hours or so
What did the killer do in the 1st 6 hours...
and the next 6hours?
and after the initial 10-12 hours?
How about the final 6 hours or after spending a whole day at the apartment?

How much did the killer sit, pace, sleep, eat, use the washroom, observe the windows, doors, home cctv monitor etc?? These are little but important details and can reveal the mindset of the evil killer.

They did release that the motive was financial so they must have some evidence to back up that theory.

From entry into the apartment and his immediately being seen to be incapacitated (drugged, stun gun etc?) on the security camera, and then the next afternoon (almost 24 hours later IIRC) before neighbours heard screaming and loud noise and contacted the sister to come do a welfare check on him only to find him murdered.

IMO, he was rendered incapacitated, then possibly tortured overnight and into the next day to extract online passwords to accounts or to effect the movement of monies ... then killed and dismembered.

Perhaps the murderer didn't have time to shut down the computer either, or had written the access details to accounts and businesses down and neglected to take them away with them when interrupted in their grisly task by the sister of the victim that next afternoon.

Maybe torture him into moving money into an account they had him set up to which they would also be able to access knowing the account details and passwords, then have him "disappear" (murdered and crime scene clean up as if no visible evidence of a crime having occurred -they did state that the apartment was also in the state of being cleaned up). Attempt to make it appear as if he'd stole the funds from his companies and transferred them to another account, then disappeared to live a good life on other peoples' money) meanwhile the murderer is the one who goes on to live a good life with the stolen money with nary a suspicion of them by authorities ... but not all went to plan. Pure speculation on my part.
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They did release that the motive was financial so they must have some evidence to back up that theory.

From entry into the apartment and his immediately being seen to be incapacitated (drugged, stun gun etc?) on the security camera, and then the next afternoon (almost 24 hours later IIRC) before neighbours heard screaming and loud noise and contacted the sister to come do a welfare check on him only to find him murdered.

IMO, he was rendered incapacitated, then possibly tortured overnight and into the next day to extract online passwords to accounts or to effect the movement of monies ... then killed and dismembered.

Perhaps the murderer didn't have time to shut down the computer either, or had written the access details to accounts and businesses down and neglected to take them away with them when interrupted in their grisly task by the sister of the victim that next afternoon.

Maybe torture him into moving money into an account they had him set up to which they would also be able to access knowing the account details and passwords, then have him "disappear" (murdered and crime scene clean up as if no visible evidence of a crime having occurred -they did state that the apartment was also in the state of being cleaned up). Attempt to make it appear as if he'd stole the funds from his companies and transferred them to another account, then disappeared to live a good life on other peoples' money) meanwhile the murderer is the one who goes on to live a good life with the stolen money with nary a suspicion of them by authorities ... but not all went to plan. Pure speculation on my part.
I think you’re on to something. This makes a lot of sense.
I haven’t been in many luxury NYC apartments personally, but I have seen a lot of sleek empty lobbies devoid of security desks or doormen as I move around post-infection days.

some buildings have part time concierges; and some might solely have video footage that triggers a visit from security, with the vigilance level depending upon how often the security gets reviewed by a human. If he didn’t attack Saleh in the lobby or elevator, I’m not sure how weird the assailant would have looked to casual eyes.

I think one thing we can pretty much guarantee is, if the assailant had any option to play dumb about there being an inhabitant of the apartment and let the sister stew, he’d have taken it and continued hacking the body up, rather than fleeing.
I have a hard time believing Saleh could be tortured for 24 hrs for refusing to give up top secret information regarding his tech business.

That's what happened in the DC Mansion Murders where Savvas Savopolous and his whole family were tortured for about the long as a combination of making Savvas turn over money and a matter of personal revenge.
Great thinking about possibly a woman or an older person.... it does seem like the killer pre-planned for his own shortcomings of physical strength.

Immediate approach with a taser - no attempt to confront Fahim before he was totally incapacitated.

Brought along an electric saw - not only was the killer certain he couldn’t transport the whole body on his own, he didn’t even want to rely on his own physical strength to power the saw.

TBH this killer sounds like a basic NYC guy to me - “well-dressed” and no idea how to manipulate the physical world without electronics to do the work for him.
I have a hard time believing Saleh could be tortured for 24 hrs for refusing to give up top secret information regarding his tech business. He’s not a trained spy or Navy Seal.
That's what happened in the DC Mansion Murders where Savvas Savopolous and his whole family were tortured for about the long as a combination of making Savvas turn over money and a matter of personal revenge.

I agree, the Savopolous murders may serve as a possibility for this crime as well:

- Extremely violent, but not very bright perpetrator believes that all wealthy people must have copious quantities of cash and over the top bling at their residence. After all, wealthy people always "live large", just like in the fabled music videos- right?

- Driven by greed and a personal animosity or jealousy, the perpetrator initiates the robbery- then gets frustrated and enraged when the victim does not have the expected cash and bling. Rather, the victim's disposible wealth is electronic.

- The perpetrator then clumsily forces the victim to initiate bank transfers, but needs to arrange accounts to receive transfers. Or, perhaps the transfers will not take effect for 24 hours. Or... perhaps the victim's assets are already tied into new ventures and cannot be quickly "broken out".

- Frustration, rage and jealous anger mount and culminate in an extremely vicious murder.
I agree, the Savopolous murders may serve as a possibility for this crime as well:

- Extremely violent, but not very bright perpetrator believes that all wealthy people must have copious quantities of cash and over the top bling at their residence. After all, wealthy people always "live large", just like in the fabled music videos- right?

- Driven by greed and a personal animosity or jealousy, the perpetrator initiates the robbery- then gets frustrated and enraged when the victim does not have the expected cash and bling. Rather, the victim's disposible wealth is electronic.

- The perpetrator then clumsily forces the victim to initiate bank transfers, but needs to arrange accounts to receive transfers. Or, perhaps the transfers will not take effect for 24 hours. Or... perhaps the victim's assets are already tied into new ventures and cannot be quickly "broken out".

- Frustration, rage and jealous anger mount and culminate in an extremely vicious murder.

Also like with the Mansion Murders I wonder if Fahim Saleh was doing emails/calls with work while under duress, which was done both to throw off suspicion that something bad was happening as well as to get money in the DC case. This guy was the founder and CEO of multiple companies yet what happens to stop the crime-in-progress is a neighbor calling his sister rather than employees wondering where their heck their founder/CEO/funder is during the work week, unless he or the perp (using FS's email account) were in communication, like how Daron Wint both made Savvas call up people while also apparently using the family's phones to send texts on their accounts. Maybe this is why LE is keeping certain things close to the vest because they know about the communications between Saleh (or at least Saleh's phone/email accounts) and his work during this time...I'm especially curious since he's got at least 2 different companies where senior management at either one of them could have initiated a welfare check by calling LE/FS family/NY contacts/etc.
^ I don't think he was planning to leave them there in the apartment. I think he was going to take the bags away (easier than an intact body), perhaps by means of both the suitcase and whatever totes or gym bags etc. belonged to Saleh, or he was going to dispose of them down the garbage chute (apts. of that cost likely have individual chutes). An intact body would not fit.

Actually there was a case, a woman, who was found deceased and stuck in a garbage chute....also in NY. She was found by maintenance after the chute was "blocked".
Had been thinking of the same case, coincidentally started a thread for the woman just a couple of days ago..
NY - Socialite, Lara Prychodko, 48, found dead at bottom of Manhattan trash chute, 10 July 2018
Also like with the Mansion Murders I wonder if Fahim Saleh was doing emails/calls with work while under duress, which was done both to throw off suspicion that something bad was happening as well as to get money in the DC case. This guy was the founder and CEO of multiple companies yet what happens to stop the crime-in-progress is a neighbor calling his sister rather than employees wondering where their heck their founder/CEO/funder is during the work week, unless he or the perp (using FS's email account) were in communication, like how Daron Wint both made Savvas call up people while also apparently using the family's phones to send texts on their accounts. Maybe this is why LE is keeping certain things close to the vest because they know about the communications between Saleh (or at least Saleh's phone/email accounts) and his work during this time...I'm especially curious since he's got at least 2 different companies where senior management at either one of them could have initiated a welfare check by calling LE/FS family/NY contacts/etc.

yes on the topic of LE keeping it close to the vest... their apparent lack of interest in help from the public. On cases brought to mind, me think of the McStay family, where LE knew immediately who the perp was (business partner) based on his attempts to access online bank accounts IIRC. They kept that knowledge secret for a very long time, even having the vic’s brother declare that the perp wasn’t to be suspected etc.

LE’s comments here could be a similar smokescreen - maybe they know exactly who the perp is & it has nothing to do with business.
IF body parts had been taken, my guess would be the hand. Since some electronics are accessed with our fingerprint, the killer could've taken his hand(s) in order to access any number of things.
..... also.... to Americans Fahim was from a Poughkeepsie family, but you all mentioning possible foreign connections make good points. Around five years ago there was an outbreak of terrorist murders in Bangladesh - bloggers and others who’d been seen as criticizing Islam online were killed in knife attacks, usually “hacked to death” by multiple attackers. Fahim’s ethnic origin and/or Saudi birth could’ve caught the attention of terrorist haters if he ever posted anything “critical” (IE, independent-minded) of Islam.

unlike here, the Bangladeshi bloggers & Jamal Khashoggi were targeted by multiple killers .... but they were all killed abroad. Maybe there was an understanding that Fahim’s American politeness might let him ride up to his apartment with one suitcase-carrying ninja, but not with a group of them.

Fourth Blogger Hacked to Death in Bangladesh
Let's take the thread back to our victim and his family.

Family of slain tech whiz found dismembered in NYC condo says only arrest of killer ‘who exhibited nothing short of evil’ will bring them peace

The family of the tech entrepreneur found decapitated and dismembered inside his $2 million Lower East Side condo says nothing will ease their grief until his killer is arrested.

In a statement provided to the Daily News, the family of victim Fahim Saleh said they still “cannot fathom” his gruesome death.

“There are no words or actions to provide any of us comfort except the capture of the person who exhibited nothing short of evil upon our loved one,” the family said.

Autopsy results show that Saleh, 33, was fatally stabbed in the chest by his assassin before the cold-blooded killer, clad in a ninja-style mask and fancy suit and tie, decapitated the victim and lopped off his arms and legs with an electric saw.

But before the killer could scrub the condo clean and dispose of the body, Saleh’s sister buzzed into the building through a virtual doorman, prompting the killer to bolt down the stairs, a source said.

A police source indicated investigators believed the grisly execution was prompted by a business deal gone lethally bad.

His family urged police to “work diligently to get to the bottom of his horrific crime.”

More @ link WS/TOS
JMO and questions
I keep seeing Business deal gone bad.

Where had Fahim been that morning on Monday?
Why did the killer choose a Monday? Especially at 1:40 pm (daytime)
Did the killer know his schedule?
Was Fahim due to leave NYC soon to travel?
What was Fahim's activities like the weekend before his murder?
Business deal could be anything not necessarily related to his tech companies.
I wonder why they haven’t released how the assailant entered the building? Only that “he was waiting around in the lobby until fahim entered and then followed Him to the lift” almost as if he’s been told that fahim was on his way back to the apartment, as I can’t imagine him hanging around in the lobby for hours... any longer than 10/15 mins would arouse suspicion.
It’s also suspicious how as the sister came up in the lift, he bolted down the stairs, again as if he’s been tipped off somehow that she was on her way up.
Is it common for luxury condos to have cctv covering the stairwell/ back exits? You’d hope so at least.
The amount of cctv around + the evidence he’s left behind, surely this won’t take long to trace him.

ETA - they should look into who he was with on that Monday morning, and knew his time table for that day. Especially anyone who knew he was on his way back home around 1.40pm.
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